__ Not the • • • a Ale KV _t 4 5 A 0U (7 41s10 Spoke'n Word 44 Volume 12 No 4 L NEWSLETTER Jan — Feb 2011 C MINUTESI OF MEETING 17 Events MeetingT ° opened 7.40pm. > 27th February 2011 Rockingham ride. Meet at 14 Present - 11 members. " JANUARY Cygnus Street, Rockingham @ 9:30am. NOTE Apologies2011 - Dave Clark. bring you own meat. Minutes from the November meeting - Read and > 20 accepted. Moved Mal Bell, seconded Alan Hind. >th 21s Matters Arising >tM 27 The address for Mal and Myrene Bell is 5 Mulberry >thMaar 17 Court, Maida Vale. >thMarcch 18 Treasurer's Report — >thAprch 22 May — Bibra Lake Ride — Harold and Judy Balance B/F $4,174.97 Aprilh—R Perry organisers Income 100.83 >ril—Gi 20 Expenses d 19.00 >th—Auie 26 June Speed Dome Display Balance $4,256.80 ShowJuGlldne and Tell Treasurer's Report neeC accepted. Moved Judy Perry, Phileaf Harris showed an interesting model car bought seconded Mal Bell —norl recently.n Several bits and pieces were sold among ala The expense of $19.00 was queried. This was for a members.Ae'sr Peter Wells suggested an auction of s bottle of wine for Mal and Myrene Bell in surplusGrCdM bikes in the near future. MiFes recognition of their help in hosting the Christmas Meetinga closed 8:50pm. function. ltaei c Correspondence In COMINGMyit EVENTS RriC > COMVAS (Public Liability Insurance) advised that >e Sunday 20 eiDna the new President is Morris Park of the Top th CAR SHOW, Whiteman Park. tdagr Loader Club. Address is 78 Rosher Road, MarchCars and trailers MUST be ieyS Lockridge WA 6054. Mob: 0421 871 600. - out of the display area before 9:00am. Gates nTh > National Machinery Rally to be held at Fairbridge CLA gBo open 7:00am. There is plenty of shade at our site Village, Pinjarra 2 SSI Aw so come along for a great day and display your > Bridgetownhd 4 Heritage Day 26 C pride and joy. ENTRY FREE. th th BellMarch will be going, may be supported by Bob > Sunday 27 2011.Septe Barrow. This clashes with the Guildford Festival th Stirling Square, Guildford. Be there and set up by Mattomber which we are committed. March9:00am at our usual Gazebo site (you can't miss General201 Business - it). We do several demo rides in the park, so if 1. > A Committee Meeting was held 29 GUIyou have period clothing please feel free to bring th FourNovember. people attended and discussed future LDFalong and use it. This is always a great day with plans. ORD VO litve ater plenty to entertain all ages. Trailers and vehicles It was proposed by Peter Wells that S200.00 be FA - will be parked in the railway parking area in donated to the Queensland Premiers Disaster IR ans. Victoria Street. I suggest that a shuttle vehicle be DI Relief Fund,t4 seconded Alan Hind and carried organised to bring drivers back as it is a fair step unanimously. SP twr from the display area. ENTRY FREE. LA iv• Y, NEXT MEETINGS:ic Monday 21 Articles for Newsletter: st FebruaryMonday 21 The Editor, Peter Wells 9459 1750 Committee7:30pm - President:st Men/ Thompson 9450 2579 25 Constantine Way, Thornlie 6108 Vice MarcPresident: Dave Clark 9255 1373 Historian: Ken Ward 93643601 Treasurer:h Harold Perry 9364 7253 Librarian: Harold Perry 9364 7253 11 Brentwood7:3 Ave, Brentwood 6153 Committee Members: Judy Perry, Tony Hall Secretary:0pm Tony Hall 9446 5738 27 Brentwood Ave, Woodlands 6018 2010 BUS TRIP TO CUNDERDIN EXPENSES part after a very pleasant evening and for once the Hertz hire of bus $745.95 roads were not filled with impatient motorists. Less refund 470.01 $275.95 LOST STOLEN STRAYED Fuel cost 74.00 A small esky is waiting for someone to rescue it Total Cost $349.94 from the Bell residence, 5 Mul!berry Court, Members contributions 380.00 Forrestfield. Ph: 9359 3335. Return to Club 30.06 HE PERRY - Hon Treasurer Hopefully before next Christmas. It's getting That must make our very pleasant trip the best homesick. value ever. Thanks to all who helped make it such a success. PW TOMATO LAKE RIDE A good turnout for the first ride of 2011 was A FUNNY PHONE CALL blessed with reasonably pleasant weather after the I get a number of phone calls looking for hot and sticky period since Christmas and no one information about bikes and the club, but recently a got lost finding theVinue. It was a small wheels ride young lady phoned me seeking the hire of an early and the variety of bikes was truly amazing with only tandem to use at her wedding. No, she didn't want a couple of normal