1111.i 4W dial 0-4 Eir4prit §PAH HRH The New York Times NEWS BULLETIN mUt4r4 hour the how 7 :A., PROGRAMSswruitixtvy, AUG,ON 7, 1948. THE AIR every ase midnight to over WQXR RADIO (1560 dial) on your X R--F1h1 1:55-5Baseball: Yankees at ClevelandWINS; Dodgers vg. MORNING L.W Q (Mg Pie. (Channel Ebbets FieldWHN (To 4:45); 2:25-5Giants vs Pittsblirgh, 242) and 46,9 WCBSThis Is New York. 13111 I,ebhad Polo GroundsMICA. WHNRecorded Music 9:30-WNBCPAL Show. Drama TELEVISION 3-3:45Folk Opera: "Down in the Valley," From University of Miohi- WONIt's a Living ganWINTBC. WAWAThe Music BOX WINSMorning Matinee WCBS-TV-Channel 3:304:30Colorado College Concert; Roy Harris, ConductorW5. WNEWNews; Recorded Music 1:30-Music: Weather 1:95-Snorts Minn-Dennis 4:30-5Golf: Tam O'Shanter Tournament, ChicagoWM. WHNFun at Breakfast, Ward Wilson Jarahs 0:45-1VN3CStamp Club. Harry L. r,irielquist 1:50-Baseball: Dodgers-CincihnISEI WNBT--Channel 5-5:30Racing: The Whitney, at SaratogaWJZ (WCBS at 5:1).. WCBSHousewives Protective League 4 WNEWCalling All Girls 2:10-Al Show 6:30-7:30NBC Symphony; Massimo Freccia, ConductorWNE0, Schacht 9: SS-WNYCNews Reports 2:20-Baseball: Glants-PittataWr 7-7:30St. Louis Municipal Opera ConcertWCBS. 10: 00-WNBCFrank MerriweltDrama 5:00-Howdy Doody-Bob Smith WORNewsHenry Gladstdire 8:00-Feature Film w.12Yarlety Music wACD-channsl 7:80-8Saturday Night Serenade: Gustave Haensohen and Orchestra; WMCANews; Tommy Dorsey Show 5 Vio Damone, Baritone; Hollace Shaw, SopranoWOES. WNYCMusic America Loves 8:80-F1Ica Shorts 9:00-Filth: Streamline 8-8:30Twenty Questions Quiz: Ralph Kiner, GuestWOR. WHNBandstand: Russ Morgan Express WNEWMake-Believe Ballroom wJE-17-channel WLIBNews; Recorded Music 30:00 A. PatteA 8-9Sing It Again: Dan Seymour, Alan Dale, Bob Howard, Ray Bloch WQXRThe New York Times News 51.-10 P. 111.-Test Orchestra and OthersWCBS. 10:05-WQXRPanorama of Music WPIX-Channel 8:05-9Symphony Hall: RegerVariations and Fugue on a Theme of 10:15-WORBruce and Dan 4:00-News; Pixie Playtime 4:50-Comics Parade WCBSThe Garden Gate. With Tom on MozartWQXR. Williams 7:00-News; Music; Slides 8:30-9Olympic Sports Program, From London; Bill Stern andAmer- 10: 30-WNBCArchle AndrewsSketch 7:30-Newsreel; Tune 'Detective, Whiel WORThere's Always a Woman Sigmund Spaeth 8:00-Three Strikes. You're ican writersWNEC. WJZJohnny Thompson, Songs Out 8:30-Racing, Westbury, L. WCBSMary Lee Taylor I. 9-9:30-11it Parade: Frank Sinatra and Marjorie Hughes; Orchestra WINSListen to Lacy 9:00-News; Racing Continued and ChorusWNBC. WNEWNews: Make-Believe Ballroom WATv-Channel 10141-WIZRalph Norman Orchestra 9-9:30Morey Amsterdam Show: Ginnie Powell and OthersWOES. 10: 55-WNYCNews Reports 3:10-Music and Films 11: 00-WNBCMeet the MeeksSketch 4:25-Racing at Monmouth Pack 9:30-10Comedy Quiz: Can You Top This?W1VBC. WONPrescott Robinson 5: 15-Junlor Frolic WJZChildren's ShowAbbott and 5:40-Film: Mystery siege 9:S0-10-.Comedy: It Pays to Be Ignorant; Tom Howard and Others- Costello 6:00-Camera Highlights 7:00-Western: Lone VVCBS. WCBSNews: Warren Sweeney avenger WAWANews Reports 8:00-Film: Boys Reformatory Highlights 10:45-12Cincinnati Summer Opera: Puccini's "La Tosca"; Faust° WNYCThe Inside Story 9:00-Camera Cleva, Conductor; Stella Roman, Charles Kullman, OthersWINS. VILIBNews; Recorded Music 9:30-Hoedown. WQXRThe New York Times News 11:03-WCBSLet's Pretend: Princess Moon- FM STATIONS TELEVISION . beam WMCA'This Is Our TownLilian Okun; (Dial settings in Guest,Mrs. Marcel Lamont megacylso 1:50-1:45Baseball: Dodgers vs. OincinnatiWCBS-TV; 2:20-5Giants WQXRGilbert and Sullivan Music IVEDV-90.7 (Channel 214$ vs. PittsburghWNBT. 