. ', ·.' ~ .. ·. ' ' : :-.. ·.· .... -· = EDi:l'ORIALS~ .. /· ) '· . -IGNORED TEMPORARILY CONVOCATION . -ANTI-WAR- HYSTERIA NEXT WEDNESDAY AT LOCAL CHURCH Vol, XXIII. No.·u -..,. Z-538· . WAKE. FOREST,· NORTH, CAROLINA; SATURDAY, NQVEMI;lER 25, 1939 PRICE: TEN CENTS PER COPY ·" .. ' 1 r Medical Frosh Seek to B-ecome wnowoULDmvEmotrGHTTHEFR0SHandSOPHSCOl!LDllOTirisBUILDING.·PROGRAM First Graduates .. .......... ....... VOTED BY BAPTISTS; r First Year Med Men File Petition For First Degrees WORK TO BEGIN 1940 *·------------------------* CARPENTER CITES Stadium Plans CLASS PROSPECTS TURKEY DINNER Chapel Building Thirty • Three Members ·Involve $50,000 With Numerous ·Fea­ First Donation tures ln Group· New Additions By the Baptists Contributions T o B e Sought; Churches To Hold w. F. Sunday STUDENT PETITION PRESENTED TO BODY • Co-Eds Ruled Out As Recommendations Are Shelved No Co-eds Co-eds will not be admitted at Wake Forest for the 1940 fall session, as it was previously pro­ posed. This was a part of the Wade?Kom~ga.y (Continued on back page) tPasses Suddenly Turkey Day Game To Cost Students Wake Forest students will be admitted at the Davidson game in Charlotte. on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 30, for fifty cents, Al Dow­ tin, alumni secretary, announced last night. Further in.Stractions as to where the Wake Forest students are to be seated follows: students enter Gate Six and will be seat­ ed in Section 19, on the west side of the stadium. While the stu­ dents will be axhnitted for fifty cents, girls accompanying the stu. dents will be admitted for the regular price of admission. $2.00. Tickets, for both students and girls, may be purchased from the Alumni Office (Al Dowtin's of­ fice) in Waite Hall. Officials urge that all tickets should be purchased before 12:00 o'clock noon Wednesday, November 29. RETURNS \ ;._.- . SMt 0 ==== F'.A:_:GR:~~:-i:~~W:·~·:cl:~:~:-''-::;_:·-'-:·-:--:--:·=-:-":-·~:---·~:-:=-:·=-..:.:-:--=-:-:-=---='·:c-':-~.,.~-c-~-'c~-:-·:,--;-:--·:·-·-:--:·:~,~~---~~,-~--"'":'·-·:,~,,~-~--c~·=--~·-o-~-c-~,--~-~,--~~:,· :-=~==~--=---~.9~-~:~-n~;-:;~~-;-~;-~;-~;···:;•J?~;-~;~;-~;=·p;~~;~-;B.;.I::;A;~9;.K~--~·-:_;----;--;·--;~~~-~--~-~-~~-~--~--~- ~~-:--~-~r·--~--~-~-~-~~:-;--;··~-~;:~S=A~T~\U=R~·DA:':Y~;:~N:_O:V:E:'M:~B:E:R.~;·45f:·;;.::t~·ga=gg "" ~ one genius or eminent scholar; a great many========================== .f"f··~~~~~~~?:~=l;.r ~~ see~ t~ blossoni f~rth; college presidents; ·tHfGRE£Rs HAVE A WORD FOR IT J :-~-CIJP·PE'Ei~ :~. profe~sors, authors statesmen. ·- 'til " STAFF judge Wade Hampton Kornegay, who died ette.~:OQ.' GEORGE M. KELLEY, JR. ................ Editor (By T. DAVIS) Sigma Pi-The Monsoon season CATS LOSE ST'ADIUM FRANK HESTER --······· Business Manager in Oklahoma last Sunday, was one of those . .a having put in its appearance, ac- T·.- th E(rfu Ferd Davis • . Managing Editor comprising the Wake Forest student body dur- The Greek spotlight will be tivity has been somewhat at a JJo ~lx ~ 1'-- With officials of both schools Eugene Brissie . Associate ing the "golden period" of the early eighties. turned from intra-mura1 tag foot- standstill, in outdoor activities ear • thelley: in a hubbub, and the. committee T. Boredface Davis . Office Manager Some of his class-mates were Dr. A. T. Robert- ball toward holidays and the with the scheduled football games 1 rell;(l. e editorial in the 18 in charge of the American Legion Fresh-Soph dance at Raleigh to- :being postponed on account of 1'1 ovember . 1 of Old Gold and Stadium in hot water, it looks as REPORTERS son, the Greek scholar; Claude Kitchin, Speak- raJ·n. - Black entitled~sue "We Are Proud" Wayne Collier Geo. Watkins III. night in the Woman's Club. The if .Davidson has come out on the Paul Early E. M. Floyd, Jr. er of the House under President Wilson; W. dance promises to be one of the 'l'he scholarship party at which with a KI.eat · ji~al of pleasure, short end of the situation. After Jimmy Floyd Frank Castlebury W. Kitchin, Governor of North Carolina; Dr. best that the Freshmen an1 Soph- those men fialing to make there- pride and satisfaction. Davidson-Wake Forest football Wiley Taylor Charles E. Brewer, professor at Wake Forest omores have ever sponsored. quired number of quality points 1 wish the editorial could be games were not rescheduled by · GOT.tl SPORTS Many of the fraternities will hold will fete those · fortunate enough. read by every Wake Forest Davidson last year both schools and president of Meredith; Dr. E. M. Poteat, alumn ~ 1· b Les Cansler . Editor open house as guests of dance of- to garner a sufficient quantity us ,.liXI!