Fmtemil}! Directory FOUNDERS OF THE FRATERNITY Maggie Campbell . .. .. ......... .. ..... ...... ... ... Monmouth. 111. Libbie Brooks-Gaddis ........ ............ .. .. .... .... Avon, Ill. Ada Bruen-Gri er . , _. ........ .............. .. .••......... Belleview, PL Clara Brownlee-H utchinson . ..... .. ...... .... .. .. .. Monmouth. Ill. Emma Brownlee-Kilgore .. .. ...... .. .. .. .• .. .. .•... Monmouth, 111. Fannie Whitenack Libby .................. .......... Red Wing. Minn. Rosa Moore ..... ..... .......... Care General Delivery, New York City. Jennie Nicol (deceased) Ina Smith Soule . '" ...................... 621 S. K St., Tacoma, Wash. Jennie Horne-Turnbull ...... .... -.. .. 2546 N. 32 St., Philadelphia, Pa. Fannie Thompson (deceased). Nancy Bl ack-\Vallace ...... ............. .... ....... Glenos60rnc, POI. GRAND COUNCIL PREsIDENT-Elizabeth Gamble. 565 Cass Ave .• Detroit, Mich. VIa-PnsmENT-Mrs. May Copeland Reynolds, Fostoria, Ohio. SECJlETARY-Elda L. Smith, 710 S. 6th St., Springfield, III. Tll.EAsURER-Martha N. Kimball, University Park, Denver, Colo. EDITOR-Florence Port ~ r Robinson, 543 Marshall St., Milwaukee. Wi!S. HISTORIAN Jeannette Zeppenfeld, Franklin, Ind. CATALOGUF.R Mary Bartol Theiss. (Mrs. Lewis E.) 64 W. 1000t h St.. New York City. SECRETARY OF INTER·SORORITY CONFERENCE Jobelle Holcombe, Chi Omega, Fayetteville, Ark. CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES ALPHA P R OVI NCE PRESIDENT-Anna M orris Jackson. 215 E. 15th St., New York City. VE1U'ONT ALPlU- Mlddlebury College, Mabel E. Stevenson, Middlebuf,. Vt. V.IIlB.w ONT BPYrA-Unlverslty ot Vermont. Helen L. Allen, 3 Fletcher Place, Burl- Ington, Vt. CoLUWBIA ALPHA- George Washington University. Helen M. :IDvaD8, 1348 Eucltd St., WaablngtoD, D. C. PIlNNSYLVANJA ALPHA-Swarthmore College, Anna E. Stubbs, Swarthmore Col- lege, Swarthmore, Pa. PIIMS-SYLVA NIA BETA- Bucknell University. Edna A. Seaman, Lewisburg, Pa. P .NN8YLVANIA G.un'A-Dlcklnson College, Helen Kimel', Carlisle, Pa. NIlW YORK ALPHA-Syracuse University, Lola Hawks, 112 Waverly Ave.. Syracuse. N. Y. NJ:lw YOSK BETA-Barnard College, Maude r. Klein, Floral Park, Long 1816 nd, N . Y . liASSACHUSI')'M'S ALPHA- Boston University, Bla.nche Charlton, 12 Somerset St., BOliton , MasH. MARYLAND ALPHA- Woman's College ot Baltimore, Louise Van Sant, The Wo­ man'e, College, Baltimore, Md. B E'I'A PROVI NCE PRESlDEN'I'-Edlth Clark·Burr, 147 Palmer Ave. Welit, Detroit, Mich. OHIO ALPH A- Ohio Unlvereity, Edltb Eaoton, Athena, Ob: ..... OHIO BETA--Oblo State University. Helen Clarke, 1293 Nell Ave., Columbus, Ohio. ILLINOI S BmoA- Lombard College, Ma.rion Webster, 663 N. Prairie St.• Galea­ burg, m. ILLINOI S DELTA- Knox College, Lulu Hlnchlltf, 715 N. Broad St., Galesburg, Ill. ILLINOIS EpSILON- Northwestern University, Amy B. Onken, Willard Hall, Evanston, III. ILLI NO IS Zm'A-Unlvel'8lty ot IllInOis, Lola Swigart, 807 S. Third St., Cha m- paign, Illinois. INDUN. ALPllA.- Fra.nklln College, Julia Lyle Wilson. Franklin, Ind. INDIANA BETA- Unlveralty ot Indiana, Barbara Voyles, Bloomington, Ind. INDIANA GAMkA-ButJer College, Lucile Dtdla ke. Butler College Residence, Indlana.polls, Ind. liICHIO.N AL}>IIA.