Why do bald guys pay barbers as much as luckier men? See page A-8. To subscribe, call (800) 300-9321 The^festfield Record Vol. 7, No. 48 Thursday, December 7,1995 A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents Briefs The Nutcracker Mayor sics cops on crowd Leonid Kocfciv of The Bolshoi At the final public hearing on the pact ed the crowd, "Please behave like the West- the Garwood borough line. They argued an and New York City Ballet per- •y KEVIN THE RECORD Monday, Mayor Garland "Bud" Boothe fielders that you represent yourself to be." all-Garwood ShopRite would yield the same forms one show of Tfw Nut- ' called in Westileld's finest to quiet the crowd The 100-plus anti-rnart advocates calmed traffic and safety problems of the original cracker 7 pjn, Saturday at Though it's been no picnic throughout the which was heckling Village Supermarkets somewhat after three police officers re- proposal, but none of the concessions in the Westfield Hijh School. Project 2Vi year ShopRite saga, the job of Planning attorney Stephen Barcan and ignoring the sponded. But the crowd taunted Mr. Barcan proposed agreement. 78 sponsors the fall-length bal- Board member is now truly the least de- mayor's demand for silence. let as put of KMOV Dunce In and raucously cheered anti-ShopRite senti- But a parade of Westfielders urged the ternational'd tmr of five com- sirable job in Westfield. From a telephone on the dais, the mayor ments throughout the night. planning board to scuttle the agreement and munities in tpiwr Jfcncy and In 11 days, board members must choose phoned police headquarters on the floor Though the planning board rejected Vil- escort the developer out of town. New York. between rejecting a proposed settlement below. "Sergeant, this is Mayor Boothe. Will lage Supermarkets' application to build a "If ShopRite refuses to come down in size, Tickets cost $15, and they are with developer Village Supermarkets and you please send an officer up here," asked 57,772-square-foot mart straddling the West- Jet them put it in Gaiwood/'s&ki HiUcrest available at Food 4 Thought, 21 committing the town to an uphill legal bat- the mayor, in a voice loud enough to be field/ Garwood border in April, the store in Avenue resident Edward Faltermayer. "Wi» Elm St. and Bandstand Music, tle, or accepting the pact — and the heard throughout the gallery. the tentative agreement is nearly identical. are not between a rock and a hard place. 138 East Broad St. Call 654-5406 ShopRite — and crossing an organized The crowd jeered. * The about-face, said board members, was And we do not — pardon the pun — have to for information. group of angry citizens. , "Call the whole force," one man yelled. due primarily to Village Supermarkets' give away the store." And those citizens are angry. Straining to regain order, the mayor scold- plans to build the same store 60 feet inside (Please turn to page A-2) Merry breakfast Redeemer Lutheran School, located at 229 Cowperthwaite Place, will sponsor "Breakfast with Santa" 0 a.m. Saturday, Tempers flare Dec. 16. The morning will offer a breakfast of bagels and cream cheese. Juice and other treats, as well as a photograph with Santa. Children will create dec- over board orations to trim the tree. Ad- mission is $5 per child ($3 for each additional child per fam- ily) and $3 for parents. Glee whiz bylaw changes Thomas Booth of Maplewood •y KEVIH COUJOftN said the president or vice president will conduct his first concerts should be approached about spe- with the Westfield Glee Club 8 THE RECORD cial meetings before they are called p.m. Saturday and 4 p.m. Sun- The Westfield Board of Educa- "as a matter of courtesy and re- day at Temple Emanu-El, 756 tion's discussion Tuesday night of spect of the office." East Broad SL The club will be proposed changes to its bylaws "We are not trying to squelch joined by musicians from West- turned into a debate between one dissent," said board Vice President field High School. set of members who saw the mod- John Toriello. "This is intended to Tickets are available from ifications as a means to streamline share information with all of the glee club members; the Music communication, and another who board members." Staff, 102 Quiniby St.; or at the argued the changes stifled dissent. Mr. Toriello said changes to the door at a cost of $10 for adults "My overall sense in reading this bylaws will allow the board's presi- and $7 for children. is a mild disquietude," said Melba dent and vice president to better Nixon, a member of the second collect and share information from Bah humbug camp. "It seems to me that while and with board members. WYACT, in cooperation with you say you are trying to do some An amendment to sack the spe- the Westfield Y, presents the