September 29, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5035 the Second World War, the Greatest RECESS directly, in seeking to uphold the Fugitive Generation, who would build a new Slave Act, states that ‘‘the enactments of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the State Legislatures to defeat the faithful economy and afford new opportunities? ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Are we Bolivia, where the outcome execution of the Fugitive Slave Law are hos- declares the House in recess subject to tile in character, subversive of the Constitu- was not accepted and there was vio- the call of the Chair. tion, and revolutionary in their effect.’’; lence in the streets, or are we the coun- Accordingly (at 5 o’clock and 42 min- Whereas, the 14th Amendment, giving full try that sent someone to the Moon, utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. citizenship to freed slaves, passed in 1868 saw contested election after contested with 94 percent Republican support and 0 election, but losers left office gra- f percent Democrat support in Congress; the ciously, just as President H.W. Bush b 1825 15th Amendment, giving freed slaves the did in the letter I read earlier. right to vote, passed in 1870 with 100 percent AFTER RECESS Republican support and 0 percent Democrat Who do we want to look like? We are support in Congress; imperfect, but the ideas that we are The recess having expired, the House was called to order by the Speaker pro Whereas, Democrats systematically sup- founded upon are perfect, that we are pressed African-Americans’ right to vote, governed by consent, not by leaders or tempore (Mr. PETERS) at 6 o’clock and and by specific example in the 1902 Constitu- violence, consent of the people. That is 25 minutes p.m. tion of the State of Virginia, actually what this resolution says. f disenfranchised about 90 percent of the Black Thirty-five days to go to the elec- men who still voted at the beginning of the RAISING A QUESTION OF THE twentieth century and nearly half of the tion. I know it is going to be tense in PRIVILEGES OF THE HOUSE White men, thereby suppressing Republican this Chamber, it is going to be tense in Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise voters; the number of eligible African-Amer- this country, but unity in our country ican voters were thereby forcibly reduced during our darkest times has always to bring forth the privileged resolution, from about 147,000 in 1901 to about 10,000 by been an antidote against anything that H. Res. 1148. 1905; that measure was supported almost ex- would seek to divide us or take us The SPEAKER pro tempore. The clusively by Virginia Democrats; away from who we want to be, who we Clerk will report the resolution. Whereas, Virginia’s 1902 Constitution was can be, and who we should be—a more The Clerk read as follows: engineered by Carter Glass, future Demo- H. RES. 1148 cratic Party U.S. Representative, Senator, perfect Union. and even Secretary of the Treasury under Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Whereas, on July 22, 2020, H.R. 7573 was Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, who of my time. brought to the House floor for a vote, with proclaimed the goal of the constitutional The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the purpose of eliminating four specific stat- convention as follows: This Democrat ex- question is on the motion offered by ues or busts from the United States Capitol claimed, ‘‘Discrimination! Why, that is pre- along with all others that include individ- the gentleman from California (Mr. cisely what we propose. That, exactly, is uals who ‘‘served as an officer or voluntarily what this Convention was elected for—to dis- SWALWELL) that the House suspend the with the Confederate States of America or of criminate to the very extremity of permis- rules and agree to the resolution, H. the military forces or government of a State sible action under the limits of the federal Res. 1155. while the State was in rebellion against the Constitution, with a view to the elimination The question was taken. United States’’ yet failed to address the of every Negro voter who can be gotten rid of The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the most ever-present historical stigma in the legally.’’; opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being United States Capitol; that is the source Whereas, in 1912, Democratic President in the affirmative, the ayes have it. that so fervently supported, condoned and Woodrow Wilson’s administration began a fought for slavery was left untouched, with- racial segregation policy for U.S. govern- Mr. SWALWELL of California. Mr. out whom, the evil of slavery could never Speaker, on that I demand the yeas ment employees and, by 1914, the Wilson ad- have continued as it did, to such extreme ministration’s Civil Service instituted the and nays. that it is necessary to address here in order requirement that a photograph be submitted The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- for the U.S. House of Representatives to with each employment application; ant to section 3 of House Resolution