Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1945-1946 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1945 Eastern Progress - 05 Oct 1945 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1945-46/1 V) TINIONS by PARRISH EASTERN; PROGRESS,. Student Publication ofJOastern Kentucky State Teachers College NORMALCY The end of the global war VOLUME 24 RICHMOND. KY., FRIDAY, OCT. 5, 1945 brought a great cry for Immedi- NUMBER, l ate return to our former way of living—for a return to "normal- cy." Thla cry waa toot something new. Moat of the present leaders of our country were men when the Armistice of 1918 waa signed, bringing forth this same demand MAROONS WIN FIRST from all sides. These leaders also remember the results—the polit- Burnam House Guidance Program ical campaign of 1920, which OPEN SEASON WITH 19-12 dealt the death blow to the Council Is Organized Proved Successful League of Nations In the United Miss Lema Aker, Mackvllle se- Eastern Kentucky State Teach- VICTORY OVER IND. STATE States, and catapulted us Into an nior, has been elected president 0l, hM been bro era of isolationism. The scandals 111 n T,. "*ht into of the "Women's Residence Hall the limelight as a result of an ar- (Story of VT.P.L game on page 6) of the Harding administration Organization." Miss Georgia ticle in the Courier-Journal, Sep- Miss Lingenfelser have rendered the term "normal- Ramsey, Whitley City senior was Lourena A small, scrappy Maroon eleven elected vice-president; Miss Jane schooliSSr editorSt' of the CourierEaton, fea-the To Preside At CKEA cy" ah unsuitable one for use In Bush, Waco sophomore, secretary; inaugurated its 1945 footoall sea- tured the article "Eastern Adopts son by downing a strong, de- the political parlors, but the same and Miss Glenna Frisby, Evarts Four Year Guidance," in the pass- The 16th annual meeting of the thought is behind the cry, regard- sophomore, treasurer. The house lng Show section of the Dam-r Central Ky. Education Association termined Indiana State aggrega- less of what title it be given. The council is composed of these of--»•«■..„,,.„., ,« .w ., ° F-F"- will be held at Eastern Ky. State tion at Terre Haute on September ficers and floor representatives. KJ^JJ^ £^ Americans, a thoroughly unwar- Teachers College on Friday, Oc- 15. The annual election of the mem- nel- counsel and guidance pro- tober 5. The theme of the one- like people, want to get back to bera of the House Council Is usu- day session will be the improve- After being outplayed while the gram, the article states. The main Maroons pushed over two touch- the' days when the Army was ally held in the spring quarter pattern of Eastern's program is ment of Kentucky's educational downs in the opening periods, the something other people thought and the members take office the .om. Wavne Municipal University standing. Educators from 32 cen- of, and only a small minority en- following fall. This year the elec- of Detroit. This program Is di- tral Kentucky counties are expect- Sycamores rallied for a score late » tion was postponed until fall be- rected by a personnel council con- ed to attend the meeting. Miss In the second half and pulled with- tered military life, cause of the number of students sisting of the college dean, Dr W Margaret Lingenfelser, critic t We are getting this return to absent from the campus, and be- teacher at Eastern, is president in one point of the Maroons in the J. Moore, who started the move- third period. > our former mode of living. The cause of the uncertainty of those ment for Eastern; Dr. Noel B of the CKEA. Dr. R. E. Jaggers, who would be returning. Frankfort, is CKEA seoretary. d Army has in many cases been Cuff, who selected the program Even after Eastern drew away ^^wretchedly slow in granting dla- The women who were in college from those instituted at various Speakers at the general session again with a touchdown early in last year met in the Recreation universities; the registrar, the which will be held in the morning the final chapter, the men of State chargea, and the legal end of the Room of Burnam Hall Wednesday dean of women, the dean of men, include: Dr. John Fred Williams, war has not yet been declared, Danforth Graduate night, September 26 and chose a the college physician, the direc- state superintendent of public in- refused to be whipped and had the but all fn all. Washington la re- nominating committee to nominate tor of the Student Union, the bus- struction, whose subject will be ball on Earlern's six-yard line at the officers for the coming year "What Kind of Program Shall Ken- the end of the game. turning to the ways of peace Fellow On Campus