Winter 2005 YLD Newsletter.qxp 11/18/2005 10:42 AM Page 1 TThhee YYLLDD RReevviieeww The State Bar of Georgia — Lawyers Serving the Public and the Justice System Volume 47, Issue 2 Young Lawyers Division Winter 2005 Young Lawyers Host Fall Meeting in Athens as Bulldogs defeat Arkansas Razorbacks he Fall Meeting of the Young Lawyers Division was held in its traditional location at the Foundry Park Inn and Spa in Athens, Ga. on Tthe weekend of Oct. 21-23. Friday afternoon began with a CLE video replay of Justice Kennedy’s address at the Bar Center Dedication on Jan. 15, 2005 followed by the YLD’s business meeting. Friday evening’s welcome cocktail reception was held at the Foundry Park Inn’s Pavilion, and was followed by a group dinner. The hospitality suite was located in the hotel’s Presidential Suite and was open throughout the weekend. A tailgate party (arranged by Chuck Auslander and Rich Connelly) took place at the Tate Center Parking lot before the 12:30 p.m. kick off between UGA and Arkansas. For more photos from the 2005 Fall Meeting, please see page 5. Right: Jennifer Auer Jordan, Andrew Flake, Sherry Neal, Lew Landon and Jason Alloy at the group dinner on Oct. 21. Below Left: Josh Wages, John Baker and friend Below Center: YLD Treasurer Elena Kaplan, Beth Martin, Jonathan Martin and YLD President-Elect Jon Pope Below Right: YLD Past President Laurel Payne Landon, Deana Bell, YLD Secretary Josh Bell and Suzy Alford In this Issue: Judicial Lessons I Have Learned . .Page 4 President’s Corner . .Page 2 Fall Meeting Photos . .Page 5 Around the State . .Page 2 MIPC Update . .Page 6 Summer Meeting . .Page 3 Editor’s Block . .Page 8 Winter 2005 YLD Newsletter.qxp 11/18/2005 10:42 AM Page 2 Winter Issue Useful, Enjoyable By Damon Elmore ith each edition of The YLD Review, we attempt to Judge Rich for their time and support of the YLD by prepar- highlight some of the recent work done by your ing these pieces. WYLD. We attempt to offer a medium to convey Turning to the other “meaty” parts of the Review, Lea helpful practice pointers aimed at providing a bit of guidance Thompson shines a spotlight on the One Child, One Lawyer to anyone who may open it when it hits his or her desk. This program. Holly Geerdes gives us an update on the work per- edition is no different. formed by our Minorities in the Profession Committee. We You’ll get a few snapshots from our summer and fall meet- take a tour around the state to look into the work being done ings. We are excited about the increased attendance and we by local YLD organizations. With 2006 bearing down on us, conducted meaningful and important business during the meet- the good folk at Momentum Inc. provide a few tips to help ings. We look forward to having you join us at the Midyear you get organized and eliminate some of that paper. Jess Meeting, as well as at our Spring Meeting in Las Vegas. Davis and Anna Sumner update us on the work being done, In what can only be described as the “food for the soul and the help still needed for the ARLSG. Finally, I am excit- side,” we are fortunate to have two of Georgia’s distin- ed that we are rolling out the feature editorial from our new guished jurists, the Hon. Harold Melton and the Hon. Randy YLD Review Co-editor for 2005-2006, Amy Howell. from the Rich, provide their “Lessons Learned” in Part II of our con- Alas, there is simply not enough room to cover it all! But tinuing series. The angle this time, Lessons Learned…from don’t worry, watch for occasional e-updates from us; check- President the Bench. We hope you will enjoy the messages conveyed. in with the Bar’s Web site from time to time, or, for specific We have to deliver a special thanks to Justice Melton and information, do not hesitate to contact us directly. 2006 Legislative YLD Around the State Affairs Breakfast Albany: Hugh Morris Jr. is help- lect toys, presents and food to deliv- lawyer to buy presents for a particu- The YLD Legislative Affairs ing kick-start a young lawyers divi- er to a deserving family. Over the lar child currently in DFCS custody. Committee announces its 18th sion for the Albany area. For more past 30 days, a number of Savannah Finally, the Macon YLD is donat- Annual Legislative Affairs information or, to sign-up, contact YLD volunteers served as judges for ing furniture and equipment to the Breakfast on Jan. 6, during the Hugh at 229.420.4104. the Armstrong Atlantic State Georgia Children’s Museum, which Bar’s Midyear Meeting. Breakfast University moot court tournament. will be given to the museum to be begins bright and early at 7:30 a.m. On the advocacy side, they have