Wednesday, November T, 196! THE PRESS Part D Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobile* for sale) 200 Automobile)* for * 200 Automobile* f«r til* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 | Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for sale 200 DAHM PLYMOUTH CENTER 1107 PACIFIC COAST HWY. HERMOSA BEACH RAMBLER Used Car Clearance Sale 'Select' '60 Ford Wagon... ...$1895 V-l, passenger, cruliematlc, power steerlnt, radio, heater, white New Car Trades sidewalls and other extra*. New car trade-in. $172.80 Down, as Low as. ...... .$55.30 PER MONTH (On Approved Credit) Priced to Sell Now! '57 Chevrolet CHEVROLET '61 Chevrolet Bel Air ?-Door Hardtop. V-l, power steering, power brakes, auto­ matic, radio, heater and white sldewalls. Excellent condition. 1/2 Ton Pickup $177 Down, « Low as ........ $41.17 PER MONTH '1595 (On Approved Credit) 8 ft. bed, lots of extras. 59 Plymouth..........$1395 VEL'S FORD Like new throughout. Belvedere 2-Door Sedan. V-l, automatic, radio, heater and white sidewalls. CUTTING PRICES $195 Down, as Low as......... .$41.35 PER MONTH Guaranteed '61 Metro (On Approved Credit) AT SPECIAL GIGANTIC STOCK LIQUIDATION '55 Ford '1345 2 Door Hardtop V-l, automatic, radio, heater and white sidewall*. CRAZY LOW PRICES Hardtop. Radio, heater, New car trade-in. whitewalls. Continental kit. $9f Down, es Lew As.......... $32.01 PER MONTH (On Approved Credit) BE FIRST ON THESE Immaculate car. WOW! WHAT , '57 Dodge '53 Ford...............$249 BUY NOW RIDICULOUSLY Convertible. Automatic, radio, heater and white sidewall*. Good top. SAVE $ $ LOW PRICES! $49 Down, as Lew as. ........ .$11.22 PER MONTH '795 (On Approved Credit) '61 CHEV. BEL AIR '60 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR Lancer 4 door. Radio, heat­ SEDAN SEDAN er, automatic, whitewalls. '53 Ford V-8 2-DOOR $2273 CUSTOM '1991 BUY NOW AND SAVE Very sharp family car. 4 Door Sedan. Automatic, radio and heater. 6 cylinder, powerglide, radio, healer, whitewall tires. V-8 4 door. Power steering and brakes, automatic $49 Down, as Lew as......... .$11.22 PER MONTH Out it goes! drive, radio, heater, whitewalls. Luxury and economy. HIWAY 101 AND HAWTHORNE (On Approved Credit) BLVD. LOT '59 Ford '60 COMET DELUXE '60 CHEV. V-8 IMPALA '55 Chevrolet 2-DOOR SEDAN SPORT COUPE »2379 '57 FORD FAIRLANE "500" Ranchero 4 Door Sedan. < cylinder stick. Heater, other extra*, Nice car. Radio, heater, standard transmission, whitewalls. Power steering, automatic drive, radio, heater, white- Town Sedan. Black and white Intone, v-S, Fordomatic, powar steer­ $99 Down, as Low as............. .$29 PER MONTH Here's plenty of zip and economy. walls. Turquoise finish, matching interior. ing, puih button radio, Maglcalre heater, padded dash/visors, white (On Approved Credit) walit. Was Si2»*. '1395 '60 CORVAIR "700" '59 CHEV. V-8 IMPALA Save $500 Now Only $799 Red and white finish, new PLYMOUTH CENTER DAHM DELUXE COUPE '1689 4 DOOR HARDTOP '1881 whitewall tires. Real sharp 1107 PACIFIC COAST HWY. HERMOSA BEACH Radio, heater, standard transmission, whitewalls. Fire Power steering, automatic drive, radio, healer and 2-DOOR COUPE and ready to go. PR 6-3466 SP 2-2936 whitewalls. Sharp inside and out. '56 MERCURY engine red finish. A beauty. Arctic white, standard transmission, radio, heater, white walls. WIs $W. '59 CHEV. 4-DOOR '58 DODGE CORONET Ideal transportation. 