PAGE TWELVE dhuirlirBlrr Ettratats R rrallt AprU 30 U tba data set by the Tba Olaaners group of tbs Waa- A n setlog of tba Dlacuaslon cjub Fyank V. WUUams a t Tolland I Ever Ready Circle of Kings leyan Guild wrill give a faabloa tea of the LsdisB' AusUikiy- to the A. Turnpike who stnoe hla serious Ul- ' Daughters will hold lU monthly Zoning Board of Appeals for a pub­ lic hearing on the petition of the tomorrow afternoon from *3 o'ielock O." H. under th* direcUon of Rev. ness In ths Memorial hospital, has ABOUT TOWN meeting tomorrow evening at 7:45 on. In the Sooth Methodlat cburch. Vincent Hines, win be held this eve­ been convalescing at tha boms o t in the directors’ room of the WhlUm Sun on company for a certlflc^ta ot Mlap Catherine Rourke, Hartford ning at the Jmme of Mrs. James hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton HALE'S SELF SERVE ButMlnK permits ImuihI during Memorial library. Mrs F. A. Nick­ approval for ‘.he erection of a gaao- stylist, wdll lecture and the Dowd Fogkrty, 54 Walnut strseL There l^lltams of BL Cloud! Florida. U The Original In New England! the lirst 10 (leys o( April h»v» sp- erson will have charge of devotions llnv station at Center and ITne will be a short bustnaaa meeting at etreota. T^e oil flrro plana to dp a sistera will entertain. ei^^ted to return to Manchester to­ pnKim trd *35,000, promising a A full attendance Is desired as "plans 7:85 preceding the dlacuaslon, which morrow. building record for the month. will be made for the annual May large amount of levelling and grad­ Past ^ ie f ' daughters of Halan win bav* for Its subject "AifAr Pur- dinner of the circle at this meeUng, ing at the point. * nlshtnga and Decorattone." AND^ HEALTH MARKET* The Just Us club wUI meet tomor­ The hostesses committee tomorrow DavKiaon Lodge, Daughters ot .Scotia, wrlU meet tomorrow evehtng ■itama's Baby Boy” , row evening at tlic borne of Mrs. night will be Mrs. Oscsr Bailey. Mrs There srlll l^ no meeting of the. com e^ win be presented this eve­ Darld Armstrmg of Bnckland. Mrs. Ralph Brown. Mrs. Tors Clarks, at the home of Mrs. ElUabetb Oonc, Board of Seleictmen tonight, clerk 423 Eaat Middle Tiintplke. 8L Margaret'e Circle, .Daughters ning a t^ o’clock in the Second Con­ TUESDAY MORNING SPECIALS \^alter Weeder will bo hostess. Mrs. Thomas Burbshk. Mrs Kussell tleorge H. Waddell of the Board ha* of Isabella, wrlU hold Its monthly gregational church vestry by a east Post. annoiinceui' The meeting of the Woman's For­ buatness meeting tomorrow evening of' young pdqnle from Mu Sigma Chi Chamberlain-To-Duce: “Hands Off!” Edward Connors' of Codar street, In the K. of C. clubrooma. A nove' society. Mr. and Mrs. Karl KelleF Doable jtGV Green Stampn Given With Cash Sales will eign Missionary society which was a-ho was home from Be<ker College. TTieI nr Bucklnghsm P. T. ew.A. »-esss ertertainment will follow In charge are coaching ttie cast and an,cnter- Worcester. Mass , f('r the'Easter its regular monthly meeting Today at the ” ifartfor(l Armory, postponed on account of GocXl Fri­ All Day Tuesday. ARITHME'nC SHOWS of' Mrs. Esther Gorman and Mrs. talhlng performance la anticipated. BELIEVE KING GEORGE vacation resumed his studies today.. iat •>.-the ./>k^ischool inniirhitonight, siat 77:30 .to l.ldocal youths are undergoing final day, will ba held tomorrow evening . ----- .o'clock. Mrs. Herbert House ol examination for entrance to the at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Robert Anna Brandt. Home made candjr^U be mi sale. Loyal Circle of King'-* Daughters j Manchester'will speak on Yo-semlte (T.V for the current camping period. itl' hmond, 60* South Main strecL will meet this evening In the Fed-! f{,ti„nal Park, About half. It la said, will be trans­ .Occident Flour 24i^r Lb.B.ff89c Chooee EFFECT ON RELIEF eratlon room of ■ <->nter _ church j ■ ferred to far western camp*. A class wlU be admitted to Camp­ house. The hiwtcsses will be airs. I Mm. WlllaM B. Rogers bell Council, K. of C„ at a flrat de­ From These Permanents for Sp^ng Hale’s quality MAY CANCEL PLANNED Laura Eaton, .Miss Lura Allen. Mrs. ^,j|| tj,^ guests of Grover Whslijn gree working ^ be held In the coun­ The meeting hf the Manchester Scott Smith, iirs. Philip l.