101 Text Index

101 Text Index

Waterloo Historical Society Annual Volume 101 Text Index 108th Military Regiment, 101: 205 1861 Tremaine's Map of Waterloo County (A) Tremaine, 101: 85–87 A A German Traveller in Upper Canada in 1837 (A) Friedrich Gerstäcker, 101: 151–157 A German Visitor to Waterloo Township in 1837 (A) rych mills, 101: FC, 148–165 A Historical Sketch of the Town of Waterloo, Ontario (A) Clayton W. Wells, 101: 193 A Historical Society for the County of Waterloo (A) W.H. Breithaupt and H.W. Brown, 101: 29, 191 A Museum for Berlin (A) Berlin Daily Telegraph, 101: 30–31 A Part of Our Past: Essays in Cambridge's History (A) unattributed, 101: 161 A Short History of Hespeler (A) Jim Quantrell, 101: 161 A Short History of the New City of Waterloo (A) B.M. Dunham, 101: 193 (A) Mabel Dunham, 101: 184 Aagaard, Chris, 101: 28 Aitkin, George, 101: 166–167 Aitkin, Marion, 101: 166 Alexander, Hughie, 101: 147 Alexander, Roddie, 101: 147 Allan Smith, 101: 186 Anna Weber's Art Within Pennsylvania-German Mennonite Folk Culture (A) Reginald Good, 101: 113–140; 101: FC, 117 Anna's Art (A) E. Reginald Good, 101: 113–115, 137 Arban, Tom, 101: 29 Armistice Day, 101: 145 Armstrong, Robin, 101: 147 Arndt, John, 101: 200, 201 Artex, 101: 146 Attawandarons, 101: 64 Atwater-Hallat, Rosanne, 101: 89 Ayr News, 101: 64 B Babister, Jeannine, 101: 81 Ball-Pyatt, Karen, 101: 201, 203, 204–205 Ballard, George, 101: 84, 87 Ballard, Maria, 101: 87 Barrie Family Reunion Revived (A) George Aitkin, 101: 166–167 Barrie, Agnes, 101: 166–167 Barrie, Becky, 101: 166 Barrie, Bill, 101: 166–167 Barrie, David, 101: 166–167 Barrie, Jim, 101: 79–80, 166–167 Barrie, W.C., 101: 81 Barron, Elizabeth, 101: 208 Bauman, Melvin, 101: 58 Baumann, Joseph, 101: 123 Bean, Alexander, 101: 193 Bearinger, Oziah, 101: 58 Bechtel, Jack, 101: 209 Beck, Adam, Sir, 101: 36, 45 Bell Employee Giving Program, 101: 202 Benn, Carl, 101: 9–13, 15, 18 Bergey, Michael, 101: 161 Bergey, Susanna Olberholtzer, 101: 161 Bergeytown, 101: 161 Berlin Daily Telegraph, 101: 30–31 Berlin Public Library board of directors, 101: 31 Berlin, Canada: A Self-Portrait of Kitchener Ontario Before World War One, 101: 59 Berneim, John H., 101: 164 Bilder, 101: 114–140 Bill Hallatt After Heidelberg Ice Storm, April 12, 2013 (A) Rosanne Atwater-Hallatt, 101: 89 Bill Hallatt in Heidelberg After Ice Storm, April 12, 2013 (A) Rosanne Atwater-Hallatt, 101: 89 Billings, Mackenzie, 101: 202 Bindeman, Friedrich, 101: 164 Bingeman, John, 101: 213 Bingeman, Shannon, 101: 90–109 Bird, Michael, 101: 113, 115–116, 135 Black Powder Rendezvous, 101: 18 Blake, John R., 101: 192 Blankstein, Charles, 101: 208 Blow, Charles, 101: 57; 101: 58 Blow, Rosetta Cope, 101: 58 Bob Laurie's Real Estate, 101: 58 Bock, Ronald, 101: 58 Books and Leaves, 101: 58 Bowlby, G.H., 101: 174 Bowman, H.J., 101: 174 Brant County: A History (A) C.M. Johnston, 101: 81 Breithaupt, William H., 101: 174, 180, 185 Brent, Chuck, 101: 147 Brethren in Christ, 101: 161 Bricker, I.C., 101: 192 Bricker, Jacob, 101: 207 Broome, A.E., 101: 7, 26, 29 Brown Brothers, 101: 58 Brown, H.W., 101: 29, 31, 74, 75, 166–167, 174, 191, 211–213 Brown, Harry W., 101: 191 Brown, Robert G., 101: 74 Brown, Robert, Jr, 101: 74 Brubacher Family History (A) Benjamin Brubacher, 101: 192 Brubacher