- BllI&dale College, Cella B. Rlne, Hillsdale, Mich. MI CHIGAN' BETA- University ot Michigan, Annabel Carey , 836 Tappan St., Ann Arbor, Mich. WISCONSIN ALPlu- Unlverslty ot Wisconsin. Dorothy Burnham, 216 West Gil­ man St., Madlson, W1s. GAMM A P ROVI NCE PMSlDEN'I'-Anne Stuart, 1906 D St., Lincoln, Neb. I OWA ALPH A- Iowil Wesleyan University, Jessie June, M t. Pleasant, la. l ow. BETA- Simpson College. Lois Sllcott. Indianola, 10.. I OWA GuolA-Iowa State College. Florence P ettinger. Statton A. Ames, Ja. I OW A ZmoA- lowa State University. Edith V Ball, Iowa City, 10.. lIJS!'I'l':SOTA ALPHA-University ot Minnesota, Florence Amble, P. O. Box 574. University, Minneapolis. Minn. KA NSAS ALPHA-Kanus University, Amarette Weaver, Lawrence, Kan. MI SSOURI ALPHA-University ot M1ssourl. LIllian Carnes. PI Beta Phi H0118t!!, Columbia, Mo. MI SSOUR I gETA- Wasblngton University, Alice Woodward, 2709 VIrginia Ave" St. Louis, Mo. NEBRA SKA BmA-Unlverslty ot Nebraska, Pearl Fitzgerald, 1724 E. St., Llneola, Neb. LoUISIANA ALPHA- Newcomb College. Jessie Tebo, 1 3~9 Seventh St., New OrleRns, La. TllXAS ALPHA-University ot T ens. Serena Gould, 2607 UniverSity Ave., AUltln, Tex. DELT A PROVINCE PRI':SID!l!'lT-Roberta Frye. 1306 Madison St., Seattle. WUh. COLORADO ALPllA-Unlverslty ot Colorado, Isabel McKenzie, Boulder, Colo. COLORADO BETA -~ nv er Unlve.rslty. With A. Oressor, 1485 Lafayette St., Denver, Colo. CALlf'OnNIA ALPHA-Leland Stanford UniverSity. Alice H. Gabel, PI Beta Pbl Rouse, Stanford Unlvenlty. Callt. CALIFORNIA BETA-Unlvel'1llty ot California, Ida M. McCoy, 2428 College ATe., Berkeley, Callt. WASHIN GTON ALl'fU-Unlverslty ot Washington, Imogen Cunnlngbam, 5006 14th Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wash. Alumnae Department Directory VlCE PJLJ:8IDEST--lfn. lIa, C. Reynold•. Fostoria, Ohio. ALUJiS,U EDlTOR-Elbel RoUI CurrIer" 720 E. lIHb St., Indlanepoll., Ind. ALPJlA PROVINC E SacRMARY- Edna L. Stone, 1618 R. 1. Ave;,.. WublngtoD. O. C. VmRIlOl\"'I"--M6ry E . Colburn, Union Village, vt. lU.RYLASD .um SoUTHIaST-M. Alice Wood, lilt and Chestnut A't'es., Baltimore, Md. P.NS8YLYASu.--Grace Woodard, Bradford, Pa. NEW YOIlK.-Laura E. Single. 407 Proepect Ave., B7racuae, N. Y. lU.88AcnU81!'M'8- ElIubetb Coates, Pboeni:l:, Ariz. BETA PROVINCE SOCRI)T.lRT- Katharioe Stel'eD80D. 2310 College .Kn. t lodlaoapoJl .. Ind. Onlo-Mn. n. S. Belknap, Pninef;vll ie. Ohio. ILLINOIs- Mr.. FannIe Hurtr Glidden, Kewanee, Ill. INDuN,.,- Fannle Min er, Ino E. W alnut St., Indianapolis. Ind. liICDlO"-N- Mrs. Be r tha Myers Kemptoo, Hllledale , Mich. WJ8CON8 Is- lva. A. Welsh, 416 N. LIvingston St., Madl&o o, WI •. GAMMA PROV1NCE SECRETARY - Maude Miller. 217 N. 13 th St., St. Joeepb, Mo. IOWA-May Belle AII8tund, W aterloo, la. KA NSAs-Elsie E)vans. 704 S. 4th St. Leavenworth Kan. NIllBJlAS KA- Mrs. Francea Brown, Jr.• 1638 D. St., Lincoln, Neb. LoUISIMiA- Alice Monroe, 847 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. TEXAs-Kate B. Sockwell, 276 Swiss Ave., oall08, T ex. Ml S80URI- loflsN£sOTA-Cora B. Marlow, 909 Fourth St., S . a, MIDoeapoU., Minn. ARK.AS8AS-Mrs. nattie Speer Merrima n. For t Smith, Ark. K£STUC KY"- lfartba Taliafe rro, Roseville, Ill. DEI1] 'A PItOVINCE SeCRETAR Y-Mrs. Louise F. Marshall, T uscon, Ariz. CoLORAoo-Mnry Walliban. 206 W. 5 th Ave., Denver, Colo. CALIFORNIA- He len M . Butlltl', Lela nd Stanford University, California. ALUMNAE CLUB SECJl.ETARIEB B UlU, INGTOS . VT.