11: 15-WORTello-TestQuiz 9:00-Sacred Heart Program 9:15-News; Blue chapel 5-6Children's Show: Howdy Doody, With Bob SmithWNBT. WMCAStreet Interviews mass 00-News; 17/NYCPolice Safety Program Music 10:55-News 8:30-11Harness Races, Roosevelt Raceway, Westbury, L. L--4/iTPIK. 1I:30-WNBCSmilin. Ed McConnell Briefs WONSpecial AgentSketch 4:130-News; Band Musts 9-10Film Feature: "Streamline Express"WABD. WJZNewsDon Gardner 4:30-Your State anti mine WCBSJunior MissComedy 5:00-News; Records WNYCMasterwork Hour WMCAAmerican Folk Music 6:00-Sports Review WNYCCity Guide WINSThree-Corner Club WNYCPAL Program 6:15-Concert Hour 8:55-WNYC, WHNNews Reports WEBTalk. Carlton Fredricks WNE1VNews; Bing Crosby Records 7:15-Liturgy and Living Recital 9:00-WNBCTriple B Ranch. With Bob Smith wr.329News; Crooners Corner WLIBChildren's Program 7:30-Piano and Song WONNews, Harry Hennessy WCI5-11The New York Times News WQXRU. N. Today 8:00-News: Symphonies wizShoppers Special 1/:45-WJZBuddy Weed Show 8:51-9:00-News Final 05-WQXR.--Morning Melodies WQXR Along the Danube WCBSNews. Bob Hite 1V235151-92.1 II: 55-1VNYCNews Reports (Channel 221) and 44.1 WMCANews: Sabbath Service 9:15-WORLet's Go: Ruth and Philip Hunter 4:00-11:00 M.-Variety P. Music WNYC-FM-93.9 (Channel 2301 51.-Same 6:55-10:00 P. WNYC as 10:00-12:00 P. M.-News and Music AFTERNOON WJZ-FM-95.5 (Channel 238) AFTERNOON 5:45 A. M.-1:00 A. 51,-Same WJZ as (Channel 12:00-WNBCBob Sherry. News WQXRThe New York Times News 2: 30-WNBCSalute to VeteransLieut. 4:30-WNBCMind Your Manners WQXR-FM-96.3 242) and 4592 M.-Same 1:05-WQXRMirlday Symphony WJZTam O'Shanter Golf Tournament. 7:00 A. 111.-1 A. as WQXR WORIligh AdventureSketch Comdr. Ty Crum: Guest. Mai. aen. Chicago 1: 30-IVNBCEdward Tomlinson, Comments WNBC-FM-97.1 (Channel 240) WJZFreedom GardenerPhil Alampi John E. DahlquIst WCBSTreasury Bandstand WONMovie Matinee 51.-Same WCBSTheatre of Today 5:30 A. 51.-1 A. as WNBC WMCANews- Mr. and Mrs. Music WJZPlano Playhouse UtiC 'Till 4:45 WMCATed Steele Show WNYCMidday Symphonies w<7.7SGive and Take WJZHollywood Variety Show WNEWNews; Music WGYN-97.9 (Channel 2502 Melodies WINSNews; Don Goddard W NYCMusicale WCBSCountry Journal 4:45-WONTeddy Wilson Orchestra 7: 00-Morning WISHChildren's Variety Show WHEWNews: Recorded Music WNEWNews: Music 9:00-Footlight Revue; Variety WNEWTake It Easy. Variety WHNNews; Music 4:55-WNYCNews Reports 10:00-Rhapsody in EhYthm WLIBNews; Alan Courtney Show (TO 3)1:35-WISHWarmup Time 3:0D-WNBCFolk opera; Down in the Valley.5:00-IVNBCSportsDizzy Dean 00-Show Case WQXRThe New York Times News 1:45-WNBCPublic Affairs: Problems That by Kurt Weil). From the University WONTake a NumberQuiz 00-Midday Bandstand 12:05-WQXRLuncheon Concert World Youth Face Today; W. W. of Michigan WJZRacing: The Whitney, Saratoga 1: 00-Melody Matinee 12:15-WNBCThe Kuhns Interviews Chaplen and Others WJZSpeasing of Songs (WCBS at 