used in conjunction with its after in the Empire Room of the Sloppy Carrollton: A little further been meeting with representatives school and weekend programs that Floyd Building, which is across the north, John Jackson is not only start- from the Savannah Truancy teach culture, art and theatre to ele- street from the Capitol. Rub shoul- ing a Carrollton YLD going, but is Intervention Program (TIP) and the mentary and middle school children. ders with legislators, appellate also an instrumental player in revi- Court Appointed Special Advocates The museum takes no public money judges, and fellow YLD members. talizing the Carrollton bar at-large! program (CASA), to determine ways and relies solely on memberships, Invited speakers include Sen. John and his team are still in the the Coastal Empire's young lawyers grants and volunteers. For more Preston Smith (R-Rome), Sen. very beginning stages of that task can get involved in volunteering information, their Web site is Kasim Reed (D-Atlanta), Sen. but, special thanks to him and their time to these groups. http://www.georgiachildrensmuseum.org David Adelman (D-Decatur), Rep. TSINGER, TSINGER, VANCE Rob Teilhet (D-Smyrna), and AND GREER, P.C., for allowing Macon: As you have seen in Randy Evans of McKenna, Long & John to devote some time to these past editions, Macon’s YLD remains We would like to extend an invita- Aldridge. Get inside scoop on worthwhile efforts. For more infor- an active arm. They have been tion to all young lawyers in these, issues of interest in the 2006 ses- mation, John can be reached at instrumental in Hurricane Katrina and all areas across the state, to par- sion. Tickets are $25 per person or 770.214.5119. relief efforts and also held a social ticipate with and support your local a firm can sponsor and purchase a event in September, where YLD young lawyer divisions. We also ask table for 8 for $150. Savannah: Jennifer Vardeman Director Caren Cloud Barnes made a that if any of you can assist in If you are interested in tickets or with MCCORKLE, PEDIGO & presentation related to the Truancy procuring financial support for the sponsoring, please call Deidra JOHNSON reports that the young Intervention Project. Like most of newly formed YLDs from your Sanderson, 404.527.8778, Jon lawyers in Savannah have gotten the YLD meetings for the 2005-2006 firms, local businesses or any other Stewart, 404.614.7400, or John their bar year off to its traditional bar year, Moore Financial served as entities with which you have con- Rogers, 404.522.8220, or mail the busy start. The activities included a a sponsor of this event. Thanks to tacts that would be greatly appreci- information below, along with "kick off" happy hour and other them, as well as the Macon Arts ated. check payable to State Bar of social gatherings to plan for the new Gallery for serving as host. Finally, for the cities or areas not Georgia to : Deidra Sanderson, year. The annual Christmas Party is As for upcoming events, they are listed above, if any of you work in State Bar of Georgia; 104 Marietta scheduled for Dec. 16. In addition, planning a social in January at the those areas and are interested in St., Atlanta, GA 30303. they are sponsoring a 5K walk/run historic 1842 Inn. This event will be forming a local YLD of your own, this spring to raise money for a slate sponsored by Brown Reporting. please contact Cristen Freeman at Name:____________________ of worthwhile causes. Additionally, the Macon YLD is 478.752.0714. Firm:_____________________ In conjunction with the Christmas working with the Bibb County Phone:____________________ Party, the Savannah YLD will be Department of Family and Children E-mail:___________________ sponsoring a family from the Services to adopt-a-child for Address:__________________ Savannah Safe Shelter and will col- Christmas and get each participating 2 The YLD Review Winter 2005 YLD Newsletter.qxp 11/18/2005 10:43 AM Page 3 Left: Jake Kennedy, Laurel Payne Landon, Deidra Sanderson, Damon Elmore, David Gruskin, Terri Gordon, Jason Mayberry, Natalie Whiteman, Ashley Gruskin and Elizabeth Garvish have fun during the pub crawl in Charleston. Below: David Marvell, Hugh Morris, Crystal Morris and Jason Alloy have fun at the reception. Katrina Quicker, Cathy Auslander, Chuck Auslander, Josh Bell and Blair Enfield at the welcome cocktail reception during the summer meeting on Aug. 26. Charleston Hosts YLD SummerS Meeting he Young Lawyers Division hosted its Summer Meeting over the weekend of Aug. 26-28 at the Charleston Place Hotel in Charleston, TS.C.
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