House Museum, 101: 202 Brubacher, Abraham, 120–122, 138 Brubacher, Isaac S., 101: 57, 58 Brubaker, Abraham, 101: 120–122, 132–133 Bullas Brothers Ltd, 101: 50, 111 Bullas, Roy, 101: 42, 43 Burke, Susan, 101: 59–62, 113, 137, 139 Burnett, George, 101: 208 Burrows, Ray, 101: 147 C Campbell, William Wilfred, 101: 187 Canada Cycle and Motor (A) John McKenty, 101: 197–198 Carmichael, J.F., 101: 192 Carnegie Library, 101: 31 Caroline's Ladies Apparel, 101: 58 Carr Angela, 101: 107 Carscadden, Theo, 101: 192 Carter, John, 101: 197 Castle Kilbride Italianate villa, 101: 91–92 murals, 101: 90 Castle Kilbride (A) Michael D. Longo, 101: 107 Central Tavern, Elmira, 101: 58 Chamberlain, Savvas, Dr, 101: 206 Characteristics of the Pennsylvania-German in Canada (A) John S. Martin, 101: 194 Chonnonton people of the deer, 101: 64 City of Cambridge Corporate Archives / Records Centre, 101: 211 City of Cambridge Corporate Archives (A)Lynne Griggs, 101: 211 City of Kitchener Corporate Archives, 101: 209 CKCO-TV Camp Cariboo, 101: 208 Clan Donald House, 101: 12 Clark, Bill, 101: 145 Claydon, Judy, 101: 81 Claydon, Judy Schilling, 101: 73, 77 Clemens, Abraham, 101: 161 Clemmer, Joel, 101: 137 Cober Evolving Solutions, 101: 201, 202 Cober Family history (A) P. Cober, 101: 191 Cober, P., Rev, 101: 191 Collins, Don, 101: 147 Company of Neighbours, 101: 211 Connel, Jack, 101: 147 Cope, Carmen Mills, 101: 52–58, BC Cope, Clifton Reginald, 101: 52–58, BC Cope, Thomas, 101: 52–58, BC Cope's Grocery, 101: 52–58 Coutou, Joan, 101: 107 Cowan, T.D., 101: 174 Crerar, Adam, 101: 170 Cress, Edna, 101: 46 Cressman, Elsie, 101: 197 Cressman, Katherine Brown, 101: 77 D DALSA Corp, 101: 206 Darby's Glasses (A) Loney, Endla Waimel, 101: 48 Decorative Mural Painting at Castle Kilbride, 60 Snider's Road, Baden, Ontario (A) Jacqueline Hucker, 101: 107 Derstine, C.F., Bp, 101: 182, 192 Detzler, Hans, 101: 71 Detzler, Michael, 101: 71 Development Concept and Proposals for Doon Pioneer Village (A) S. George Rich and Saul Herzog, 101: 26 Dickie Settlement, 101: 64–81 Dickie Family, 65–67, 81 first farms, 101: 64–67 harvesting bees, 101: 64–81 Pennsylvania-German settlers, 101: 66–67 reunion picnic, 101: 80 Scottish settlers, 101: 66–67 Dickie Settlement Schools (A) Jane King, 101: 182, 192 Dickie Settlement: Then and Now, The (A) W.C. Barrie, 101: 81 Dickie, John, 101: 66 Dickson, William, 101: 65–67, 81 Diefenbacher see also Diefenbacker, 101: 87 Diefenbacker see also Diefenbacher, 101: 87 Dietrich, Louis F., 101: 215–216 Dietrich's Garage, 101: 215–216 Dolson, Harold, 101: 142 Dominion Rubber Co The Dominion, 101: 211 Dominion Tire, 101: 211–212 Dominion Woollens & Worsteds, 101: 141, 143 Donald, Irvine, 101: 159 Doon Heritage Crossroads: Anne of Green Gables (A) Waterloo Region Museum, 101: 23 Doon Heritage Crossroads: Black Powder Rendezvous, 1984 (A) Waterloo Region Museum, 101: 18 Doon Heritage Crossroads: Child Apprentices (A) Waterloo Region Museum, 101: 24 Doon Heritage Crossroads: Shingle Splitting (A) Waterloo Region Museum, 101: 24 Doon Heritage Village, 101: 6–29 founding of, 101: 21 Doon Heritage Village, Postscript (A) Tom Reitz, 101: 29 Doon Pioneer Village, 101: 166 interpretive mandate, 10–11 Doon School of Fine Arts, 101: 214 Doon-Just-Before-the-War-Settlement (A) Kitchener-Waterloo Record, 101: 14 Doon-Not-Quite-Pioneer-Village (A) Kitchener-Waterloo Record, 101: 14 Doon: An Institutional Plan (A) David H. Scott, 101: 10, 27 Dougal, Dave, 101: 147 Dougall, Dave, 101: 145 Down, Margaret, 101: 166 Dunham, B.M., 101: 174, 193 Dunham, Mabel, 101: 31, 184, 187, 193 Dunkards, 101: 161 Dunkers, 101: 161 E Eagle, Mrs, 101: 159 Early History of Haysville and Vicinity (A) Allan R.G. Smith, 101: 192–193 (A) Allan Smith, 101: 186 Early History of Waterloo County (A) W.H. Breithaupt, 101: 192 Early Ontario Potters: Their Craft and Trade (A) David L. Newlands, 101: 28 Earnest, Corinne, 101: 137 Earnest, Russell, 101: 137 Eaton, Wally, 101: 146, 147 Eby, Alexander Ralph, 101: 179 Eby, Allan A., 101: 192 Eby, Benjamin, Bp, 101: 179 Eby, Catherine Weber, 101: 140 Eby, Gordon, 101: 210 Edward Halter House, 101: 206 Edwardian Tea and Fashion Show, Doon Heritage Crossroads (A) Waterloo Region Museum, 101: FC Einwechter, Carmen, 101: 144, 147 Ekins, Teck, 101: 145, 147 Elizabeth Ziegler Public School, 101: 37 Elmira Victory Gardens, 101: 58 Elmira Cheese House, 101: 58 Elmira Hotels Central Tavern, 101: 58 Royal, 101: 58 Steddick House, 101: 58 Elmira Mennonite Self-Help, 101: 58 Elmira Mills Ends Supplies, 101: 58 Endla (Waimel) Loney: 1932-2011, 101: 47–51, 112 Endla (Waimel) Robertson (A) Yvonne Robertson, 101: 47–51 Endla Waimel Loney with the Bulla Scupltures (A) Waterloo Region Record, 101: 50 Enterpring Elmira (A) unattributed, 101: 58, 193 Ephrain Weber's Letters Home 1902-1955: Letters from Ephraim Wber to Leslie Staebler of Waterloo County (A) Paul Tiessen and Hilde Froese Tiessen, 101: 59 Epp, Herb, MP, 101: 214–215 Epp, Jane, 101: 214–215 Eventide Along the Grand: Homer Watson's Mystical Landscape (A) Shannon Bingeman, 101: 90 F Farming in the Rural Community of Ontario (A) Tony Fuller, 101: 76 Ferguson, Howard G., Hon, 101: 36 Fire Hall Museum and Education Centre, 101: 198 First Mennonite Church, 101: 182 Fischer, Peter see also Peter Fisher, 101: 174, 175, 191 Fisher, Peter see also Peter Fischer, 101: 174, 175, 191 Fleming, William, 101: 209 Folk Artist Publishes Songbook unattributed, 101: 26 Fowler, Meaghan E., 101: 170–194 Fowler, Rhys, 101: 147 Fraktur, 101: 113–120 Fraser, Alexander, 101: 30–31 Frisse, Ulrich, 101: 149, 161, 165 From Berlin to the Trek of the Conestoga: A Revisionist Approach to Waterloo County's German Identity (A) Geoffrey Hayes, 101: 189, 193, 194 From Pennsylvania to Waterloo: Pennsylvannia German Folk Culture in Transition (A) Susan Burke, 101: 62 Fuller, Tony, 101: 68, 76 G Galt Collegiate Institute, 101: 181 Galt Reporter, 101: 211 Geddes, Andrew, 101: 87 Gehman, Elton "Cherry," 101: 74 Gehret, Ellen, 101: 125–126, 130–131, 139, 140 Gelassenheit, 101: 119 German Mural Movement, The, 101: 92–93, 107 Gerstäcker, Friedrich, 101: FC, 112, 148–165 gesamtkunstwerk, 101: 90–109 Gesamtkunstwerk: The German Mural Tradition at Castle Kilbride (A) Shannon Bengeman, 101: 90–109, BC Gingerich, 101: 161 Gingerich, David, 101: 94–96 Giving (A) Helen Waimel, 101: 39, 46 Giving Canada a Literary History (A) Carl Klinck, 101: 58 Glass, John, 101: 197–202 Glassie, Henry, 101: 189, 194 Globe Master Travel, 101: 58 Godshalk, Enos, 101: 121, 138 Good, E.

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