Cambridge University Press 0521239532 - Berlioz’s Orchestration Treatise: A Translation and Commentary - Hugh Macdonald Index More information General index Abbey, John, 160–1 Bartenstein, Hans, xxv, 76 acord´eon,293, 305 baryton, 45 Adam, Adolphe, 14, 274 Barzun, Jacques, 87, 208 Le chalet, 196 bass See voices Si j’ etais´ roi, 276 bass clarinet, xxx, 5, 6, 55, 130, 132–3, 135, Addison & Beale, xxi 297–8, 329 Aeolian harp, 80, 127 bass drum, 5, 196, 225, 265, 273, 280–3, 285, a´eolodicon, xxvii, 293 295, 320, 330–1, 362 Aguardo, Dionysio, 88 bass trombone See trombone Alexandre, Edouard, xxii, xxiii, 159, 296, 311–16 basse-contre, 248 Alexandre, Jacob, 313–14 basse-taille, 248 Alizard, Louis, 258 basset horn, 5, 55, 103, 117, 124, 133–4 alto clarinet, 131, 133 bassoon, 5, 55, 98, 112–15, 131, 141, 329 alto flute, 152 Bate, Philip, 192 alto trombone, See trombone Batiste, Edouard, 159 an´emocorde,293 Batta, Alexandre, 54 Angers, Martin d’, 163 Baumann, 115 Anglois, Luigi, 63 Beauman, 115 antiphonel-harmonium, 314 Beauvais, 160–1 antique cymbals, 5, 6, 99, 265, 278–9, 330, 331 Beethoven, Ludwig van, xii, xviii, xxi, xxv, xxvii, antique flutes, 146 xxx, xxxiii–xxxiv, 63, 96, 104, 110–11, 117, anvil, 294 148, 169, 176, 180, 190, 220, 225–6, 272–3, Arban, J.-B., 131, 199, 206–7, 304 281, 321, 337, 343 Grande methode´ compl`ete pour cornet a` pistons, 207 Fidelio, 61, 106–8, 220, 223, 256 Atlas, Allan W., 310 Leonora no. 3, 141 Auber, D.-F.-E. Piano Concerto no. 5, 93–4 Le dieu et la bayad`ere, 149 Symphony no. 3, 106, 169 Le mac¸on, 294 Symphony no. 4, 26, 106, 270 La muette de Portici, 267 Symphony no. 5, 27–8, 31, 41, 114, 270, 316 Symphony no. 6, 60, 106, 146, 220, 346 Bach, J. S. Symphony no. 7, 128–9, 169, 189 St John Passion,89 Symphony no. 8, 266 St Matthew Passion,89 Symphony no. 9, 106, 169, 266 Baden-Baden, 192, 292, 313 Trio op. 87, 111 bagpipe, 89 bell-lyra, 276 Baillot, P.-M., 7, 18–20, 28 bell-tree, 276 L’art du violon, 7, 20, 23, 24 Bellini, Vincenzo Baines, Anthony, 192, 216, 219, 228 I puritani, 256 Balakirev, Mili, xiv Bellon, 301 Balzac, Honor´ede, 277 bells, 5, 95, 99, 274–5, 330–1 bandura, 95 Benedict, Julius, 310 baritone, See voices Benoist, Fran¸cois,159 Barnett, Morris, 301 Benvenga, Nancy, 267, 270 Barret, 108 B´eriot, Charles de, 7 377 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521239532 - Berlioz’s Orchestration Treatise: A Translation and Commentary - Hugh Macdonald Index More information 378 General index Berlin, 89, 183, 191, 196, 204, 207, Caussinus, 233–7 213, 224, 239–40, 285, 326 Methode´ compl`ete d’ophicle´¨ıde, 233, 235 Berlioz, Dr Louis, 97, 145 Solf`ege-methode´ pour ophicle´¨ıde-basse, 237 Berlioz, Jules, 161 Cavaill´e-Coll,Aristide, 159, 161 Berlioz, Victor, 161 cello, 5, 45–54, 98, 131, 140, 258–9, 320, 329–30 Berr, F., 237 harmonics, 47–8 Berton, H.-M., xxvii pizzicato, 52–3 Bevan, Clifford, 235 chalumeau, 118 Birmingham, 323 Cham, 356 Bizet, Georges, xiv, 272 chapeau chinois, 292 L’arlesienne´ , 294, 301 Charles X, 137 Blades, James, 267, 270 Charlton, David, xxvi, 274, 294 Blangini, Felice Charpentier, Gustave, 45 Souvenirs,6 Ch´elard,J.-B. Bloom, Peter, xix, xxxiii, xxxiv, 87 Macbeth, 191 Boehm, Theobald, 102, 113, 135, 137–8, Ch´eni´e,58 140 Chenley, Brian, 292 Boieldieu, F.