Scholars Crossing 1989 -- 1990 Liberty University School Newspaper 2-7-1990 02-07-90 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 7, Issue 14) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/paper_89_90 Recommended Citation "02-07-90 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 7, Issue 14)" (1990). 1989 -- 1990. 14. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/paper_89_90/14 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Liberty University School Newspaper at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1989 -- 1990 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Countdown 1989 Big bang? Happy Holiday Dan Hochhalter reviews the top ten CDs A new club champions the creationist Former Wisconsin wrestler Craig Holiday of 1989 in his music column. Page 3. theory of origin. See page 5. makes his mark at LU. See page 6. The Liberty Champion Liberty University, Lynchburg, Va. Wednesday, February 7,1990 Vol. 7, No. 14 Debate team examines subject of flag burning By MARVIN HAMLETT The "affirmative" team, which down to diem or serve them." Champion Reporter viewed flag burning as a constitu­ Gadoury then asked Hoath, tional right, was represented by wit­ "Would you burn your Bible to pro­ Is burning the American flag a nesses Humberto Baez, Valerie test Christmas?" constitutional right, or is it a ques­ Hoath, Rick Morris and lead advo­ Hoath responded through the tion of morals? This was die hot cate Kristy Eriksen. rumble of die crowd, "No, but I would topic argued Jan. 30, as the on-cam- The "negative" team, condemning not pass a law prohibiting it." pus LU Debate Team sponsored an flag desecration, was represented by Rick Morris, the last witness for audience-oriented "Flag Burning witnesses Dawn Alsop, Cindy the "affirmatives" and a legislative Debate." McClintock, Stephen Fairley and lead expert, quickly became a crowd fa­ The conflict began in 1984 when a advocate Jean-Marc Gadoury. vorite as he said, "One can not pro­ man protested die Republican Con­ The witnesses were called one-by- tect freedom by prohibiting it, only vention in Dallas by burning the one to read a prepared opening state­ by allowing iL" American flag. He was convicted ment and face questions from both The "negatives" called the final under die Texas penal code for flag lead advocates. diree witnesses of die evening, be­ desecration, but he appealed all die Baez began die debate as the first ginning with Alsop, an expert on die Arguing for the negative during the flag burning debate are Jean- Marc Gadoury, Dawn Alsop, Cindy way to die U.S. Supreme Court. of three "affirmative" witnesses witii 0 nature of die flag. Alsop explained McClintock and Stephen Fairley. i* * "v °~" a*"*" During the summer of 1989, the statements like this one: "By allow­ die law passed last fall by Congress; high court voted 5-4 against the ing the minority to burn die flag, we "One can not burn a flag if it repre­ Texas law, describing it as unconsti­ are preserving the rights of the ma­ sents a commonplace flag, such as at Worley, Eldred to perform tutional. As die public gained knowl­ jority." a school or on a flagpole," she said. edge of die case, national outcries After each opening statement, McClintock followed Alsop and were heard from both sides. Eriksen and Gadoury targeted ques­ stole the attention of the crowd when However, in October of 1989 Con­ tions at die witnesses in hopes of she sent a message to flag burners by during Valentine's week gress changed die law, making it strengthening their respective views. quoting Tom Cruise, "If you don't unlawful to desecrate a flag. Hoath was the next witness for the likeit(U.S.A.),getouL" By DOUGLAS R.DEMPSEY Mike Eldred, a former member of Eldred has been influenced by The The debate team, coached by Brett "affirmatives," as she quoted Ex. Fairley, a religious expert, was the Champion Reporter die group Truth, will be performing Imperials and die Cruse Family. His O'Donnell and his assistant, Don 20:4-5, "You shall not make for your­ final witness for the "negatives." He at Liberty University on Feb. 17 at first solo album, "Uncommon Love," Harrison, divided itself into two self... any likeness ofanything that is began by requesting that U.S. citi- Two conceits have been scheduled 7:30 p.m. has been praised by critics and fans teams: die "affirmatives" and the in heaven above, or that is in die for the week of Valentine's Day. Eldred, who is 24 years old, started alike. The album, which reflects his "negatives." earth beneath...You shall not bow See Debate, Page 4 Singer/songwriter Karla Worley singing in church services as a boy. concert style, is a