-- -- - atm Vonler Tiartits. NOGALES, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NOGALES 9 ARIZONA. U. S A. E. D. MILLER. Editor and Prep. UNITED STATES AND SANTA pRUZ-COUNT- DEPOSITARY. , Entered as Seeond-Clas- s Matter at Nogales. januar.t. Arizona. - -- 1 BRACEY CURTIS, .11Jci:sisa:NT. Official Paper of anta Cruz County Papital $50,000.00 WILLIAM SCILTICKMANN. VICE-PRESIDEN- and NOgateS. Arizona. i OFFICERS: 1 TT. (I Sur-plu- s I OTTO HEROLD, Asui I , OCTOBER 21, 1911. S50,000.00 THERON RICHARDSON, ASSISTANT CAmErt.. illOnMIEMIE POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. --- . FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. Arizona. P. Lopez, PrecinctCharles i No hereby annonnce myself as a can- 111111kd - Republican, Supt. of Public Nogales, Arizona, la "la For Representative in Congress didate for the office of school superin- e D. We are authorlzPd to announce tendent, eubject to action of the Demo- InstructionCla, ud Jones, Democrat, Constable Tubac Mulford Winsor of Yuma, as a can- cratic primarico October 24th, 1911. Phoenix, Arizona; Charles F. PrecinctWilliam Lowe, Tubac, didate for the office 'vtf Representative RICHARD FARRELL Philbrook, Bisbee, Arizona, Arizona. GEO. B. MARSH, INC. in Congress, subject to the will of the ---- Socialist, Supt. of Public In- Republican, Constable Tubne (ESTABLISHED 1890) Democratic voters at the primary elect- SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. Clay- can- structionWilliam Moore Precinct- -0 ayetano Andrade, ion October 24tb, 1911. I hereby announce myself as a , didate for the office of School Super- den Safford, Arizona. Tubac, Arizona. will D'emocrat, Corporation. Com- Democrat, Crit ten- - HARDWARE AND FURNITURE. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS For United States Senate intendent. subject to the of the Constable Democratic primaries Oct 24th. 1911. missionersA. W. Cole, Douglas, den PrecinctFred B. Sayre, ', WALLPAPER, CARPETS. ETC. We are authorized to announce the G. H. MADD- Arizona; W. P. Geary, Winslow, Patagonia, Arizona. candidacy of Eugene S. Ives of Tuc- EN-- . son, tor the United States Senate. sub- I hereby announce myself &candidate Arizona; F. A. Jones, Phoenix, Democrat, Precinct Commit- ject to will of voters at the for the Democratic nomination for Arizona; Louis Melezer, Phoenix, teeman; Nog-ale- s FORWARDING the the PrecinctGeor-, AGENT FOR MEXICO Democratic primaries, on the 24th day supervisor at the primaries to be held Arizona; E. L. Short, Douse, ge H. Feidler, Nog-ales- Arizona of October, 1911. October 24th. 1911. Arizona. H. Karns, Nogales, Arizona, - UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER 'WILLIAM ROSENBERG. J. -- Republican, Corporation Com- -- -E. D. Miller, Nogales, Arizona lipm Rre AY; For United States Senate S. De Pass, Phoe- E. Nogales, Ariz. wim Clerk's Notice of Filed Nomination missionersE. ft ths; We are authorized to announce the nix, Arizona; F. M. Pool, Win- Republican, Precinct Commit- - . candidacy of. Col. H. L. Pickett of Papers Time Primary. - Tombstone. for the Untied States Sen and of kelman, Arizona; W. S. Sturges, teeman; Nogals PrecinctEme- - ate, will of voters Arivaca, Arizona. ry Chalfant, Nogales, Ariz. ?AM r"'"4414141MratM 61:7'' 