housekeeping ... you wanted less cial meetings provision failed 5-2. second annual performance of independent board input and you The discussion will continue at Charles Dickens" A Christmas wanted more things handled by the board's next meeting. Carol featuring professional board officers. I think that would In other news: New York actors. Shows are 8 be unfortunate." • Assistant Superintendent for p.m. Friday-Saturday, Dec. 22- A change in the procedures to Business Dr. Robert Rader told the 23 at WestBeld High School. call special meetings provoked the board construction on two six- Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 most fireworks; • Board member classroom additions planned for for students and senior citizens, SHARON WILSON/THE RECORD Tom Madaras railed against a pro- Wilson and Jefferson Elementary and are available at The Music posed change which would require Schools could start as early as Feb- Staff and the Westfield Y. Call Season's pals board members to request the ruary. 789-2299 for information. Food Items for the Westfietd Food Bank were exchanged Saturday at the annual photos-with- school board president call a spe- "If the weather is not a factor ... Santa session sponsored by One Hour Moto Photo at the offices of Westfield MainStreet on cial meeting before a majority of we would probably be receiving the String conceit Broad Street. Charlie Barber sits with Santa, who looks surprisingly like Councilman Norman the board could act on its own to bids in late January," said Dr. The Junior Strings of the Greco. schedule the meeting. Rader. "We would be prepared to New Jersey Youth Symphony, "Ranks seem to be being break ground in late February." Inc. will appear in concert 3 dosed," said Mr. Madaras. The 12 new classrooms, esti- p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17 at Edison But the majority of board mem- mated to cost $2.2 million, will help Intermediate School. The pro- bers disagreed. ease elementary school over- gram, underwritten by a grant What killed policeman? Board member Keith Hertell crowding in the district. from the Westfield Foundation, will feature works by Vivaldi, Handel Haydn and holiday music. Admission is by door do- Experts examining power steering system BftUCF addition CitSC nation. By KEVIN COLUMN ton, 27, here have turned their at- patrolman was driving when he tention to mechanical failure. plowed into a tree in Westfield. The THE RECORD Menopause group Assistant Union County Prosecu- officer was driving in excess of 50 to continue tonight A free support group for Authorities investigating the au- tor Michael Lapolla told The mph. women interested in educating The focus on mechanical failure tomobile crash which killed Gar- Record investigators are examining By KEVIN COLUGAN nected to his Victorian cottage by themselves about menopause wood police officer Thomas Haugh- the 1994 Ford Crown Victoria the was prompted by a Bergen County an elevated walkway. and sharing their experiences accident involving a police car of THE RECORD Last month, in the face of in a support group setting the same make and model, said mounting pressure from irate meets 7:30 p.m. Dec. 13 at Tem- Mr. Lapolla. The Westfield Board of Adjust- ment is poised to decide the fate of neighbors, Mr. Bauer offered to nix ple Emanu-El. Call Ellen Kaza- 'Crown Vies' may be here In that crash, a faulty power the skywalk, garnish the addition noff, 654-4737, for information steering design was linked to the a controversial addition proposed Since Westfield police officers "The Chevrolet Caprice had the by local publisher Kurt Bauer at a in decorative trim and install 14 and registration. drive Chevrolet Caprices, the po- state contract for a number of death of Paramus police officer false windows on the new struc- Vincent Brock. special meeting tonight. The board tential power steering flaw found years," said Chief Scutti. "The state meets 7:30 p.m. in council cham- ture. Community players in Ford Crown Victoria [see related actually goes out and bids. Any "There was some indication Neighbors were unmoved municipality can jump on the low- there may have been a problem bers. Some 30 nearby residents hired Direct from his New York en- story] is not a safety concern in The addition, which is nearly gagement, singer John Schwes- town ... yet. When General Motors est bid." with parts of the steering compo- an attorney to block the applica- Despite the negative publicity nents," said SgL Joseph Cofone of 350-square-feet larger than current tion. There is also a drive to have ka will appear on stage at West- discontinues the Caprice next year, home of the owner of The Times of field Community Players 8 p.m.
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