J_ ____ __ I_ __ ____ ____ _ THE ROYAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL VolLXXXI SEPTEMBER 1967 Nos CONTENTS Engineer-in-Chief's Address to the Annual General Meeting of the Corps of Royal Engineers on 28 June 1967 . .196 Presentation of Doors by Royal Canadian Engineers . 204 The Place of.the Engineer in the Development of a Country Lord Hinton of Bankside 207 A New Shape . Lieut-Colonel F. W. L. Shepard 214 Specialist Team RE (Construction) in Aden-1966 . Major D. I. Knight 222 Well Drilling in the Federation of South Arabia Lieut-Colonel P. C. Shapland, Major F. Moseley and WOI (CW(M)) J. S. Little 240 Dowsing . Colonel A. H. Bel 255 The Corps and the Rock Temple at Abu Simbel . Brigadier A. B. D. Edwards 256 A Job of Work . Brigadier R. A. Chenevix-Trench 258 Correspondence . 26 Memoirs, Book Reviews, Technical Notes . 267 PUBLIS RS RE OFFICE COPY AOEIAGE INSTITUTION OF DO NOT REMOVE i ,__________ ·_ __ __ Building & Civil Engineering Contractors to The Ministry of Public Building and Works The Greater London Council County Councils and Borough Councils a C=]0 au-m:1igg J. M. HILL &SONS LTD. Heather Park Drive Wembley, Middlesex IWEMbley 7781 I __· ADVERTISEMENTS i Viking Johnson couplings protect pipes against ground movements For over 30 years, Viking Johnson Used for jointing pipes with plain ends couplings have been used on circula- up to 144" in diameter. Viking Johnson ting water mains for power stations the couplings give maximum deflections world over. Allowing both angular and between 1° and 6° in any plane allow- axial displacementstheyprotectvaluable ing for small soil movements any time pipework against any natural ground after installation is completed. Limited movements and settlements, with con- expansions and contractions of the siderable savings in maintenance costs. pipes due to temperature changes are Overall contract times and installation also accommodated. Among the many costs are also reduced, because Viking C.E.G.B. schemes where these efficient Johnson couplings are easily assembled couplings are used on circulating water and fitted by semi-skilled labour under mains are Bradwell and Berkeley power normal supervision. MCTAlt uc stations; and Cotham and Didcot And they give civil engineers great conventional power stations. For flexibility in design, and freedom in further information, write to pipe laying. NG Dept. R.E.J. Comprehensive stocks are held of Viking Johnson couplings forsteel and cast iron pipes to British and International standards. Send for detailed lists. VICTAULIC Makers of Victaulic Joints and Viking Johnson Couplings. THE VICTAULIC COMPANY LIMITED, PARK HOUSE, 118 PARK ST., LONDON W.1. Telephone: Mayfair6416. Telex:24606. Telegrams: Victaulic London W1. .. J ii ADVERTISEMENTS BY APPOINTMENTTO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN HATTERS Tradition in the modern manner V V II-I H.J. are well known to all regi- V .J ments as makers of fine Service caps, but not everyone may know V AD E OEF PA that we also offer a range of quality V pA D soft felt hats. In fact, we are very V proud of our "softs", and for many V years they have been the choice of discerning gentlemen who like to V feel as correctly-yet comfort- V ably-dressed off parade as on. We V supply hats to suit every occasion V and taste. Why not call and see the V i D u grey. Styein brown6153 full range? Or write for an lllus- V V Dual-pugreenreen orgrDey.or tylne 6153 trated brochure. v REGIMENTAL CAPMAKERS i r ,;,v TO: o. C IIONO 1TETILTID THE Civil and Military Hatters v ROYAL v E N G INEE RS \ - 40a LONDON RD., CAMBERLEY vi-io ~ o~ o~ (Wednesday afternoons onfy) 38 NEW BOND ST., LONDON, W.I. Tel: MAYfair 7177 BY APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, GOLDSMITHS AND CROWN JEWELLERS, GARRARD AND CO. LTD Silver Trophies byGARRARD The reputation which Garrard have achieved for silver trophies is built upon long experience and craftsmanship of the highest order. Our prize-winning designer Mr. A. G. Styles, is familiar with research into local tradition, enabling him to produce designs which are heraldically accurate and of high artistic merit. Designs and estimates are submitted without charge and experienced advice is freely available at your request. GARRAR D The Crown Jewellers 112 REGENT STREET W1 · REGENT 7020 The Massey rerguson Natlonal Asard for Services to Uniled Kingdom A:gullure. A groving plant betScen Io CUPPed h;mds. THE COUNCIL OF THE INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINEERS (Established 1875, Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1923) Patron-HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN President Major-General T. H. F. Foulkes, CB, OBE, MA, MICE ... ...... ... 1965 Vice-Presidents Major-General J. H. S. Bowring, OBE, MC, MA, MICE ... ...... ... 1965 Brigadier H. W. Kitson, CBE, MA ...... ... ... ... 