FOR EVERVOHE 1H THE RUSIHESS DE MUSIC ni (WV • 1 ' music week Emerging talent lines up for Brils boosl by Paul Williams announced at London's 10 Covent j C'- '1 number one and Epic's Sade at eight Madonna, Jive's Britney Spears and Thein 2000 surgeofnewUK wiil be officially talent recognised emerging almostGarden. certainMultiple from showings East West's are -now while reclimbing Parlophone's the chart Radiohead on the back are viouslyUniversal been Island's announced U2, who haveas thispre- lionsin tonight's with breakthrough (Monday) Brits acts nomina- poised island'sDavid Gray Sonique. and Serious/Universal BnâflK ■>'vB weekof their for Kid Grammy A being album shortlisted of the year, last year'sBritish musicoutstanding winners. contribution They are now to togories. dominate the domestic cate- WadsworthBrits committee believes chairmanthe timing Tony is jsypwyjg - ilS lions,Following Radiohead their areGrammy among nomina-several joinedgramme onat thenext performancemonth's Brits pro- at nowWildstar's lined up Craig to performDavid - whoat the is revivalperfect of to UK launch music the both Brits, domestical- given the J® ureestablished more than UK once acts in expected tonight's to Brits fig- WestlifeLondon's and Earl's Williams. Court by David, courseFebruary to 26figure spectacular in four of - the looks short- on ofly andthe abroad,Brits is to"One bang of thethe keydrum aims for Williamsshortlist. Is EMhChrysalis'also predicted Robbieto be announcement,Alongside todaythe (Monday)nominations also albumlists after going a year five-times that saw platinum his début in betterBritish timeMusic after and thethere industry's couldn't bestbe a . althoughamong thisthe contendersevening's formentions, the pub- websitesees the (brits.co.uk) launch of the through officiai which Brits theacross UK andEurope becoming and ina TopAustralia. 10 hit weekyear yet when for UK11 albumof the salese/Z/board and inTop a time,Coldplay: David Brits Gray nomination - handled byhopes RCA in tionslic-voted - whichbest singlehe won and in video1999 sec-and theand publicvideo willcatégories. vote forthe The best site single bas % m long-lead press. He is then due to retum tofor remainhis fîrst there US tour throughout in Aprll andthe summer,is expected m while Born To Do It is scheduled to appear L m Graham Williams says the company had hold'to'focus^on the11 UK^Europe'^nd"^^ IllilSI on Atlantic Records as the rightjabdfor^ lilii 1 1 w liiiliiil ] Sanctuary powers growth with new publishing arm •a mu llggl MU WÊÊ: à-à '■p interTrust' THE METATRUST UTILITY C- fe>frf:ers- conn s. I U UiiU LCÎ m mmerce sic lookforusandour MetaTrust Partners in Stand 02.02 « Leading Digital Rights Management www.intertrust.com UK (0) 207 795 4040 US (1 ) 408 855 0100 e 2000 InterTrust Technologies Corp; AH rights reserved. InterTrust, The MetaTrust Utllity, and the InterTrust Logo are registered trademarks of Intérim t T h I ([email protected]) NEWS slgnedEMUChrysalls Beth Orton last week(plctured), officlally as part MusicWeerAwards n e w s / / / e of its long-term deal with Heavenly AOL/TIME WARHER GETS US GO-AHEAD albumsRecordlngs. were Orton's released prevlous on Heavenly two launch online voting The AOL/Time Warner merger when the label had a deal with BMG, Online voting Is figuring in the Muslc Thursdaycleared ils - finalalmost hurdle exactiy last a year directlythough sheto the was major actually and slgnedhad been Week Awards for the first tlme thls after the $106bn deal was expected to make one more album year with the Communicationsannounced - when Commission the US Fédéral gave releasedunder her two contract excellent with albums it. "Beth In hasher The site (www.muslcweekawards. it the green light. The US Fédéral oareer but I feel the best is still to tomorrowcorn), whlch (Tuesday), is belng will carrylaunched the Tradeclearance Commission in December, had gh/enbut the corne,Heavenly and provides the partnershlp a great frameworkof EMI and latest news on the show, provide to make that happen," says EMI ticketrequests Information, for the judged take awardsentry formand AOL'srival providers. instant messaging service to Orton,président who and won CEO best Tony female Wadsworth. artist at acceptNew votescatégories for certain at the catégories. event at onlast material year's Brits,for her Is thirdcurrently album, worklng which London's Grosvenor House Hôtel on will be the début release under her motionsMarch 15 prize, Include while an the additional first deadline pro- founder Paul Myers, has recruited newHeavenly deal. hasIn the also past been 12 responsible months, for entries te January 25 for the PR Industry accountancy and for delivering Ed Harcourt and mustaward. arrive Marketing by January award 29. entries managementas a nonexecutive vétéran to DavidIts board. Ravden Snowblind• See A&R to analyste, EMhChrysalis. p8 NatashaFor furtherManley oninformation, 0207 940 8655.ring Ravden is expected to help the ID-TAPE PROPOSAIS Worldpop nets ïrinily Street The BPI's campaign to banish red tape from the record;p last industryv deliveredDepartment proposais of Culture, to trv Media and departmentSport The Government was told by the BPI for digital marketing venture inthat the it areascould helpof tax reduce and red tape Chart sponsor Worldpop is raised £5.1m - valuing the company and route to profitability," he says. "it employmentnow wants members législation. to submitThe BPI S opération at£30m, accordingto incoming chair- giveshas a thestrong company base ofthe investors ability to which take examples of bureaucracy they have m of second-round funding. rt Benson (DrKB) hasDresdner invest- managementadvantage of teamopportunities who understand and a VOSS HOVES UP AI UMI Trinity Street's 40,000Hiame f :2.1mn, giving was it 10%raised equity. from The seed fur- thewhat addition they're of doing Simon - [Stantonj."