?;••• -.- i ^%--f':''':'--:-\:''-v'^"'": ' ' ••'"*• ;'••' ' •• '• " • "• ' *•' . ' • ''"^ ''r'^-.•••/..' ,...!..:•..' *HB ^CIJAIlTOBD CTTlZErf AND CttRdWlCL •• ..•/•' ''• ' ' •••'* .-'• -•'•-. •'. •-..:• '•*•' '"'.'.' '>.-:.&;: WBP&TWBOIX . <••-.•• ^ ——^——M^^^ » i - ed.a resolution, outlining berkau „, inobstructed passage. Section •j^ww^^w^^^ walks. '. • .' .'- ,. •:• .- -. 'T; S<MO to boys 8 to 20 years old through" 7.25 requires that any plant life Section '7.16 requires owners, to Scouting.' . ,• O within'25 feet ot any intersection and the tr Township Talks construct, repair, or improve side- Balance" of'the cost for new snail be cut to a height of not more emer WSlks and curbing after notice to (\~'~% sanctuary runners added to con- than 3 feet to provide unobstructed r period, By E. D. STANLEY so do, and' provides that, in case of tributions of $531. be met from view to drivers in the interests of byDr.lWlCastaldo,, non-compliance, the. Township the repairs and improvements public safety.. : .-C.'• •„••'••. the; 22. PERSONNEL. matters with respect' to the Fire may do the w.ork and assess the .7 s budget, and the Church House Section 7.27 throws safeguards CortimitWivill take final action, it As Cranford ia not affiliated with Department. cost against the property. is undier the i HEART Methodists Request thc State civil service system. Sections 7.17 et seq. requires the around the moving ' of buildings' ot Rank Martz, HEART was decided. '.,. PUBLIC WORKS .along public ways, and section 7.28' Chapter 3 of the Code is designed removal of : snow, icer or'"weeds education. Newark Conference A local preacher's license was Chapter 6 on the subject of the prohibits.damage to pavements by .extended to Harlon W. Drew, Jr., to set up the rudiments of a munic- from sidewalks by owners or oc- Return Rev. Allinger pal employment. system. Section Public'Works Department is a vehicles.' Penalty for violation ot G AR wopD GRANFORD KENILWORTH 5<aoe«o&»S0>s>«e< I studying for the ministry in South cupants of adjacent prbperty. any provisions of "this chapter is A unanimous request to return ' Carolina. ' 3,01 is a classification of the" var- new addition to the Code. It estab- Sections 7.26 and 7.21 prohibits ious job^j^uirie^re-thj^pg^ provided by section .7.29. the "Bey: Albert^ Ailinger-to-the , .Special guests at the dinner were ubatruc.tiowjt<w_strc>ctB and side- for Follies fill No. 2 of the municipality, other than the head of this department and de-walks except by permit under cer- CRANFORD. NEW IERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY I. 1951 22 Pages — FIVE CENTS pastorate of the Craniord Meth- the thirty members of the: Sen- SEWERS" ibe uniformed Police and Fire depart- fines his duties which are both tain conditions. It is required that odist Church fo rthe ninth year was ior Choir, who sang "Listen to the Chapter 8 of the Code throws the; iMiliilg trip in British I made at the annual congregational ments. Every employee,'other than technical and administrative. Un- retractable awnings shall have a necessary safeguards around -afi Bequests L^aye Lambs,".- conducted by ;Hehry M. those working under contract, is to Albeita at o, VIA Men's Night -.meeting in the church Sunday Boardman and accompanied by der authority of section 2.03 of the clearance of 7 feet from the side- plumbing operations in the Town- Historical Society Name* hoM appointment under one of the Code, the management of parks walk when down. C thr Jtmior and". CKildren night. ' . , • - Mrs. George F. Rothweiler, organ- rhip. Any such work."requires a «rf the Cranford Slated This Saturday established ratings. Employees and shade trees has now been in- Section 7122 prevents the con- New Tax Rate Is "-. E. G. Hilyard, reporting for the ist. Tribute to,the choir was paid written application and' permit, are also to be classified as perman- cluded as a public w.orks"operak - struction of cellar openings within end due inspection and approval. tkeJnusk room of the| Curtis G. Culin Treasurer T-The Village Improvement As- pastoral relations committee jn by Mrs. Lueien Duggan, und Mrs. ent, probationary, or temporary. school Monday evening. Mr. ] ledln ;ociatiOn will hold its annual in- place of Harlon W. Drew, who was F. Herbert Hoick, choir member, tion. a sidewalk or-highway line except No tampering with any trunk or CO1NCAKDS Cuttis G. Culin of 205 Holly Aid Dimes Except under the Labor classifica- by authority,, and requires that any with c scendant of the Cory family, was brmal men's night Saturday' at •fll." addressed 'the request to Dr.gave the response. • " lateral server is permitted. No per- street was elected treasurer of the presented by, William F. Hoffman tion, all permanent and proba- PUBLJC WAYS AND PLACES such opening be made safe to theson' shall place any substance in. IMMEDIATELY ! 