59 Plymouth $982 Save $400 Now Only .__.__.. $599 ROAD'S STATION WAGON 1828 2-DOOR SEDAN '995 V-8, automatic drive, radio, heater, power steering, V-8, automatic drive, radio, heater, whitewalls. Solid rn rrr whitewalls. Beautiful throughout. white finish. Hurry! '59 HILLMAN CONVERTIBLE 2 doer sexjart. Radio, heat> '57 CHEVROLET '56 CHEV. V-8 BEL AIR Rangoon red. Sharp. 4 speed transmission, radio, heater. Ixtra nice r, whitewalls. Beautiful ROAD READY '993 mechanically. Was SI 3ft. arctic white finish. CONVERTIBLE '1266 4-DOOR SEDAN Save $400 Now Only $999 Power steering, automatic drive, radio, heater, white- Automatic, radio, heater, whitewalls. Unbelieveably Many Many More USED CARS walls. Solid black, white top. Sharpest in town. sharp throughout. Rtody to Drive Ready to Save '55 FORD V-8 4-DOOR '51 FORD 1/2 TON '58 RENAULT DAUPHINE '538 '297 4 Door Sedan. Asure blue, radio, fully factory equipment. Was You Monty Every Day STATION WAGON ..J......... PICKUP TRUCK $10t». HUNT Fordomatic, radio, heater. Handles well. See this one V-8, standard transmission. Plenty of miles left in Save $400 Full Price $699 '60 DODGE V-8 CLUB COUPE $1898 today. this one. Standard transmission, radia and heater. Economy and beauty. RAMBLER SCORES MORE TO CHOOSE FROM . COME IN TODAY '55 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR COUPE Used Car Location '59 FORD V-8 4-DR. STA. WAG. $1698 Polar white. Excellent family transportation value. Standard trans­ Radle, heater, stick wltti overdrive. Powder puff flnlth. mission, radio. Was $|ff. 503 Save $400 Reduced to ........... $499 '58 PLYMOUTH V-8 4-POOR $898 PAUL'S CHEVROLET Automatic, radie and heater. Real sharp. W. Anaheim DOWNTOWN TORRANCE LOCATION Wilmington '56 FORD SUNLINER CONVERTIBLE '58 DODGE V-8 '/2-TON PICKUP $998 Tuton blue end white with white top Fordomalic, power steering, Real clean. A money taver. 1640 Cabrillo Ave. FA 8-1647 TE 5-6649 push button radio, Manicaire heatar, white walls. Was $12*?. Many More to Choose From Open Saturday, Sunday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Save $500 Now Only $799 Another Paul's Used Car Location at 20725 Hawthorne Blvd. PRM284 TOM ROADY - DODGE 1420 CABRILLO AVE. LOT 'The Big Dodge Center" New LOWER PRICES on RAMBLER for '62 '59 CHEVROLET BROOKWOOD Station Wagon. V-l, powerglide, power steering, radio, white walls. 16611 South Vermont Gardena AT HUNT RAMBLER, WILMINGTON Corinthian whit*. Was $20tt. "Scrvinf Garden*, Torrance, Lemita and Lawndale" Save $500—Now Only $1599 DA 3-9911 FA 1-5511 '60 FORD V-8 '60 FALCON TUDOR SEDAN Starllnar Hardtop. Stick wINi equipment. Radio, heater. Was JlWt. (Atse overdrive/ radio and heater. Tiir* Green. Full factory quolM flnlih. Priced at only blue and white models available.) $1995 Save $600 Full Price .............. $1299 Dolman Pontiac PUBLIC 7M So. La Broa IneJewood '61 FORD FAIRLANE 2-DR. SEDAN Oft 4-77«» (Open Sunday) OR B-4ao» Pordomatic, push button radio, heater, white walls. Chesapeake ' 1 LANCER 770 4-DOOR blue. Ridiculously priced) Excellent car. Oiw owner. Was MStt. Silts Brand new. NOTICE Save $500 Full Price EARLE '58 CHEVROLET $1899 