-A., xxviii Cherubini, Luigi, xviii, xxvii, 111, 248 Le calife de Bagdad,20 Les abencerages´ ,87 La dame blanche,76 Requiem, 134 bombardon, 5, 6, 98, 101, 183, 230, 238–40 Chopin, Fr´ed´eric,xvi, 97 Bone, Philip, 86 Piano Concertos, 220 Bonn, 63 Choron, Alexandre Bordeaux, 116 Traiteg´ en´ eral´ des voix et des instruments Bottesini, Giovanni, 63, 356 d’orchestre, xxv, xxvi, 58, 124, 253 Brandus, Gemmy, 279 clarinet, 5, 55, 98, 117–31, 133–6, 140–1, 143–4, Brennus, 364 149, 297–8, 300, 329, 331, 362 Brod, Henri, 108, 111, 269 mutes, 127–8 Brown, Clive, 19 clarion, 229–31 Bruce, James, 77 Clarke, Mary C., xiv, xxi, xxiii, xxxvi, 159 Bruckner, Anton, 46 Claudius, Mlle, 79 Brunot, 138 Closson, Ernest, xxv Brunswick, 111, 240 Coche, Victor, xxix, 138 Brussels, 87, 100, 353–6 Collinet, 157 buccin, 227–8 concertina, xxx, xxxi, 5, 6, 305–11 buccina, 228, 305 contrabassoon, 5, 98, 103, 116–17 Buffet, L.-A., 135 contralto See voices bugle, xxx, 5, 6, 229–31 cor anglais, 5, 79, 98, 108–12, 118, 140, 143, keyed bugle, 231–2, 234 260–2, 329, 331 piston or cylinder bugle, 232, 298, cornet, xix, xxi, xxix, 5, 98, 101, 103, 190–2, 303–4 193–208, 237, 329, 331 Burney, Charles simple cornet, 101, 195, 207–8 A General History of Music,77 cornetto, 208–9 Busoni, Ferruccio, xiv Cossmann, Bernhard 54 Busser, Henri, xxix countertenor, 253 Busset, F.-C., 275 Couperin, Fran¸cois,162 crotales, 279 Cairns, David, xxxvi, 176, 199, 208 cymbals, 5, 147–8, 226, 265, 273, 280–2, 283–5, Callinet, Louis, 160–1 295, 330–1, 362 Candeille, P.-J. La patrie reconnaissante, 274 Dalayrac, Nicolas Carcassi, Matteo, 88 Une heure de mariage,21 Carse, Adam, xxv, 364 Dallman, Paul J., 88 Carulli, Ferdinando, 88 Danjou, 160 Divertissements,86 Darmstadt, xxvii, 45, 63 castanets, 278, 294 Daublaine, 160–1 Castil-Blaze, F.-H.-J., 253 Dauprat, L.-F., 184–5 castrati, 5, 246, 253–4 Dauvern´e,F.-G.-A., 192 Catel, C.-S., 111 Methode´ de trompette, 192 Catrufo, Joseph Methode´ compl`ete de trompette a` cylindres, 192 Des voix et des instrumens, xxvi Methode´ pour la trompette, 192 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521239532 - Berlioz’s Orchestration Treatise: A Translation and Commentary - Hugh Macdonald Index More information General index 379 Dauvern´ejeune, 192 Franklin, Benjamin, 278 Debain, Alexandre, 312, 314 Fribourg, 161 Debussy, Claude, xiv Friedrich-Wilhelm IV, xix, xxi, 239 d´ecacorde, xxvii Fr¨ohlich,185 Delius, Frederick, xiv Front, Theodore, xiv, xxv Desmarest, Ernest, 54 dessus, 248 Galkin, Elliott W., 364 Devienne, Fran¸cois Gallay, xvi Methode´ de flute theorique´ et pratique, 145 Ganz, A. W., xvi 279 Dieppo, A.-G., xxix, 227–8 Ganz, William, 279 Methode´ compl`ete pour le trombone, 227 Gaßner, Ferdinand Dietsch, P.-L.-P., 225 Dirigent und Ripienist, xxviii Dietz, 314 Partiturkenntnis, xxvii–xxviii Distin, 303 Gevaert, F.-A., xiv Domnich, 185 Nouveau traite´ d’instrumentation, xxviii Donizetti, Gaetano, xix Traiteg´ en´ eral´ d’instrumentation, xxviii Dorant, 86 Glinka, Mikhail D¨orffel, Alfred, xxv Ruslan i Lyudmila,95 Dorus, Louis, 138 glockenspiel, 5, 6, 99, 265, 276–7 Dotzauer, Friedrich, 54 Gluck, Christoph Willibald, xiii, xviii, xxi, xxv, double bass, 5, 27, 48–9, 54–63, 98, 110, 329–30, xxvii, xxx, xxxiv, 17, 104, 130, 148, 176, 190, 361 225–6, 261, 281, Dover Publications, xxv Alceste, 16, 25–6, 104, 106, 111, 118, 