iness manager, and the book-store The nominating committee chosen manager. tucky Sponsor?" Dr. W. J. Moore, Indiana State held an 11 to 7 rapidly—perhaps too rapidly. It Miss Mary Catherine (Jane) was composed of Margie Devan, A. student guidance and person- dean of Eastern, speaking on margin In first downs but was un- la natural for us to rid ourselves Johnston, of La Mesa, N. M.. has Marie Riherd, and Margaret Gra- nel faculty committee assists this "What Will It Coat to Finance the able to match Eastern's sharp of the habits of war; but in re- arrived on the campus of East- ham. council. Program?" and J. T. Alton, pres- passing game, a main factor in the turning too quickly to peacetime ern to begin her work as a Dan- On Monday night, October 1, the ident of the K.E.A., who will dis- defeat. All freshmen, upon enrolling, cuss "The Program of Action lawa and regulations involved forth Graduate Fellow for the group then selected their officers were given a battery of tests, such After running into a solid Syca- things such aa Trice ceilings and coming year. She will assist young from the list of nominees which Needed to Secure the Adoption of more defense against ground plays, as. abilities tests, cultural and per- an Effective Program." production limits are disturbed— people's groups with their religious was presented by the committee. sonality tests aa well as those to the Maroons took to the air late things which, in. numerous cases, work on the campus and in the No organization on the campus indicate deficiencies of reading W, P. King, executive secretary in the first period and pusiied over the government is not prepared community, help with vesper pro- writing and spelling. Of the K.E.A., Louisville, will lead a touchdown. The ball was in to handle. It may be the fault of should merjt more interest, atten- grams and YWCA work, and In tion and consideration than the in a discussion following the ad- mid-field when Dick Scherrbaum the federal administration that neighboring communities with Each student saw his profile dress by Mr. Alton. Prea. W. F. fired a 25-yard pass to Vernon the United States Is not ready to organization and institution of stu- (the name for the case histories O'Donnell, of Eastern, will extend youth groups. dent government. Unfortunately, Buky on State's 24-yard atripe. declare the war's end officially, of the student) and used it in de- greetings to the visiting educators. Buky was Injured on the play and but "make haste slowly1' might Miss Johnston, a graduate of many students do not seem to real- ciding his own schedule. The invocation will be asked by the New Mexico College of A. ft ize the importance and responsi- Randy Stevens took his pl« ce. Then be a good motto to recall fn M. A., Is one of fourteen young The lower third have consented the Rev. Olof Anderson, Jr., pas- Eastern unleashed three straight these times. bility of such an organization and to take English and commerce tor of the Richmond Presbyterian unsuccessful aerials but kept right women chosen for this type of the opportunity it gives to the stu- courses in order to improve their Church, Music preceding the pro- The current outcry Is also "re- work In various parts of the nation on with the bombardment, and the conversion." Reoon version to dents to promote the welfare of standing. Out of the seven lowest gram will be led by James E. Van fourth attempt from Scherrbaum what? Are we to go back to ex- by the Danforth Foundation, of the school. An outstanding stu- scores, six volunteered to adopt Peursem, music director at East- which William H. Danforth, of St. dent government is only possible to Stevens was completed In the actly the same situation which Louis, is president and Dr. Wil- smaller loads in order to have av. ern. Miss Lingenfelser, CKEA end zone for a touchdown. Stevens existed in 1940, aa the term re- through the combined Interest and erage grades at the end of the president, will preside and speak leaped high to grab the ball from liam J. Hutchlns, former Berea efforts of the students. quarter. The seventh one is tak- briefly. conversion implies, or are we to College President, is adviser. two Sycamore defenders in mak- attempt to better ourselves. Many ing a normal load. The business session and elec- ing the score. Don Luse converted of the nation's legislators seem The Danforth Graduate Fellow Eastern Women A special group of tests was tion of officers will be held at 11 With a drop kick, and the score to be endeavoring to better eco- program has two purposes, to pro- given to veterans' and other adults o'clock.
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