SALES DAYS THE WESTFIELD LEADER AUG. 1-2-3 THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Second Class Postage Paid Published iBVENTY-THIRD YEAR—No. 48 at Westlicld, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1963 28 Pages—10 Cents very Thursday READY ON THE STARTING LINE—Some of the competitors In the annual Soap Box Races held Tuesday night on Gallows Hill ltd. are CHECK OUT Director of Recreation, Joseph E. Coleman gives his shown lined up for the various heats used to determine the finalists ftnal OK on a soup box racer nt Roosevelt playground. The races were In the Weslfield Recreation Commission sponsored event. held Tuesday at Gallows Hill Rd, 65 Young Drivers Soap Box Races Draw Cheering Throng Compete For Trophies More than 1,000 cheering spectators rooted lustily for their favorites in —Jay Parker Juy Parker tho annual Soap Box Races Tuesday night as the helmeted young drivers WINNERS—The winners of the annual tether ball tournament held CHAMPS—The Hopscotch Champions of the WestXield Playgrounds Annual Event— steered their homemade racers down the Gallows Hill Rd. course. Weslfield Musicians Thursday at Koosevelt school are from left to right, third place Pete are trom left to right, standing, Andy tSotler, flrgt place from Wilson, The program is sponsored each year by the Westfield Recreation Smith from Grant, second place, Tony Fittlpaldi from Lincoln, and Tommy Reamer, third place from Grant; Front row left to right, Commission and is directed by Joseph E. Coleman, director, ably assisted Perform Tonight first place Gcroinc Lark from Columbus, Judy Hunter, Grant third place, Diane Nezgood, first place from Jef- Parents'Night by a corps of "official" helpers. ferson, Molly Reagan, from Wilson second place; Absent from the pic- In Minilowaskin ture Is Ken Cutrer of Roosevelt who was second in the boys group. In the races Tuesday night there At Playgrounds were 05 competitors, boys and girls, Neighborhood Aim The Westfield Community Concert driving 25 cars and competing in Band will give a concert in Min-TowFs Vote Breaks Giildreus' Musieale Again this year tho Westfield Kec- various heats for their weight classi- dowaskin Park tonight as part of reation Commission'*- summer play- fication. Each represented their re- Best For Schools, the series of concerts sponsored by ground program will include an an-spective playground. the Westfield Kocrcation Depart- Fire Dept. Impasse nual "Parent's Night" Wednesday Each racing cart entered had ment. 'Five Hearts Worth' at eight playfields. previously been inspected for safe GOP Bloc Says Every child is given an opportuni- operation, and each was built ac- The band is under the direction of 4 Councilmen Splil Nets Red Cross $3.54 ty to assist in the many activities of cording to the specifications set Robert Banks, instrumental music Man Loses Finger Tip A resolution endorsing strict ad- director nt Westfield High School. On Lieutenant Job, Five Westfield children proudly teers, particularly in its motor serv- the night. Prizes are awarded for forth by race officials. A special de- herence to the neighborhood school James Thomas ,34, of 110 Rector oustandinj; booths and side shows. tail of police wos present to keep This is the second concert given this presented $3.54 to the Westfleld- ice. Drivers are needed to take pa- system was issued last week by theyear by the WestfieW Band. St., Elizabeth, hud the tip of Ms right The evening is specially designed to traffic on the main roads moving index finger amputated Tuesday In Sulury Ordinance Mountainside Red Cross Chapter tients to hospitals and clinics be- show parents what the children have executive committee of the Repub- The program tonight will Include last week. cause many of. tho regular volun- and to assist the young drivers in lican Conservative Action Club of Muhlonbors; Hospital, Plaintleld aa Mayor Burr A. Towl Jr. east a He accomplished during the preceding their bids for racing laurels. the following: "Moorsldo March" by tho result of nn injury suffered when tee«RwiUJ»,away .on, yacotionB,. Union County. The CqrwnUte lart&n- breaking vote Tuesday night, at tey the-money-through four weeks. Crafts arc on'display and Drivers were entered in two se- H61st,'*"Bie Mcistcrsinger" by Wag he attempted to remove a stick from Those who can contribute Urn© imotisly stntdd tfiat neighborhood ner, "Itusian Sailor's Dance" by Council's lono meeting this month a Bed Cross musical benefit present- competitive evenls are hold. nior boys divisions, one junior boys a rotary lawn mower while working to movu the introduction of two ed oh the patio at the home of for an occasional trip or for more schools provide the best method for Gliere, "Music for an Summer •The proceeds are returned to the find a girls division. In addition protecting individual pupil interests. at a home in Breeze Knoll Dr., police ordinances affecting tho town Fira Wendy Ellen Sanders, 25 Evergreen extensive service are asked to call playgrounds which in turn, sponsor Night" arrangement by Osscr and rofwrtcd. chapter headquartets, which will be there were throe special races. In They also provide for the most Department. 