COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2012 SESSION OF 2012 196TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 67 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES "Keep me…attentive at prayer, The House convened at 11 a.m., e.s.t. Temperate in food and drink, Diligent in my work, Firm in my good intentions. THE SPEAKER (SAMUEL H. SMITH) PRESIDING "Let my conscience be clear, My conduct without fault, PRAYER My speech blameless, My life well-ordered. The SPEAKER. This morning the prayer will be offered by Rev. Michael Reid, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Put me on guard against my human weaknesses. Church, Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Let me cherish your love for me, Keep your law,…" and apply it to the noble work REV. MICHAEL REID, Guest Chaplain of the House of to which I have been called. Representatives, offered the following prayer: To You, O God, be the glory, the honor, and the power now We bow our heads and open our hearts in prayer. and forever. Amen. Dear God, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE "I believe in you: increase my faith. I trust in you: strengthen my trust. (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and I love you: let me love you more and more.… visitors.) "I praise you as my constant helper, And call on you as my loving protector. JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED "Guide me by your wisdom, The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal Correct me with your justice, of Tuesday, November 13, 2012, will be postponed until Comfort me with your mercy, printed. Protect me with your power." JOURNALS APPROVED "Enlighten my understanding, Strengthen my will, The SPEAKER. Without objection, all Journals not now in Purify my heart, print will be approved. and make me holy." HOUSE BILL "Help me…" to acknowledge the sacredness of life, INTRODUCED AND REFERRED and "…to respect and love All whose lives I touch,… No. 2734 By Representatives PAYNE, BAKER, BOBACK, My friends and my enemies. GABLER, HESS, KAUFFMAN, KORTZ, MOUL, PYLE, QUINN, READSHAW, SCAVELLO and SWANGER "Help me to conquer anger with gentleness, Greed by generosity, An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Apathy with fervor. Consolidated Statutes, further providing for additional parking regulations. "Help me to forget myself Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION, And to reach out toward others…." November 14, 2012. 2136 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE NOVEMBER 14 The SPEAKER. The House will be at ease for a moment. The following roll call was recorded: The House will come to order. PRESENT–195 If I could have the members' attention. I would appreciate if the members would take their seats. Adolph Dunbar Kirkland Pyle Aument Ellis Knowles Quigley Baker Emrick Kortz Quinn BOB LANIER INTRODUCED Barbin Evankovich Kotik Rapp Barrar Evans, J. Krieger Ravenstahl Bear Everett Kula Readshaw The SPEAKER. I just wanted to introduce a special guest Benninghoff Fabrizio Lawrence Reed that is with us. Former NBA (National Basketball Association) Bishop Farry Longietti Reese star Bob Lanier, graduate of St. Bonaventure, played with the Bloom Fleck Mackenzie Roae Boback Frankel Maher Rock Detroit Pistons from 1970 to 1980, and then with the Boyd Freeman Mahoney Roebuck Milwaukee Bucks from 1980 to 1984. Boyle, B. Gabler Major Ross The members will please hold the conversations down. Bradford Galloway Maloney Sabatina I would appreciate your attention. Brennan Geist Mann Saccone Briggs George Markosek Sainato Mr. Lanier – I prefer to call him that because he is a lot Brooks Gerber Marshall Samuelson bigger than any of us – was in the Capitol for a specific purpose Brown, R. Gergely Marsico Santarsiero today, and I wanted to afford him the opportunity to address the Brown, V. Gibbons Masser Santoni House about the issue that he came to town for. So without any Brownlee Gillen Matzie Saylor Burns Gillespie McGeehan Scavello further ado, please welcome to the podium Bob Lanier. Buxton Gingrich Metcalfe Schmotzer Mr. LANIER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Caltagirone Godshall Metzgar Simmons I appreciate it. I appreciate the hand. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Carroll Goodman Miccarelli Smith, K. It is an honor for me to be here. I stopped over with the Causer Grell Micozzie Smith, M. Christiana Grove Millard Sonney Lieutenant Governor and they took me by the architecture. The Clymer Hackett Miller Staback beauty of where you all work is just amazing to me. It is second Cohen Hahn Milne Stephens only to I think when I was at St. Peter's in Rome. Can you hear Conklin Haluska Mirabito Stern me? Sorry. Costa, D. Hanna Moul Stevenson Costa, P. Harhai Mullery Sturla Let me tell you why I am here right quick. I just want to Cox Harhart Mundy Swanger make sure about World Diabetes Day. That is why we have the Creighton Harkins Murphy Tallman blue pins on. We appreciate all of you that have helped in Cruz Harper Murt Taylor support of diabetes. I work with the NBA. We have a great, Culver Heffley Mustio Thomas Curry Helm Myers Tobash great partnership with the American Diabetes Association and Cutler Hennessey Neilson Toepel Sanofi. Diabetes is a dreaded disease. All of you know it. It was Daley Hess Neuman Toohil in my family. I am a type 2 diabetic. And all the support that Davidson Hickernell O'Brien, M. Truitt you can give for our cause, I think it helps all of us. It helps our Davis Hornaman O'Neill Turzai Day Hutchinson Oberlander Vereb society in general, health costs, everything. Dean James Parker Vitali So thank you all very much. Have a good day. I know it is a Deasy Josephs Pashinski Waters short day for you all, so enjoy. DeLissio Kampf Payne Watson The SPEAKER. I thank the members for their attention. Delozier Kauffman Payton Wheatley DeLuca Kavulich Peifer Williams Denlinger Keller, F. Petrarca Youngblood LEAVES OF ABSENCE DePasquale Keller, M.K. Petri Dermody Keller, W. Pickett Smith, S., DiGirolamo Killion Preston Speaker The SPEAKER. Turning to leaves of absence, the majority Donatucci whip does not have any requests for leaves of absence today. The Speaker recognizes the minority whip, who requests a ADDITIONS–0 leave of absence for the gentleman, Mr. Kevin BOYLE, from Philadelphia for the day; the gentleman, Mr. Dwight EVANS, NOT VOTING–0 from Philadelphia County for the day; and the gentleman, Mr. WHITE, from Washington County for the day. Without EXCUSED–5 objection, the leaves will be granted. Boyle, K. Harris Perry White Evans, D. MASTER ROLL CALL LEAVES ADDED–3 The SPEAKER. The Speaker is about to take the master roll Godshall Micozzie Simmons call. Members will proceed to vote. The SPEAKER. One hundred and ninety-five members having voted on the master roll call, a quorum is present. 2012 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE 2137 GUESTS INTRODUCED responsibilities. During those early days and in the 2 years that followed, Steve became a trusted associate and a good friend. The SPEAKER. If I could have the members' attention, Aside from his work in the Capitol, Steve has also been a I would like to introduce a few of the other guests that are with public servant in his own community, being elected to the board us today. of commissioners in Newberry Township, York County, where Located in the rear of the House, as a guest of Representative he has served for 6 years. Apart from his roles as a valued staff Culver, we would like to welcome Jennifer Dodge. Jennifer, member and elected official, many of us know Steve as an stand and give us a wave; there by the back door. Welcome to ardent history buff. For the past decade, he continues to be the hall of the House. active in the 18th century living history community. Steve has Also, up in the gallery, as guests of Representative Freeman, participated in events in Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, and we would like to welcome Hamish MacPhail, a senior at central Pennsylvania. His character, William Clapham, provides Lafayette College; Marissa Galante, a junior at Lehigh a view of 18th century life as a colonel in the Pennsylvania University; and Scott Gelbman, a senior at Lafayette College. Provisional Regiment, who moved north from Harris Ferry to All three are interning in Representative Freeman's office. build Fort Halifax and Augusta in the year 1756. In fact, from Welcome to the hall of the House. time to time, you may recall seeing Steve in his reenactment Also, located to the left of the rostrum, we would like to gear, sharing his love of history and recounting tales of his welcome a couple of people that have been around this building persona to both Capitol staff and visitors alike. I would guess for a few years: Steve Pancoe and his wife, Sandy. Steve has that he will now be able to spend even more time sharing that retired after 33 years with the House Republican Caucus. Steve, devotion to history. best wishes in the future endeavors. Mr. Speaker, it is truly my pleasure today to publicly thank Steve for his service to the caucus and to wish him the very best STEPHEN PANCOE PRESENTED in his upcoming retirement. I would like to ask Steve to stand so that we may recognize him for his service. Steve. The SPEAKER. Is the gentleman from Mercer County Thank you, Mr. Speaker. seeking recognition under unanimous consent? The SPEAKER. The Speaker thanks the gentleman. Pancoe, I would appreciate the members holding the conversations all I will say is try to behave. down. If I could have your attention, please. The gentleman from Mercer County, Mr. Stevenson, is GUESTS INTRODUCED recognized under unanimous consent. Mr. STEVENSON.
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