éspecially with promoting marketing vice- Worldpop's SMS capability and online EFT irs JP Morgan,: Capital 3i PartnersGroup and - to Heachieve adds profitabilitythe company in isone on courseto two Dreamworks)president (Universal Matt Voss Motown to and contentpanies andassets "aligned to offer industries" record com- a ve 10% sti Levison; taking chairman's rôle years,ing profile although and financmghe rules outvia anachiev- 1PO Internationalprésident. Voss, marketing the former vice- général youngrange ofmusic direct fans.marketing Worldpop services also to LevlsonChrysalis has Group replaced deputy co-founder chairman focusbusiness. as primarilyBoth Powell a digital and marketing Heath untilMeanwhile, at least 2002. Worldpop has complet- Universalmanager forRecords, MCA/Geffen takes overwifhin from claims70,000 to e-mail have addresses amassed throughmore than its Peter Powellmanagement as chairman restructureas part of a executive Steve Smith ile DrKB fored negotiationsthe second ofwith its Bardthree-year and the spon- BPI Andrew Kronfeld, who is movlngMercury to site and its muslc r StreetStanton managingboth take boarddirector seats. Simon sorship deal of the charts. Worldpop Grewe, Is taking up the new post lowing the . joint managing directors. saysSpeaking he decided on his to newadd rôle,Worldpop levison to œetings scheduled with the organk Island/Def Jam and Universal tutionalcessful completionfunding ofround a second before insti- restructureThe new has chairman been necessary says the to Chrysalishis directorship and Soiduties Entertainment - including salionsaccording duringto Lev productMotown managerand Island/Def Andrew Jam Reeder is continuingChristmas. Indownward a move thattrend defies among the ensure the company has full-time theGroup business - because model. of "Worldpopthe strength has of a genre' coverage. managerbeing promoted Island/Def to marketing Jam. BPI and IFPI help sholter Polydor takes honours in 2000 marketshares Russian piracy opération toPolydor date byhas capturing rounded bothoff its the best singles year ^ k helpedBPI and bust IFPI apart anti-piracy a Russian officers mafia theand wholealbums of market 2000. share crowns for gang running a £lm music piracy theThe first Universal company opération since Virginbecomes in workedThe twoalongside music City organisations of London titles.1998 Onsimultaneousiy singles 'rt comfortably to take beatboth police in a two-year opération which second1999*5 placewinner with EMhChrysalis 11.3% and a into3.4 bers of the organised crirr e syndi- S cate, Vladimar Stroguine ano Virgin byovercame just 0.8 percentage 1999 champion points MANIAOEM Alexanderpleaded guiity Tanov, to conspiracywho subsequently charges to top the table with an 8.6% share. V. at Southwark Crown Court, Sent- matchedPolydor's by Universaltwo triumphs in the end-of-were encingFriday until in the Februa^y case was 2. adjourned^ last^ Top 100," he says. The year corporate tables, taking the police were eventually brought in albumspoints withcrown 25.0% by 11.2as EMI percentage flnished investigationiain Grant sayskicked the off inlong-running 1999 when heavy connections with interests in second. It led on singles with 20.5% âtM the IFPI and BPI noticed large quanti- itothercriminal card fraud. activités"We have such known as créd-that 11.7%ahead ofand second-placed also won both Wamer quarter with into London and the South East. organisedpiracy for somecrime time,is involved but this in musicte the foursingles prizes. and Tenalbums was dlstributorthe year's with top contact: Jonathan Shalit torGrant Mick says Ellis that leading with senior the IFPImvestiga- team first conviction on UK soil," he adds. 29.3% and 26.7% respectively. on 44 850 910 133 law enforcement officers were able MartinBPI directoradds that of "décisiveanti-piracy action' David thePartophone, year on albums,third top stormed company to vic-for or at the Carlton usingto infiltrate couriers the oncrime false gang, passports who were to against CD pirates will help the tory In quarter four with 11.5%, Shalit Management, London smuggle CDs from St Petersburg to a edgeBritish as music one of industry the most maintain successful its whilepany withPolydor 13.4%. was top singles com- [email protected] or 44 20 7379 3282 wascounterfeiting a large-scale factory stuff. in They'd Hendon.
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