ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2014 ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA TO ADVANCE THE SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COMMUNITY 2013 - 2014 Queensland Division Sponsors 2 CONTENTS 4 Queensland Division 5 President’s Report 6 General Manager’s Report 7 Queensland Division Key Achievements 7 2014 Division Committee 7 2014 Congress Representatives 8 Queensland Division Membership 9 Operations Report 10 Events and Communications Report 13 Membership Engagement Report 14 Finance Report 16 Chartered Assessment Report 17 Business Development Report 18 Division Groups 19 Australasian Tunnelling Society 20 Australian Cost Engineering Society 20 Australian Geomechancis Society 21 Biomedical Branch 22 Burnett Regional Group 23 Cairns Regional Group 25 Central Highlands Regional Group 26 Central Western Regional Group 27 Centre for Engineering Leadership & Management 28 Chemical College 28 Electric Energy Society of Australia 29 Electrical Branch 30 Engineering Heritage Queensland 31 Gladstone Regional Group 31 Gold Coast Regional Group 33 Honours and Awards Sub-committee 33 ITEE Branch 34 Mackay Regional Group 35 Overseas Qualified Engineers Support Group 36 Railway Technical Society of Australasia 38 Rockhampton Regional Group 39 Structural Branch 40 Sunshine Coast Regional Group 40 Sustainable Engineering Society 42 Technologists Subcommittee 43 Toowoomba Regional Group 47 Townsville Regional Group 48 Transport Panel 49 Water Panel 51 Women in Engineering 52 Young Engineers 3 QLD DIVISION 4 PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014 was another year of growth and of recommendations brought to Division improvement for the Queensland Division, Committee about how we can better support consolidating its position as the largest their members, including reviewing options Division in the organisation. The aim of the for registration for these categories. Division was to build on the strong platform set in previous years, by former Presidents Media and community engagement remains like Dr Steven Goh and Simon Orton and to a key priority for the Division. Consistency continue with improvements in our key areas will be the key to our success in this space as of focus. My personal goals for this year well as ensuring that we are only providing were to have focus on the areas of Members, media comment in areas where we can Media, Teamwork and CPD, which are inform and add value to discussion. This consistent with the Queensland and National year we have produced 14 media releases, strategic plan. resulting in 154 inclusions in the media. This media approach is now also being Firstly members, without which our adopted by our groups, through the central organisation wouldn’t exist. A change in Division office, which is giving us greater policy this year has reduced the length of representation and relevance right across BLAKE HARVEY, 2014 PRESIDENT, time that members could remain in arrears the state. The best example of the success of QUEENSLAND DIVISION from 15 months to 3 months. As a result our media engagement this year has been the our overall membership reduced this year, Gladstone Bund Wall Enquiry, where through supplement the unit chairs induction held at however, we still recorded a positive increase a successful media campaign, we were able the start of each year. in fee paying members. Excluding this policy to advocate for the use of a professional change our membership would have recorded Chartered engineer as an advisor to the Finally CPD, which remains a core area strong membership growth in excess of 6%, Federal Government Inquiry review panel. of our organisation. Developments like which given the tough economic climate is Video-conferencing and Engineering-On- a fantastic result. We welcomed another 560 Focused on ensuring strong Government Line (EOL) will enable us to revolutionise Chartered members into Queensland and and Industry ties we had 40 meetings with the way we engage with our members continue to promote and develop the brand Government and 31 meetings with industry and ensure their professional competence of Chartered as the professional badge of over the past year. We also provided input in and development. This year we signed a competence for engineering. The Division to 6 Government Plans and Strategies and Memorandum of Understanding with Central has retained a strong focus on member value established a Policy subcommittee to support Queensland University for the use of their and wanting to understand and provide value further submissions. We have also continued Videoconferencing facilities to link a number for our members in the services that we to provide support to ministers through the of regional locations and are exploring offer. Nationally the organisation has started use of Ministerial Advisory Panels, to provide similar options with other organisations. The defining our Member Value Proposition as a political technical advice. Building these Professional Development Sub-Committee part of engaging with our membership. strong relationships and advocating on behalf will be revised as the Learned Society of the profession is important in enabling us