avoid degradation of historical fact and bla- Whereas, the 1924 Democratic National 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. tant hypocrisy for generations to come; Convention convened in New York City at Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, fur- Whereas, the Democratic Party Platform Madison Square Garden; the convention is ther proceedings on this motion will be of 1840, 1844, 1848, 1852, and 1856 states ‘‘That commonly known as the ‘‘Klan-Bake’’ due to Congress has no power under the Constitu- postponed. the overwhelming influence of the Ku Klux tion, to interfere with or control the domes- Klan in the Democratic Party; f tic institutions of the several States, and Whereas, Democrat President Franklin COMMUNICATION FROM CON- that such States are the sole and proper Delano Roosevelt continued Woodrow Wil- STITUENT SERVICES REP- judges of everything appertaining to their son’s policy of segregating White House staff own affairs, not prohibited by the Constitu- and maintained separate dining rooms for RESENTATIVE, THE HONORABLE tion; that all efforts of the abolitionists, or White and Black staffers. He also continued JOHN H. RUTHERFORD, MEMBER others, made to induce Congress to interfere the White House Correspondents Associa- OF CONGRESS with questions of slavery . are calculated tion’s ban on credentialing Black journalists The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- to lead to the most alarming and dangerous for White House duties until outside pressure fore the House the following commu- consequences; and that all such efforts have from Black publications finally forced a an inevitable tendency to diminish the hap- change in policy in 1944, the last year of his nication from Amanda Torbush, Con- piness of the people and endanger the sta- presidency. According to the American Jour- stituent Services Representative, the bility and permanency of the Union, and nal of Public Health, prior to his presidency, Honorable JOHN H. RUTHERFORD, Mem- ought not to be countenanced by any friend Roosevelt not only banned Blacks from re- ber of Congress: of our political institutions.’’; ceiving treatment at his polio facility in HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Whereas, the Democratic Party Platform Warm Springs, Georgia, Black staff were Washington, DC, September 25, 2020. of 1856 further declares that ‘‘new states’’ to forced to live in the basement of the facility Hon. NANCY PELOSI, the Union should be admitted ‘‘with or with- or in a segregated dormitory while White Speaker, House of Representatives, out domestic slavery, as [the state] may staff lived in the hotel or in surrounding cot- Washington, DC. elect.’’; tages; DEAR MADAME SPEAKER: This is to notify Whereas, the Democratic Party Platform Whereas, Democrat Congressman Howard you formally, pursuant to Rule VIII of the of 1856 also resolves that ‘‘we recognize the Smith, former chairman of the House Rules Rules of the House of Representatives, that right of the people of all the Territories . Committee introduced the ‘‘Declaration of the United States Navy has served me, to form a Constitution, with or without do- Constitutional Principles’’ in a speech on the Amanda Torbush, with a subpoena to testify mestic slavery.’’; House floor where he attacked the Supreme before a Special Court-Martial of the United Whereas, the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 Court’s 1954 decision on Brown v. Board of States. penalized officials who did not arrest an al- Education of Topeka (KS) which determined After consultation with the Office of Gen- leged runaway slave and made them liable that segregated public schools were uncon- eral Counsel, I have determined that compli- for a fine of $1,000 (about $28,000 in present- stitutional. Smith’s declaration urged people ance with the subpoena is consistent with day value); law-enforcement officials every- to utilize all ‘‘lawful means’’ to avoid the the privileges and rights of the House. where were required to arrest people sus- ‘‘chaos and confusion’’ which would occur if Sincerely, pected of being a runaway slave on as little they desegregated schools. His- AMANDA TORBUSH, as a claimant’s sworn testimony of owner- tory.House.Gov states that ‘‘Under Smith, Constituent Services Representative. ship; the Democratic Party Platform of 1860 the Rules Committee became a graveyard for VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:20 Sep 30, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29SE7.101 H29SEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H5036 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 29, 2020 numerous civil rights initiatives in the Golden Luja´ n Rush Scott, Austin Thompson (PA) Watkins 1950s.’’; Gomez Luria Sa´ nchez Sensenbrenner Thornberry Weber (TX) Whereas, in 1964, the Democratic Party led Gonzalez (TX) Lynch Sarbanes Shimkus Tiffany Webster (FL) Gottheimer Malinowski Scanlon Simpson Timmons Wenstrup a 75-calendar-day filibuster against the 1964 Green, Al (TX) Maloney, Schakowsky Smith (MO) Tipton Civil Rights Act; Westerman Grijalva Carolyn B.
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