broad mix of jazz, will be performing at Liberty Uni­ He studied opera in college, attempted pop and techno-funk. versity Feb. 14 at 7:30 p.m. Because a career in country music, and sang A $1 donation will be collected at this concert is on Valentine's Day, with Truth before becoming a suc­ the door die night of the concert and Deans revoke dress code change students are encouraged to plan now cessful Christian solo artist. a love offering will be taken. By DEBBIE REECE You're either going to get your skirts "Our dress code is one of our distinc- to bring a date to the concert. Champion Reporter or slacks dirty." tives. I don't want to see it changed," Worley, formerly of the Bill The change was originally insti­ Purple said. Gaither trio, has recorded three solo The temporary change in the fe­ tuted in response to student com­ Neither McHaney nor Purple heard albums and is a Dove Award nomi­ male dress code was revoked Feb. 1, plaints. Jane McHaney, dean of any complaints from alumni or nee. She has also worked with her according to die Residence Life of­ women, said that once her office had members of the community about a husband to produce a musical, titled fice. asked for the change, it was approved possible connection between the "The Army of the Lord." The temporary dress code, which by the administration without any change in dress code and die bond Altiiough still a youngster in Chris­ had been initiated because of die controversy. issue. tian music circles, Worley has ap­ muddy conditions around die arena Purple said the deans had looked "Most people closely connected peared at numerous industry func­ construction site, allowed female for solutions to the situation but were with the university know what a mess tions. She has performed at the Dove students to wear dress pants to class unable to find any that would work. it's been here," Purple said. awards, die National Religious and male students to wear gym shoes. "Even though the change in dress "Our students still look nice. I've Broadcasters Convention and die All students are now required to code is not a solution—slacks still really been pleased with the students' International Christian Booksellers abide by die class dress code as de­ get dirty—we wanted students to discretion," he continued. "If we Convention. Worley has also ap­ fined in "The Liberty Way." How­ know their complaints were not fall­ didn't change it back after the con­ peared on Robert Schuller's "Hour ever, casual dress is now allowed ing on deaf ears." struction is finished, then we would of Power," Charles Stanley's "In after 4:30 p.m., including for eve­ The deans expressed satisfaction probably hear complaints." Touch" and PTL's "Campmeeting ning classes. with the manner in which students "One of my fears was that some­ U.S.A." Jon Purple, dean of students, said responded to die change. "We greatly one would take advantage of the situ­ Worley has appeared with such die deans re-evaluated the situation appreciated their cooperation," Purple ation and mess it up for everyone artists as Sandi Patti, to whom she after die sidewalk across the entrance said. "That's why it would be fairly else," McHaney said. has been favorably compared, as well to the construction site was com­ easy if it was ever necessary again to "I would like to commend die fe­ as Evie, Steve Green, Dino and Lar- pleted. It was decided that the re­ implement die change." male students. I have some com­ nelle Harris. laxed dress code was no longer nec­ Both McHaney and Purple said plaints about guys who have been Worley is married to Dennis Wor­ essary. there is not any chance of the relaxed wearing jeans to class, but most of ley, who also serves as her road "The mud was die biggest prob­ dress code becoming permanent. diem have been OK." manager. They have one son who Dove Award nominee Karla Worley will be performing for the annual lem," Purple said. "There's nodiing travels with them. Valentine's Day concert Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 7:30 p.m. you can really do along those lines. Chancellor plans to address student senate By DOUGLAS R. DEMPSEY opponent Jim Horton. In support of die bill, Felton said age to the antennas and lack of per­ Champion Reporter The first bill before die senate was the courtyard is reminiscent of "a sonnel to repair die damage at this for the installment of basketball nets graveyard of flagpoles." time." The Rev. Jerry Falwell is tenta­ on the hoops around campus. Spon­ Several amendments to die bill He said the station would be back tively scheduled to speak to the sen­ sored by Sens.
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