1929 CONGR.ESSION.AL RECORD-SENATE- 3699 millions of dollars to e::rl)and our merchnnt marine to send our ~·AnA products into the port.~ of all lands, and there is a provision Cada C. Boak to be postmaster at Tonopah, Nev.., in place of bere in the Senate committee bill which is restrictive of that A. R Keenan. Incumbent's commission expired January 14 purpo. e. Tbe House has a just and liberal provision, though 1929. ' not as liberal at 1t should be, and I shall ask the Senate to NORTII DAKOTA diRngree to the Senate committee amendment. Ellis R. Dennison to be postmaster at Neche, N. Dak., in place l\Ir. SMOOT. :Mr. President, evidently we can not do any- of F. L. Lewis, resigned. thing more to-night on the tariff bill. Minnie Pusch to l>e postmaster at Shield , N. Dak. Office be­ B.El!'ERENCl!l OF Exro'U'l"'VF. MESSAGES came presidential July 1, 1929. The YIOE PRESIDENT. The Chair refers to the appropl'iate SOUTH CAROLINA committees sundry F.xecutiV"e me . ages received froni the Presi­ raul H. Norris to be postmaster at Parris Islnnd, S. C., in dent of the United States. place of R. E. Haddock, remo\ed. RlOOESS ITRGL~IA Mr. SMOOT. I mo\e that the Senate take a reces until 12 Samuel H. Hoge to lJe postma ter at Roanoke, Ya., in l>lace o'clock to-morrow. of lf. E. Ellis, deceased. The motion was agreed to; and the Senate (at 4 o·clock and WEST HRGI.._\'ll 55 minutes p. m.) took a recess until to-morrow, Wedne day, Jacob W. Pettry to be po tmaster at Whites\ille, "'· "'Va.., in September 18, 1929, at 12 o'clock meridian. plal'e of Charle Jarrell, removed. NOML~ATIONS SEX ATE E.I'ecntirc 1t0mLna.tions 1·eceivcd by tiLe Senate September 17 (lcgi.sla.tive da.y ot September 9), 1929 WrnxESnAY, Septe1nber 18, 1fJ<'39 AMBASS.ADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLE.mJ>OIENTT.ARY OF THl!l (Legi.slati-t:e da.y of Mon<l.av, Septem.1Jer 9t 1929) U!nTF..D STATES OF AMERIO.A. TO CUBA The Senate met 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration of Harry F. Guggenheim, of New York, to be amba sador ex­ ~t traordinary and plenipotentiary of tbe United Stat<'S of America the recess. Mr. JO'~"ES. Mr. President, I suggest tbe absence of a to Cuba. quorum. SECRETARY IN THE D1PI,OMA'riO SERVICE OF THE UNITE.D STATES The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. OF AMERICA The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Senators Samuel Reber, jr., of New York, DO\Y a Foreign Service officer, answered to their name. : unclassified, and a vice consul of career, to be also a serreta ry Ashurst Frazier KiKeye. Shortridge in Barkley George .. n~ Simmons the Diplomatic Ser\iCe of the United States of America. Bingham Glass La 1<ollette Smoot POSTJ.CASTERS Black Glenn McKellar Steck Blaine Goff McMaster Steiwer ARKANSAS Blease Goldsborough McNary Swanson Emma "\V. Conn;nYay to be postmaster at Forrest City, Ark., Borah Gould · M~scs Thomas, Idaho Bratton Greene Norris Thomas, Okla. iu place of E. W. Connaway. Incumbent's commis~ion expired Brock Hale Nye Townsend February 28, 1928. Broussn rd Harris Oddie Tydings Capper Harrison Overman Vandenberg O.ALlFOR-'IA Connalls Hastings Patterson Wa~ner Susie K. · Smith to be po ·tma!:!ter at ).fecca, Calif. Office · Couzenf; Hatfield Phipps Wrucott Cutting Hawes Pine Walsh, Mass. be-came presidential July 1, l929. Dale Hayden Pittman Walsh, Mont. Warren GI!.'OBOI.A. Deneen Heflin Ransd 11 Dill Howell Heed Waterman Charles W. Satterfield to be postmaster at Adairsville, Ga., in JOOge Johnson Robinson, Ark. Watson Fess Jones Sackett place of R. S. Franklin, resigned. Fletcher Kean Sheppard Essie C. Ware to be postmaster at Austell, Ga., in place of Mr. FESS. ~Y colleague [Mr. BURTON] is detained from the E. C. Ware. Incumbent's commis~ioo expired }"'ebruary ?:1, 1929. James A. Allen to be postmaster at La F-ayette, Ga., in place Senate by illness. I ask that this announcement may be per­ of J. A. Allen. IncUlllbent' commission expired January 5, 1929. mittea to stand for the day. Maune A. Patrick to be postma ter at Omega, Ga., in place of Mr. LA FOLLETTE. I desire to announce that the senior Senator from Minnesota [Mr. SHIPSTEAD] is absent on acc"()unt G. C. Bamberg, removed. Clyde S. Young to be postmaster at Rebecca, G~ .• in place of of illness. C. S. Young. Incumbent'R commis ion expired December 20, :Mr. SHEPPARD. I wish to announce that the Senator from South Carolina (Mr. SMITn] is necessarily detained from the 1928. Senate by illness in his family. I will let this rmnouncement HAWAII stand for the day. William Ross to be postmaster at Hakalau, Hawaii. Office Mr. HARRISON. I desire to anounce that my colleague the became presiuential July 1, 192.