Tree Scale: 1

Tree Scale: 1

Tree scale: 1 bchZ ADVR d Bacteria d ADVR bchZ bchZ ADVR d Bacteria d ADVR bchZ bchZ LWQS d Bacteria d LWQS bchZ bchZ LWQS d Bacteria d LWQS bchZ bchZ LJCR d Bacteria Bacteria d NQWI bchZ bchZ NQWI d Bacteria d NQWI bchZ bchZ DCSM d Bacteria d DCSM bchZ bchZ DCSM d Bacteria d DCSM bchZ p Chloroflexota c Chlo c Chloroflexota p bchZ AZXV d Bacteria Bacteria d AZXV bchZ p Chloroflexota c Chlo c Chloroflexota p bchZ JPIM d Bacteria p Bacteria d JPIM bchZ bchZ AZXV d Bacteria Bacteria d AZXV bchZ bchZ DBCF d Bacteria bchZ DBCF d Bacteria Chlo c Chloroflexota p p Chloroflexota c Chlo c Chloroflexota p 1.0 bchZ MPJE d BacteriabchZ LVWG d Bacteria 0.9 bchZ LVWG d Bacteria bchZ LUZT d Bacteria p Chloroflexota c Chlor Chlo c Chloroflexota p bchZ AASE d Bacteria Chlo c Chloroflexota p bchZ LUZT d Bacteria p Chloroflexota c Chlo c Chloroflexota p bchZ MPJE d Bacteria Chlo c Chloroflexota p p Chloroflexota c Chlor c Chloroflexota p roflexia o Chloroflexale o roflexia roflexia o Chloroflexale o roflexia Chloroflexota c Chloro c Chloroflexota 1.0 Chlor c Chloroflexota p bchZ LMBR d Bacteria roflexia o Chloroflexale o roflexia p Chloroflexota c Chlo Chloroflexale o roflexia bchZ LMBR d Bacteria p Chloroflexota c Chlo bchZ LMXM d Bacteria p Bacteroidota c Chloro p Bacteroidota c Chlor 1.0 p Bacteroidota c Chlor p Bacteroidota c Chloro p Bacteroidota c Chloro p Bacteroidota c Chloro oflexia o Chloroflexales Chloroflexale o roflexia p Bacteroidota c Chloro Chloroflexale o roflexia roflexia o Chloroflexale o roflexia p Bacteroidota c Chlor Chloroflexale o roflexia oflexia o Chloroflexales o oflexia s f Chloroflexaceae g O g Chloroflexaceae f s oflexia o Chloroflexales o oflexia flexia o Chloroflexales Chloroflexales o flexia bchZ JPGV d Bacteriap Bacteroidota c Chlor O g Chloroflexaceae f s p Acidobacteriota c Bla s f Chloroflexaceae g C g Chloroflexaceae f s s f Chloroflexaceae g C g Chloroflexaceae f s roflexia o Chloroflexale roflexia o Chloroflexale bia o Chlorobialesobia f Ch o Chlorobiales f C obia o Chlorobiales f C bia o Chlorobiales f Ch bia o Chlorobiales f Ch bia o Chlorobiales f Ch bchZ LNAA d Bacteria C g Chloroflexaceae f s f Roseiflexaceae g Ko obia o Chlorobiales f C bia o Chlorobiales f Ch C g Chloroflexaceae f s stocatellia o Chloracido dastool Co OHK bchZ p Bacteroidota c Chloro U g Chloroflexaceae f s bchZ Chloranaerofilum bchZ obia o Chlorobiales f C U g Chloroflexaceae f s bchZ OHK Co dastool Ch g Chloroflexaceae f f Chloroflexaceae g Ch g Chloroflexaceae f f Chloroflexaceae g Ch g Chloroflexaceae f scillochloris s Oscilloch s scillochloris scillochloris s Oscilloch s scillochloris hloroflexus s Chloroflex s hloroflexus hloroflexus s Chloroflex s hloroflexus bchZ Chloroploca asiat Chloroploca bchZ s f Roseiflexaceae g U s f Roseiflexaceae g U dastool Co OHK bchZ bchZ OHK Co maxb.04 Co OHK bchZ lorobiaceae g Chlorobihlorobiaceae g Chlorob casten roseiflexus bchZ hlorobiaceae g Chlorob bchZ OHK Co maxb.09 bchZ Chlorobaculum p aggr chloroflexus bchZ bchZ OHK Co dastool p Acidobacteriota c Bla lorobiaceae g Chlorobi lorobiaceae g Chlorobi bchZ RSAS01 1/2-492 RSAS01 bchZ hlorobiaceae g Chlorob lorobiaceae g Chloroba 1/2 64 metab Nak bchZ bacteriales f Chloracido bchZ TC 152 1/1-483 bchZ OHK C C 18 1/1- bia o Chlorobialeshlorobiaceae f Ch g Chlorob lorobiaceae g Chloroba uleothrix s Kouleothrix bchZ TC 71 1/1-474 1/2-485 s hloroploca bchZ OHK Co maxb.00 1/2-490 s hloroploca bchZ QWQY01 1/2-486 1/2-492 RYFF01 bchZ metabat 40 1/2-492 40 metabat bchZ Nak concoct 8 1/2 bchZ Chlorothrix 1/1-48 Chlorothrix bchZ corporosum 1/2-482 corporosum bchZ Roseiflexus sp 1/ BA1466 s 1/1-480 s BA1466 loroflexus s 1/2-481 s loroflexus metabat 10 1/1-470 1/2-484 s loroflexus BA1466 s 1/1-477 s BA1466 1/2-4 265 maxb J bchZ loroflexus s 1/2-480 s loroflexus bchZ RYFE01 1/2-491 RYFE01 bchZ bchZ RYFD01 1/2-489 RYFD01 bchZ loris trichoides 1/2-487 trichoides loris loris trichoides 1/2-489 trichoides loris us islandicus 1/2-484 islandicus us bchZ TC 22 1/1-473 1/2-480 islandicus us bchZ PDNY02 1/1-455 bchZ Roseilinea gracile 1/2-488 B79 ica concoct 110 1/2-482 110 concoct bchZ DOMF01 1/1-451 BA965 s 1/2-489 BA965 s 1/2-488 bchZ J150 1/2-480 J150 bchZ um s Chlorobium ferroo bchZ PNIR01 1/2-481 stocatellia o Chloracido bchZ Pelodictyon phae ium s Chlorobium luteo bchZ JP3 C 13 1/1-475 bchZ Anaerolinea YNP bchZ RFGY01 1/1-475 bchZ Chlorobium ferrooium s Chlorobium luteo 1/2-493 3 holzii 1/2-483 holzii bchZ PDNX01 1/1-446 1/2-481 egans um s Chlorobium ferroo bchZ SDGU01arvulum 1/1-448 1/1-448 bchZ J metab 75 1/1-4 um s Chlorobium ferroo 4 1/1-475 bacteriaceae g Chlorac metabat 77 1/2-480 ium s Chlorobium limic bchZ PDNZ01 1/1-448 bchZ RXYK01 1/1-448 Bacteri d NWMW bchZ loroherpetonaceae g G bchZbchZ DPAN01 RXYJ01 1/1-448 1/1-450 ium s Chlorobium limic culum s 1/1-450 bchZ JP3 7 1/1-471 -484 culum s 1/1-445 476 bchZ bog 1492 GCA 00 aurantiaca 1/2-457 bchZ AUBA d Bacteria Bacteria d AUBA bchZ 4 1/2-476 82 bchZ SJPA01 1/1-447 2-481 -479 1 bacteriales f Chloracido Bacteria d JONN bchZ oclathratiforme 1/1-447 1/1-481 xidans 1/1-452 Bacteria d LSHQ bchZ lum 1/1-446 idobacterium s Chlorac xidans 1/1-452 lum 1/1-450 p Bacteria d AHIR bchZ 1/1-477 bchZ PHFL01 1/1-450 xidansxidans 1/1-450 1/1-450 ola A 1/1-450 71 BChlB s 1/1-450 bchZ HeliobacteriumbchZ m Chloracidobacter ola A 1/1-447 Al c Proteobacteria p a 3136655.1 20110800 S Bacteria d AHHA bchZ bchZ WPS2 33 1/1-465 Bacteria d LMKT bchZ bchZ WPS2 29 1/1-474 bchZ WPS2 33 1/1-452 Alph c Proteobacteria p bacteriaceae g Chlorac bchZ WPS2 29 1/1-460 Alp c Proteobacteria p bchZ NCSQ d Bacteria d NCSQ bchZ bchZ PLFC01 1/1-470 Bacteria d LLZQ bchZ idobacterium thermoph p Proteobacteria c Alp c Proteobacteria p bchZ PLBH01 1/1-457 Bacteria d PIUM bchZ bchZ NYUA d Bacteria d NYUA bchZ bchZ SLXT01 1/1-471 Alpha c Proteobacteria odesticaldum 1/1-458ium thermophilum 1/2-4 Bacteria d NCEB bchZ 3S 1/1-469 Bacteria d ATVO bchZ phaproteobacteria o Sp o phaproteobacteria p Proteobacteria c Alph c Proteobacteria p bchZ JNIX d Bacteria p Bacteria d JNIX bchZ idobacterium s 1/2-485 Alph c Proteobacteria p aproteobacteria o Sphi o aproteobacteria ilum A 1/2-485 Sph o haproteobacteria p Proteobacteria c Alp c Proteobacteria p p Proteobacteria c Alph c Proteobacteria p p Proteobacteria c Alph c Proteobacteria p haproteobacteria o Sph o haproteobacteria 80 Alp c Proteobacteria p proteobacteria o Sphin o proteobacteria