'Spirited 9 Males Serenade Women Residents By MIRK FEARING At that moment the police ear pallet! to a stop in "Jesus Loves Me" was the second selection while front "ever vigilant" folic come on boys," shouted a of the dorm and the campus ropa "Show Me the Way to Go Home" In of from r car. Car doors slammed and more shouts Several flushed their prey from that bush front the dorm. serenade ended with "Good Night Six piled into the back seat of a hundred no- dosed" females raced to their windows In Resigned to the fact that they "had him." the raln- boys left In a fury of sing one more song. day night ian to the blue cruiser. The policemen remalned-both cars visible by their A string of firecrackers were exploded scattering At this, the Indignant coeds, watching from the red tail lights. In the the small band of sllghtlv "spirited- male wrll wishers windows, shouted their disapproval by booing the four Me." In all directions—most of them jumping into a nearby At 11:40 and three policemen climbed car for a quit* get-away As the cruiser carrying the captured boy pulled away, out of their with a passerby. the getaway car appeared and unpiled a yelling, shout- get-away car. \ ircond cruiser imi Some words of the conversation such as "state law" side street. night fMlWi down a drifted through the air. Then came "we pulled through Come on boys, it's all right." one shouted. And as "Reorganize group!" shouted another boy and a small here and they must have hid." If Robin Hood had called his merry band together, the group <>t .lightly weaving, yelling, leaping boys again "Were going to hang around here." one policeman small crowd began to grow as boys stood belore Keeneland and began to sing. declared. Five minutes later a Ford raced through and from behind the bushes and trees. From an upper floor of Keeneland a firecracker was a fire cracker went off. thrown and a boy leaped out of the group to stamp on They began to sing "My Old Kentucky Home" and The blue cruiser turned around and headed down a the evpl< k n and then, at the appearance of the police, as the girls began to Join In. some policemen sat quietly side street in hot pursuit seemingly to "cut him off at dashed r. irons the yard and plopped into the center of a by in their cars while a couple of others the pass." small b\rh. Ignoring the "serenaders." At 12:10 a.m., silence! TtERNTEL University of Kentucky Vol. L LEXLN GTON. KY., FRIDAY, JAN. 15, 1960 No. 58 Frank Gossett Chosen Cooperstown Mayor Frank Qouett, former treasurer active in the council, participated "We also decided to hold a spec- Oi th« CuopWStUWU Council, was in council affairs, and in general ial meeting Wednesday. February •tatted ROaVjraC Wednesday when shown great interest in the future 3. to fill the vacancies and organ- hot h the mayor and the vice may- of the council." ize the work on the Cooperstown or resigned their posts. In a sta tement to the Kernel dance." mavor ^signed be- last Snar - night. Gossett said Jw P- his main Normally the council meets on cause he will graduate in January ambition was to keep the council f irst and third Mondays of the knurl Sweetheart and begin work for the Container "as effective as it had been In the month , but Gossett said the Division of the Mead Corporation past." he Sally Mock. Kernel Sweetheart of the Week, smiles as she gets And was "happy that Wednesday meeting was called be- in Cincinnati. Ohio. the council chose him" to finish redy lor the final week grind." Sally, a senior in the C ollege of cause n was the first day of the Sharp's unexpired term." Commerce js from Hillsboru. Ohio. < harles R. Marcus, vice mayor, second semester. resigned because he "needed the He said the council had not de- time to work on his thesis for a cided on who would fill the offices He also disclosed that he had master's degree." Both were elect- of vice mayor and treasurer. "Be- planned to run for mayor in May Trustees Considering ed to the council in May. 1959. cause of finals we decided to wait regardless of the appointment and until our next meeting in Febru- that he will probably rerun at In announcing his resignation ary." he said. that time. Wednesday. Sharp gave the council Opening Meetings three choices in choosing a new mayor. has set mach- he would depend upon the board, Gov. Bert Combs 1. Accept Frank Oossett as act- Spindletop's Future lnerv in motion which may even- President Frank G. Dickey, and ing mayor until the next annual tually open the now-closed meet- the presidents staff to run the election. lugs of the University Board of University. 