1887. CONGRESSIONAL R.ECORD-SENATE. 1029 PETITIONS, ETC. of the Edmunds-Tucker bill for the suppression of polygamy in Utah­ · The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk to the Committee on the Judiciary. under the rnle, and referred as follows: ' By Mr. PLUMB: Memorial of the Legislature oflllinois, asking for By Mr. J. :M. ALLEN: Petition of Benjamin Powell, and of Josiah the passage of the pendingSenate bill forthe suppression ofcontagious Walker, of Alcorn County, Mississippi, for reference of their claims to diseases among cattle-to the Committee on Agriculture. the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. By Mr. RANDALL: Petition of 35 citizens of Philadelphia, Pa., ask­ By Mr. J. A. ANDERSON: Concurrent resolution of the Legislature ing for repeal of internal-revenue taxes-to the Oommittee on Ways of Kansas, relating to public lands-to the Committee on Public Lands. and Means. ~esolution ~f th~ Kansas State Board of Agricnlture, in favor of ex­ By Mr. RYAN: House concurrent resolution of the Kansas Legis­ penment-station bill-to the Committee on Agricnlture. lature, for an1endment of United States statutes-to the Committee on Also, resolution of the Kansas State Board of Agricnlture, in favor the Judiciary. of the pleuro-pneumonia bill-to the same committee. Also, resolutions of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, in favor ~~ ~r. ~A.RKSDALE: Pet~tion of J. B. Harris, of Madison County, of the experiment-station bill, and of the pleuro-pneumonia bill-to the Miss1ss1pp1, for reference of cla1m to Court of Claims-to the Committee Cominittee on Agriculture. on War Claims. By Mr. W. J. STONE, of Kentucky: Letter of Charles S. Bradley, By Mr. BINGHAM: PetitionofWilliamM. WilsonandMishlerHerb for relief-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Bitters Company, for the repeal of internal-revenue taxes-to the Com- By Mr. SYMES: Petition of citizens of Greeley and Evans, Colo­ mittee on Ways and Means. rado, for the repeal of internal taxes-to the Committee on Ways and By Mr. BRADY: Petition of ·John C. Burrow, of Prince George Means. County, Virginia, for reference of his claim to the Court of Claims-to By Mr. THOMAS: Joi1:1t resolution of the Legisla.ture oflliinois, the Committee on War Claims. urging the passage of the Miller bill for the suppression of pleuro­ By Mr. CABELL: Petition of citizens of Martinsville, Henry County, pneumonia-to the Committee on Agriculture. Virginia, praying for the abolition of the tax upon tobacco-to the By M:r. WADSWORTH: Petition ofW. W. Perry, praying that his Committee on Ways and Means. claim be referred to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War By M~. J. M. C~MPBELL: Petition of William Swift, of Altoona, Claims. Pa., askmg that his name maybe placed upon thepension-roll-tothe By Mr. W A.RD: Joint resolution of the General Assembly of Illi­ Committee on Invalid Pensions. nois, in favor of the Miller pleuro-pneumonia bill-to the Cominittee By Mr. CURTIN: Petition of Mrs. Valina Case for apension-tothe on Agriculture. same committee. By Mr. WHITING: Petition of 55 citizens of Easthampton, Mass., By Mr. ERMENTROUT: Memorial of Samuel Rhoads, an old sol­ praying for the repeal of internal taxes-to the Committee on Ways dier, asking for an increase of pension along with Generals Lo!mll and and Meruts. Blair-to the Cominittee on Pensions. o By Mr. GILFILLAN: Petition of the Consolidated Cattle-Growers' The following petitions, praying for the enactment of a bill provid­ Association, for the passage of the Miller bill-to the Committee on ing temporary aid for common schools, to be disbursed on the basis of .Agriculture. illiteracy, were severally referred to the Qommittee on Education: Also, petition of the Independent Order of Good Templars of Min­ By Mr. COMSTOCK: Of354citizensofthe:fifth districtof Michigan. nesota, in favor of Senate bill1579-to the Committee on the District By Mr. EDEN: Of 139 citizens of Dixon and Shobonier, Ill. of Columbia. By Mr. FORAN: Of 69 citizens, and of 320 citizens of the twenty­ By Mr. GROUT: Memorial of the National Legislative Committ-ee first district of Ohio. of Knights of Labor, for the passage of House bill7217-to the Com­ By Mr. SKINNER: Of 94 citizens of Belvidere, ~. C. mittee on Territories. By Mr. GUENTHER: Petition of citizens of Princeton, Wis., pray­ ing that Gabriel W. Wick, United States lock-tender, be reimbursed for Joss sustained by the burning of the White River lock-honse-to the Committee on Claims. SENATE. By Mr. F. A.. JOHNSON: Petition of H. W. Stilsonand 18 others, citizens of Clinton County, New York, for the repeal of inte1·nal-revenue WEDNESDAY, Jan/UUr'I.J 26, 1887. taxes-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. By Mr. JOSEPH: Petition of the New Mexico Bar Association re­ The Jomnal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. questing