1965 Elected Members Colonel B. A. E. Maude, MBE, MA 1965 Captain M. J. Parsons, BSc(Eng), AMICE 1965 Colonel R. Bellingham-Smith, MBE, BSc 1966 Brigadier J. Constant, MA, MICE, AMIMechE, MIEE 1966 Lieut-Colonel B. J. Coombe, GM, BSc 1966 Major L. T. Allen .. 1967 Colonel A. E. Arnold, MBE, BA 1967 Brigadier R. A. Blakeway, OBE, BA 1967 Brigadier D. R. Carroll, OBE .. 1967 Colonel C. A. A. Crouch, OBE, BSc .. 1967 Colonel P. Drake-Wilkes, OBE, MBIM 1967 Colonel W. C. S. Harrison, CBE, ERD, AMICE, MIHE 1967 Brigadier E. F. Kyte, CBE, MA, MICE 1967 Colonel R. F. Parker, MBE 1967 Colonel P. J. M. Pellereau, MA, AMIMechE, MBIM .. 1967 Brigadier B. G. Rawlins, MA, MIPlantE 1967 Ex-Officio Members Brigadier M. L. Crosthwait, MBE, BA D/E-in-C Colonel M. G. Stevens, MBE ......... ... AAG RE Brigadier W. M. Inglis, BA ......... ... Comd RSME Brigadier B. St. G. Irwin, MA, ARICS ... ... ... D Survey Colonel G. T. E. Westbrook, OBE ... ...... ... D/Comd RSME Brigadier L. Scott-Bowden, DSO, OBE, MC* ... ... Comd, Trg Bde RE Brigadier R. A. Lindsell, MC, MA, MIMechE, FIEE... Brig Eng Plans CorrespondingMembers Lleut-Colonel K. C. Fenton, BE (Civ.), MNZIE New Zealand Military Forces .... 12 May 1964 Colonel C. Linsell, OBE, MC, Union Defence Force, South Africa I February 1956 Brigadier E. Logan, Australian Military Forces ...... .... 16 November 1963 Lieut-Colonel N. Sadlier-Brown, CD, RCE, CanadianArmed Forces ... 26 January 1965 Secretary and Editor RE Journal Brigadier J. H. S. Lacey, CBE, BA ... ... ... ... 15 December 1958 Bankers Lloyds Bank, Ltd, Cox's and King's Branch, 6 Pall Mall, SWI 4,050 1.9.67 THE ROYAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL Authors alone are responsiblefor the statements made and the opinions expressed in theirpapers VOL. LXXXI CONTENTS SEPTEMBER, 1967 PAGE 1. ENGINEER-IN-CIIEF'S ADDRESS TO TIlE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THIE CORPS OF ROYAL ENGINEERS ON 28 JUNE 1967 . 196 2. PRESENTATION OF DOORS BY ROYAL CANADIAN ENGINEERS (With Photographs) . 204 3. THE PLACE OF TIlE ENGINEER IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A COUNTRY Lord Hinton of Bankside, KBE, FRS . 207 4. A NEW SHAPE. BY LIEUT-COLONEL F. W. L. SIIEPARD, MBE, RE, BSC, AMICE. (With Sketches) . 214 5. SPECIALIST TEAM RE (CONSTRUCTION) IN ADEN-1966. BY MAJOR D. I. KNIGHT, RE. (IWithPIotographs and Sketches) 222 6. WELL DRILLING IN THE FEDERATION OF SOUTH ARABIA. BY LIEUT- COLONEL P. C. SHAPLAND, MBE, RE AND WOI (CW(M)) J. S. LITTLE, BEM, RE. (With Sketches) . 240 APPENDIX. BY MAJOR F. MOSELEY, MA BC, FGS, PHD . 244 7. DOWSING. BY COLONEL A. H. BELL, DSO, OBE . 255 8. THE CORPS AND THE ROCK TEMPLE AT ABU SIMBEL. BY BRIGADIER A. B. D. EDWARDS, CBE, MC. 256 9. A JOB OF WORK. BY BRIGADIER R. A. CHENEVIX-TRENCI, CB, OBE, MC . 258 10. CORRESPONDENCE . 263 11. MEMOIRS . 267 COLONEL G. DE C. E. FINDLAY, VC, MC, DL. (WVith Phlotograph) COLONEL J. M. LAMBERT, OBE. (With Phlotograph) 12. BOOK REVIEWS . 273 GUGGISBERG THE UNENDING VIGIL LIGIIT RAILWAYS OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR . C.A.B. THE ESSENTIALS OF THE THEORY OF STRUCTURES . R.C.G. ELECTRONS, NEUTRONS AND PROTONS IN ENGINEERING D.R.T. THIE ORDNANCE SURVEY ANNUAL REPORT 1965-66 . D.L.G. ANALYSIS OF ENGINEERING CYCLES . F.T.S. ELEMENTS OF ENERGY CONVERSION . F.T.S. BASIC FLUID MECHANICS . F.T.S. ENGINEERING DRAWING AND CONSTRUCTION VOLUME TWO F.T.S. GRAPHICAL SIMULATION. F.T.S. 13. TECHNICAL NOTES . 281 The Engineer-in-Chief's Address to the Annual General Meeting of the Corps of Royal Engineers on 28 June 1967 INTRODUCTION CHIEF ROYAL ENGINEER and Gentlemen: I do not remember any time when there was such a prolonged period of uncertainty about the future of the Armed Forces as we have had for the last 2½years. I have no doubt that many of you are hoping that I shall be able to say something definite about how the Corps is likely to be affected by the reductions everyone expects, but I am afraid I shall have to disappoint you. The Government is hoping to announce next month their plans for the future size and shape of the Armed Forces, and I cannot anticipate that. However, I do not think that the cuts will be very great in the case of the Royal Engineers and we should hardly be going ahead with the formation of a new field squadron, which was planned some time ago, if we expected any quick and violent reversal. That is as far as I can go to reassure you, but there is no doubt that there will be some cuts in due time. Secondly, you are no doubt wondering about the effect of all this on morale. Of course, this uncertainty has a bad effect, especially among middle-piece officers, but I think that in the Corps it is to some extent mitigated by the fact that the Sapper usually finds himself relatively well placed when seeking a job outside, and also by the constructive and rewarding sort of life we lead.
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