5:151 2:00-Variety Music WINSListen to Lacy WNYCWcather Report; News WCBSReport From Overseas WCBSDean Hudson Orchestra, 5:00-Record Parade 12: 25-WONWeek-End Weather 1:55-WINSBaseball: Yankees at Cleveland, WLIBNews; Music WHNSports Extra: Music 6:00-Candlelight Cafe 2 Games (To 5) WQXRThe New York Times News WNYCBallet Music 30-variety Music 12:30-IVNBCCoffee With Congress: Guest WISHBaseball: Dodgers vs. Cincinnati,3:05-WQXRMovie Music WINSTo Be Announced 8:00-12:00-Night Club in the shy Joaquin M. Eliza1de. Philippine (Television. (Channel Ebbets FieldTo 4:45 WNEWSummertime Melodies WOR-FM-98.7 HS Ambassador WCBS-TV) 3:15-WONRecorded Music WHNBandstand. Ella Fitzgerald WONHenry Gladstone 2:00-WNBCVincent Lopez Orchestra WCBSAdventure In Science. with WLIBNews: Workshop 25-Baseball: Giants-PittsburEh WJZNews. American Farmer News IVORTex Beneke. Music Watson Davis; Guest, Mal. Gen. Harold WQXRThe New York Times News 4:45-First Church of Christ scientist 5:00-Same WOE WCBSStars Over Hollywood WJZLet's Listen to the Veterans McClelland 5:05-WQXRInvitatIon to the Dance as WHNs-Varsity Varieties WCBSRay Eberle Orchestra 3:20-WJZColorado College String Symphonia: 6:00--Dance Music 5:15-WNBCLassie Show 7:00-9:00-Same WOE WNEWNews; Hall of Records WMCANews; Ted Steele Show Roy Harris. Conductor WQXRModern Rhythm as WCBSCross Section, U. S. A.; Dwight (Channel 12:45-WORThe Answer Man WNYCGreat OperasThomas H. Cowan WABF-99.5 2583 and 4416 Cook, Moderator 5:30-IVNBCQuiz: Dr.I. Q. WNYCPlane Reports From Idlewild WHNRecOrded Music 00-Sonata WNEWMusic Hall WNEWNews; Recorded Music WORTrue or FalseQuiz 1:00-wNBCFarm and Home Hour WQXRThe New York Times News WQXRMusic of Our Time WJZMelorlies to Remember 3:30-Classleal Music WORLuncheon at Sardi's 6:00-Musicalendar-500lfe Boswell 2:05-WQXRThe Book Concert 3:45-WNBCYour Radio Reporter WCBSSports. with Connie Desmond; WJZIflaggi McNellis, Herb Sheldon GuestClaude Harmon. Golf Star ' 6:30-Organ 4:00-WNBCMusic From Chicago Concert IvCBSGrand CentralStation. Play 2:15-WENSports News, Music WNEWNews; "Recorded Music 7:00-Children's WMCANews: Mr. and Mrs. Music WJZRhythm Music WCBSElliott Lawrence Orchestra WQXRCocktall Time Si: OD-Symphonies WNYCIdlewild Airport Program ,WLIBNews; Music 9:30-Plano 2125-WWLCABaseball: Giants vs. Pittsburgh, 5: 45-WJZDorothy FuldheimNews Music WENRecorded Music (To5)(Television WQXRThe New York Times News Polo Grounds 10:00-Classical Concert WHEWColor Wheel. Records 4:05-WQXRSymphonIc Matinee 5:55-WNYCNews Reports WNBT) 11:00-Chamber Music WMG51-100.5 (Channel 2824 EVENING EVENING 2:00-Baseball: Dodgers-Cincinnatt 5: 00-News; MUSIC WQXRJust Music 6:15-Drama Music 6:0(1-WNBCJack Costello. News WQXRThe New York -Times News 8:45-WHNDawson Orchestra 10:45-WMCAGene Ward. Sports and WORNewsLyle Van 7:05-WQXRThe Concert Stage 9:00-WNBCHit Parade; Frank Sinatra 7:05-Symphonies WINSCincinnati Summer Opera: 7: 30-9:00-Sammy Solo: Variety Music WJZNews Reports 7:15-WEVDMusic Gems Marjorie Hughes. Songs: Stordahl Puccini'sLa Tosco.;Faust° Cleve. WCBSNewsBob Hite WCBS-F/M-100.1 Orchestra: Ken Lane Chorus (Channel 266) WMCANews: Music 7:30-IVNBCCurtain TimeDrama WONThree for the Money; Russ Conductor;Stella Roman.
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