FINDING JESUS IS FINDING ISLAM Reply to Nabeel Qureshi’s book: Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus Aamir Ibrahim Al-Ash’ari 1 Table of Contents Prologue (Seeking Allah) ............................................................. 5 Part 1 (Called to Prayer) ............................................................... 7 Chapter One (Prayers of my Fathers) .......................................... 7 Chapter Four (The Perfect Book) ................................................ 9 Chapter Five (Stories of the Prophet) ........................................ 11 Chapter Six (Righteous through ritual Prayer) ......................... 13 Chapter Seven (Diversity in Islam) ........................................... 14 Chapter Eight (The Path of Shariah) ......................................... 16 Chapter Thirteen (Swoons and Substitutions) .......................... 19 Chapter Fourteen (The Father is Greater than Jesus) ..............22 Chapter Fifteen (Heaven’s Gates and Hell’s Flames) ............... 24 Chapter Sixteen (Treasured Traditions) .................................... 27 Chapter Nineteen (The Religion of Peace) ............................... 29 Chapter Twenty One (Opening my Eyes) .................................. 31 Chapter Twenty Two (Textual Evolution) ................................. 33 Chapter Twenty Three (Revisiting Reliability) ......................... 35 Part 4 (Coming to the Crux) ..................................................... 38 Chapter Twenty Four (Litmus Tests) ....................................... 38 Chapter Twenty Five (Crucifying the Swoon theory) ................39 Chapter Twenty Six (A Muslim at Church) .............................. 40 2 Chapter Twenty Seven (Debating the Resurrection) ................ 41 Part 5 (Jesus Mortal Messiah, or Divine Son of God) .............. 44 Chapter Twenty Eight (Genetics and Jesus) ............................ 44 Chapter Twenty Nine (Jesus Creates Carpenters) .................... 45 Chapter Thirty (The Divine Son of Man) ..................................63 Chapter Thirty One (Paulemics and the Earliest Jesus) ...........70 Chapter Thirty Two (Tension and the Trinity) .......................... 79 Chapter Thirty Three (Resonating with the Trinity) ................. 81 Chapter Thirty Four (Salvation in the Balance) ....................... 83 Chapter Thirty Five (Assessing the Gospel) ............................. 84 Part 7 (The Truth About Muhammad) ..................................... 86 Chapter Thirty Six (Muhammad Revisited) ............................. 86 Chapter Thirty Seven (The Picture Perfect Prophet) ............... 92 Chapter Thirty Eight (Veiling the Violence) ............................ 101 Chapter Thirty Nine (Muhammad Rasul Allah) ......................115 Part 8 (The Holiness of the Quran) ......................................... 129 Chapter Forty (The Case for the Quran) ................................. 129 Chapter Forty One (Quran Science and Bucailleism) ............. 132 Chapter Forty two (Hadith and the history of the Qur’an) ..... 133 Chapter Forty Three (Those Whom Their Right Hands Possess) .................................................................................... 138 Part 9 (Faith in Doubt) ............................................................ 144 3 Chapter Forty Four (Rationality and Revelation) ................... 144 Chapter Forty Five (The Cost of embracing the Cross) ........... 145 Chapter Forty Six (I am Near, Seek and You Shall Find)........ 148 Chapter Forty Seven (The field of Crosses) ............................. 149 Part 10 (Guided by the Hand of God) .......................................151 Chapter Forty Eight (Deciphering Dreams) .............................151 Chapter Forty Nine (The Narrow Door) .................................. 156 Chapter Fifty (A Stairway out of the Mosque)......................... 158 Chapter Fifty One (Time to Mourn) ........................................ 160 Barbarism in Bible ................................................................... 166 Chapter Fifty Two (The Word Speaks) .................................... 173 Chapter Fifty Three (Finding Jesus) ....................................... 175 Epilogue of Nabeel’s book and my Conclusion. ...................... 178 Why are Ahmadis/Qadiyanis declared as non- Muslims? ............................................................................... 