Price $18.50. The C. V. Mosby Company, 3207 Wash- books received ington Boulevard, St. Louis, 63103, 1966. THE TREATMENT OF FRACTURES. Supplemen- The books received for review during the period from tary Volume to the 5th English Edition. By Lorenz May 5 to June 5 are acknowledged below. B8hler, M.D., Director of the Accident Hospital, Those of greatest interest to readers will be reviewed Vienna XX; Professor of Accident Surgery, Univer- as space permits. sity of Vienna; and Prof. Dr. Jorg BOhler, Director of the Accident Hospital, Linz, Professor of Trauma- tology, University of Vienna. Cloth. Pp. 505, with il- lustrations. Price $28.75. Grune Stratton, Inc., 381 Park Avenue South, New York, 10016, 1966. ATLAS OF DISEASES OF THE ANTERIOR SEG- SHOCK. Pharmacological principles in treatment. By MENT OF THE EYE. By Professor Dr. Wolfgang Robert J. Marshall, M.D., M.R.C.P., M.R.C.P.I., Pro- Straub, Chief of Eye Clinic, University of Hamburg; fessor of Medicine and Head, Division of Cardiology. and Dr. Hermann Rossmann, Assistant Physician, West Virginia University School of Medicine, Mor- Eye Clinic, University of Hamburg. Cloth. Pp. 217, gantown, West Virginia; and Thomas D. Darby with illustrations. Price $21.00. The Blakiston Divi- Ph.D., Pharmacologist, Abbott Laboratories, North sion, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 330 West 42nd Chicago, Illinois; formerly Associate Professor of Street, New York, 10036, 1966. Pharmacology, West Virginia University School of Medicine, Morgantown, West Virginia. Cloth. Pp. 99, BLOOD DISEASES OF INFANCY AND CHILD- with illustrations. Price $5.50. Charles C Thomas, HOOD. By Carl H. Smith, M.A., M.D., Clinical Pro- Publisher, 301-327 East Lawrence Avenue, Spring• fessor of Pediatrics, Cornell University Medical Col- field, Illinois 62703, 1966. lege, New York, New York; Consulting Pediatrician, The New York Hospital, New York, New York; RESEARCH IN MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY. Pro- Beekman-Downtown Hospital, New York, New York; ceedings of the Third Symposium on Current Re- Fitkin Memorial Hospital, Neptune, New Jersey; search in Muscular Dystrophy held at the National Misericordia Hospital, Bronx, New York; Staten Is- Hospital, Queen Square, London W. C. 1, 8th-9th land Hospital, Staten Island, New York; St. Josephs January 1965. Edited by Members of the Research Hospital, Far Rockaway, New York; Roosevelt Hos- Committee of the Muscular Dystrophy Group. Paper pital, New York, New York; Lenox Hill Hospital, Pp. 357, with illustrations. Price $7.00. J. B. Lippin- New York, New York; New York Infirmary, New cott Company, East Washington Square, Philadel- York, New York. Ed. 2. Cloth. Pp. 800, with illustra- phia, 19105, 1965. tions. Pricy_ $22.00. The C. V. Mosby Company, 3207 Washington Boulevard, St. Louis, 63103, 1966. SURGICAL APPROACHES TO THE NECK, CER- VICAL SPINE AND UPPER EXTREMITY. By SYNTHETIC ANALGESICS. Part HA Morphinans. Emanuel B. Kaplan, M.D., formerly Associate Pro- By J. Hellerbach; 0. Schnider; H. Besendorf; and fessor of Clinical Anatomy, College of Physicians B. Pellmont, Research Department of F. Hoffmann- and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York City; La Roche Co. Ltd., Basle. Part IIB. 6, 7-Benzomor- Consultant in Orthopedic Surgery, Director of Hand phans. By Nathan B. Eddy and Everette L. May, Surgery, Hospital for Joint Diseases, New York National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Dis- City; Consultant in Orthopedic Surgery, Bronx Le- eases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda 14, banon Center, New York City, and St. Josephs Hos- Maryland. Cloth. Pp. 192, with illustrations. Price pital, Paterson, New Jersey. Cloth. Pp. 246, with $12.00. Pergamon Press Inc., 44-01 21st Street, Long illustrations. Price $11.50. W. B. Saunders Company, Island