
Index The index refers to persons, organizations, places, bands, newspapers and topics. Page in italic: Footnote Nouns in italic: Newspaper or title of a movie Small towns, streets and places are marked with the country or town. ABBA (music band), 204 Azra (punk band), 191 Abrasive Wheels (punk band), 221 Action Pact (punk band), 221 Bahnhof Zoo (Berlin), 90 Aegidigasse (Vienna), 47, 49 Banlieu (France), 172, 175–6, 178–80 Afghanistan, 84, 93 Beat, The (music band), 223 Algeria, 182 Beats of Freedom, 209 Amerlinghaus (Vienna), 44–6 Belghoul, Farida, 175–6 Amsterdam, 2, 15, 25, 34, 35, 53–64, Belgium, 179 67, 72, 84, 90, 112, 120, 125, 152, Belgrade, 191–3, 195, 200 231, 244 Benyon, John, 262 Angelic Upstarts (punk band), 222 Berkeley, 162, 163 Anti Pasti (punk band), 221 Berlin, 1, 2, 4, 11, 25, 34–5, 43, 49, 60, APO (extra-parliamentary opposition), 62, 67, 71–2, 74, 77, 81, 84, 87–90, 73 112, 120–1, 163, 167, 231, 236, 244 Apostles, The (music band), 223 Berliner Morgenpost, 236–7 Arbeiterzeitung, 43 Berlinski zid (punk band), 194 ‘Arena’ (Vienna), 41–4, 47, 50 Beur movement, 12–13, 172–83 Ariès, Philippe, 247 Bey, Hakim, 209 Association for Children and Young Bezbednost, 179 People with Physical Disabilities, Bild, 237–8 166 Birmingham, 217, 259, 266 Association of Hotel Managers Birmingham Centre for Contemporary (Germany), 165 Cultural Studies (CCCS), 262 Au Pairs (music band), 225 Blecha, Karl, 44 Auslandsschlachthof (Vienna), 44 Blitz (punk band), 221, 222 Autonomes Jugendzentrum / Blumer, Herbert, 31 autonomous youth centre (AJZ), Boney M. (music band), 204 1, 7, 43, 72, 84–7, 89, 243 Bopp, Jörg, 231, 235 Autonomia, 120, 128 Borghesia (music band), 194 Autonomia Operaio, 49 Bramsche (Lower Saxony), 75 autonomy Bremen, 2, 67, 71, 162, 167, 231 concept, 4, 12, 49, 57, 67, 71, 73–5, Bristol, 217, 221–2, 260, 266 77, 85, 98–9, 116, 122, 129, 163, Britain, 16–17, 152, 162, 211, 217–26, 170, 184, 197, 211, 248 258–67, see also England; UK movement, 14–15, 16, 18, 42, British Council of Organizations of 49–50, 69, 82, 97, 106–7, 113, Disabled People (BCODP), 162 116, 120, 122, 127–30, British European Nuclear 134–5, 139 Disarmament (END), 150–2 271 272 Index Brixton, 120, 222, 224–5, 258–60, Czorsztyn (Poland), 206 262, 266 Buldogi (punk band), 192 Dahrendorf, Ralf, 250 Burggarten (Vienna), 42, 45 Dakar, 179 Buzzcocks (punk band), 219 Delaware, 149 Della Porta, Donatella, 30, 117 Cabaret Voltaire (music band), 224 Delorme, Christian, 174 California, 149 Delta 5 (music group), 225 Cannabis, 82, 87–8 Denmark, 2, 14, 15, 99, 100, 105, Caribbeans, 261, 265, 270 108, 179 Carstens, Karl, 12, 167–8 Der Spiegel, 67, 71, 73, 231, 232, 234 Chaos UK (punk band), 221, 222 desencanto, 127, 130, 131, 133, Chernobyl, 15, 206 135, 139 Christiania (Copenhagen), 44, 90 Detroit, 149 Christoph, Franz, 164, 167–8 Dezerter (punk band), 213, 214 Chron Gen (punk band), 221 Diani, Mario, 30 Clash, The (punk band), 120, 219, Die Grünen, 152 222, 224 disability, 12, 159–70 Clubs of Disabled People and their Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI), Friends, 163 161 CNT (Campaign for Nuclear Discharge (punk band), 221, 222 Disarmament), 220, 225 Disorder (punk band, 221, 222 CNT (Confederación Nacional del Donauinsel (Danube island, Vienna), 46 Trabajo), 128, 130 Drahdiwaberl, 50, 51 Coalition for International Dreux (France), 174 Cooperation and Peace, 147 DRS (Swiss Radio Station), 245 Cock Sparrer (punk band), 222 Düsseldorf, 167 Cockney Rejects, 222 Dutch Inter-Church Peace Council Cold War, 10, 145–6, 150, 220 (IKV), 149–52 Colley, Linda, 267 Comiso (Sicily), 118–19, 123, 152 Earth Day, 147 Committee Against Cruise Missiles Engert, Jürgen, 234 (KKN, Netherlands), 150 England, 259–61 Confederate Commission of Youth Environmental Action, 147, 211 Affairs (Switzerland), 245, 248, Environmental Defense Fund, 147 250–3 Environmental Policy Center, 147 Conservative Party, 266, see also Tory Emergency (punk band), 221 Conservation Society, 148 ETA, 132, 137 Convergence ‘84, 176 Euromissiles crisis, 146 Coordinating Committee in Germany Europe, 1–18, 25, 34, 42–3, 46–7, 50, (KA), 150 53–4, 59–60, 63–4, 81–2, 90, 97, Copenhagen, 5, 35, 44, 90, 119, 244 100–2, 104–5, 107–9, 112–13, Costil, Jean, 175 115, 119–21, 127–9, 131–2, Crass (punk band), 220, 223, 224 134–9, 145–6, 148–9, 150–3, Creys-Malville (France), 148 159–60, 163, 169, 173, 179, Critical Mass Energy Project of Public 204–6, 211, 231–2, 240, 243–4, Citizen, 147 251, 260 Croatia, 191, 199 Ewing, Winnie, 266 Czechoslovakia, 205 Exploited (punk band), 221, 222 Index 273 Fala, 210, 212 Grunewald (Berlin), 236 Federal Office of Criminal Investigation Grupa 92 (music band), 194 (Germany, BKA), 67 Guardian, 263 Flamanville (France), 148 Guillou, Jan, 238 Forsberg, Randall, 150 Gumol, Pawel, 210 Foucault, Michel, 87 Gut, Theodor, 245 France, 3, 12, 17, 137, 152, 172–3, 175–6, 181–2, 205 Hafenstraße (Hamburg), 237–8, 241 Franco, Francisco, 15, 41, 127–9, 132, Hageleit, Peter-Schultz, 235 134, 136 Hall, Stuart, 221 Frankfurt, 70, 163–4, 166 Hamburg, 7, 35, 60–1, 67, 231, 237–8, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 238 241, 244 Frehe, Horst, 164 Hanover, 2, 69, 71–2, 231 Freiburg, 67, 231 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 148–9 French Committee for Nuclear Hattersley, Roy, 259 Disarmament (CODENE), 150 Häuserrat (housing council; Berlin), Friedrich, Rudolf, 250 45, 48 Friends of the Earth, 148, 155 Heigert, Hans, 236 Front National (FN), 172, 174 Helsinki Agreements, 205 heroin, 11, 54, 81–90, 114–15, 123, Gandhi, Mahatma, 174 131–3, 139 Gang of Four (music band), 225 junkies, 88–9 GBH (punk band), 221 Herrenknecht, Albert, 71 generational Hersch, Jeanne, 250–1 perspective, 26–9, 35 Heseltine, Michael, 266 shift, 5–6, 73, 75–6, 84, 104, Hesse (Germany), 68, 76, 168 112–13, 122, 124, 133, 139, Hippie, -culture, 41, 45, 73, 206, 227 146, 153, 176, 181, 231–2, 247–8 India, 84, 174 Geneva, 58, 245, 250 Indiani Metropolitani, see urban German Communist Party (DKP), 71 Indians German Democratic Republic (GDR), Industbag (punk band), 193 166 Inglehart, Ronald, 248 Germany, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11–12, 14–17, 25, INHALE (Initiative Hanf Legal – 29, 43, 49, 60–1, 63, 67–72, 76, initiative for the legalisation of 100, 105–6, 108, 120–1, 148, 150, hemp/marihuana), 48 152, 160, 162, 165–7, 205, 231, Inlandsschlachthof (Vienna), 44, 47 251–2 International Herald Tribune, 244 Geronimo (pseudonym), 49 International Peace