190 4 Mr. Nabeel Qureshi was an Ahmadi (a heretical cult which is outside the folds of Islam according to Qur’an, Sunnah, and consensus of Muslim scholars) who converted to Christianity. Although Nabeel has passed away due to stomach cancer, however my rebuttal and refutation of his book “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus” is for all Christian apologists to read especially his mentor David Wood whom he had kept on seeing in his dreams. It is assumed by Christian apologists that Nabeel Qureshi presented a very strong case against Islam and defended Trinitarian version of Christianity very well. Prologue (Seeking Allah) Nabeel said: “You are Allah, the God of Islam, aren’t You? Or are You . .” I hesitated, fighting the blasphemy I was about to propose. But what if the blasphemy was the truth? “Or are You Jesus?” Now such a thought can never arise in mind of a monotheist Muslim or Jew out of the blue, until and unless he/she is misled by polytheistic Trinitarianism, a concept not held by many intellectual Christians themselves such as Unitarian Christians. Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists of all times did not believe in trinity and was a monotheist Christian. In Newton's eyes, worshipping Christ as God was idolatry, to him the fundamental sin. [Westfall, Richard S. (1994). The Life of Isaac Newton Cambridge University Press. Page. 124] 5 Nabeel mentioned his confusion about Islam due to (oft repeated weak, fabricated, and misunderstood narrations which Islamophobes use such as) Prophet’s marriage to child bride, black magic casted on him, he being poisoned, raids on caravan, and tortures being committed. I will present the true Islamic stance on all these issues later in this rebuttal. 6 Part 1 (Called to Prayer) Chapter One (Prayers of my Fathers) Right in the first chapter of his book, Nabeel showed his lack of knowledge in hadith by attributing a lie to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) by saying: “It is a hadith, a tradition of the prophet Muhammad, that every Muslim child should hear the adhan at birth” There is no such hadith, and it is a lie because saying adhan in ear of child is not compulsory but it is a Sunnah [See: Jami’ at-Tirmidhi, Vol. 3, Book 17, Hadith 1514. Grade: Weak, whereas some other scholars declared the hadith to be authentic, but the hadiths do not have the wording that every child “SHOULD” hear the adhan at birth] In this chapter, Nabeel tried to confuse people as if he was from descendants of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) by saying he was from Qureshi tribe which is tribe of Muhammad. Then he said he was from lineage of Umar bin Khattab (ra) the 2nd caliph according to Sunnis. Nabeel exposed his utter ignorance about Islam by saying that Sunnis consider the caliphs of Islam as "DIVINELY GUIDED SUCCESSORS OF MUHAMMAD." In Sunni theology the caliphs are not deemed "DIVINELY GUIDED." The only people divinely guided according to Sunni Islam are Prophets and none other. This is a major theological blunder 7 Nabeel Qureshi made and revealed that he was never a true Muslim who knew Islamic theology well. Nabeel defined word Khalifa as “...title is used to refer to Muhammad's "FOUR" successors” False again, the caliphs were not four but five including Imam Hasan bin Ali the fifth Caliph of Islam who stayed Caliph for 6 months. Once more Nabeel showed his ignorance in Islamic history as he had only studied Islam partially. In this chapter Nabeel talked about his grandmother calling her a missionary (a Christian term that Muslims never use) following a "Jamaat (some group)," he also mentioned his mother being influenced by her grandmother who devoted herself to Islam... What he initially hid from readers was that his mother and her grandmother were Ahmadis not Muslims. Ahmadis have nothing to do with Islam and are a heretical cult just like mainstream Christians would never accept Mormons to be Christians or even Jehovah’s witness. 8 Chapter Four (The Perfect Book) Chapter Two and Three have nothing much to rebut, Nabeel just talked about his family. In fourth chapter, regarding Bismillah being in start of every chapter except Surah at-Taubah (ninth chapter of Qur’an), Nabeel Qureshi attributed something towards his Ahmadi mother that is unexpected from a knowledgeable Muslim to say. It says: “Allah was very upset with people in that Surah beyta so he didn't give us the blessing of the bismillah there” - End Quote. Either Nabeel was cooking this up or his mother being an Ahmadi taught him an absurd thing. The actual reason for Bismillah not being written before Surah Taubah is that Surah at-Taubah is part of previous chapter Surah al-Anfal and Bismillah is found in beginning of previous chapter. In this chapter he attributed towards Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) why 112th Chapter of Qur’an was very important to the Prophet. Nabeel said: “What was the message that Muhammad considered so important? Essentially this: God is not a father, and He has no son.” 9 This is a very loose summary of this glorious chapter by Nabeel. Let us see why this chapter carries great importance in regards to Tawhid (Oneness of God Almighty)
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