.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. AN OPEN RF-DIGITAL INTERFACE FOR SOFTWARE-DEFINED RADIOS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. THIS ARTICLE PRESENTS AN OPEN, COMPLETE RF-DIGITAL INTERFACE APPROPRIATE FOR SOFTWARE-DEFINED RADIOS (SDRS). THE INTERFACE INCLUDES DATA AND METADATA (CONTROL AND CONTEXT) PACKETS.THE CONTROL AND CONTEXT PACKETS DESCRIBE THE ENTIRE RF FRONT END.THE PROPOSED DESCRIPTION HAS A HIERARCHICAL STRUCTURE AND IS A HARDWARE ABSTRACTION.THE INTERFACE SUPPORTS ADVANCED ARCHITECTURES SUCH AS SDR CLOUDS.THE METADATA PACKETS CAN BE REPRESENTED USING FORMAL, COMPUTER-PROCESSABLE SEMANTICS. ......Wireless signals are centered at a RF front-end details certain RF. The signal-processing operations— As Figure 1 shows, the RF front end is not synchronization, modulation, and so on—are entirely analog; it consists of an analog front implemented on baseband signals centered at end and a digital front end (DFE).1 The DFE zero frequency. Therefore, receivers must does interpolation or decimation to increase or down-convert from RF to baseband. Trans- decrease the sampling frequency. Furthermore, mitters perform the opposite process of the down-conversion and up-conversion can up-conversion. The RF front end, located be implemented partially or even entirely between the antenna and the digital subsys- with digital signal processing (DSP). (See the Todor Cooklev tem, performs the tasks of down-conversion “Glossary” sidebar for a list of terms.) and up-conversion and also does filtering for In a software-defined radio (SDR), the Indiana University–Purdue frequency band selection and amplification. radio access technologies (RATs) at the base- In this article, we advance an RF-digital band level are implemented entirely in soft- University Fort Wayne interface that is open, which allows the RF ware. A RAT can be called a radio protocol, front end and the digital hardware to be although more accurately it is an aggregation seamlessly replaced independently of each of protocols. For radio protocols imple- Akinori Nishihara other. This property is not achieved by pre- mented entirely in software, the digital hard- vious attempts at defining this interface. ware platform must be programmable. Such Tokyo Institute of Technology The developed interface is a stream of platforms can be built with general-purpose data and metadata (context and control) processors, digital signal processors, or field- packets. The proposed interface completely programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). describes the RF front end and can serve as a The International Telecommunication hardware abstraction language for it. The Union (ITU) defines SDR as a radio “that metadata packets can be described using a allows the RF operating parameters includ- simple ontology, such as RDF,and exchanged ing, but not limited to, frequency range, among different cognitive radio platforms. modulation type, or output power to be set ............................................................. 0272-1732/13/$31.00 c 2013 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society 47 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. SOFTWARE-DEFINED RADIO .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Glossary Baseband: digitally modulated signal that is low-pass in nature Up-conversion: the process of moving a signal’s spectrum con- (that is, not up-converted onto an RF carrier) tent from zero to RF (or to IF) Interpolation: increasing the sampling frequency Waveform software: software that implements a radio-access Decimation: decreasing the sampling frequency technology IF: intermediate frequency Ontology: a general mechanism to describe objects in a certain Down-conversion: the process of moving a signal’s spectrum domain and the relationships between them content from RF to zero frequency (or to IF) Metadata: data that helps interpret signals (data about data) N... ... Application Application 1 RAT s/w 1 RAT s/w N Cognitive engine Real-time kernel Drivers Amplify Antenna ADC Digital User Filter DFE system hardware I/O Convert DAC Figure 1. Block diagram of a software-defined radio (SDR) system. The architecture of an SDR includes hardware, system software, and service software layers. or altered by software, excluding changes to The radio in Figure 1 can operate at any operating parameters which occur during the one of N different RATs, such as Wi-Fi, normal preinstalled and predetermined oper- GSM, and LTE-Advanced. The center fre- ation of a radio according to a system specifi- quency and power at the RF level can be con- cation or standard.”2 Therefore, SDR can be sidered completely independent of the radio defined simply as a radio that can implement protocol. A special element is necessary to radio protocols to be defined in the future. determine which radio protocol is active at Therefore, SDR architecture is the science any one time, and at what parameters (such and art of interconnecting hardware and soft- as center frequency and power) this protocol ware components to create such “future- will operate. This element in Figure 1 is the proof” radios. To become future-proof, cognitive engine (CE). (The architecture in radios should have upgradable software and Figure 1 is similar to that in previous work by hardware. Architectures that allow the add- the SDR Forum,3 where the term “switcher” ing, upgrading, and swapping of hardware is used instead of a CE.) Figure 1 can also and software components can be called open. describe radios that aren’t software-defined, If one makes a parallel comparison with com- in which the radio protocols are imple- puter architecture, an SDR’s architecture mented with dedicated hardware that isn’t includes hardware, system software, and serv- programmable. In such hardware radios, usu- ice software layers (see Figure 1). ally every radio protocol is connected using a ............................................................ 48 IEEE MICRO closed RF-digital interface to a separate RF The RF-digital interface front end. The RF-digital interface in Figure 1 In both SDR and non-SDR, there are includes both high-speed data and low-speed other software applications. The difference metadata. Unlike conventional radios, in SDR between these software applications and radio the metadata can’t be assumed to be constant protocols implemented in software (or “radio and known. Figure 2 shows a way to imple- software,” for short) is that the radio software ment the RF-digital interface where the meta- has much greater execution-speed require- data is defined explicitly. In general, the main ments. As a result, the radio software can’t be blocks of a transmitter include a digital-to- made completely independent of the digital analog converter (DAC), followed by an up- hardware, which is indicated by the dotted converter, power amplifier (PA), and transmit lines in Figure 1. This is the main barrier to RF filter. An up-converter or down-converter implementing radio protocols entirely in generally consists of a local oscillator, mixer, software. Another, more subtle barrier to and a filter. The local oscillator’s frequency is achieving SDR is the lack of an open RF- software-defined. After up-conversion, the RF digital interface. If the RF-digital interface is signal is amplified using the PA, for which closed, the radio protocols become hardware gain and output power are the main program- dependent. mable parameters. To adjust the transmit In pursuing an open architecture, several power level, there might be a programmable horizontal and vertical interfaces in Figure 1 attenuator (not shown). The receiver consists can be defined. The Software Communica- of a channel-select RF filter, amplifier, down- tions Architecture (SCA) defines a set of converter, and analog-to-digital converter interfaces that isolate the radio applications (ADC). The important parameters of pro- 4 from the hardware. Another related work grammable RF filters are RF,bandwidth, out- specifies a programming interface of C++, of-band attenuation, and stop-band edge. A VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Lan- programmable impedance-matching circuit guage), and IDL (Interface Definition Lan- (not shown) can also be used. A duplexer sepa- guage) that is a set of APIs between the rates the transmit and receive paths in time or waveform application and the rest of the frequency. The antenna and the duplexing radio.5 The goal is to make the waveform technique must also be software-defined in software portable onto different platforms. general, although this isn’t easy to achieve in While these interfaces are also important, practice. In any practical SDR device, not all the RF-digital interface is critical in achieving parameters will be software-defined. Which hardware modularity. Early attempts at defin- parameters are programmable and the specific ing the RF-digital interface for SDR consid- way they are programmed is hardware- ered a hardware bus-type interface.3 One dependent and should be hidden from
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