sized machines to be seen. to use it for the honeymoon, a car would be used for that, The venue is very different now to the time when I, the loving couple wanted to as a ten year old schoolboy, explored the area have photographs taken having ridden with mates from near the Causeway. with the bike. Wonder if Then it was just a swamp with lots of birds and they were wearing lycra? native animal life and no housing within coo-ee of it. Now it is a very popular spot for all ages, as well GRANDE FINALE FOR 2010 as a dog's delight. Members and friends were soon Once again our Christmas Party at the beautiful Bell on their way on the good paths in the area, residence saw a great turnout of members and their although Douglas had trouble with the gears and families and friends on a perfect evening, warm had to proceed in bottom gear all the way. There's enough for no need for coats or headgear. And this a lot to be said for Sturmey Archer hub gears, they year Mal had arranged the parking so that it was don't give trouble if adjusted properly. The prolific easy to get home without disturbing those wishing birdlife (and I mean the feather type) was only to lingalonga. matched by the number of dogs of all shapes and sizes. Thankfully they were all on leads, although This time the Bell offspring and their offspring some of the little ones were not particularly turned up in good numbers, the pool filled with friendly. many happy people, young and not so young alike. It was also good to catch up with some of our After several laps of the area, a morning tea break country members from way back when the Club was called, some taking advantage of the coffee was first started. As the cooking gear warmed up, shop, others settling for home cooking and a variety the aromas of meats and even veggies filled the air of drinks. Your Scribe had to depart early, but it and the would-be Master Chefs did their best to was a pleasant way to start the New Year. ruin perfectly good food. Surprisingly few alcoholic drinks were in evidence; perhaps the drink driving Those taking part were — Andrew Blackmore message is getting though, although our crowd have (Moulton Folder) his grandchildren Drummond and always been sensible in this regard. Catherine, Mery Thompson (Moulton), Dawn - Thompson (Peugeot Folder), Tony Hall (Bickerton), By 9:30pm the cooking had been finished, most of Alan Hind (Flying Scot), Enid Nicholson (Ricardo), the ample salads, sweets and Christmas cake had Harold Perry (Phoenix), Judy been polished off, and it was time for some photos Perry (Shank's Pony), Alan on the BIG screen of some of the wonderful bike Naber (Recumbent), Miriam collections in Victoria and a couple of our recent (Birdie), Douglas Hughes events including the Bus Tour and the Toure de (Giant), Peter Wells Ruste. President Mery thanked our hosts, the (Peugeot Folder). cleaning up had been done, so it was time for all to :z_10 t OPEN LETTER TO TITh - ' CYCLE CLUB Dears sirs I read in the Jan Feb newsletter that the details of the Rockingham ride have been changed. The club requests that members prepare events so Mat the work load is shared. Then they change the details of what was prepared all vamorr consulting the person who prepared them. If the club wants rides in a particular format then they should prepare them not ask someone to do it and then change the details without any contlettion.. I was told in December that the committee had decided that only drink, salad and bread were to be provided and at that time 1 said that Logistic!,ineant that there were going to be problems as the previous news letter stated that meat would he rr Then after the Jan uary meeting I read in the lie \I rit..wsleter that the time had been changed to an earlier time. For all you know I iah .“;1. be :tahk2 at the earher time due to things like Church service or sleep. - - ..F4k will be in on Sunday the 2.7 Feb and will i•rovide ifl'“) lacilities for you all as I would not let anyone M down even after I have been so beldi treato.l. t h i will not be renewing i membership at the elid of' this financial year as I do not need this sort of e aggrevation. r Malcolm Buckland e f 14 Cy'otts Street Rods:it o 95- r -wham e '7 m• Moulton Bicycle Club Member and West 94 a. Moulton bikes and parts wanted for rescue and ;•,kcaidliol. pro\ ided 27 k.A..Hwihdr• Ntoultr.n1 resource.
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