128–9, Dragonetti, Domenico, 63 143–4, 176–7, 212–13, 221–4, 356 Dresden, 54, 78, 100, 183, 196, 227, 240, 244, 285 Armide, 13, 17, 104, 106, 255 Drouet, Louis, 138, 145 Iphigenie´ en Aulide, 37, 40, 104–5, 107, 224, 281 Ducroquet, M., 161 Iphigenie´ en Tauride, 36–7, 40, 57, 104–5, 144, Dufresne, A., 195, 206 146–8, 189, 221, 226, 249–50, 262–4, 283–4, dulcimer, 97 289–91, 339 Duparc, Henri Orphee´ , 59–60, 111, 140–1, 208–9, 309–10 La vague et la cloche,95 Telemaco, 111 Duprez, Gilbert, 256–7 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Duvernoy, F.-N., 185 Werther,5 Dvoˇr´ak, Antonin, 46 Gordon, William, 137–8 Gossec, F.-J. electric metronome, 353–6, 358 Marche lugubre, 286 Elgar, Edward, xiv Gounod, Charles Erard, Pierre, 79, 97, 159, 160, 162–3 Philemon´ et Baucis,95 Erard, S´ebastien,67, 78–9 Sapho,79 Ernst, H. W., 13, 36 Gr´etry, A.-E.-M., 14, 40, 179 Esterhazy, Prince, 45 L’amant jaloux,89 Cecile´ et Ermance´, 274 Fauquet, Jo¨el-Marie,318 Richard cœur-de-lion,14 Ferrand, Humbert, xxxvi, 277 Le rival confident,87 F´etis, F.-J., 4 Grobert, 86 Manuel des compositeurs, xxvi, xxvii Gr¨unbaum, J. C., xxi Fiske, Roger, 79 Gueymard, Louis, 257 flageolet, 6, 145, 157, 196, 320 Guhr,C.W.F. Florence, 275 Ueber Paganinis Kunst, die Violine zu spielen, flugelhorn, 232 23–4 flute, 5, 98–100, 104, 109, 113, 131, 137–46, 149, Guichard, 238 216, 275, 329, 331, 361 Guillou, Joseph, 144 flˆute d’amour, 151–2 Guiraud, Ernest flˆute tierce, 99, 149–51, 329 Traite´ pratique d’instrumentation, xxviii–xxix Forestier, 206 guitar, xxix, 5, 80–9, 98, 294 Methode´ pour le cornet a` pistons, 207 harmonics, 85 Forsyth, Cecil, xxviii, 217 gusli, xxvii, 95 Franchomme, Auguste, xvi, 54 gussel, xxvii Francœur, L.-J., xxvi Diapason gen´ eral´ , xxv Habeneck, Fran¸cois,16, 19, 338 Frankfurt, 78 Haeckl, 314 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521239532 - Berlioz’s Orchestration Treatise: A Translation and Commentary - Hugh Macdonald Index More information 380 General index Hainl, George, 54, 79 Jacob, Gordon, 217 Haitzinger, Anton, 256–7 Jacquard, L´eon,54 Halary (Ast´e,J.-H.), 234 Jacquotot, J.-J., 157 Hal´evy, Fromental, 296, 312 Jan´aˇcek, Leoˇs,45 Le juif errant, 304–5 Jancourt, Eug`ene,116 La juive, 109, 116, 157, 196, 260–1, Janin, Jules, 285 294 jeu de timbres, 5, 6, 99, 276, 330–1 Halliday, Joseph, 231 jingling Johnny, 292 Hamburg, 285 Joachim, Joseph, 36, 253 Hamel, 160 Handel, George Frideric, 157, 276 Kalmus, Edwin F., xxv Hanslick, Edouard, 63 Karlsruhe, xxvii, xxviii, 256, 279 harmonica, 5, 276–7 Kastner, Georges, xxiii, xxvii, xxix harmonica-glockenspiel, 277–8 Cours d’instrumentation, xvii, xviii, xxv, xxvii, harmoniphon, 108 25, 232 harmonium, 300, 312, 314 Manuel gen´ eral´ de musique militaire, 146, 191, 294 harp, xxi, xxx, 5, 64–80, 92, 98, 145, Methode´ de saxophone, 298 275, 313, 330, 331 Methode´ de timbales, 267 arpeggio, 70 Traite´ general´ d’instrumentation, xvii, xviii, glissando, xv, 79 xxv–xxvii, 21, 124, 238, 278, 293–4, 318 harmonics, 74–6, 145 Kemp, Ian, 282, 294, 304 martellement, 72, 77 keyboard harmonica, 5, 6, 99, 101, 265, 278 harpsichord, 97 Klos´e,H.-E., 135 haute-contre, 248, 253, 256 Koechlin, Charles, xiv Haydn, Joseph, xxi, 45, 321 Traite´ de l’orchestration, xxix Symphony no.
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