Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Denver Airports District Office DRAFT SECTION 303(c)/4(f) DE MINIMIS FINDING For the Provo Municipal Airport City of Provo, Utah County, Utah I. Introduction - Section 4(f) Section 4(f) was initially codified in Title 49 United States Code (USC) § 1653(f) (Section 4(f) of the USDOT Act of 1966). In 1983, § 1653(f) was reworded and recodified as Title 49 USC § 303 but is still commonly referred to as Section 4(f). Congress amended Section 4(f) in 2005 when the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) was enacted. Section 4(f) declares that “it is the policy of the US Government that special effort should be made to preserve the natural beauty of the countryside and public park and recreation lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites.” In addition: Section 4(f) prohibits the use of land of significant publicly owned public parks, recreation areas, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and land of a historic site for transportation projects unless the Administration determines that there is no feasible and prudent avoidance alternative and that all possible planning to minimize harm has occurred. De minimis impacts related to historic sites are defined as the determination of either “no adverse effect” or “no historic properties affected” in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. For publicly owned parks, recreation areas, and wildlife/waterfowl refuges, de minimis impacts are defined as those that do not “adversely affect the activities, features, and attributes” of the Section 4(f) resource. De minimis impact determinations are based on the degree of impact after the inclusion of any measure(s) to minimize harm. II. Project Description The Provo Municipal Airport (Airport) is located two miles west of the City of Provo near Utah Lake in Utah County, Utah. The Airport is proposing to construct a new terminal building, aircraft apron, vehicle parking lot, and access roads. The existing terminal building is unable to accommodate the existing demand. The project includes: • Terminal Building: The approximately 45,000 square foot terminal building will replace the current 4,000 square foot terminal. The new building will be able to meet current and future demand. The new terminal will be constructed south of the existing terminal in an area that is undeveloped but was previously disturbed. The project includes the construction of the building and installation of utilities. • Aircraft Apron: The new concrete aircraft apron will be approximately 130,000 square feet and will include a deicing pad. Aircraft use the apron to park while loading/unloading passengers. 1 • Vehicle Parking and Access Roads: The vehicle parking area and loop road will occupy approximately 30 acres. The parking lot will provide space for 680 vehicles (500 paved and 180 unpaved spaces). The loop road includes an entrance road, exit road, and a circulation road for people picking up passengers. • Stormwater Infrastructure: The project also includes the installation of storm pipe, inlets, and manholes to insure proper drainage of the area. III. Description of Section 4(f) Resource and Potential Impacts Site 42UT1617 consists of a complex irrigation system constructed throughout wetlands and low-lying agricultural lands located south of Center Street and between the eastern edge of Utah Lake and the I-15 corridor. The site has eight large dirt canals, five concrete-lined irrigation ditches, and many smaller subsidiary or divergent ditches. Construction of the irrigation system began during the 1850s, shortly after settlement of the area, to facilitate farming. The Site is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) under Criterion A for its importance in the early settlement of the Utah Valley and its role in the agricultural economy of the region. The proposed entrance/exit roads include three crossings over Site 42UT1617. All three crossings will use expansion culverts to avoid direct impacts. In addition to the entrance/exit roads, the project also includes the installation of a water/sewer line. There are two options being considered to limit impacts to the Site. The first option is to bore under both Site 42UT1617 and the airport moat. The second option involves installing a temporary dam to remove the water to allow the installation of the water/sewer line and then restoring the site to preconstruction conditions. Either option will avoid direct, permanent impacts to the Site. The access roads and water/sewer line installation activities affect a relatively small portion of the overall site and will not substantially impact or alter the irrigation system as a whole or any of its character-defining features for which the overall site was determined eligible for the NRHP. