AT1T1 THE NEWS ALL THE NEWS OF GLENGARRY OP GLENGARRY FOR GLENGARRIANS FOR GLENGARRIANS The Glengarry THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO Alexandria, Ont., Friday, June 1, 1945 2.00 A YEAN VOL LUI—No. 22 To Succeed Home From Overseas Bainsville Youth Monsignor William J. Smith, Three Candidates To Contest More Glengarry servicemen con- Judge Costello tinue to reach their homes after ser- Accident Victim Named Bishop Of Pembroke Provincial Riding On Monday vice overseas. The latest arrivals in- clude: 'isiaa George E. Brennan, K.C., John Robinson, 21, Killed Pastor of St. Columban’s Church, Cornwall, À MacG-illivray, Villeneuve And MacDonald Pte. F. McKay, a nephew of R. Mc- When Car In Collision Will Be Consecrated Bishop, In Of Cornwall, Named Kay, Lancaster. 11 Officially Nominated —Joint Meeting County Court Judge. Pte. T. O. Lefebvre of Maxville. With Bus At Toronto Alexandria During: Month Of July ‘•T In Armouries Was Lively Affair. Major John J. Denovan, whose wife, •John Robinson, 21, of 923 Palmer- Rt. Rev. Monsignor William J. Smith George E. Brennan, K;C., Cornwall the former Betty Cluff, resides at ston Blvd, Toronto was killed instantly D.p.,D.Ci. a widely known and well Glengarrians "will go to the polls, barrister, on Tuesday was notified of Maxville. Wednesday evening when the auto he loved member of the Diocesan clergy Monday, to select this riding’s re- Iris appointment as Judge of the Vote As You Like— Pte. T. Johnston, Lancaster. was driving east on Hoskin Ave. in and a native son of Glengarry, has presentative to the Provincial House County Court of the United Pte. Theodore Lafave, son of Mrs. Toronto was in collision with a T.T.C. been named Bishop of Pembroke, in and they will have the choice of these Counties of Stormont, Dundas and But Vote Eliza Lafave, Martintown. bus about 20 yards west of Queen’s succession to Most Rev Leo Charles candidates who filed their official Glengarry and local judge of the Pk. Cres. Nelligan, according to an announce- nomination papers with the Returning Glengarry electors will go to the High Court of Justice for Ontario. The Archie McDonald of Green Valley The bus, in charge of Operator N. ment at Ottawa, last Friday night, by Officer, Mr D. D. MacKinnon, on Mon- polls twice in the next ten days to appointments become effective imme- arrived home from overseas on Thurs- B. Robb, of the Davenport division, Msgr Ildebrando Antoniutti, Apostolic day. They are E. A. MacGillivray, Alex elect Provincial and Federal re- diately. It is expected that Judge day last. His mother, Mrs A. A. Mc- was out of service for about half an Delegate to Canada and Newfound- andria, Liberal, Osie F. Villeneuve, presentatives. Interest appears to Brennan will be sworn in at an early Donald and sister, Mrs Keith Brown, hour, but none of the passengers was land. His Excellency Bishop Nelligan, Maxville, Progressive Conservative, and date. He succeeds His Honor, Judge be at an unusually high pitch judg- as well as his aunt and uncle, Mr and injured beyond a shaking up. The who has resigned his post because of J. J. MacDonald, Alexandria, C.C.F. ing from the attendance at politi- F. T. Costello who has reached the re- Mrs Allan A. McDonald met him in auto was almost completely wrecked. ill health after serving as Senior That evening in the Armouries here, cal meetings and it is to be hoped tirement age, Judge Costello has held Montreal. T.T.C. officials and police report Roman Catholic Chaplain with the a lively joint meeting was held with every eligible voter will cast his or office since 1929, prior to which he Archie went overseas in December Robinson’s auto was in head-on col- Canadian Armed Forces, has been trans the candidates being supported by her ballot. had practised his profession in Alex- 1939 and was wounded in Holland last lision with the Hill Route bus just as ferred to the titular See of Fenice. speakers in English and French. Despite On far flung battlefields of Eu- andria . j summer. His many friends here will it was turning off the Eastern Queen’s Msgr Smith will be consecrated rainy weather there was a large crowd rope and the Pacific, Canadian ser- _ be glad to see him home, Park Cres. Bishop in St. Finnan’s Cathedral, Alex in attendance and interest in the ap- vicemen have been and are now is a son of the late Patrick Brennan He was removed to the General andria, at a date in July yet to be set. proaching election remains high, an fighting to ensure that democracy and Bridget Kennedy. He has been a ' Hospital where he was pronounced The announcement of his elevation indication that there may be a record j resident of Cornwall since February, will survive—that Canadians will dead of head injuries, Dr. W. Easson was enthusiastically received through- vote cast on Monday next in this rid- retain the right to choose their form ! 