NICOLAENICOLAE DENSU{IANUDENSU{IANU PPRREEHHIISSTTOORRIICC DDAACCIIAA TTranslatedranslated byby AlexandraAlexandra IoanaIoana FFurduiurdui TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANSLATOR’S FOREWORD NICOLAE DENSUSIANU, his life and work A preface by Dr.C.I.Istrati QUATERNARY ERA – THE PALEOLITHIC PERIOD I The first inhabitants of Dacia. The primitive material and moral civilization in Europe. THE NEOLITHIC PERIOD II The neolithic invasion. The paleochton current or ancient Pelasgian THE PREHISTORIC MONUMENTS OF DACIA III Pelasgian heroic tumuli IV The tumulus or Achilles’ tomb in the White Island (Leuce) V The temple of the Hyperboreans in the Leuce Island (Alba) V.1. Hecateus Abderita about the island and temple of Apollo in the land of the Hyperboreans V.2. Latona (Leto) and Apollo. The prophets Olen and Abaris from the Country of the Hyperboreans. V.3. The Hyperboreans in Apollinic legends. V.4. Okeanos in the old traditions V.5. The Celts from near the island of the Hyperboreans VI The White Monastery with nine altars. Romanian traditions about the primitive temple of Apollo in Leuce (Alba) Island VI.1. The great size and magnificence of the White Monastery VI.2. Romanian legend about the divine origin of the White Monastery VI.3. Romanian traditions about Apollo’s temple in the island of Delos VI.4. Conclusion about the temple of Apollo the Hyperborean from Leuce or Alba Island VII The commemorative mounds of Osiris. Osiris’ expedition to the Ister. Traditions and legends about his battle with Typhon in the country of the Arimii. VIII The giant plough furrow of Novac (Osiris). A monument commemorating the introduction of agriculture. IX The megalithic monuments of Dacia Menhirs, their character and destination X Termini liberi patris X.1. The most wonderful road of the Hyperboreans X.2. The sacred roads of the Scythians XI The megalithic simulacra of the primitive Pelasgian divinities XII The principal prehistoric divinities of Dacia XII.1. Kerus, Cerus manus, duonus Cerus. Ceriul, Caraiman, Ceriul domnul XII.2. Gaia, Ge, Tellus, Terra, Pamentul XII.3. Saturn as Princeps Deorum, Manes, Deus Manus and Tartaros (Tatal) XII.4. Saturn worshipped in Dacia under the name of Zalmoxis or Zeul-mos (TN – old man God). His simulacrum at the Iron Gates. XII.5. Saturn as Zeus Dachie and Dokius Caeli filius. XII.6. Saturn honoured in the archaic cult with the name ‘Omolos XII.7. Saturn as Zeus aristos megistos euruopa, aigiochos. His colossal simulacrum on Omul mountain in the Carpathians. XII.8. The figure of Zeus Dachie (aigistos megistos, euruopa) and of Jupiter of Otricoli. XII.9. Rhea, ‘Rea, ‘Ree, ‘Reia. XII.10. Rhea, or the Great Mother, venerated under the name of Dacia, Terra Dacia, and Dacia Augusta. XII.11. Rhea or the Great Mother called Dochia and Dochiana, in Romanian legends. XII.12. Deciana and Caloian. Cybele and Attis. Sibyla Erythrea or Dacica. XIII Ieroi Bomoi. The cyclopean altars on Caraiman mountain. XIV Kion ouranou. The Sky Column on Atlas mountain, in the country of the Hyperboreans. XIV.1. The geographical position of Atlas mountain according to heroic legends. XIV.2. Prometheus chained on the Sky Column in Dacia XIV.3. Prometheus in irons on Caucas mountain in Dacia XIV.4. Prometheus chained on the rocks of Pharanx (Parang) mountain XIV.5. The Sky Column from the Carpathians, as sacred emblem of the acropolis of Mycene XIV.6. The Sky Column from the Carpathians, as symbol of Egyptian trinity XIV.7. The titan Atlas, ancestor of the Ausoni. The Sky Column from the Carpathians, as symbol of eternal life in Etruscan religion XIV.8. The Sky Column from the Carpathians, as symbol of immortality for the Pelasgians of Sicily XIV.9. The Sky Column from the Carpathians on funerary monuments of Carthage XIV.10. The legend of Prometheus in Romanian heroic songs. The first version XIV.11. The legend of Prometheus in Romanian heroic songs. The second version XIV.12. Prometheus as Deus pyrphogos, Mithras genitor luminis, Deus Arimanius XIV.13. Prometheus (Mithras) as deos ex petras, invictus de petra natus, in Romanian carols XIV.14. The legend of Prometheus in history XIV.15. The titan Atlas in Romanian heroic songs XIV.16. The epic cycle about Atlas, Medusa and Perseus in Romanian tradition XV Stele Boreios – the Boreal Column near the Lower Ister XVI Hrakleos stelai – the Columns of Hercules XVI.1. Ancient traditions about the Columns of Hercules XVI.2. Tyrians look for the Columns of Hercules near the Mediterranean straits, Romans near the North Sea XVI.3. The Columns of Hercules near Oceanos potamos or Ister XVI.4. The island Erythia or Rusava near the Columns of Hercules XVI.5. The island Erythia or Rusava, called Kerne and Cerne, near the Columns of Hercules XVI.6. The islands called Gadeira (Gadira) near the Columns of Hercules XVI.7. The Columns of Hercules called Pylai Gadeirides (Gherdapuri) XVI.8. The Column of Hercules called