May 5, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 9 11643 must therefore help schools provide safe taking, inspiration, and the heart and soul of ipal Courts, municipal service center, aquatic places for students to learn. If we do not, we millions of Americans supporting the space & recreation center, animal shelter and adop- risk losing more children to the streets, to de- program. And it took the competence and tion center, Town Center Plaza, Old Town de- pression, or even to suicide. America’s chil- courage of Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins to velopment, multiple park facilities, multiple dren deserve our support. They deserve the make Apollo 11 the success that it was. road improvements, with a new senior and Safe Schools Improvement Act. As the culmination of the U.S.-Soviet space community center and municipal cemetery f race that commenced with the Soviet’s launch now being constructed, all developed to meet of Sputnik in 1957, Apollo 11’s success sig- the needs of a growing population. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION nified the United States’ ability to establish A major focus on economic development TO AWARD THE CONGRESSIONAL preeminence in space. It also helped inspire a was also led by the mayor. This resulted in GOLD MEDAL TO THE CREW OF generation to pursue careers in science and many commercial and industrial developments THE APOLLO 11 MISSION TO THE engineering, and to believe in the power of bringing new revenue to the city that has en- MOON American society. Alone in that hotel room, abled the community to enjoy many quality of watching TV, I certainly felt a lasting sense of life improvements without the need for addi- HON. ALAN GRAYSON meaning, that connection to those three brave tional tax rate increases. OF FLORIDA astronauts. These astronauts represented in Public safety was also a high priority under IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that moment America’s destiny, a destiny the mayor’s leadership. Red light cameras Tuesday, May 5, 2009 shared by the thousands of men and women were installed, 25-mph zones were imple- who worked to make it happen. This includes mented on residential streets, and a Citizen’s Mr. GRAYSON. Madam Speaker, it is with John Glenn, of course, another brave pioneer Police Academy was established in his push great pride that I introduce legislation today to of human space exploration who had made to increase public safety. award the Congressional Gold Medal to four their journey possible. Funding for CISD schools was addressed brave and exemplary Americans: Commander Madam Speaker, I thus think it is only fitting through the 379A Sales Tax which generated Neil A. Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Mi- that in this fortieth anniversary year of the sales taxes for the community’s education chael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin Apollo 11 mission, we grant these four brave issues. The Infrastructure Maintenance Fund E. ‘‘Buzz’’ Aldrin, Jr.—the crew of the 1969 Americans the recognition that only this Con- was created by a sales tax election for 1/4- Apollo 11 mission to the Moon. Additionally, gress can bestow—the Congressional Gold cent being directed for the crime district and 1/ this legislation would award a Congressional Medal. That is why I am introducing legislation 4-cent for streets. Gold Medal to John Glenn, the first American to that effect today. I’m pleased to be joined Mayor Stover’s selfless public service has to orbit the earth and the man who helped set in this initiative by the Chairman of the House clearly shaped the city of Coppell and helped NASA firmly on the path of human space ex- Science and Technology Committee, BART make it the thriving community it is today. ploration. Forty years ago, five hundred million GORDON; the Chairwoman of the Space and Doug possesses a genuine passion for people watched as Armstrong took those fate- Aeronautics Subcommittee, GABRIELLE GIF- Coppell which characterized his many years of ful steps onto the Moon’s surface, the first FORDS; Committee Ranking Member RALPH service to the community. His first priority was time humans had set foot on another world. In HALL; Subcommittee Ranking Member PETE always for the betterment of the citizens of words that were as poetic as the occasion OLSON; and Florida Members SUZANNE KOS- Coppell, which helped make him a popular was meaningful, Armstrong said, ‘‘That’s one MAS and BILL POSEY. I believe this recognition and well-respected leader. On behalf of the small step for a man, one giant leap for man- is long overdue, and I urge my colleagues to 24th Congressional District of Texas, I con- kind.’’ He was shortly followed on the Moon’s support this legislation so that it can be en- gratulate Doug Stover for his remarkable serv- surface by Aldrin, as Collins circled overhead. acted into law. ice as mayor and wish him the best of luck in I was eleven years old that day, and I f his future endeavors. watched the Moon landing, joining much of f humanity in celebrating this tremendous col- IN HONOR AND APPRECIATION OF lective accomplishment. My family was on va- MAYOR DOUG STOVER IN HONOR OF THE NAVY FEDERAL cation, but I had persuaded my parents to let CREDIT UNION GRAND OPENING me stay in the hotel room alone all day and HON. KENNY MARCHANT AND DEDICATION CEREMONY OF THE BRIAN L. MCDONNELL CEN- watch television, so I could see these giant OF TEXAS TER men take those giant steps. Their mission was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a landmark for America, for the world, and for all time. Americans are still inspired by these Tuesday, May 05, 2009 HON. JEFF MILLER men, and their mission to travel over 250,000 Mr. MARCHANT. Madam Speaker, I rise OF FLORIDA miles of dead space to reach our closest ce- today to honor and express my appreciation IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lestial neighbor. I remember at the time think- for the service of an exemplary citizen, Mayor ing that humankind as a species is capable of Doug Stover of Coppell, Texas. Doug began Tuesday, May 5, 2009 true greatness. While wolves howl at the his public service as an elected official in May, Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, on moon, humans visit it. 1998 as city councilmember of Coppell, fol- behalf of the United States Congress, it is an On this journey, the Apollo 11 crew showed lowed by six years of service from 2003 to honor for me to rise today in recognition of the remarkable bravery protected for days from 2009 as the mayor of Coppell. During this grand opening of the Navy Federal Credit the lifeless vacuum by only a thin metal shield. time, Doug’s passion and leadership guided Union Brian L. McDonnell Center at the Herit- They collected more than forty pounds of lunar the community as evidenced by the city’s fi- age Oaks campus in Pensacola, Florida. samples, took photographs, and deployed ex- nancial strength, economic development, Navy Federal was organized in 1933 with periments to study the solar wind, lunar dust, sound infrastructure, strong public safety only seven initial members. Since its founding, enable laser ranging, and forever carry out record and first rate education system. it has evolved into the world’s largest credit passive seismic measurements. Their foot- Mayor Doug Stover is Equity Compensation union, employing over 7,000 employees, and prints remain on the Moon today. The entire Manager for Celanese Corporation. He holds consisting of 3.2 million members. Navy Fed- endeavor was the culmination of an intensive a BBA in Finance from Texas Tech University. eral serves as a vital resource for our military effort by tens of thousands of scientists, engi- In May of 1998, Coppell consisted of 29,850 and is found all over the world, providing ex- neers, and other dedicated individuals to meet citizens and has grown to a community of cellent financial service for all of our service- the challenge laid down by President John F. 39,500. The adopted budget for the 1998– men and women. Kennedy eight years earlier. President Ken- 1999 fiscal year was $35,182,905 and grew to In addition to the outstanding financial coun- nedy encouraged Americans to rise to chal- $81,057,966 in the 2008–2009 fiscal years. seling and assistance Navy Federal provides, lenges, like this one, and the American people Under his leadership, the City of Coppell it is a leader in developing higher environ- responded with ingenuity, discipline, and a added many facilities, physical improvements mental standards. Driven by the objective to spirit of cooperative effort. This journey took and infrastructure. These projects include a create a workplace focused on the employee, political will, scientific and technological risk- Justice Center housing the Police and Munic- Navy Federal pursued Leadership in Energy VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:31 Aug 24, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E05MY9.000 E05MY9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 11644 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 9 May 5, 2009 and Environmental Design (LEED) certification Renaissance and Transformation’’ and in the In 1978, Ambassador Ferraro ran for elec- for its first building in Pensacola. This was the book, ‘‘Power Thinking: How the Way You tion to the House of Representatives for New first commercial LEED building in Florida to re- Think Can Change the Way You Lead.’’ York’s 9th Congressional District in Queens, ceive the U.S. Green Building Council’s GOLD Regina Boehm holds a degree from the and won.
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