. ~ oj awan SsroIng 1M SUJt6 Unioerlity of Iowa and tlas PeopI. of 10tDtJ C", Saturday, fay 12. 1962. Iowa City, la. Regents Meeting' Deals With Faculty ,Changes Blough Praises Tax COUNCIL BLUFFS - One new appointment was made to the pharmacy faculty, four resicnations were accepted and slx changes in appointments and 40 promotions were approved Friday by the Stale Board oC Regents for SUI raculty ----------­ * * * * members. * * Denistry, EducalloD, Liberal Arts, • Jo ph G. Cannon, a member of ledicine and Pharmacy. The pro­ the University of WlScon in faculty motions will take effect. July 1. since 1956, was appointed associate LiMr" arts facility 1MfIIMf'S professor In the SUI College of n.med te proh".rshlp w_ Pharmacy. He will beiin his work for FrHorlck P. I.rt"""r, rell· ~elief BuSlnes ·s at Iowa in September. ,ien; HMoid P. Ioc:h ...dt, ,"y. The Regents accepted formally ,hoI.tv; Iluth D,vl., romanco the resignation of Dean Norman B. 1.",u.,H; FrHorlck C. E.... Nelson oC the SUI College of Medi· ",usie; Fred L. FohIlne. Gor· cine. Nelson will become director ",.ni Robort Vlncont H.. , Jr., Winner by a Trunk- Report Very oC medical institutions for Santa ",.tho""tics; Willi.", R. Irwin. Clara County, CaliCo E",lilh; C,,,,III. J. LoV.i., ,.. Re ignation (rom three other ",.n" I."'u.... , and Dororth,. Iowa professors \\oere also oc. Well Received Slterm.n, SpHCh potho'"" oltd cepted; Elephant Hits Victory Trail lud'-I.. ,.. Sey",our .'01/1 0ftCI Carl A. Dallinger, coordinator of John Lach, w.rt 1\1"," profo.· FULLERTON. Calif. mPIl-The the SUI Rh torlc Program, who lOra of ph.rm.cy. P.1I1 ......, out to be a number available for sors also made it clear they woUld will accept a new po ilion at Illi· first intercolleiiale elephant race rental, ri n d Pacific Ocean Park pennlt use of the elephants only By Industry . ophtholmol ..y, w.s no""d , ".. Anyone was willin/: to admit to nois State Normal University; f.uor In ",.dlclno, loaned one a pink elephant named record was staged Friday in ap­ "Popsy." with complete guidance from tr:l.ln. $1.3 Billion Savings Charles B. PIttinger, acting head New associate professors In li. era. oC ane theslology in the sur Col· propriate disorder on an oat field Dean Ernest A. Becker sald the berol arts Cor next year Include surrounded by goule-eyed spec· latest addliton to the spring tra· That meant that only elephants Could Be Realized lege oC Medicine, who will toke :I Georie E. Brosseau Jr., zoology; used to having riders were allow· new position at Vanderbilt Univer· tator, tudenli and a mas of diUon of pantle raids, telephone By BUliness: Fowler John R. Ferrell, music; Brilln F. cameramen. booth derbies and swallowine gold ed "jockeys." Others w ere led sity, and Geraldine Clewell. De· Glenlster, ieology; Chu·tsing Li, lhrough the loo·yard dash, and a partment oC Home Economics, to What started 8S II Joke with fish slarted with a "non·exlstent HOT SPRINGS, Va. '" - steel· art; Richard Lloyd·Jone , English; Connation ot the "Orll/lie County elephant In a non-existent race." variety of obstacle events. maker Roger M. Blough said Fri· become profes or and chairman of Dee W. NortoD, psychology; Brian hom e economics at Mankato State E I e ph ant Racine Club" The Coast Guard Academy back· Harvard and Cal Tech were join· day the KeMedy Administration's J. O'Brian, physics and astronomy; mushroomed I n to a 1Soelephant ed down when Its entry was ac· ed by elephants represenUni the refonn oC industry's tax writeor£s Kids and Clowns (Minn.) State College. Ira L. Reiss, sociology and antro· Changes in appointment were ap­ championship competition divided e pled. but other schools we r e Universities of Washington, South· is a very Important step toward reo pology; David G. Schaal, speech into three classes. quick to get Into th act - ond em California and Nevada, Santa storation of business confidence Tho SUI clowns attended the .nnull picnic It tho School for $0. proved for: and dramatic art; Elmer A. Scho­ vlroly HlndlclPped Childron Ind livened tho d,y for tho pr.