The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus THE NOTRE DAME ArLl^m 7f-M'%'C' -^5 •t-:'4v>*" c v^isst-.-r'N, .fe^?& i*" A \*.- •^M'^^T^J^i A^^.S& v f^^;^?yj' »• ,c: Mo5/ i?er. John F. O'Hara, C.S.C., D.D. Vol. 18 FEBRUARY, 1940 CONSECRAflON CEREMONIES IN SACRED HEART CHURCH The Notre Dame Alumnus This maguzir.e is published monthly from October to June. Inclusive (except January), by the Universitj- of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. Entered as second cl.iss matter October 1, 1939, at the Postoffice, Notre Dame, Indiana, under the act of August 24, 1912. Member of the American Alumni Council and of the National Catholic Alumni Federation. JA.MES E. ARMSTRONG, 75. Editor; WILLIAM R. DOOLEY. '26, Managing Editor Vol. 18. FEBRUARY, 1940 No. 4 Bishop O'Hara Is Consecrated Titular Bishop of Milasa, Auxiliary of the Army and Navy Diocese, Notre Dame's Former Prefect of Re­ ligion, and Former President, Launched in New Career Father .John O'Hura, C.S.C, '11, has ance of a study of commercial relations of Chicago, Archbishop-designate Moses been a history-maker at Notre Dame with other countries. The College of Kiley of Milwaukee, and Archbishop from his undergraduate days. Impatient Commerce in 1920 was a result of his Louis Mathias of Madras, India. Present of delay and red tape, imbued with a zeal; ho was its first dean. also were three -A.bbots, forty Monsign- vitality to keep pace with his ciuick mind ori, hundreds of priests, including su­ he finished his college work in three Elsewhere in this issue there is a periors of religious orders, numerous years. Determining on the priesthood, beautiful outline of the transition of distinguished statesmen, educators, civic he was soon ordained and contributing Notre Dame under his spiritual guid­ and business leaders, industrialists, to the campus those many influences ance from an ordinary college campus alumni of Notre Dame, members of the that have subsetiuently flowered. to a City of God, half of whose inhabi­ Army and Navy chaplains, and friends tants are daily communicants. and family. He was impres.sed, from his South American Ijackground, with the import- His presidency was marked by a suc­ Bishop O'Hara's mother was pre­ cession of projects, any one of them a vented from coming by inclement weath­ tribute to administrative ability, and all er, but many other members of the fam­ of them requiring time and detail for a ily attended. Bishop O'Hara was conse­ full tribute of appreciation. No one col­ crated before the arrival of the Apos­ THE PiaURES OPPOSITE lege or department held the wide and tolic Letters, and permission for his con- active range of his attention. Many fu­ .-^ecration was read by the notarius, Rev. Top: Biiliop John F. O'Hara, C.S,C,, im­ ture developments will find their roots Norbert Hoff, instead of the Letters, a parts liii blessing to those attending the Con- in his admini.-tration. secrationr Bishop Ritttr u« his /e/f. Bishop rare privilege, through permission from j\oll on his right. the Apostolic Delegate, Jlost Rev. Am- So it was not surprising that, in one leto Giovanni Cicognani. Upper left: Archbishop Spellman and Bishop O'Hara in a part of the ceremonies, sense, closing his career at Notre Dame, iVole beautiful detail of miters and baclfground. he should continue to mold its history. After the consecration, many other de­ tails of which are described elsewhere in Upper right: 7 he splendor of both cere- On December 11, news came from monl; and of Sacred fleart Church is caught Rome that the Holy Father had chosen this issue, those attending the ceremony, in this vicTV of a portion of the Consecration, Father O'Hara as 'Titular Bishop of Mi­ who filled a beautifully decorated and lighted Sacred Heart ChurcTi, were Center left: This vieTV of record-brcal(ing lasa, and Au.xiliary Bishop of the Army group of the House of Bishops in attendance and Navy Diocese, of which His E.xcel- guests at a luncheon in the University at the Consecration rvas tal(en in the Uni­ lency, Archbishop Spellman, is the Or­ Dining Halls. Rt. Rev. Monsignor D. L. versity Parlor of the .