2. Hold an . Trustees to the press. The governor also asked the Is Still Undecided c „ members to The minutes of the Dec. 8 board board to think about Increasing mayor. meetings released earlier this week faculty representation on the The UK Board of Directors will Spin in Fayette 3. Hold a complete new election reveal* d that the governor asked board. m&]Le nQ decWon concerning the ty. imediately and accept nomina- Qf 8pindlet the board to consider whether or In closing. Gov. Combs said he future untU in ls resor«*""lutionllu n o*Sen11 Kenkeadiveuseau ans from Cooperstown at large. 3L__ " the ' 1Q-, accordingQ „„ totn Vice Presidentr,.,.,. not to open the meetings to press expects to attend as many of \~ J ° 1961. pointed out that "no state park U Sharp said the council accepted representatives. board meetings as possible. D Peterson. presently located in Central Ken- No action has yet been taken on Asas a graduategraouaie ofoi UKuiv hene is in-in r- —• Since SpmdSpindletop is owned by tucky although this region is wide- the meeting over to Oossett as Gov. ( omb* suggestion. terested in furthering the work of Kentuclcy Research Founda- ly know as one of the natural soon as tne decision was made. ^ Mr. Combs told the board he had the University, the governor stated. Uon UK ^ ^taking no position con- scenic spots not only of the United no desire to force his will upon the He received a L.L.B. Degree here Sharp admittedly endorsed Gos- rerni ni? the farm'sfar future. Peterson States but of the world." board or the University He said in 1937. ttt because he said. * <?y*iT*"yf" SC Overcomes DAY FORENOON AFTERNOON of Spindletop be made into park. Quorum Trouble, 6 33 1 35 8:45-10:50 12:00-2:05 2:15-4:20 The resolutions were introduced Wednesday in both houses of the Finally Meets Classes which meet Classes which meet Classes which meet Classes which meet General Assembly by Fayette Monday first on Tuesday or first on Monday or first on Tuesd iv or first on Monday or County legislators. 8tudent Congress struggled, 1/11/60 Thursday-2:00 Wednesday-9 00 Thursday-9:00 Wednesday-2:00 Shelby Kin'»ead. Fayette County finally mustered enough proxy p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. Democrat and former mayor of votes to have a quorum, tabled two Lexington, offered the proposal to motions, and then adjourned last Classes which meet Classes which meet Classes which meet Classes which meet the Senate, and Representatives night. or first on Tuesd ty or first on Monday or R. P. Mohoney and Ted R. Osborn. Tueidoy first on Tuesd »y or first on Monday In the full-vote section. 12 of 26 both of Lexington, 1/19/60 Thursda>-1:00 Wednesday-10:00 Thursday-10:00 Wednesday-1:00 representatives were present with tin- House resolution. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a few persons holding proxies. There were 11 out of 31 represen- "Whereas Kentucky is probably Classes which meet Classes which meet Classes which meet Classes which meet tatives in the one-fifth vote sec- best known for its leading role in Wednetdcy first on Tuesd iv or first on Monday or first on Tuesday or first on Monday or tion of Oreek groups and SuKy. the horse Industry which attracts Thursday-12:00 Wednesday-ll:00 Phil 1/20/6O Thursday-ll:00 Wednesday-12:00 more tourists annually to the Acting congress President a.m. Commonwealth than any other single attraction: tee set up to revise the prrsent SC meet Classes which meet Classes which meet Classes whic h meet constitution will meet Feb. 24 in Classes which " This multimillion dollar indus- first on Monday or' first on Tuesday or first on Monday or first on Tuesd ty or try means much economically to the Bowman Hall Lounge. Austin interested in Thursday-4:00 Wednesday-7:00 Thursday-7:00 \Vednesday_4:00 the thousands of our citizens. said any I'K student working with the committee may p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. "It is not only entirely fitting. Classes which meet Classes which meet Classes which meet Classes which meet lish a state park in the heart of The tabled motions concerned request Friday first on Tuesd »y or first on Monday or first on Tuesday oi first on Monday or the horse country at beautiful the Student Union Board's to take over the Homecoming dance 1/22/60 Thursday-3:00 Wednesday-8:00 Thursday -8 00 Wednesday 3 1 00 and a motion made by Oarryl 8ip- p.m.
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