3,, July 18. The program, given a special event in August known as two of the races, official soap box selections from "Bye Bye Birdie.' He also sustained lacerations of before an audience of neighbors arid open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. during economical and efficient use of nvail- With only four of the eight coun- "Everybody's Birthday." a time derby cars wore used. This year nble school a»d transportation facil- The. concert begins at 8 p.m. and the right thumb, according to the cilmen present for the business ses- Mends,'Inelttded trombone solos by the summer schedule and from 9 when the playground leader gives a (he public is invited to attend. hospital. a.m. to 4 p.m. thereafter, for the first time there were no ities. (Jerrymandering school dis- sion, and with n 2-2 voto on meas- Carl Robert Steeker and piano se- party for the children. races for adults. These hnd been lections by Mendy Ellen, Ann Marie tricts for any purpose is improper. ures to create the post of firo ruled out by the Recreation Com- lieutenant and to set a salary of Maddox, Eleanor Susan Steeker and mission for safety reasons. Al Mol, vice president, and public Fried RIIUH Freeholder Nancy Ellen Osborne, Avid Young Readers Earn relations co-chairman, stressed the $ti,?oo for Ihe position, Mayor Towl's The children, who ranged in ages All of the first place winners re- committee's conviction that demands affirmative action In each instance mm nine to 12 years, also made and ceived trophies and medals were for "ri'ciai balance" in schools by assured their passage on first read- served cookies and punch at the presented to those taking second and all minority groups wiihin a com- 'Irrelevancy' inn and a public hearing at the Aug. prograjm. Balloons For Clooney third places. Gordon Booth, presi- munity would result in financial and 13 niccling of council. dent of the Recreation Commission educational chaos. Both of the ordinances were intro- The/Red Cross also received 54 made the award presentations. All On Pay Boot* Attitude wry cloth bibs made by the Mis- The Committee urges all Union duced by Councilman Herbert R, In Vacation Reading Club contestants were treated to ice Comity Boards of Education to study Welch Jr., chairmnn of council's wnW Society of the Bethel Baptist cream following tho conclusion of Arthur C. Fried of Westfield, a Democratic candidate for the Union u»ch of Westfield, under the lead- Over one hundred gay blue and further information about the Head- and solve their problems on the lo-County Board of Freeholders today flayed what he termed the "out- fire committee. Both times his reso- the event. cal level by means of thorough pub- lutions were seconded by Council- "aiip of Mrs. Laura Hargrave-, yellow paper balloons, bearing ing Club. rageous attitude of Freeholder Harry V. Osborne of Cranford for char- President. The bibs will go to Run-names of children who have com- The winners of the. Junior Boys lic discussions. Failure to consult man A. Tiirney Savage. Offsetting ! A red Idler day in the history of acterizing criticism of the board's pay boost as "irrelevant." t| Hospital in Berkeley Heights. pleted reading 10 books, appear on finals were: Dave Smythe, first properly with nil citizens may ag- their affirmative voles were the the Children's Department was from Rosevelt playground. His gravale racial tension and result in negative ballots cast by Council- !"» chapter, which will be on its the Bulletin Board at the. Westfield marked July B when 1,274 books | "This is it pretty high and mighlv lone for u public servant to take," wmmer schedule from July 29 Memorial Library. „ ", , i brother, John placed second also an unwholesome educational situa- Mr. Fried said, "especially after man Arthur E. Horner and Samuel rowed between tion. M. Kinney Jr. """w^ Aug. 12, is seeking volun- The Vacation Reading Club got p.mwere. borroweParents d obetweef Westfieln 9 da.m childre. andn ft {rom ,!os(,v|,u; ,]ic,ter stryzJ,)u) fr()m voting !<> dig deeper into the con- under way June 17 with 700 children need not be concerned that tele- Grant came io third. A neighborhood school system, stituents' pockets to give themselves In a discussion on the crention of registered to date Mcnibci\s of the vision hiis replaced reading it was Other results: Senior Boys, Group properly zoned, is still the best edu- a raise." Protests Ignored: the fire lieutenant post both Coun- Court Authorizes Children's Department who have stated.
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