Communication Ginnheim (Frankfurt), 70 and Coordination Centre Goli otok (Gomila), 197 (IPCC), 151 Gomila G (punk band), 194 Iraq, 29 Gonzalez, Yolanda, 132 Ireland, 132, 217, 259 Górski, Rafał, 207 ‘Islamic headscarf’ affair, 180 Grabowski, Krzysztof, 213 Italian Hot Autumn (Autunno caldo), Greece, 3, 115, 164, 166 112–13, 128 Greenham (Great Britain), 152 Italian Unified Committee for Groote Keyser (Amsterdam), Disarmament and Peace 56, 58 (CUDIP), 150, 152 274 Index Italy, 3, 5, 11, 14–15, 29, 33, 49, Kuroń, Jacek, 205 112–15, 117–18, 120–1, 128, 132, Kuzle (punk band), 193 152, 163 Labour Party, 263 Janjetović, Zoran, 192 Laibach (punk band), 194 Jarocin festival (Poland), 14, 204, 208, Lanc, Erwin, 44 211–14 Le Cun du Larzac, 152 Johnny Rotten Square (Ljubljana), Le Mouvement des Travailleurs 189, 193 Arabes, 182 Jugendzentrumsbewegung (youth Lebanon, 182 centre movement), 67–77 Leeds, 217, 221, 259, 260 Lefebvre, Henri, 57 Kalisz (Poland), 209 Libertarian Ateneus movement, 135, Kallman, Per-Olof, 166 139 Kärntnerstraße (Vienna), 41 Limmatstraße (Zurich), 243 Kelly, Petra, 152 Linksradikales Blasorchester (Radical- Kenney, Padraic, 8, 198, 204, 207 Left Brass Orchestra), 165 King, Martin Luther, Jr., 149 Liverpool, 217, 259–61, 266 Kinker (Amsterdam), 56 Ljubljana, 13, 189–99 Klee, Paul, 163 Łódź, 211 Klempicz (Poland), 206 London, 60, 112, 217, 226, 258–9, Komitet Obrony Robotników (KOR, 262, 266 Committee for Workers’ Defence), Long Island, 149 205 Loopmans, Maarten, 57, 59 KOMM (Nuremberg), 69 Lower Saxony (Germany), 71, 75 Koopman, Ruud, 30 Lublanski psi (punk band), 192–3 Koordinationsbüro für die Ludus (music band), 225 Initiativgruppen der Lyon, 173–4, 184 Jugendzentrumsbewegung e.V. (coordination office for initiative McAdam, Dough, 28, 32 groups of the youth centre McCarthy, John, 31 movement), 70 McConnell, John, 147 KPN (Konfederacja Polski Manaam (rock band), 210 Niepodległej, nationalist Manchester, 217, 259–60 opposition political party), Manhattan, 151 207, 213 Margiotta, Stephen, 258 Kranj (Yugoslavia), 197 Mark, Sir Robert, 259 Kreisky, Bruno, 46, 162 Marseille, 174–5, 184 Kressbronn (Germany), 70, 72 Marxism, Marxist theory, 5, 7, 73, 76, Kreuzberg (Berlin), 1, 62, 74, 88, 116, 225 235–6, 239 May, Karl, 237 Kriesi, Hans-Peter, 27, 34 Meluccci, Alberto, 10, 33 Kronenzeitung, 45 Michnik, Adam, 205 Krüppelgruppen (cripple groups), Milošević, Slobodan, 199 163, 168 Milwaukee, 149 Kuga (punk band), 193 Minguettes (Lyon), 173 Kukuk (Berlin), 74 Mitterand, François, 12 Kultur- und Kommunikationszentrum Mobilization for Survival (Mobe), Gassergasse (GAGA), 45, 48–9 147–50 Index 275 MOC (Conscientious Objector pacifism, 123, 125, 135, 194, 206, 224 Movement), 136 Hollanditis, 152 Moncloa Agreements, 129–30 pacifists, 207, 211 Morocco, 182 Pankrti (punk band), 191–8 Moscow, 149 Paris, 2, 60, 119, 174, 176–7, 179 Moskwa (punk band), 210, 213 Partisans, The (punk band), 221 Munich, 162 PCE (Spanish Communist Party), 129, 133, 138 Nader, Ralph, 147 Perfect (Rock band), 210 National Audubon Society, 147 Phorushalle (Vienna), 45 NATO, 9, 118–19, 136, 148, 150, 152 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 149 nazi, neo-nazi, 107,
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