Minutes of the Meeting of Old Bolsover Town Council Held on Tuesday 13th February 2018 at the Town Hall, Cotton Street, Bolsover, Chesterfield Present: Councillor D. Adams Councillor T. Bagguley Councillor R. Bowler (in the Chair) Councillor S. Gibbons Councillor B. Haigh Councillor J. Rushby Councillor R. Tooth In attendance: Andrew Tristram -Town Clerk Councillor. J. Dixon (Derbyshire County Council) 5 Members of the Public 1. Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Councillor T. Bennett, C.P. Cooper, P.A. Cooper, R. Hobson and M. Longden. 2. Variation to Order of Business None 3. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Non Disclosable Pecuniary/other Interests. None 4. Carr Vale Football Club The Chairman of Carr Vale Football Club attended the meeting to inform members about the Club and a community Event taking place over the weekend of 11th and 12th May in Carr Vale, to raise funds to support the Club and to provide activities for young people at the Club. Peter thanked the Council for the financial support and for the loan of equipment for the events. 5. Public Speaking (a) Public A representative from the Pumpkin Patch Community Group informed members about their Group and the work that had been done on the community allotment on the Model Village Site. Volunteers supported by Community Payback had cleared two unused allotments to establish a community allotment. This had been supported by Derbyshire Voluntary Action and CVP. Members’ attention was drawn to papers circulated about the work of the Group in connection with an item to be discussed as part of the Clerk’s report. Other matters raised: Cotton Street traffic issues Traffic access to the new retail development Effectiveness of traffic wardens 41 Anti-Social behaviour – request for more presence from CAN Rangers Request for update on results of the Hornscroft Survey. (b) Police Representatives There was no Police representative at the meeting. (c) County Councillors Councillor Joan Dixon attended the meeting. Councillor Dixon commented on concerns over traffic issues and the bus stop with the proposed development of the former Sherwood Lodge Site. Derbyshire County Council voted to increase Council Tax by 4.99%. Potholes being reported – requested that the Jetpatcher repairs the holes. Councillor Dixon was asked whether the County Council had given to selling County Hall. (d) District Councillors Apologies were received from Councillor M. Dixey and S. Statter. (e) Town Councillors Members were informed of correspondence received from pupils of Bolsover School in connection with a project to collect donated goods to send to Gambia. Pupils have been tasked with raising £3,000 for shipping costs and have currently raised £1,200 and have already three-quarter filled a container. The Council have been asked to consider a contribution towards the project. Council were reassured that the goods were being sent directly to a school and orphanage that the school has established connections. The Council support the project in principle and requested Councillor Baggaley to provide update on progress at the March Council Meeting. 6. Confirmation of Minutes Resolved That the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 9th January 2018 and the Finance Meeting held on Thursday 8th February 2018 are duly accepted as a true and accurate record. 7. To determine which items, if any, from part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded None. 8. Chair’s Announcements None 9. Payments for Approval A list of payments for December 2017 were presented. It was RESOLVED that the expenditure for December of £42,510.14 is approved. 42 10. Consideration of Recommendations from the Finance Committee Carr Vale Bus Shelters were discussed. Derbyshire County Council would prefer the Council to install new shelters to their specification. The Council would need to submit alternative proposals to refurbish the existing shelters or replace with shelters from a different supplier for approval. It was RESOLVED to continue discussions with Derbyshire County Council and report to the next Finance Meeting. 11. Review of Fees and Charges Members received a recommendation from the Finance Committee following their review of the following new fees and charges. (a) Bainbridge Hall Hire Charges (b) Bainbridge Hall Office Rents (c) Allotment Gardens for 2019 (d) Garage Site Rentals (e) Cemetery Charges (f) Market Rents (g) Land (h) Outside Contracts It was RESOLVED that the proposed revised charges are approved. 