·Khool. Associate Prof. Henry C. De· The Orange County State cam· resultant publicity. Monica City Collllfe - which sent. and betterment o[ Government· ler, men's physical education; J. pus - which handled "2.000 people The elephant race attracted a de­ Ir, ther~. Above, Dick Mont.ith, A3, Jow.II, Plints tho foe. of ono Kock, who has been serving as act· olong its marching band - SaDta busine s rtlatlons. Richard Simon, psychology; IU· Blough, who as chairman of U.S. littlo boy to show hi", how clown. co",. to look th.t way. a.low, ing dean of the SUI College of Edu· at an open house a couple of years luge of newspaper, magazine, radio Ana College, neighboring two·year dred Snider, social work; Norman ago" as ils biggest previous crowd and television representatives who Orange C 0 a s t College, Northrop Steel Corp. was President Ken· Judy M.u.r, hospital aldl, 'Ind clown R.'ph Hillmln, A4, Ess.x, cation during the past year, will E. Williams, 10010gy; Deil S. become as ociate dean oC the Col· - anticipated m 0 r e than 10,000 \\'ere on hand several hours before Ins Ii t ute of Technology, Long nedy's chief antagonist in the steel .nt.rt.in thr.e plcnick.rs - from I.ft: Ricky Smith, Deborlh Lind· Wright, political science; and Rob· spectat.ors for the Dumbo Derby. the tirst event - many to make Beach State, Fullerton Junior Col· price controversy a montb ago, bon, and St.ve Larsen. -Photo by Larry R.poport ert L. Hopkin and Carl W. tucki, It didn't matter that none or the sure th re wos indeed to be an leie. Chapman College, CalIfornia spoke as chairman of th Buslne s POSTHUMOUS DEGREE air science. schools entered, including Harvard elephant race. State Polytechnic of Pomona, Cal· Council - the top·rung organization An SUI coed killed in an April Others promoted to a ociate and Cal Tech. had an eJ\?phant. In Fullerton police were present to Ifornia L u the ran College and ot big businessmen. 16 auto accident will recefve a professorship included Narenda P. Southern Calilornia, there turned guard against any incidents. Spon· Orange State. Blough'. conclllitory wlrdt SUI Student Helps Develop posthumous degree from SUI. The Loomba and Clifford M. Baum. calM .fter a Tre,sury Deport. State Board of Reients Friday ap· b a c k, business administration; . mont 'POIeliman ,.,eI the council proved the degree for Eleanor A. Harold E. Clough and Arne M. Finlafl, Dubuque. th.t ••I,nlfie.nt llber.lliation of Miss FirzlalC was a speech path. Bjorndal, denlstry ; C h a r Ie s E. tho to. wrltooffa will ... 'nued IRevolutionaryl Radio Devices Cooper, education; David P. Ca· Choregi Presents la'. noxt month or In JIlIy, ology major and a senior student rew, pharmacy; and John Clancy, High Official Resigns Post Undersecretary of the Treaaur1 By JOE GEHRINGER Iof that office might be here May 22 in good stand. William E. Connor, Robert D. Picasso, Sifwell Henry H. Fowler lold reporters Stiff Writer to discuss it. She died as a result of Injuries Gauchat. Albert S. Norris, David Dfter a closed session with the in· Advanced Rcsearch, Inc., a new. Paul E. Vermillion, vice presi· received when the car in which M. Sensenig and Harold P. Schedl. After Taking IGift' from Estes Readings Sunday dustrlalists that the depreciation Iy formed Iowa City firm in the dent and executive director, said she was riding went out of control medicine. change could mean aa much as $1 .' field of electronic I·nstrumenta. the firm was established March 27. and crashed into a tree in Iowa Cit The Regents also approved appll· WASHINGTON IA'I - Asst. Secre· Clellan. to-Ark'>, seeks to learn The poetry of Edith Sitwell and 25 billion in tax saving to all busl· tion, Friday announced the develop· Brueck said he served as a naval y. cations to two federal agencies for tary of Labor Jerry R. Holleman whether influence in Washington Pablo Picasso's only play wiJi be nesses for this year. The Invest· ment of devices they predicted aviator during World War U. lege July I, When the recently ap- three construction aad equipment resigned his $2O,OOO.a.year po t helped Estes run up a fortune un· presented as par t of Choregi's ment tax credit pending in Con· could lead to a revolution of the He added that he had an oller pointed dean, Prof. Howard Jones grants. Friday night, saying be accepted der the Governments form pro­ sixth cultural event or the semester ire s could, if enacted, bring an· communications industry. from the Army missile center at oC the Univcrsity of Michigan. will For use In the Dew Physlcs.Math. _ $1,000 gift from indicted Texas gram. in the meufnine 01 the Main Art other $1.4 billion iD benefits, One of the devices will aid in ~un~svill~h Ala " 'I~~t declined it to assume the deanship; ematicR Building, the University linancier Billie Sol Estes to help Secretary of LabOr Arthur J. Gallery Sunday afternoon at 5. Fowler said. measuring the faiiout protection af. or on e OSCI a or. A socia Ie Prof. Rlchard Brad. has applied to the National Aero. make ends meet. Goldberg accepted the resignation The program, divided into two Blough said Fowler's report was lorded by any building, officers .
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