<). junior Senator from Mississippi [Mr. STEPHENS] is detained Antone Nobriga, jr., to be postmaster at Hanamaulu, llawrul. from the Senate by reason of illness in his family. I ask that Office became presidential July 1, 1929. this announcement may stand for the day. Manuel R. Jardin to be poRtmaster at Kalaheo, Hawaii. Office Mr. FLETCHER. I wish to announce that my colleague the became pr·esiuential July 1, 1929. junior Senator from ~,lorida [Mr. T~MELL] is detained from James :M. Hill to be postmaster at Kaunakakai, Hawaii. the Senate by illness. I will let this announcement stand for Office became presidential July 1, 1929. the day. Lawrence D. Ackerman to ue postmaster at Kealakekua, The VICE PRESIDEl~T. Seventy-eight Senators haYing Hawaii, in place ofT. C. White, resigned. au·wered to their names, a quorum is present Lucy Ornellas to be postmaster at Makawao, Hawaii. Office ORDER FOR RECESS became presidential July 1, 1929. James G. Takemoto to be postmaster at Naalehu, Hawaii. Mr. W ATSOX Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that Office became presidential July 1, 1929. when the Senate concludes it. ·e ::;ion to-day it sball recess until 12 o'clock noon to-morrow. KANSAS The VICE PRESIDENT. Is tbere objection? The Chair Marie C. Walker to be postmaster at Brownell, Kans. Oflice hears none, and it is so ordered. became pre~idential July 1, 192D. PETITIO:VS Al\D MEMORIALS MISSISSIPPI The YICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate lhe following Florence Churchwell to be postmaster at Leakesville, Mi~~., iu joint resolution of the Legislature of the State of W'iscon~ in, place of A. F. Cook, removed. which wa ordered to lie on the table: William A. Bell to be postmaster at Morton, Miss., in place of STATE OF WISCONSIN. ~.,. H. La. eter. Incumbent' commission ~ired February 16, Joint Resolution 111, A 1929. Joint resulut.ion relating to the tariff duties on lamb, mutton, a.nu wool MONT.A...~A Whereas the raising of sheep and the production of lamb, mutton, Benard E. ~el ·on to )Je postmaster at Malta, Mont., in place awl wool ranks among the principal agricultural industries of tbis of R. L. Alldrin, resigned. country and is by no means unimportant in WisCQnsln; and 3700· OONGRESSION AL RECORD-SEN ATE SEPTE~IBER 18 Wh(>reas this industry Is affected by foreign competition probably (2) That your petitioner is the owner and holder of four $1,000 more than any other agricultural industry, as evidenced by the tact first-mortgage 6 per cent gold bonds of the said defendant corporation that of a total consumption of wool in this country of above 586,000,000 issued July 2, 1912, secured by a first mortgage on all the assets of the pounds in 1928, the imports amounted to 245,000,000 pounds ; and said corporation, under the terms and provisions of which the Union Whereas the new tarift' bill which has passed the House of Repre­ Trust Co., of Detroit, Mich., is trustee; that your petitioner became sentatives seeks to give more adequate protection to this industry by the owner of the said bonds in the year 1913, and in the year 1911 increasing the duty on lamb from 4 to 7 cents per pound, the duty on the three remaining bonds of your petitioner were assigned to your mutton from 2¥.1 to 5 cents per pound, and the duty on raw clothing petitioner by two of your petitioner's children. Your petitioner is wool from 31 to 34 cents per pound, with corresponding increases in also the owner of 10 shares of the common stock of said corporation, other classes of wool : Now, therefore, be it evidenced by certificate No. 103, issued to your petitioner's son, Henry Reso-~t·ed by the assembly (the senate concurting), That the Legis­ M. G!l.llagher, July 2, 1913, and duly sold, assigned, transferred, and lature of Wisconsin hereby respectfully memorializes the Senate of the set over to petitioner in the year 1917. Petitioner is likewise the United States to increase the duties on lamb, mutton, and wool as pro­ ownet• of two shares of the preferred stock of said corporation, issued posed in the tariff bill, which has passed the House of Representatives; to your petitioner May 6, 1913, by the company, and she ever since be it further and now is the owner and holder thereof. Your petitioner Is a stock­ Resoh:ed, Tbat properly attested copies of this resolution be sent to holder, creditor, and bondholder of the said corporation and has a lien the President of the Senate of the United States and to both of the on the assets of the said corporation by virtue of the mortgage above Wisconsin Senators.
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