-lIlo ry Gregory Wadde ll , 66 Elmwood Ave. WA8 UINGTON, D. C.--Clara V. Harber, loa E. Co pltol St. PHILADELI'IIIA-Deborah F errier, Moorestown. ~ . J . PI'l'T8BUJilG, ) ' A.-Anna. Spears, Latrobe. Pa . New YORII:: CITv- Dora. It. Nevins, 324 3rd St., Brooklyn. SYUCV8E, N . Y.-Eva Hoe, 11 5 Ostrander Ave. BOSTON, MUH.-Ruth p. Dennis. 19 Kenwood St .. Hrooklloe, BAI.TIM OKfl, MD.-Blanche G. Hele.lnger, 235 E. Lnfayette Ave. COLulIoua, O.-Mrs. Arthur J obneon, Hi7 Latta Ave. ATUEN8, QIII()-l<'rl e<\a Coul trap. COI CAOO, ILL.-Anna M. Mc, 3046 Drexel Blvd. GALESBURO, Hrown. CARTruOK, ILL.- Mrs. Katharine Griffith nili. INntAl'ro'APO LI 8. IND.-Allee Good. FRA NKLIN, I ND.-Glndys Miller. DnROIT, Mle ll.-Frances _A. Fos t er , 124 Charlotte Ave. HILLSDALE, Mlc n .-Mre. )<'. B . Meyt!r. MI NNEAPOLIS. lflss.-Allce E. Thompson. iOl J6th Ave., S_ E . DES 31o l SES, IA.-M n. Anna Hos!:> Clarke. 1510 :,,\Inth St. B URLINGTON. IA.-Mrs. F..dna Uhler Gilma n. liT. PLY-A BA-NT, IA.-Mra . .'ilfutle SlenrllS Gloccklcr . l:sDIA NO U., JA .-Anna Wright Dowell, AW ES, IA..- JAla A . ]'Inceway. IOWA CITY, IA.-Mrs. George W. Ba ll . JUN8A.S CITY, Mo.-Clarabel Denton, 2i26 W.bIlsh Ave. ST. LOU IS. MO.-A. Fred. Becker. 58iO Cabanne St. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.-MrR. J etle.:le L. Gaynor, The Gutnor Studio. LISCOLN, NER.-Ada Waugh , 1642 0 St. COUNC IL BL UFFS ANI) OllAIIA- J etRle ~a&on , 2664 Manderson St" O ~ba . LAWRf:SCtl, KA S.-Len& Mars h. Nr:w ORLEU·S. LA .-May O. LogaD. ] 580 Philip Sl. DEs\'£R, COLO.-Mary E. Wa lilhan, 206 W. Fifth Ave. BOULI)EB. COLO.-lire. Edltb McClu r e. 2227 8 th St. Los AN GE LES, C'AL IF.- Fl o ~nee M. Burnham, 1359 Alvarado St. SmA'l'TLE, WA s u .-Lucy nammond, 1803 14th Ave. WASHINGTON ALPHA Lda Hawkinf Ruth SNrlrr C"""" Chal\f:r AnlM Krumdick Chuter Ia. P.rtoft "'!f~<........ ) THE cARROW VOL. XXIII APRIL, 1907 NO.3 Ins/alia/ion of Washing/on A lpha On Saturday, January fifth, the group of gi rls known as the K. T. T.'s of the State U niversity of Washington reached the c1imax in the course of their existence as a club, when they gave up without a sigh or a tear, the name that had held them to­ gether for seven years, and proudly put on the arrows, which were to show the world that they were at la st members of the Pi Beta Phi fraternity. The executive ability, which this group of girls has shown in working up to the requirements laid down for them by the fraternity, and their patience in waiting so long have certainly proven them able to live up to the high ideal set for each chapter of Pi Beta Phi. They have well earned the honor toward which they have been working, and the Pi Phis who were present during in stallation week could not do other­ wise than feel very proud of the gracious younger sisters who compose an ideal chapter of the fraternity. Washington Alpha was installed at the home of Roberta Frye, Delta Province President, the ceremony beginning at two o'clock. Probably no home was ever better adapted for initiation than hers, and certainly no hall more beautifully arranged for the solemn ceremony. The entire afternoon was required to in­ stall the new chapter with its thirteen charter members and to initiate the six young women first taken in by the new chapter.
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