\fain Building. dinary. This mai'ked the first elevation Monahan was toastmaster. Speakers were Most Rev. Francis J. Spellman, Center right: Another general viele, shutt­ of a president of Notre Dame to the ing the effective lighting that brought out the episcopacy. D.D., Jlost Rev. John F. O'Hara, C.S.C, beauties of Sacred Heart Church. D.D., and Rev. J. Hugh O'Donnell, And on January 15, in Sacred Heart C.S.C, who presented to Bishop O'Hara Lojver left: The Cospel bool^ is placed on the Bishup-clecCs shoulders tli Father Thomas Church, in the presence of the largest a purse on behalf of alumni and friends. XfcAvoy. Fathers Eugene Burl^e and Charles assembly of hierarchy and clergy in No­ Xtiltner are on the altar. Father John Burl^e tre Dame's history. Bishop O'Hara was Members of the Board of Directors of holds the crazier presented to Bishop O'Hara raised to his new offices by Archbishop the Alumni Association were special by alumni and friends, Tuith the Statue of Spellman, and Bishops John F. Noll, of guests at both the consecration cere­ Our Lady its principal feature. Fort Wayne, and Joseph E. Ritter of monies and the subsequent banquet. Lower right: Bishop-elect O'Hara reading Inidanapolis. President Daniel E. Hilgartner, Vice- a part of the 5ervi*ce, surrounded by Bishops President Henry C. Wurzer, Directors Noll and Ritter, bis co-consecratars. Fathers The more than two score Bishops at Joseph M. Byrne, Francis McKeever and Connor and (Fenningcr, masters of ceremony, the ceremony were headed by five Met­ Edward O'Toole, William R. Dooley and and others of the 35 dignitaries Tvho tool^ active part in the Consecration. ropolitans, .\rchbishop Spellman of New James E. Armstrong, were among the York, -A.rchbishop Francis J. L. Beckman official alumni representatives who of Dubuque, Archbishop Samuel Stritch wished the new Bishop and beloved fel­ of Jlilwaukee and -Archbishop-designate low alumnus .Ad Mvltos Annas. (OS The Notre Dame Alumnus THE CONSECRATION BANQUET Left to Hght: Most Rev. Samuel Stritch, Archbishop-designate of Chicago, Very Rev. James A. Burns, C.S.C., Most Rev. John F. Noll, Most Rev. John F. O'Hara, C.S.C., Most Rev. Francis J. Spellman, Archbishop of New York. people he has served very well and very Archbishop Welcomes Bishop O'Hara long. He will have an opportunity of serving.a population lately to come to our shores from Puerto Rico, and where, Says New Bishop Will Serve St. with his knowledge of Spanish, he can Cecilia's Parish, New yorit City help them to retain the religion of their countrj-. There he will have the assist­ Notre Dame is not losing Bishop "Bishop O'Hara becomes the military ance of seven American Spanish-speak­ O'Hara, but through him -will bring vicar of the Army and Navj' — he be­ ing Redemptorist Fathers, who are now taking over that parish permanently. the spirit of Notre Dame to the coun­ comes Vicar General. His Chancellor try and to the Army and Navy, the will be the Rev. Robert E. McCormick "Some three years ago, on a rainy Most Rev. Francis J. Spellman, Arch­ of the archdiocese of New York, who afternoon, he who is now our Holy bishop of New York and Bishop will be at the exclusive service of Bishop Father, Pope Pius XII, came to Notre O'Hara's Ordinary in his new post, O'Hara. Bishop O'Hara will, at pres­ Dame, on a day that was hazardous for declared at the luncheon in the Univer­ ent, reside at the Archbishop's residence, flying, to receive an honorary degree sity Dining Halls which followed the 452 Madison avenue. His chancery of­ from Notre Dame — to honor Notre new Bishop's consecration. fice will be in the Chancery Office of Dame as he honored two other Catholic the archdiocese, 477 Sladison avenue. "My first word today is a word of universities by receiving honorary de­ -A^t Bishop O'Hara's request, he is also grees. Bishop O'Hara wrote to me after veneration and of respect and of grati­ to have quarters at the rectory of St. tude to him whom I succeed as Chap­ that visit of His Holiness and he said Cecilia's Church, 12.5 East 105th street, that, despite the rain, it was the most lain Bishop of the Army and Na^'y, Car­ where he will have a permanent resi­ dinal Hayes," Archbishop Spellman said. glorious and brightest day in he history dence and a permanent home, and where of Notre Dame. "I have had the happiness this morn­ he will have an opportunity of practic­ ing of consecrating Bishop O'Hara as ing the works of ministiy among the "Pope Pius XII has again come to our Auxiliary Bishop of the Catholics in the university, and, through the midst of armed forces of the United States. I the sorrow that hovers over our campus want to say that this is going to be one today, there is also a bright light in the instance where the Ordinary of the dio­ history of Notre Dame. It is not that cese will act as the Auxiliary Bishop, Notre Dame loses Father O'Hara.
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