City, New York, 11101, 1966. West Washington Square, Philadelphia, 19105, 1966. HERITABLE DISORDERS OF CONNECTIVE TIS- PRINCIPLES OF HEMATOLOGY. By James W. SUE. By Victor A. McKusick, M.D., Professor of Linman, M.D., F.A.C.P., Consultant, Section of Clini- Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of cal Pathology (Hematology), Mayo Clinic; Associate Medicine; Physician, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Professor of Medicine, Mayo Graduate School of Baltimore. Ed. 3. Cloth. Pp. 499, with illustration-, Medicine (University of Minnesota), Rochester; for- Journal A0A/vol. 65, July 1966 1275/231 Books received merly, Associate Professor of Medicine, Northwestern Member of the International Committee on Bacterial University Medical School; Chief, Hematology Sec- Nomenclature, Member of the Academy of Sciences tion, Veterans Administration Research Hospital (Paris). Translated by V. Fredette. 1st American Chicago. Cloth. Pp. 621, with illustrations. Price Edition (based on the third French edition). Cloth. $12.50. The Macmillan Company, 60 Fifth Avenue, Pp. 402, with illustrations. Price $15.00. Lea New York, 10011, 1966. Febiger, 600 South Washington Square, Philadelphia, 19106, 1966. CALCIFIED TISSUES 1965. Proceedings of the Third European Symposium on Calcified Tissues held at RECENT ADVANCES IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF Davos (Switzerland), April 11th-16th, 1965. Edited CANCER. A collection of papers presented at the by H. Fleisch, H. J. J. Blackwood and M. Owen. Cloth. Ninth Annual Clinical Conference on Cancer, 1964, Pp. 280, with illustrations. Price $17.00. Springer- at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Hospital Verlag New York Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, and Tumor Institute, Houston, Texas. Cloth. Pp. 310, 10010, 1966. with illustrations. Price $12.00. Year Book Medical Publishers, 35 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, 60601, PATHOLOGY ANNUAL. Volume 1, 1966. Edited by 1966. Sheldon C. Sommers, M.D., Professor of Pathology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Sur- FAMILY PLANNING AND POPULATION PRO- geons; Associate Director of Laboratories, Francis GRAMS. A review of world developments. Proceed- Delafield Hospital, New York, New York; Clinical ings of the International Conference on Family Professor of Pathology, University of Southern Cali- Planning Programs, Geneva, August, 1965. Edited by fornia School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California. The Planning Committee for the Conference. Cloth. Cloth. Pp. 387, with illustrations. Price $12.00. Apple- Pp. 848, with illustrations. Price $12.50. The Univer- ton-Century-Crofts, Division of Meredith Publishing sity of Chicago Press, 5750 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Company, 34 West 33rd Street, New York, 10001, 60637, 1966. 1966. ELECTROCARDIOGRAMS. A systematic method of YOUR MEDICAL CHECK-UP. How to know when reading them. By M. L. Armstrong, M.B., B.S., Medi- you need it and how to get the most out of it. By cal Registrar, The Willesden General Hospital, Lon- Cyril Solomon, M.D., F.C.A.P., Medical Consultant don. Cloth. Pp. 64, with illustrations. Price $4.75. for This Week Magazine. Paperback. Pp. 90, with The Williams and Wilkins Company, exclusive U.S. illustrations. Price $1.00. The Benjamin Company, distributors, 428 East Preston Street, Baltimore, 600 Fifth Avenue, New York, 10020, 1966. 21202, 1965. THE LAW IN MEDICAL PRACTICE. By Sidney ANAEROBIC BACTERIA. Manual for classification Shindell, M.D., LL.B. Cloth. Pp. 297. Price $6.50. and determination. By Andre R. Prevot, Honorary University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, 15213, Department Head of the Pasteur Institute, Former 1966. 1276/232.
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