A Newspaper With A Policy 6c Constructive PER COPY VOLUME 26, NUMBER 52 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1957 PRICER SIX CENTS SENATE 99 Gore By Citizens * The Bluff Gity-Shelby County Republican Vote Council of Civic Clubs is reported to have sent telegrams to the two COUNTY GIVEN 2 U. S. Senators from Tennessee and the Republican leader in the U. S. Sends Measure To Floor Senator, following a meeting last WEEKS TO ACT ON Sunday afternoon. BY ROSE McKEE of the death of his brother. WASHINGTON - (INS) - The •All 18 votes against the Know- Telegrams were sent to Senator land ir.i-’tdon, were cast by southern explosive civil rights bill clear­ Estes Kefauver and Senator Gore, Damocrots from, nine states of the LAND FOR PARK urging them to support the Admin ed a major hurdle Tuesday when Deep South. istration’s civil right bill, which the Senate voted to bring up the Senators from two states of .the The county was given two weeks is the major business before the measure for official floor action. deep Soulh broke away' from the to act upon a proposal to obtaLn senate. The key vote -- the first taken anti-civil rights bloc and put their property at Alcy and Warren for a states' back into the Union. They park, said Chancellor Manker, Mon­ A telegram was also sent to Re­ on the administration bill. -- was 71 to 18 and means that the House were Senators Lyndon B. Johnson day. ■ publican Senate Leader. Senator of Texas, the Senate Democratic Hearings had. been held.Concern­ Knowland (R. Cal.) congratulating passed legislation is now the "of­ ficial business" of the Senate after loader; his colleague, Ralph Yar­ ing developing the land for a Negro’ him for his stand on the civil borough, arid Estes Keflauver and housing subdivision by Blaylock and rights legislature proposed. The a week of preliminary debate. Albert Gore, both of Tennessee. Brown Company, .which had obtain- ' message also urged him to con­ All 18 opposing votes were cast by Southern- Democrats. On the roll-call vote, a number cd building permits but were revok­ tinue his fight for the passage of ed after, the neighborhood citizen« • the bill in the senate Of the 71 votes for taking up the of Senators who voted for Knowland motion to. make complained about Negroes being LAST SURVIVOR — Sim Webb, 83, fireman for Casey Jones bill. 42 were cast hy Republicans Aside from the telegrams going and 29 by Dcmorrats. bhe pending business voted WENDELL L. ROBINSON housed, there. R. J. TURNER During the lawsuit hearings be-, out for the Council many indivi­ during the famed "Cannonball" train wreck at Vaughn, Miss., Nat a single one of the 46 Re­ Morse motion to send it dual members revealed that they during early morn of May lf 1900, died Saturday night, July Judiciary Committee. tore Chancellor Manker, the build­ publicans voted against the motion: ing company petitioned to have the.' were sending personal telegrarhs.to 13 in a local hospital. The renowned fireman is shown with his Four Republicans were absent. ,H PLAYING BOTH SIDES the lawmakers. The organization Policemen county reinstate the permits. granddaughter. Miss Eddie Mae Wills, the daughter of Mrs. Velma present, two of them Senator Oaipiitol observers regarded’ such Manker said if. the land is going j of more than 30 clubs represents Frederick G. Payne, of Main«, and switches as playing, bath sides of more than 10,000 persons. Wills of Chicago. Photo was taken nearly 10 years ago. Mr. to be used as a park it would be Senator Andrew F. Schoeppel, of the street—'being both for and a- foolish to issue budding permits. The Council's telegrams were““ Webb was the last living survivor of the wreck which for the Kansas, both of whom were ill, galnst civil rights legislation. Suspended From Force signed, by James Walker, president. last 57 years has been immortalized in song. (See story on Page 2) would have voted for the bill.. Of the 54 votes a.7adnrt the Morse The- other two Republican ab­ motion to send the bill to com­ Two of .the first Negro policemen The total number of Negro police­ sentees, Senators Styles Bridges mittee,. 16 were cast by .Democrats hired by the city of Memphis In men currently on the active force of New Hampshire and Milton R. and 38 by Rcipublicons. Of the 35 October 1948, were reported "sus- in seven which is about a half the Young of North Dakota. were un- votes for the motion, only four pended from the force" last Mon- number of the all time high. Bunton Hits Enemies Of Racial . committed but. probably would halve wore cast by Republicans arid 31 day by Chief MacDonald. When Turner anej. Robinson were voted against, the motion if they“ by Dcmocaiaits. 