Station wagon. Pull power, auto­ matic, radio and heater. Beautiful toM flnlsn. Priced to *ell at only '60 FORD STARLINER 2-DR. HDTP. Chrysler Corporation re­ Automatic transmission, power steering, push button radio, heater, $1495 white walls. (Available in black or green with white top) Was »2S»». IKEDODOE, INC. duce* price*. Oahm Ply­ Wi I. La ( Inolewaed Dolman Pontiac Save $600 Now Only $1999 OR 1-7717 mouth Canter/ direct fee- 7oi So. La Brea ln«lewoad 'at PIONEER J-DR H DTP. Mm lory outlet, offer* ta the OR 4-77»» (Open Sunday) OR |.4«lt EARLE eneral public Wl Ply­ WE HAVE THEM mouth for tmi. Thlt la '61 CHEVROLET '59 FORD GALAXIE SUNLINER Corvalr Rampslde pickup. Ra­ All models, including the fabulous '400' Yes, we have them for immediate delivery Convertible. Automatic transmission, power steering, push button special factery promotion. dio and hooter. Now car guar­ radio, Maglcaire heater, white walls, tutone blue and white with The above uric* Include* antee. tlfS down and your food white top. Was »JOt». credit. many factory extra*. 4"*i% Save $400 Full Price $1699 IKEDODOK, INC. DRIVE 3 MILES-SAVE $300 1171 S. La Brea lntlaw««d financing available/ al*o M $1995 OR *-77l7 month bank term*. Contact Cl*ane*t Car* Anywhere REGISTER NOW FOR A FREE 1962 RAMBLER '«» V» Ten Camper Pickup S17fS See for Yourself '.7 LANCIR GT HOI*. MI anf., either Jack Kern or Jack '60 THUNDERBIRD HARDTOP . af., .M., P.S., C.C. vant SMli HOVKY DALLAS (14) 1961 RAMBLERS MUST GO NOW AT FABULOUS SAVINGS Crulsomatic, fuJI nower, console tadio, Maaicaire heAter, padded '41 DART ?-dr. RftH ...... MOM Waenum, direct factory out- CHEVROLET dash/visors, backup lights, electric clock, fender shields, side view '41 OART 440 7 Dr. full pwr. S2MI for 11400 S. Western Avo. mirror, whitewalls. (Available >n black or white.) Mas 13m. It* factory monaoert. DA J-OJOI (Oardana) PA 1-W04 EARLE moclal factory price* call Save $600 Now Only $3199 PR «-M4* or SP I-19M, or step by Dahm Plymouth Confer, 1107 Pacific Coatt HUNT RAMBLER NO MONEY DOWN IKE Hlotiway, HormoM Beech. 402 West Anaheim, Wilmington Phone TE 5-6646 on approved credit DODOK, INC. 1171 S. La Braa Inotoweod OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS OR «-77tr ASSUME payments on Chevrolet '57, e passenger Station Wagon. '58 T-BIRD V-l, automatic, radio, heater. Like Hardtop. Automatic, power naw. Take over for $24 and $47 feerlne, power brake*, powar per month. DA 7-1747. windows, radio, heater, beau- '5» CHEVROLET V4 '» ton pick tlful whlto. UP. Like new throughout. Take '59 FORD over balance. No down. Take UP Convertible. Pull power with auto- to 30 months to pay. Call Fi mafic, radio, heater and white $2199 nance Manaoer at National Auto With Cradlt Liquidators, FR 24407. 8 Idewells. New top. Breathtaklno alack beauty. Cleanest Car* Anvwhoro Saa for Youriolf '51 RAMBLER Cross Country. Just PRIVATE Party wanted to take Ilka new. Take over balance. No over payment* on Pontlec '55 HOVIY-DALLAS Down. Take UP to 24 months to 4 door with radio and heater, etc. $1895 CHBVROLET pay. Call Finance Manaoer at 15*00 S. Western Avo. National Auto Liquidators. FR Ford Excellent condition. Take over '57 CHEVROLET for (17 and $3? per month.
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