Calpe, near the Iron Gates XVI.9. The second Column of Hercules, called Abyla (s. Abila), in the western mountains of Romania XVI.10. The Argonauts returning to Ellada on Oceanos potamos (s. Ister) pass by the Columns of Hercules XVI.11. The cities Tartessos (s. Tertessus) and Cempsi, near the Columns of Hercules XVII Bies Hrakleies eidolon – a prehistoric simulacrum of Hercules in the bed of the river Cerna XVIII The obelisk of Polovragi XIX Pelasgian constructions in Dacia. The origins of Cyclopean architecture PREHISTORIC MONUMENTS OF TOREUTIC ART IN DACIA XX The origins of metallurgy XXI The copper tables of the Hyperboreans XXII Chalkeios kion – the tall Copper column from the region of Atlas (Olt) mountain XXIII The enormous crater on the Sky Column in the Carpathians XXIV Stele chryse megale – the great Gold column, consecrated to Uranos, Saturn and Jove XXIV.1. Evhemerus about the great Gold column, consecrated to Uranos, etc. XXIV.2. The country of Uranos, in the region of Atlas mountains. Happy Arabia of Evhemerus, near the river Oceanos (s. Ister) XXIV.3. The island called Panchea (Peuce) in Evhemerus’ sacred history XXIV.4. Olympos Triphylios in Panchea island XXV Gaea’s gold apples XXVI The golden fleece, consecrated to Mars (Marte), in the mountainous region called Colchis (Colti) XXVI.1. The Greek legend about Phrixus and Helle. The Argonauts depart for Colchis XXVI.2. The mountainous region called Colchis, near the Lower Ister XXVI.3. The capital and residence of King Aietes (Dia, Dioscurias, Sevastopolis, Today Tirighina) XXVI.4. The golden fleece, as sacred object of the Pelasgian pastoral and agricultural tribes XXVI.5. The Argonauts steal the golden fleece and turn towards Ellada. The two prehistoric courses of the Ister, one towards Adria (Adrian), the other towards the Euxine Pontos XXVI.6. An enormous multitude of inhabitants of Aietes’ kingdom pursue the Argonauts to the Adriatic Sea. They settle in Istria. The origin and language of the Istrien Romanians. The origin and language of the Istrien Romanians. XXVI.7. The legend about the stealing of the golden fleece, in heroic Romanian songs. XXVI.8. Medea in traditional Romanian songs XXVI.9. A trace of the names of the Argonaut heroes, in Romanian traditional songs. XXVI.10. Nephele or Nebula in Romanian traditions. XXVI.11. Phrixus (Phrixios), an old patronymic name, north of the Lower Danube XXVI.12. Helle’s legend in Romanian version XXVII Hphaistos. Volcanus – his country and famous masterpieces in Romanian tradition XXVIII The Arimaspian or Hyperborean treasure from Pietroasa XXVIII.1. The village Pietroasa and its archaeological importance. How the treasure was found XXVIII.2. The large discus from the Pietroasa treasure. (I. Discus sive lanx). XXVIII.3. The chalyx decorated with figures, representing the festivity of the Hyperboreans, in honour of the Great Mother (Mammes vindemia). Ianus (Iaon, Ion) figured on the chalyx, as the first king of the Hyperboreans (II. Patera, Phiale). XXVIII.4. The fibula in the shape of a phoenix (III. Fibula maior) XXVIII.5. The torque with inscription (VII (?) – Torques) XXIX Sidereiai Pylai -The Iron Gates. XXX Rings with stones from the rock of Prometheus THE PELASGIANS OR PROTO-LATINS (ARIMII) XXXI Beginnings of the Pelasgian people XXXI.1. Age of the Pelasgian race XXXI.2. Prehistoric civilization of the Pelasgian race. XXXII The Southern Pelasgians XXXII.1. Pelasgians in Hem peninsula XXXII.2. Pelasgians in the Aegean islands XXXII.3. Pelasgians in Asia Minor, in Syria, in Mesopotamia and Arabia XXXII.4. Pelasgians in Egypt and Libya XXXII.5. Pelasgians in Italy XXXII.6. Pelasgians in southern Gaul and Iberia XXXIII The Pelasgians from the northern parts of the Danube and the Black Sea XXXIII.1. The Titans (Titanes, Titenes) XXXIII.2. The Gygants (Gigantes) XXXIII.3. Hecatonchirii (Echatoncheires, Centimani) XXXIII.4. Arimii (Arimani, Rami, Arimaspi, Arimphaei) in Dacia XXXIII.5. Arimii (Aramaei, Sarmatae, Sauromatae) in European Scythia XXXIII.6. Arimii (Herminones, Arimani, Alamanni, Alemanni) in Germany XXXIII.7. Migrations of the Arimii in Gallia (Aremorici, Remi) XXXIII.8. Migrations of the Arimii in the Iberian peninsula XXXIII.9. Migrations of the Arimii in Italy XXXIII.10. Migrations of the Arimii in Thrace XXXIII.11. Migrations of the Arimii in ancient Illyria (Rascia, Rama) XXXIII.12. Migrations of the Arimii in Ellada XXXIII.13. Migrations of the Arimii in Asia Minor and Armenia XXXIII.14. Migrations of the Arimii in Syria and Palestina XXXIII.15. Migrations of the Arimii in Arabia XXXIII.16. Migrations of the White Arimii (Abii or Abarimonii), from Asiatic Sarmatia to Europe XXXIII.17. Migrations of the Arimii in the vast peninsula of India XXXIII.18. The Latins. The old genealogy of the Latin tribes XXXIII.19. Romanian folk traditions about the Latins from Ister XXXIII.20.
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