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) determined that a finding of No Adverse Effect under Section 106 is appropriate for this project. The Utah State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurred with the No Adverse Effect finding in a letter dated July 19, 2019. IV. Discussion of Coordination The public will be offered the opportunity to comment on this Section 4(f) de minimis finding and the Section 106 No Adverse Effect finding. After the 30 day comment period, the FAA will make a final decision based on the information provided above, any public comments received, and in coordination with SHPO as to whether the effects of the proposed project constitute a de minimis Section 4(f) impact. V. Preliminary Finding After careful and thorough consideration of the facts contained herein, the undersigned finds that the proposed Federal action is consistent with Title 49 USC § 303 and other applicable environmental requirements. It is anticipated that the proposed Federal action will not significantly impact the integrity of OGD and therefore constitutes a de minimis Section 4(f) impact. 2 John Bauer, Manager Federal Aviation Administration Denver Airport District Office Date 3 Appendix A Figure 1 – Provo Municipal Airport Location Figure 2 – Above-ground and Archaeological (red) APEs HISTORICA CANAL CROSSING # 3 WATER LINE INSTALLATION HISTORIC CANAL CROSSING # 2 MOAT CROSSING # 2 HISTORIC CANAL CROSSING # 1 TERMINAL PARKING MOAT CROSSING # 1 AND LOOP ROAD XX XX XX XX XX XX NEW TERMINAL BUILDING XX XX GRADING AREA TERMINAL APRON GRADING AREA ® PROVO AIRPORT GRAPHIC SCALE TERMINAL AREA DEVELOPMENT: 125 0 125 250 35 S 400 WEST SUITE 200 ST GEORGE, UT 84770 AREAS OF IMPACT ( IN FEET ) PHONE: 435-673-4677 FAX: 435-673-8484 WWW.JVIATION.COM DATE: 12 JULY 2019 SHEET 1 OF 1 Plotted July 12, 2019 by @ Plotted Alex Nodich 1:55 PM L:\PVU\AIP 44 Term & Apron Design\CAD\EXHIBITS\PVU - CATEX EXHIBIT.dwg Appendix C 122+49 122+00 121+00 120+00 EP: 122+49.30 CANAL CROSSING #3 PT: 121+13.02 119+00 LAKEVIEW PARKWAY PC: 117+90.85 118+00 117+00 PT: 115+25.20 116+00 CANAL CROSSING #2 115+00 114+00 HISTORIC CANAL 113+00 86+00 BP: 86+00.00 MOAT PC: 113+64.16 LAKEVIEW PARKWAY 112+00 CANAL CROSSING #1 87+00 X X PT: 112+01.82 X X 88+00 PC: 111+20.81 HISTORIC CANAL PC: 88+28.31 X 111+00 X MOAT 89+00 MOAT 90+00 110+00 X X PT: 109+38.16 X X 91+00 109+00 X 92+00 PT: 92+17.70 93+00 108+00 94+00 X X PC: 94+19.70 PT: 94+80.78 95+00 96+00 97+00 98+00 99+00 100+00 101+00 102+00 103+00 104+00 105+00 106+00 PC: 106+24.00 107+00 X TERMINAL BUILDING PRELIMINARY LAYOUT TERMINAL CENTERLINE BP: 190+00.00 EP: 210+00.00 4510 4510 LAKEVIEW PARKWAY EOP STA: 86+44.26 4505 EL: 4500.00 4505 STA: 122+05.03 EL: 4499.29 0.50% -0.50% 4500 -2.48% 4500 1.24% 4495 -0.40% 4495 0.40% LAKEVIEW PARKWAY 4490 4490 EOP 4485 4485 4492.1 4493.7 4494.7 4490.0 4493.0 4492.6 4491.5 4490.9 4490.3 4489.5 4490.5 4490.6 4489.9 4489.7 4489.4 4489.7 4490.7 4491.4 4490.0 4489.6 4490.5 4491.5 4492.2 4492.2 4491.9 4490.9 4487.5 4498.7 4489.2 4489.9 4489.9 4490.0 4491.5 4490.8 4490.6 4498.6 4498.61 4492.11 4500.41 4500.71 4496.13 4493.76 4491.30 4491.30 4491.70 4492.10 4492.50 4492.90 4493.30 4493.70 4494.00 4494.10 4494.00 4493.70 4493.30 4492.90 4492.50 4492.10 4491.83 4492.08 4492.88 4494.10 4495.34 4496.59 4497.83 4499.05 4499.90 4500.76 4500.86 4500.32 4499.82 4499.32 86+00 87+00 88+00 89+00 90+00 91+00 92+00 93+00 94+00 95+00 96+00 97+00 98+00 99+00 100+00 101+00 102+00 103+00 104+00 105+00 106+00 107+00 108+00 109+00 110+00 111+00 112+00 113+00 114+00 115+00 116+00 117+00 118+00 119+00 120+00 121+00 122+00 123+00 124+00 MOAT WATER SURFACE CANAL CROSSING #2 CANAL CROSSING #3 CANAL CROSSING #1 MOAT WATER SURFACE P-ALIGN-ROAD-1 PROFILE SCALE HORZ: 1"=250', VERT: 1"=25' (SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR DETAIL) (SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR DETAIL) (SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR DETAIL) ® Dane Hurst PROVO AIRPORT by PROPOSED TERMINAL LANDSIDE FACILITIES 12:23 PM PRELIMINARY CANAL CROSSINGS LAYOUT 363 N UNIVERSITY AVE SUITE 106 PROVO, UT 84601 @ GRAPHIC SCALE PLAN VIEW AND OVERVIEW ROADWAY PROFILE 125 0 125 250 PHONE: 801-204-9560 FAX: 801-206-9808 July 8, 2019 WWW.JVIATION.COM ( IN FEET ) DATE: 08 JULY 2019 SHEET 1 OF 2 Plotted L:\PVU\LOC 19-04 Terminal Parking\CAD\EXHIBITS\PVU-LOC 19-04_LandsidePreliminaryLayout_HistoricCanals.dwg 4502 4502 4502 4502 4501 4501 4501 4501 PROPOSED GRADE 4500 4500 4500 4500 PROPOSED GRADE 4499 SINGLE RADIUS ARCH 4499 4499 4499 DIKE ROAD EMBANKMENT STANDARD SHAPE (STEEL OR ALUMINUM) 4498 26.0' 4498 4498 SERVICE ROAD 4498 PROPOSED GRADE 26.0' 4497 4497 4497 PROPOSED 4497 EMBANKMENT 4496 4496 4496 25.2' 4496 4495 SINGLE RADIUS ARCH 4495 4495 4495 DIKE ROAD EMBANKMENT STANDARD
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