8:30 in the Casino. Entertainment at ^5.30 E. F. Hallock, who presided; *'If we arc to have a World of Robert Halsey. who arran Cranford Historical Society at theand read by the secretary. The tionary appointments and separa- Chapter 7, under the above title, public./ '..'.' . '„•'any sanitary or storm sewer, or ant Fight will feature vocal numbers and Dr. HaUock- is superintendent peace and justice the Church must tions must be made by resolution is one of the most important of the introduced the quarterly- meeting Friday night of house was used to quarter and aign dances from the 1920's by mem- Of the Newark District of' the Section 7.23 prohibits the con-catch basin, which may^interfere ] expand its horizons and strength- of the Township" Committee. Em- Code. Section 7.01 prohibits the BaW fhwieler. pr the Board of Trustees in the home hide soldiers of the Continental -of-'the-Junior. Women's Club. I Ea.. ;i: > . i • Newark Anhunl Conference of the en its forces,"••.> said Dr. Hallock, struction of cuiverts . or bridges with, free passage therein. No acids, the senior chapter presided. of Austin Dohrman, 149, Linden Army during the Revolution and m a i n 11-1'oiiit Jiiinp Caused ployees' in. the*, Labor ratings and littering of public ways, parks' arid across gutters without written per- gasoline, naptha, or exhausts from Teachers Hear Talk Other highlights will be dancing, ^ " , Methodist Church) which is held who closed the meeting with, a temporary, employees may be ap- places. Section 7.02 prohibits dam- AndHiom for the sixth lintiffs WAld p place, He succeeds the late Walter was one of the stations in the un- shuffleboard and a card.party. RuhUrV Crusade By Wage Boosts for mit, and provides for the destruc- engines shall be permitted to flow By Weatfield S«r£eoa T. Hay. To Receive Free in May. ' ' silent prayer and Bencdictiop. ' . pointed and rated by heads of de- age to curbs and sidewalks by the edition of the -"Sadie and _ derground railroad for fugitive Roy S. Martin, Roy Tipton and tion of any such which' is unauth- into any sanitary or storm sewer; [finance Reconing ^ Charles ^chillingcr ^and ! An " ,, H>J(Jlr i ;i Fami,y Town, School Help partments and office, after approv- passage of vehicles. Section 7.03 Dr. Edward G. Boames> arttw- Faffies** on March 16 and 17 ( Elected as new members were slaves dufing- the- war between the Movie Tickets lor Charles Wallace were elected orized. , and no industrial waste except by states. ...... Mrs. Elmer A. Koyen are chair-1-,,y Crusadto was ,^adc at. M thc. al of the cognizant Committeernah; makes it illegal to modify, rerriove, pedic surgeon at Bahway today. The audition-proda Mrs. E. C. Rouvert, the Rev. Rob- Cranford's tax rateT'for 1951 is . trustees for three-year terms,., re- Driver Freed in $500 By section 7.24, it is the duty of consent of the Township. The lat- net for Wilson Co. Raising $250 in Drive men of arrangemente. Committee\ ^ Sunday in, Si. Michael's provided budget - funds - are avail- or deface any public installation or rial Hospital addressed the committee includes Alex ! ert G. Longaker, Charles Messerve, Etienne O'Brien reported that a chairmen Include itlrs. P. B. AlRcr. estimated at S5.30 per ' S100 of placing R. J. Hawes, H. G. Hill owners or tenants to cut any. weeds ter's employees are authorized to chairman; Bruce Ihle, ivil action hbs been filed in 'Aichard McFaddcn and T. Eugene Seventy-eight local youngsters Church. Thc Rev. William Don- Bail Alter Accident able to pay them. construct an,y public appurtenance enter any building or premises con- ford public school teachei* on the i,,r Court by Walter- C. letter of, sympathy had been sent miscellaneous; Mrs. W. J. Fredrick nelly, pastor, and his assistant's d valuation, an increase of and Kerintth Lofgren, rctiringj between their property and the subject of fractures at one of the n. Ton .Doyle, Charla] Snyder. Their- applications were to Mrs. Walter T. Hay. • who have raised $250 for the local and Mrs. L. J.- Meyers, card party; VI points over the 1950 rate. This Mr. Drew was elected lay lead- Richard L. McHale, 32 years old, Other sections of the Chapter without the consent of the Town- curb line and to trim any trees nected with any public sewer to iman of-42 Cranford terrace ^presented by, Ray Clement, mem- March of Dimes drive by collect- the Rev. Joseph Donnelly and The «.f 32 Park, terrace, was released in ship Committee. ••-',.. • recent first aid. lewiew in^ia^r^ Frank Weidknecht, ,thcrs against the Township Wesley A. .Stanger acted as sec- Mrs. D. N. Brown and Mrs. Peter Rev. "Mark Doolcy, :iskcd each was announced .yesterday by Fi- ' _ «r and lay 'delegate to the New- cover the- hours of work, fixing of overhanging .
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