*wis. j^e opening of the New York cil's hoi^ tonight. Improvement Association to be held ---- I World's Fair April 30. Rogers Is Red Bag Coffee OF CONGRESS CUT Members of the Stanley group, jj,, chairman of the Connectirnt In the Y;, M. C. A. Wednesday night Hose Company No. 4 of the South ►Edmond ►Nestle will be preceded by a dinner serv­ Manchester lire department was will meet at the South > MethcKllst rommitlee for the Fair. MACHINELESS church tomovrow evening at 7 ---- ed, by the women of the "Y". Edward called last night to 54 Gardner street ' c l a im s t o b e F.ASTBST TRIP TO CANADA, U. S. KISSER ON A.NY CAM Pl'K o 'c l^ . Work v^n be f>n salting j R^isnirtve alterations are to be F. Morlarty, chairman of committee, where a chimney Ore wa* satin- 2-Lb. bo Roosevelt Asserts I d L e tte r announced today that Captain of giiltbed srlth serious loss. ►Jamal ►Votes Kraft Cheese . 45c peanuts Mrs. Walter Meyeiw : niade at the Center Restaurant. 509" San Jose. Calif., April 11.— INJI'RIES FROM SECOVD ' Mrs. John Spargo will be .hoatessis. I street. Plans have been pre- Bollce Herman O. .Srhrndel will be . Manchester lodge of Masons wrlll York State lA P )—Jack Baldwin, San Joae Bl MP BY At TO F.ATAL Action On Visit May Be Sab- ■I— „ .. fpn'red by Architect George Zunner present and give a talk on dog* and iPark Avenue ^ To Pepper Hnndreds Of will also have with him his champion hold Its regular rommunleatloa la State Collage sophomore, bet he BRITISH USING The Sisterhood of Templf Beth|^, Hartford. The changes Include dog, Carol. As It la necessary to the Temple tomorrow nighL Lodge Lbs. could klaa 20 co-eds In 30 min­ Raleigh. N. C.. Apri. 11-r< API Sholom will conduct its spring rum in,, enameled Iron and stainless steel rea Beans 2 9e^ ^ Thonsands Of Jobs Will ject Of Discussion Wilk mage sale. Thursday. April 13, In front, lowering a portion of the rear know the number that will attend, will open at 7:30 and the Fellow- utes. — A month ago Theo Upchurch, the store, 705 Main street, in the „ f jj,, building and the Installa- those who have not made reserva­ craft degree will be. worked. Light Although falling to collect GRECIAN PORT 55, was struck by an automobile Tan Can *JMiy Fancy tion can aecurp tickets trmight from refreshment* wdll be served at the when the half hour netted only at the Wilder’s Grove common- , Chamberlan At Bockaf- Johnaon building. .Mrs. Nathan San- t ion of a'new plumbing. - heating LILY BEAUTY PARLOR Be Eliminated By Slash. 14 kiaoes, Baldwin laid claim to dais and Mrs. Harry Koratott'head „p(i lighting system. The change the officers. conclusion of the husinesa aesalon. House and Hale Building Phone 7484 Ity near here. the committee In Charge. The Iat-1 u.|H'enlarge the prAcnt space of the being the fastest kisser t>n any He waa seriously Injured, but Red Salmon 21c campus. SEENJOSTILE ham Palace Conference;’I recovered. ter wdll be at the Store Wednesday I restaurant, "Sure. I got slapped," he said, forenoon to receive donations and Mia* Roberta M. Gorman of Main Washington, April 11.— (A P I — Last night, at th* same spot, Mrs. Sandals In the afternoon, or The Beethoven Glee r|ub will re- street, a student *t Saint Joseph col­ President Rr>oseveIt aald In a letter "but U was worth It.” lege. West Hartford, wdll spend her L*e. Pj^g. 'The case is entirely out of another automobile hit him. He Intensify Efforts To B riif they will arrange to collect If noti­ hr.arise tonight at 7 o'clock at the Rinso 19c to Senator Pepper (D.. Fla.) today Cayda Denies Italian Ocat* i died a few minutes later. I Emanuel Lutheran chureh and all Easter vacation In New York city my hands,” Dean of Women! fied by those who canird convenient­ where she will Join the Sociology It was a matter of arithmetic that ly deliver articles It Ur planned to members are requested to lie pres­ Helen, Dlmmlck declared. "It's . Soriet Russia Into Anff’ ; class of the college. They plan to Hale’s Tiiiesday Specials between 300.000 and 400.000 work too ipsane.” patioD Of Albaiua Men­ open at » o'clock Thursday morning. ent. vlalt the Social Service EXchange Palmolive Soap 3 Bara 17c rettef Jobe would be eliminated If British vessel* of war patrol the harbor of Corfu. Greece, In this recent, picture - a scene now of and Welfare Council,, the Williams­ Double Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales ominous significance In view of Prime Minister Chamberlain's reported warning to Italy that setaure of Aggression Pact Groip. burg Housing Project. Police head­ Congress appropriated only *100,- Corfu would ,be interpreted as an invitation to wrar. ace To Safety Of Greece SAYSITALiANS .“ *■ All Day Tuesday. quarter*.
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