12. Freedom Community Project Members considered a request for funding from the Town Council towards the cost of providing their services to Bolsover Residents. It was RESOLVED that their Chief Executive is invited to the next Council meeting to discuss their request and explain what other sources of funding have been committed to meet the short-fall. 13. Remembrance Sunday and 100 year “Battles Over” Nation Tribute Members discussed the forthcoming years Remembrance Commemoration. Members were asked to identify suitable lamp posts in their areas. The intention is to write the names of fallen soldiers on each of the poppies that will be displayed. It was suggested that the parade starts early this year and timed so that everyone is assembled at the cenotaph at 11am for the minute’s silence. Council also discussed taking part in events in the evening to include the lighting of a beacon to commemorate the 100 year “Battles Over” Nation Tribute. Members also discussed updating the names on the War Memorial. It was also suggested that external funding is sought for this project. It was RESOLVED to set up a small working group including representatives from the Castle, Church and British Legion and received regular updates on future agendas. 43 14. Town Clerk’s Report (1) Pumpkin Patch Members considered a request from the Pumpkin Patch to take over two community allotments at the Model Village, formerly held by CVP. It was RESOLVED that the request is approved for the forthcoming year and is reviewed annually. (2) Request for Temporary Road Closure Members considered an opportunity to submit comments to a road closure request of Villas Road, part of New Station Road, Castle Lane, Castle Street and Market Place on 20th May 2018 for the Bolsover Hill Race. It was RESOLVED that no objections are raised. (3) Carr Vale Football Club – Grant Request. Councillor Adams declared a non-pecuniary interest and abstained from the vote. It was RESOLVED that the Council approve an additional grant of £500. Members noted correspondence received informing the Council of the appointment of Inspector 819 Robert Bowns as the newly appointed Police Inspector for the area and correspondence from Bolsover District Council confirming a diversion order for part of Public Footpath 46 near to Rotherham Road. Other updates from the Clerk were noted. 15. Planning Matters (1) 17/00641/FUL Proposed conversion of outbuilding to create Granny Annex, changes to vehicle access and erection of additional detached garage at Summerton Mill, Chesterfield Road, Shuttlewood by Phillip Deakin Resolved No objections. (2) 17/00648/FUL Additional dormers & openings on detached garage on land including and to the rear of 88 to 92 Moor Lane, Bolsover by Martin Gubby. Resolved That the District Council determine the application. (3) 18/00002/DISCON Discharge of condition 15 (Design Framework) of planning permission 14/00089/OUTEA – Land formerly known as Coalite on north and south side of Buttermilk Lane, Bolsover Resolved That the Council support the detailed objection submitted by Bolsover Civic Society. (4) 18/00029/FUL Two storey extension to front and first floor extension to side of 2 Shuttlewood Road, Bolsover by Nigel Blunt. Resolved No objections. 44 (5) 18/00035/DETO2R Prior notification of change of use from offices to residential at 19 Limekilnfields, Bolsover by David Czerwinski Resolved No objections. (6) 18/00040/FUL Amendment to previous approval – Ref 16/00101/FUL including demolition of existing outbuilding followed by extensions and alternations to front, side and rear and erection of a detached five bay garage and workshop at Pond House, Marlpit Lane, Bolsover by Tim Minett. Resolved No objections. (7) 18/00042/TCON Removal of self-seed sycamore tree to no’s 11, 13 and 15 at 13 Station Road, Bolsover by Kevin Bates. Resolved No objections. (8) CW5/1117/69 The importation of 150,000m3 of soils and inert engineering materials for the re profiling and restoration of the former Oxcroft Colliery Tip to achieve beneficial restoration at the former Oxcroft Colliery Tip, Mill Lane, Stanfree by Harworth Estates Investments Limited Resolved No objections. (9) 18/00077/FUL Siting of a 6.1m (L) x 2.45m (W) x 2.5m (H) Steel container and a 11.6m (L) x 3.05m (W) x 2.5m (H) porta cabin on the waste ground area (far corner) of the “top” football field. The steel container is used for storage of the club equipment. The porta cabin used as a club house/training room and some additional storage at Bolsover Town Sports and Social Club, Moor Lane, Bolsover by Mr. Paul Briggs. Resolved No objections. (10) 18/00079/TPO Crown reduce/thin by 30% (Sycamore) TPO BOL/32 at 40 Moor Lane, Bolsover by Mr. Richard Camps. Resolved No objections. 16. Items for Information Members received and NOTED the items received for information. 17. To receive any other items for information only and items to be included on the next Agenda None 18. To note the date of the next meeting The next Meeting was confirmed for Tuesday 13th March 2018 at 6.45pm 45 19. Confidential Information It was RESOLVED that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instruct to withdraw.
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