the immediate passage of some bill providing for the speedy adjustment of land titles in New Mexico-to the Committee on the CREDENTIALS. Juiliciary. By Mr. KELLEY: Petition of McKinley & Harbison, drug manu­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented the credentials of GEORGE facturers of Philadelphia, Pa., praying for the repeal of internal-revenue GRAY, chosen by the Legislature of Delaware a Senator from that taxes-to the Cominittee on Ways and Means. State for the term beginning March 4, 1887; which were read and or­ By Mr. LA FOLLETTE : Petition of A.. C. Gowen and 35 others, dered to be placed on :file. citizens of Chippewa County, Wisconsin, praying for the speedy passage He also presented the credentials of FlitANCIS MARION CocKRELL of the agricultural experimental-station bill-to the Comnlittee on Ag­ chosen by the Legislature of Missouri a Senator from that State forth~ riculture. term beginning March 4, 1887; which were read and ordered to be By Mr. LANHAM: Concurrent resolution of the Legislature of placed on file. Texas relating to the right of way through the Indian Territory for Mr. HOAR presented the credentials of HE..."ffiY L. DAWES, chosen . the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company-to the Com­ by the Legislature of Massachusetts a Senator from that State for the mittee on Indian Affairs. term beginning March 4, 1887; which were read and ordered to be By Mr. LA. WLER : Joint resolution of the General Assembly of placed on :file. Kansas in :fuvor of the pleuro-pneumoni:J. bill-to the Committee on PAYMENT OF SENATORS' SALARIES. .Agriculture. The PRESIDENT pro te1npore laid before the Senate the following By Mr. McCOMAS: Petition ofT. W. Stonestreet, of Maryland, for communication from the Secretary of the Senate; which was read and payment of his war claim-to the Cominittee on War Claims. ordered to lie on the table, and be printed : By Mr. MORRILL: Petition of the Grand Army of the Republic OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF THE SENATE, Post at Wathena, and at Whiting, Kans., asking for the passag2 of Washington, January 25, 1887. the Edmunds-Tucker Mormon bill-totheCominitteeon the Judiciary. Sm.: In response to the resolution of the Senate, directing the Secretary to re­ Also, concurrent resolutions of the Legislature of Kansas, relating to port to the Senate "from what time, according to custom and precedent the the jurisdiction ofUnited States courts-to the same committee. salary of Senators is reckoned and paid," I have the honor to report that s::, far By Mr. O'FERRA.LL: Petition ot William C. Harrison, of Rocking­ as I have any knowledge or information, the "time" is the beginning ~f the official term of the Senator. Under the act of March 29, 1867, payments were bam County, Virginia, for reference of his claim to the Court of made from the 4th of March, after the Senator had taken and subscribed there­ Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. quired oath. This Jaw was subsequently modified by the act .of March 3,1883, so as to au­ By Mr. PARKER: PetitionofC. R. Glass Post, No. 409, GrandA.rmy thorize payment to those whose term of office begins on the 4th of March and ofthe Republic; and of Ransom Post, No. 354, Grand A.rmyoftbe Re­ whose credentials have been presented to the Senate, but who have had n~ op­ public, for the Edmunds-Tucker anti-polygamy bill-to the Commit­ portunity to be qualified. In ('BSes of vacancy, oy death or otherwise, the act of July 12, 1862, provides tee on the Judiciary. that the successor shall be paid from the time the compensation of his prede­ By :r,{r. PERKINS: Resolutions of the Kansas State Board of A.gri­ cess'Jr ceased. cnl ture, asking for the passage of the Miller pleuro-pneumonia bill and I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, for the experimental station bill-to the Committee on Agriculture. ANSON G. McCOOK, A.lso,resolutionofBurdenPost,No.172, EriePost, No.311, and Thayer Secretar-y. Ron. JoliN SHERMAN, Post, No. 329, Grand Army of the Republic, of Kansas, for the .nassage President of tlle Senate• . 10:30 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.· JANUARY 26, DISTRICT LIQUOR LICENSES. migration and exportation to United States porta of the so-called "de­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair lays before the Senate a fective classes" of foreign countries; which were referred_to the Com­ letter from the commissioners of the District of Columbia, submitting, mittee on Education and Labor. in reply to resolutions of Jannary 14 and 17 of this year, a statement in ::rt1r. 'VHITTHORNEpresented the petitionofDemoTille & Co., and regard to the sale of liquor in the District of Columbia and the issuing other druggists of Nashville, Tenn., praying for the repeal of the in­ of licenses therefor.
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