Advisory Committee under our regulation At a Queensland level, based off our specific to shape issues relevant to members and the changes, with the aim of this group providing geography and being a regional member community at the conception stage. more direction and coordination to CPD myself, we have retained a strong focus on delivered across the state. Overall, we want to regional members and in 2013 conducted a With regard to Teamwork, our most significant take practical steps to refine and enhance our review of Regional Membership Value. This asset is our people and the volume of hours CPD delivery to our members. report had a number of recommendations contributed by our volunteers is enormous. which are being worked through by the Leveraging even marginal improvements I would like to thank my employer, Ergon Division. As part of the Regulation changes in the effectiveness of our volunteers and Energy, for their support of my role during a made within Engineers Australia we are also staff will result in enormous gains for the fairly challenging year, as well as my partner establishing a Regional Advisory committee, organisation. To this end we have been and family. Finally and most importantly I which will be charged with taking a number focused on implementing the structural would like to thank the office bearers, staff and of these recommendations forward to changes associated with the new regulations members for their continued support of their implementation. and ensuring that we have clear roles and organisation and Division in Queensland. I accountabilities for our office bearers and look forward to supporting Chris Warnock Representing the whole engineering staff. To ensure support of our regional when he takes over as President in 2015. team is also important and we have been groups, the Division Staff have started working closely with our Associate and travelling to the regional groups to perform Technologist groups and endorsed a number inductions for the group committees, to 5 GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT Queensland Division continued to deliver policy and community leadership as part of strong results in the 2013/2014 financial the role as well. We still have a way to go year providing a great return on the hard to reach maturity for this strategy, but our work and commitment from our many groups are supportive and frameworks are volunteers and staff. being implemented. We achieved a rating of 84% against our Following is a list of the key achievements 2013-2014 strategic plan, exceeding our for Queensland in the 13/14 financial year. benchmark of 80%. This is the 6th year in Thank you to all of our volunteer Office a row that the Division has improved in this Bearers and staff whose commitment and area which is clear evidence that we continue drive enabled over 280 events and activities to build on past performance each year. to be delivered throughout Queensland. Your Membership numbers across the contribution to your profession is highly organisation are lower than the previous year valued and appreciated. due to a change in how members in arrears are accounted for. Despite this Queensland We would like to thank our highly valued still delivered a positive growth in fee paying sponsors for their commitment and support IAN MCEWAN, GENERAL members and has extended our position as to the Qld Division – Anchor, Bechtel, MANAGER, QUEENSLAND the largest Division in the organization by Brisbane City Council, Calibre, Cullens DIVISION more than 500 members. Patent and Trademark Attorneys, Leighton Contractors, Mondalephous, Queensland The 2013 Division President, Simon Orton, Department of Transport and Main Roads, and our 2014 Division President, Blake PCA, Local Buy and Jacobs. Harvey, have both provided great leadership as the organization continues on its transformational path to enhancing member value and increasing relevance to all key stakeholders. It is very pleasing to see the support provided by all Office Bearers to this change process. The Queensland groups have embraced change and are supporting the focus to deliver not only a valuable technical program, but also to focus on “We achieved a rating of 84% against our 2013/2014 strategic plan, exceeding our benchmark of 80%.” 6 QLD DIVISION KEY ACHIEVEMENTS members in 13-14 year. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATION • Engineering Week and 5 teams participated in Canstruction. It • Support was provided to the Engineering Link Group and the was held in Reddacliff Place and was very successful and drew Science and Engineering Challenge in a large number of spectators. • Engineering Dean’s lunch was held in November. • Input was supplied to the Qld Government following their request • Universities in regional and metropolitan areas were visited. into the Queensland Plan. Engineering Careers Seminars were held on site and both half day sessions were booked out. BODY OF KNOWLEDGE AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNAL STRUCTURE AND ADMINISTRATION • Technical presentations were above target (287 events were held • Aged debtors were zero at the end of the financial year.
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