p Proteobacteria c Alp c Proteobacteria p p Proteobacteria c Alph c Proteobacteria p bchZ NKJA d Bacteria Bacteria d NKJA bchZ hingomonadales f Sphi f hingomonadales aproteobacteria o Sphi o aproteobacteria Proteobacteria c Alpha c Proteobacteria bchZ JPOM d Bacteria d JPOM bchZ bchZ NOXT d Bacteria d NOXT bchZ aproteobacteria o Sphi o aproteobacteria bchZ LSHM d Bacteria d LSHM bchZ ngomonadales f Sphing f ngomonadales bchZ ANFY d Bacteria Bacteria d ANFY bchZ bchZ LJHP d Bacteria p Bacteria d LJHP bchZ haproteobacteria o Cau o haproteobacteria ingomonadales f Sphin f ingomonadales aproteobacteria o Sphi o aproteobacteria aproteobacteria o Rhod o aproteobacteria bchZ LXQI d Bacteria p Bacteria d LXQI bchZ haproteobacteria o Sph o haproteobacteria ingomonadales f Sphin f ingomonadales haproteobacteria o Cau o haproteobacteria 1.0 bchZ LSHH d Bacteria Bacteria d LSHH bchZ gomonadales f Sphingo f gomonadales aproteobacteria o Sphi o aproteobacteria 1.0 p Proteobacteria c Alph c Proteobacteria p 0.8 1.0 0.9 proteobacteria o Caulo o proteobacteria p Proteobacteria c Alp c Proteobacteria p p Proteobacteria c Alp c Proteobacteria p ngomonadales f Sphing f ngomonadales ngomonadaceae g Sph g ngomonadaceae p Proteobacteria c Alp c Proteobacteria p 0.8 1.0 0.8 ngomonadales f Sphing f ngomonadales bchZ JROG d Bacteria d JROG bchZ 1.0 1.0 0.9 1/1-475 0.9 p Proteobacteria c Alph c Proteobacteria p 1.0 Proteobacteria c Alpha c Proteobacteria omonadaceae g Novos g omonadaceae bchZ MIAJ d Bacteria p Bacteria d MIAJ bchZ 1/1-454 gomonadaceae g Sphi g gomonadaceae lobacterales f Hyphomo f lobacterales 1/1-454 0.4 p Bacteria d MIAJ bchZ Proteobacteria c Alpha c Proteobacteria p Proteobacteria c Alph c Proteobacteria p ospirillales f Magnetosp f ospirillales 1.0 ngomonadales f Sphing f ngomonadales delafieldii 1/1-467 1/1-440 1.0 0.7 0.9 ingomonadales f Sphin f ingomonadales lobacterales f Caulobac f lobacterales 0.8 0.4 Sphing f ngomonadales -448 1.0 gomonadaceae g Sphi g gomonadaceae monadaceae g Sphing g monadaceae monas A jaspsi 1/1-475 0.8 0.7 -448 1.0 1.0 ter B marinus 1/1-475 aproteobacteria o Caul o aproteobacteria 0.8 Sph o haproteobacteria 0.9 1.0 bacterales f Caulobacte f bacterales haproteobacteria o Sph o haproteobacteria p Proteobacteria c Alp c Proteobacteria p hingobium capsulatum 0.9 0.4 Cau o haproteobacteria 0.9 omonadaceae g Sphin g omonadaceae gobium subterraneum 0.5 1.0 Sphingom s ingomonas 1.0 Sphin g omonadaceae proteobacteria o Sphin o proteobacteria aproteobacteria o Sphi o aproteobacteria 0.9 Alpha c Proteobacteria ingobium subterraneum 0.6 1.0 Novosph s phingobium 1.0 Alpha c Proteobacteria 0.8 1.0 Sphingo s A ngomonas gobium fuchskuhlense 1.0 Aquidulcib g nadaceae aproteobacteria o Sphi o aproteobacteria omonas s Blastomonas 1.0 um bathyomarinum 1/1 1.0 Sphin o proteobacteria irillaceae g Telmatospir g irillaceae um bathyomarinum 1/1 1.0 omonadaceae g Novos g omonadaceae teraceae g Brevundimo g teraceae ngomonas A s Sphingo 1.0 Sanda g omonadaceae 1.0 1.0 Sphi g gomonadaceae obacter B s Erythrobac r D litoralis 1/1-475 1.0 0.9 Sphingom s ngomonas omonas s Sphingomon s omonas sphingobium s Novosp 1.0 1.0 1.0

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