THE - ' ANDIDAILY UNION ARGUS.i iVENTY-FIRS- T ASSOCIATED UC-SF- YEAR NO. 84. PBESS -D WW TUESDAY JANUARY 24, 1922 FOURTEEN PAGES. CONSOLIDATED PRESS I.EASKP WIM PRICE FIVE CENTS. 11 0 Fn Tf1 (q frTi "5)fm A 101 if IF U. Monsignor Luigi Sincero, ASK S. TO MAY'-B- E The Argus' MAFFI New Conclave Secretary, FINDINGS OF David DENIES RAIL Business TAKE OVER Probably Will Be Cardinal Lawrence CHOSEN JUDGE FAVOR LINES WERE Review ' Washington, Jan. 24. (By the retary of the conclave which elect- Says: (By Consolidated Associated Press.) Monsignor ed Pope Pius X, who appointed him Clreom-stnnce- Press.) Combination of s" Luigi Sincero, one of the most im- immediately pro-secret- of state Has Prevented ALL NAVIES Telegraphic dispatches from portant prelates in the papal curia, and conferred on him red on the hat Accepting-AllV- nation's Important NEXT POPE FILLED MILK Hardin? From Centers as a result of the changes incident the first consistory of his pontificate Con-ferenc- e; giving Business Jnews Bid to Genoa BADLYUSED and to the death of Pope Benedict, it in November, 1903. Isolation Bloc" In Reviews of Interest and Im- was said here today, will automatic-- Benedict an Execution.. portance to Merry Senate Threaten Opposition Frodacer and ally become secretary of the con del Val was then only 351 to Anns Meet Treaties; Editor Proposes a Consumes. clave, a position second only to that years old. In the following con- farm Archbishop of Pisa Is Fa- CO- Mav Nullify Wisconsin France's Refusal to Discuss ft TYIATnh.h1n In t ho. unrrsrf l- PlllVP hnvAv.r Ran(it Y 7 wnon i Reparations One Cause. Declares Carriers' Equip- Kovel Method to Set- vored by Italians and lege. Monsignor Boggiani, secretary of Law Against Sale of BY JL. B. LAUOLOS. At first canon and professor in the conclave, presented him with ment in Poor Condi- tle War Debts. Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 24. The the seminary at Vercelli in Pied-- ; the white cap, took oS his red one. (Copyright, 1922, by The Argus.) Government. Compounds. Washington, D. C, Jan. 24. smoke clouds over Pittsburgh are mont, Monsignor Sincero some slowly folded it, and put it in his Just tion at Beginning. years ago was called to Rome a3 pocket. In fact, Monsignor Bog-audit- or why the United States government thickening and this is welcomed of the Holy Sacred Trib- -. giani was not made a cardinal until will not its represented officially men re- , at the economic conference to be Washington, Jan. 24. (By the here as a sign of Rome, 24. (By Asso- unal of the Rota, the court which more than two years later, in the 24. Jan. the consistory 4, Madison, Wis., Jan. Findings heid at Genoa ln March is" for tros sociated Press.) A proposal turning industrial activity. Plant among other things is entitled to of Dec. 1916. At the on constitutionality Washington, 24. ciated Press.) While thousands be- - election Pope which the of moment the most interesting stoy Jan. Assertjns the United State3 offer to take resumptions are the lorder of the ' grant annulment of marriages of Pius VII., which the 1921 tilled milk law largely will tit al- - streamed past the bier of Benedict tween collabor- - took place in the capitol. 'iat the railroads werv? turned back entire navies of the ' Catholics. He also in Vienna because his orer the day and a steady expansion in predecessor depend, were reported to the su ro one reason but a combina- - owners period of lirt at full cost "as payment to- -' XV, in the Basilica of St. Peter's ated with Cardinal Gasparri in his had bean persecuted ".r to their aner the nearly all lines is in evidence preme court today by Judge A. G. 'tion of circumstances has Drevent- "broken-down- " rd the billions they owe the today pay to codification of the canon law and French Republic as he himself was government control in a her-aid- ed to reverence the dead special Ar-- - Steadiness in price of steel is now sacred col- -, by Napoleon, re-- Zimmerman, referee. ed President Harding from accept- condition, were denied today piited States," accept on account prelate, cardinals of the church is secretary of the the conclave, it is guments on the law, which pro- - as an indication of increase - . , . in on behalf of the United States by Hines, in a statement tie allies' other war equipment at were on way from many for- lege. called here, was held in a monas i f , , , . Walker i their , p ixjdLiui.a.i.uit; ji v - - o in demand and for the last month X 111 MM I tofr Af tha1U V cararnltv TV iiiuiio , , , ul luc... me invitation recent - extended dv thAvuv intnrGttAj Junk prices" and sail "this grand eign to participate in trl HI