'Wk. tr,A subject to the the at h. , kt,miwzmkaz,NINt4.m:daze, the Democratic primaries, .0ctorber The undersigned, clerk of the Socialist, Corporation. Com- H. M. Clagett, Nog-ales- Ariz. 24th, 1911. Glore,Nog-ales,- M tð-- Board of Supervisors Kelly, Pres- H. Gordon riz. - MA of Santa missionersJohn ROY TITCOMB, Inc., Vitilt71;:11,11 1:1 FOR UNITED STATES SENATE Cruz County, Arizona Territory, cott, Arizona; W. M. McCor- H. R. Renshaw, Nogales, Ariz. i : , h. C) El aigh. 3FIL - We are authorized to announce the hereby gives notice that the mick, Hayden, Arizona; A. Democrat, Precinct Commit-- 0, candidacy of Henry F. Ashurst of party namek, the title to each Charles Smith, Douglas,Arizona. .k,t,''V teeman; Calabasas PrecinctT. I AT GUAYMAS, SONORA, MEXICO. - Prescott. for the United States Senate, office and the names and ad- Democrat, State Sena tor M. Cumming, Calabasas, Ariz. M i:4 subject to the will of the voters at the persons A. Commit-it,- . 1911. dresses of all specified James Harrison, Nogales, Democrat, Precinct We Manufact- Democratic primaries. Oct. 24th, COXPLITI in a motice from the Secretary Arizona. teeman; Tubac, PrecinctRay- - ure: fellPIDEZPOINIMME44010.111WIWNIORMII.IMMIreliaaUllMAIMI , In CARIT Democrat, 4.:: Stamp Mills. ZTODiE DT For State Senator of the Territory, and who filed State Senator,Bo. mond Burruel, Tubac, Arizona. Cyanide , tt. in the cleric's office nomination Whiteside, Nogales; Arizona. Plants ;:t-a-- ND MILL cmiazo, We are authorized to annonnce Bo. J. Republican, Precinct Commit-- I Crushing - , Whiteside- - as a candidate tor papers in compliance with pro- Republican, State Senator teeman; Tubac F. Machinerv : AlMAT GOODS as J. State sub-divisio- PrecinctJ. Senator. subject to the action of the visions of n I and 2 Allen T. Bird, Nogales, Arizona. Black, Tubac,s Arizona. , i.1!1' Pumps and EINICALS. BOI- Democratio Primaries October 24th, or Section (I Chapter 24, Session Democrat, State Represent- - Cars. Lzzg. zooms. Democrat, Precinct Commit- i 1911. A'rizona Sectional Ma- , Laws of of 1909, as ativeHarry J. Saxon, Nogales, teeman; Crittenden PrecinctO. kA chinery for ?UPI, CA18. FOR STATE SENATOR. amended by Ordinance No. 2 of Arizona. F. Ashburn, Patagonia, Arizona'. Mu !aback LT CZNZNZ, to the ,Constitutional Convention, Republican, State Represent- Republican, Precinct Commit- - m 7 ALVD zrzz TULLIO We are authorized announce James , ''g&s,4i,;41&tk:-:;;!:- A. 'Harrison as a candidate for State are as follows: ativeM. H. Barr, Nog-ales- Ariz. teeman; Crittenden ,4 a nz MI. r ns, PrecinctE. Specialty. Senator, subject to the action of the Democrat, U. S. Senator (Ad- Denaocrat, Judge of Superior H.-Eva- Patagonia: Arizona.. gl prlinaAes - Democratic to be held Octo- visóry Henry F. Ashürst, CourtFrank J. Duffy, Nogales, Democrat, Precinct Commit- - gl--- ber 24th, 1011. Eug-en- e ELECTRIC, GASOLINE AND STEAM HOISTING Prescott, Arizona; S. Arizona. teeman; Harsha-- Precinct 4,4; ENGINES Ives, Tucson, Arizona; Reese M. Democrat, Clerk of Superior 4- APKNo, Ao', For Superior Court Clerk. Frank Powers Harshaw, Ariz. E3 )74 Pxttg1M t to A. Lin g, Prescott, Arizona; Eugene CourtA. Dumbauld, Nocrales, Democrat, t!recinct Commit- E ErtrimmmrtErtE3 We are authorized announce --- 