1 The officers were reported to be suspended it camo Ms a surprise. had been present. The four Reipublicans who voted R. J. Turner ----and Wendell—.. L. Rob­ Another' Negro policeman, Nelson inson. Neither could .be contacted New, resigned in June. He refused The. unanimous vote- or the for. the Know’and motion and for the Morse motion were Senators for comment . to comment on. his reason for re­ publicans for thp Knowland Chief MacDonald gave the cause signing., Mai Growth In Vets Benefit Speech tion wbo a tribute ,’Q the. .determin • Ciabl T. Curtis, Nebraska.;, .George . v’v'Matone rNa v^dia 'MuadA*' of v the su5pensip(n-as. “inefficiency., ..So far when a Neg;u ed~le^tf£r8hl£->'rifri’ Senator Knpw in duty." Complaints were filed-by .severed from the force for ATLANTIC CITY — (AflP) — ' boundary' to minimize the total land. r ¡south Dakota,' and" John J. Wil­ Three men who were termed "Negro spies for pro-segrega- Lts. J. W< Slaughter and Inspector son or another, he har< not been Jnzz went to ¿the headof. William numbci: of Negro voters within city liams, Delaware. ' fionists" In a news story last week, were severely criticized in an ABSENCES NOTED r- bemoonats who voted ’ for the Lee Quianthy. replaced by another Negro officer,' Edward Fitzgerald as he sat In the limits. He also recalled how a Mont­ which has- given rise to inquiries. address delivered by Rev. Henry C. Bunton', pastor of Mt. Qlive There K!so would • have been two Knowland motion and the Morse Officers Turner and Robinson audience at the , Warner Theatre gomery jury returned- a verdict of were assigned to the Beale Street Turner resides at 1660 Latham’ where the Lionel Hampton ’Band,; CME Cathedral, who was the principal speaker at the second an­ "not • guilty’’ in a . x’ecent church­ additional Democratic votes for motion • included Senators Alan the ' Knowland motion except for Bible, Nevada; J. Allen Frear. of beat. ’ St. and Robinson at 1387 Mcngnric. Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald’ niversary celebration of the Veterans Benefit, Inc. last Sunday house bombing. Tlal ■ If • were appearing. afternoon. The celebration wo5 held at Mt. Olive. Striking out at Memphis State the absences of Senators Thomas Delaware; 'AJibMl Gore. Tennessee; C. Hennings, of. Missouri, who 13 Oarl Brayden, Arizona; Lyndon B. Fitzgerald, who Li not; related^» University, the speaker accused the Ella, suddenly leaped upon the stage , .-rRev. Buntan said "in all ages and Thee speaker went'pn.to explain/ institution of evading the Supreme.. 111, and Joseph S. Clark of Penn- Johnson , Texas; Estes. Kefauver, among^all people, there h^yg. t been '^^ianSa^^ho. was absent because Tennessee; Robert S. Kerr, Okla­ crying out, "you’ve got another man” “thus we ..m:&-T0rced'" t6“^ ■ rGpurt!s...Zdecision on segregated and swung heavily on the right side and arë"‘t,Wd^TecOgnizablérïorce3' at nition f€^i^hat is right’ a nd what schools. ’• homa; . Mike Mansfield, Montana; work. One force seems to work for Mike Monroney, Oklahoma; Wayne of Miss Fitzgerald's jaw. is wrong—what • is ' good and what Rew. Bunton went on to point Miss Fitzgerald reeled back un­ thé benefit of the people and one. is evil. out that "we are living, in a time Morse, Oregon; James E. Murray. against it." If the premises are car­ Montana; Joseph C. O’5£ih.on&y, der the blow. Policemen and musi­ "Right is that which is ■ destined which presents unimaginable op­ cians rushed from the wings and hit ried to Its logical conclusion it will to aid man in' his attempt to in­ portunities. The very social order Wyoming, and Ralph Yarborough, cause us to sympathize with the Texas, total, 13. and grabbed the man While the 2,000 crease in wisdom, in; stature and is in travail." Help is needed to de­ people In the audience sit, shocked’ Negro spies for the pro-segregat-: in favor with God and in favor with liver the new child of freedom. But After the Morse motion' was re-, BY BENNO ISAACS .jeoted the Anderson-Aiken amend­ KNOXVILLÊ, Tenn. — (INS) — The Clinton Police Chief posi­ The man was later identified by tionists’ cause in Mississippi. He man. his brother.” we can’t do it until we are willing police as a narcotic addict^ 29 years ■named Rev. H.H. Hume. Rev. Ozell Rev. Bunton continued: "We do to stand, upon our feet. ment to strike out all of Part HI tively identified Wednesday all but four of the 14 segregationists Mason and Percy Green, editor of of the bill was called up. The old. Police physician .Oscpr Hands not need to call your attention to "In spite of thee guarantees em­ on trial with John Kaspor in Knoxville, as being present and called him a mental case and sent the "Jackson Mississippi Advocate." amendment, is sponsored by Sena- the forces which seek to construct bodied in the Constitution of the unruly the day Rev, Paul Turner was beaten.
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