If J V. a Ul lUi (tilt JL j vfvuviui u l " rommft prices in this market have been countries the v' product in Wisconsin, prooaoiy win the allies to helt reconstruct Eur- - mmmitroa in TL'Hifh ha smu h hc- - armada w tile lJaciiic and there be election of a new pope. of court, practically unchanged. Automobile by monastery i be,se5 tor the March term ope and indirectly the economic sit- - iieve(1 government "had sub- - lank 10 miles deep with all flags The brief intervals before the freauentlv made a cardinal the the was asked to act as the ' are in in Judge Zimmerman's findings on uation of the whole world. over - maintained the tying", made to the national manufacturers the market convening of the conclave, which, - Ktantiallv w3 a broader way and their purchases ot.iT h- h na Mart. Pius wa nhnoon fh the action brought by the Carna- First, the "isolation bloc in tn3 AnninmoTit" nf thA rnails agriculture conference today by has been set for Feb. 2, will, how- tt- vii r.tnr company, no- - are making a good impression on ed. secretary of the conclave before him and presented tion Milk Products in United States senate has served Mr Hines told the committee as Herbert Myrick, ed.tor of Farm and ever, prevent some of them notably the knelt hint -. company pon- - hearings before him, Nov. 17, to tice that if the administration in- railroad in Home, of Springfield, Mass. production.. The Ford is Dougherty assists him in putting on the with the white cap. The new pope a witne in its ceneral in unspecified Cardinal of Philadelphia, began Dec. 1, declared that compounds sists on going to Genoa, it can ex-- ! quiry reports the end of Mr. Myr.ck also proposed reduc- - the market for an and the Canadian and Brazilian car- tifical robes, and, kneeling before folding his red cap, but the that at quantity of stock. ; cap which courage to made from skimmed mils and pect serious opposition to ratifica-- 1 fetjeral control showed locomotives ion of the United -- ja.es budget frame dinals from arriving i n time to him, hands him the white rector took remind his the-loca- l cocoanut oil "are not harmful or tion of the treaties and conventions (or army navy to pre-- Although wage contracts in the pontiff puts on his bead. In Holiness of the custom of placing to De in "distinctly better condition its and the ! vote, unless the election is unduly confer-jtna- n ts cap sec-re- deleterious as a food either for adopted at the Washington beginning" and the con-adul- war figure and the utilization of industry will expire shortly prolonged. turn some popes have placed their the red on the head of the d - at tlle and an industrial struggle is fore-- ' cap on kneeling ' retary. or children, but are not de- ence on armament. djtjon of freight cars to "compare tie dilterence which he said, would! Cardinal O'Connell of Boston the head of the dis-- no has consistory, thus1 The new pontiff, israble as a complete substitute for; Second, the administration is i favorably" with that time, lie $600,000,000 towards paying the cast there is inclination to cabled that he is taking passage to- secretary of the recalling that stocks in evidence, owing showing intention of raising the rector was a Servite, made a milk because of the lower vitamine couraged over the refusal of France It must be remembered, he -" tonus for tue former service men. day, and a possible to their i has chance to discuss reparations at Genoa, an generaily were in "ex-Th- e The national agricultural confer- - to the large potential output of non- providing them to the purple. play on words and replied: ed lnat both ' enter the election, the adjustment of wh;ch regarded as be- - union mines. Cardinal Merry del Val was sec-- 1 "You will be served.! distinction in food' value is ceedinlv poor condition at the nice turned to t.urope today for a new pope is not chosen on the first between whole milk and milk essential to economic recuperation gen-- 1 Rail trade compares favorably the ginning of federal operation. jtady of factors causing the ballot. compounds the judge found to lie everywhere. Although had been some ral American laxm depression ana in volume with that of last January j is no outstanding foreign- there ' There in the fact that "the compound ap-- U. S. Must Make Good. shortage of maintenance in rail a, for possible means of relief. and downward price revisions are er 'among the candidates for the producing buyers. Automobile SENATE VETOES SAYS RAILROAD pears to be deficient in vitamines." Third, unless the United States cross ties and ballast on some roads, Tells Kuropeau Situation.
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