1925, and for the past 18 years has Glengarry Herd Brown, coroner, announced an inquest out the diocese and in a particular ing. The Liberal candidate, E. A. Mac- practised his profession in partnership vîup TI ppflo of Government by secret ballot. would be held. manner In Alexandria,? where Msgr. Gillivray, was given a majority of 1886 J | with C. J. McDougall. Vjll In 1940 almost two million listed C 1 U J-iCCUd With the fatality,, Toronto’s traf- Smith has spent so many of his priest- votes in the 1943 election when a total. Canadian voters failed to exercise Judge Brennan .graduated in Arts A Glengarry county herd sire, Elm- fic toll was increased to 31 deaths, as ly years. Before being named pastor of 7462 voters in the riding went to the their franchise and here in Glen- from Ottawa University and later at- polls. oroft E. Pual Echo, has been sold by Mr compared with 22 for the correspond- of St. Columban’s parish, Cornwall, garry in the 1943 Provincial elec- tended Osgoode Hall, being called to J. J. McMaster, Laggan, to the artifi- MacRae Sells October 1st, 1944, he had been rector At Monday evening’s meeting the ing period a year ago.” tion, but 7,462 votes, were cast as the Bar in Nov. 1922. He practised in cial breeding unit in Leeds County, at John Robinson was a son of Mr. of St. Finnan’s and chancellor of the Presidents of the three party associa- | compared with 10,025 ballots in Toronto for a little more than two Forfar, which is partially sponsored on and Mrs. Mack Robinson,who moved to Lochiel Business diocese. tions in Glengarry presided jointly. Mr ( the 1937 voting. years and then came to. Cornwall. on experimental basis by the Ontario Toronto from Bainsville, ten years Bom at Greenfield, Glengarry county Villpneuve, Progressive- Conservative j The voting, record can be vastly Mr J. W. MacRae, widely known Cheese Producers’ Association. ago. Besides his parents, he leaves two on January 2, 1897 Msgr. Smith is the candidate, spoke first and he made ] improved if everyone realizes the Mr. McMaster has also sold two brothers and two sisters—William Ro- resident of Lochiel, on Wednesday com son of Duncan Smith and the former an eloquent appeal for the support of responsibility that goes with the C.N.R. Agent Going pleted the sale of his general store heifer calves from the bull, Elmcroft binson, overseas with the R.C.AMJC., Catherine Grant, Lot 18, Fourth Con- Glengarry voters at the polls. Attack- right of the franchise. Vote as you and seed cleaning plant at Quigley’s to To Bainsville ' E. Paul Echo, to the Renfrew County and Leslie Robinson, who recently cession of Kenyon Township. He at- ing the record of Glengarry’s repre- like—but vote. Mr- Adrien Menard of Glen Sandfield. , . Calf Club. J. D. McMaster of Laggan. returned from overseas and is recov- tended the local school and Alexandria sentative at Queen’s Park during the We understand Mr Menard will take A. H. Johnston, C.N.R. agent here has recently disposed of two choice ering from wounds suffered in action; High School before making his clas- past 8 years, Mr Villeneuve stated Ed- for the past eight years ,is being trans possession on July 1st. die MacGillivray had done little or cows to Kemptville Industrial School Mrs. J. Moir. Toronto and Miss Carol sical studies at the University of Ot- ferred to Bainsville, and will take over One of Locnled’s most progressive .nothing in the way of furthering the as well as selling two heifer calves to Robinson, at home. tawa and Semtaarie de Joliette, Que. Drew Refutes the agency there within the next few citizens and over many years a leader interest of his constituents. He dwelt the Renfrew Calf Club. John Robinson was a nephew of He studied philosophy at St. Augus- weeks. Mr Johnston's successor, here, in several Glengarry farm organiza- at length on the action of the Hepburn The herd sire Elmcroft E. Paul Mrs. D. A. Condie, of Bainsville, and tine’s Seminary, Toronto, and theo- Jolliffe Charges as agent, has not yet been named. tions, Mr MacRae has been in the .administration in handing over the Echo which J. J. McMaster has sold Mrs. Jerry McCabe, Cornwall, sisters logy at the Grand Seminary, Montreal. We understand the transfer is being of his mother mercantile business at Lochiel for the power site at Carillon, on the Ottawa Addressing a capacity crowd of some to the Leeds Count was bred Following his ordination at Alexandria made at Mr.
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