-" a 50 Y every per- claimed the use of the Stadium w Glen Miller . .. AssDciate who became president of Furman·, Dr. J. B. son in ..North c· arolina 1'nterested ceived Rod Buie John Donald ficials will invade the campus. A will be held next Thursday night. · : . for Thanksgiving games after Carlyle, professor at Wake Forest; Dr. J. W. complete story 'Yith pictures of It is a great pleasure for the m s~o~ts •. If :xtra ~opies of that this year. After much wrangling the c: BUSINESS Lynch, professor-emeritus of Wake Forest; Dr. the beautiful sponsors will be members to learn that B~other. ~~~~e" ~re_ avauab!e It would b_e a and legal red• tape plus official 1 Well, t Howard Andrews . Assistant Manager Charles Lee Smith, president of Edwards and found on the front page. · "Pete" Davis was among those g'oOd .move, 1 suggest, to mail a discussion, the stadium rights Horace Floyd . Circulation Manager Many plans are. being made by men taken into ODK, national m~ked_ ;copy to every sports were given to Wake Forest, a line, S. Staton N. L. Britt Broughton, and others. writer 1~ ·the State the different lodges to attend the leadership fraternity. ·· · , ~'' . • which will .greatly alter Davidson of thi REPRESENTI!D t'OR NATIONAL A.PVI!.RTlSJNG DV Judge Kornegay, as the others mentioned, game in Charlotte on Thanksgiv- Brother Ellis :1\>lurchison final- 1 read eac~ Issue of Old Gold plans for future Turkey Day pennin National Advertising Service, Inc. was extremely conscientious as a student, and ing. and to visit their brothers at ly weakened and got his hair- an'd"-'~;l_a~~- mth a gre~t deal ~£ games. Both schools appeared to Co/lese Publishers R<J>retenJalitJe "One 420 MADISON AVF.. NEW YORK, N.Y. friends feared that he even might be under- Dav~d.son. Banquets and frat cut and is now suffering from a mte~;e~~·._.:Perhaps ~y: mterest IS have claims on the -stadium, but me feel CHlt:AGO • BOSTON • LOS ANGELES • S.\N FRANCISCO dances will be the feature after te1·rific cold. eni~~gt:;il)>ec.ause I aided and abet- it seems that the solution was hiding l mining his health by his studious habits. But the game. Alpha Kappa Pi-The weekly t:d in the dim not fair at all to Davidson. since Member of ~-~~ts]~blication over th· NORTH CAROLINA INTERCOLLEGIATE the fact that he lived to the ripe age of seventy- Tag football ran· rather slowly Monday Night Supper was enJ"oy- distant. pa~t.,. It fell to my lot it is so much closer to Charlotte pense. PRE~'S ASSOCIATION to· r' · ~ ·th H R b nh Apflroved by four after an active and rich life in which he this week, as only four games ed immensely at the last meeting .· .?f~r, .. ,· ~ arry a e orst than Wake Forest, and since Da- comes J MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION, RALEIGH contributed much to the territory and new were played because of bad :as sever,lll pledges <lectured on punt•. - vidson interests are so much near­ thing ir Entered as second class matter January ~2, 1916, State of Oklahoma furnished the answer to the weather. The postponed games "Etiquette." 'l'hose new men lead- as I have seen er to Charlotte people. It is the at the postoffice at 'Vake Forest, North carollna, ~~~~~e_nt~lly, "I under the act of March 3. 1879. will be played next week. The bul- ing in the discussion were, Joe com~_~ts,_.~bo_~t that ~eat through case of an outsider coming in so cl~ fears. Perhaps, after all, it is habits of stu- letin board will again carry the Schwartz, K. A. Rogers, Amos the noticed that the with legal technicalities to take All rnattm·s of business should be addressed to {~ars,} lia~e DeviL the Business Manager, Box 218, and all other mat­ diousness and serious preparation which make schedule and additional rules that Stone, and Pete Peterson. punt)~s, .~ro~ longer. However, away the just rights of Davidson ters should be addressed to the Editor-ln-Chlet, belt ( Box 218. for such "golden ages" during which they are have been made due to rising dif- '£he annual 'l'hanksgiving Dance It was ,!,on~_.l!n?ugh. in this matter. the b1 wide-spread in the student body. ficulties. was held last Fr~day night in . , $~hce~ely yours, While Davidson officials ·dick- ing s Mrs. Newsome's Dining Hall. · ·· .. .; .. " Ben T. Ward ered with the chairman of the John J::\~sociaied Coliel)iale Pre'ls -----oOo----- Most of the girls were imported (Ed •. Note: Mr. Wa~d, now a committee in charge, Wake For- is rell K A-The members of Kappa from Raleigh, with a few local 0 .. Greens- est represel\tatives came up with Distributor of ANTI-WAR HYSTERIA P rr-~~~!lt _.a~~~~ey ~ Could Alpha deserve bouquets for they gil']s mixed in The sponsor was b0 . o, was managmg editor of Old the statement that the committee . game h Collee;iate Di6est --0-- have won the scholarship cup Betty Stansbury with Jimmy G:~~ ,ial\1 "~lack .1919-1920.
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