4. Dumbauld as a candidate for the nom- Brady O'Neil, Phoenix, Arizona; Arizona. teeman; Washington Precinct -- -- ination for clerk of the superior court H. b. Picicett, Tombstone, Ari- Republican, Clerk of Superior M. M. Trickey Duquesne, Ariz. ct Santa Cruz county. subject to the zona; Marcus A. Smith, Tucson, Court Edwa rd Mix, Nogales, Democrat,- 1;recinct Commit- will of the will of the Democratic vot- ers at the primary election. Arizona. Arizona.. teeman; CanilloPrecinctP. J. Republican, U. S. Senator (Ad- Democrat, Sheriff------J.- j. Lowe, McCarty, Canille, Arizona. visory) Ralph H. Cameron,. Nog,ales, Arizona.. Republican, Precinct Commit- re(TNEMTISTODDE For Treasurer Fla,gstaff, Arizona; Hoval Republican, SheriffNV. S; teeman; Canille PrecinctWill- Vire are authorized to announce R. Bisbee, McKnight, Arizona. R Earbart as a candidate for the nom- Smith, Arizona. Tubac, iam E. Bower, Canitle, Arizona-- . ination for treasurer of Santa Cruz Socialist, U. S. Senator (Adv- Democrat, Recorder 1311 i ' Republican; Precinct Commit- county, subject to the tvill of the Dem- isory)-11. Johnson, Phoenix, Herold, Nogales, Arizona. teeman; Montana Cam-- Precinct , ocratic county primary election October Recorder--4- 4. 24th, 1911. Arizona; E. B.' Simontim, Globe, Republican, J. Julius S. Andrews, Oro Blanco, , Arizona. Taylor, Nogales, Arizona. Arizona. sEIJL For- - Democrat, Representative in Democrat, Treasurer-1- 1,, R; Commit- - Sheriff. , Democrat, Precinct I beeby announce myself a candidate CongressLamar Cobb, Clifton, ,Ea,rhart, Mowry, Arizona.. teeman; Elgin Precinct--Mar- T. ili'vlERICAH LADY office of sheriff of Santa Cruz Arizona; Carl. Ha.yden, Phoenix,. Republican, Treasurer-1- -1. K. Elgirt, ,Arizoiel, a. , for.tbe Holden, . Repu-blicani:-Precind- eounty, on the Democratic ticket, sub Arizona.; 'Mulford NVinsor, Yinna; ChenoiVeth, Nogales Arizona. 1. Coininit-- - 0 , ject to the will of the Demeerals at Arizona. Democrat; School 'Superinte- teeman; ' Sopori $3.00 $3.50 and-$4.0- SHOES the primary election en Olteher 24,1911. Pre3inctDe N 1 J. J. LOWE. Republican, Representative in ndentRichard Farrell, Harshaw, metrio Ama-do- Amadoville, Ariz. Congress John ' S. WillianJi Arizona. Democrat, Precinct Commit- AMERICANAE-NTLEIVIA- For Assessor - Tombstone, Arizona, Demodrat School Superinte- teeman; Mowry PrecinctFred We are authorized to anzounce T. P. Sócialist, Representative in ndentG. H. Madden, Nogales, J. Miller, Mowry, ,. Thompson as a candidate for the office CongressJohn Halberg, Jero- Arizona. Republican, Precinct Commit- - - of county assessor of Santa Cruz county County $3.50 $4.00 and $5.00 SHOES me, Arizona. Democrat, Attorney teeman; Salero PrecinctFrank . subject to tbe will of the Democratic Su- NV. ;Ari- primary election Oetober Democrat, Judges of State A. O'Connor, NogOes, Reichert, Patagonia, Arizona. arkime; ItE; voters at the - 11113D 24tb, 1911. preme CourtD. L. Cunning-- zona. Notice is further given that a ham, Tombstone, Arizona; Al- Republican, County Attorney-- primary will be held in said For Assessor. fred Franklin, Phoenix, Arizona; S. F. Noon, Nogales, Arizona.. Santa Cruz County on Tuesday, I hreby announce myself a candidate
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