Ui on: >j/r<" "Be you nevw to htgh, 21 the law in above you.'' -Thome* Fuikr u%m ftrr roftv ONE HbNDWD SIXTtSNTH YfcAR No f CMCLSIA. WCH«ANt Wf DNtSOAY, JULV 30,J<»6 22 fog** Tht« VAfa*<<_ v,wm*ni MS Sidewalk Days Offers Diversions, Displays, Bargain Merchandise gy«iw—t»< rttgmantf, wooden toyi, baby Ike eswotfb anuei Antus* 4«Uti. castom jewelry. Md QaMfe Car and Track pbttograpby, baskets, toll wtn begin el 1 p.aL on cookie Jan and many :;. ragtag at tbe Parts ff^nw^^Law AMgV J^^UP • 'stars. ^•t fWB*f^ hjMW hyj 11» Klwanta Oab of Cbatoea Anyone wtth any old, dean or IteiMett 0*7», fee (tori wm haw* its ttwanis Kttdna set nape track, car or okt vehicle baforetbn •y to satisfy cravings (or that people would oatoy seats* ie F*b\ knscbwnr*, ho* dag* and toft wekente to take part, All parade place rndny. Aug. 1 **• •:*• dibsfe. Tbere wffl also be a place parbdpantt win receive e free a.m. to i:W ».BL, to bay "elephant enn," those hmcb, oonrteey of the Woodshed /tag.tfTQ(Bf.SI*Jn.tO»:ttpJIL dnumon-f]av'>red, fried-dough Eatery aad Parts Peddtar nor*. The «v«l to bring orgeabaad by treats The parade hee grown every ytar 0» CMlSlM ATM Chamber of Cbetsea Fire Department plans •lace It began CCOMDWM on babelf ef the to hero a b^ on display, Boyer aad FlUsimmoiis. Fireside Heritage Crafters, a Chelsea's own accomplished •JMRUMn IMfUMRtS WH1 OOCt group nf weavers and apumers, magtcians. will b» on hand to per­ again have tbab-prndBetoeifi sale wiS be so hand to demonstrate form a Utile slight of band on outside tbctr i ftsir crafts. Saturday at 3 p.m. on E. Matfie Chelsea Depot will be open tor It near the vilL^ge oftices. town sack day- On Friday tows E Middle 9t and Setdb SL wfH win ran frow 9 <un. to 9 p.m. be dosed to through traffic bath Saturday'* boars ere 9 ajn. to a days. gun. It ell tafiuia place, rain or irane. Michigan Voters Cast State Primary Ballots On Tuesday, Aug. 5 In Mkiagan's bad tbe stogl* RapubUcm seeking #i#ctioiiT District, wbkb nominatton fee that office tbe Caassee and Dexter Donald Z, ftnvston ef S*liw is •ntCartD.I'arflefi tka at** DWrtefa tone enntonder of Plymouth aaaba to meat aa ler DeHeenAe aataaMe tbe Repabbee* csndMnte « A partion af tbt City of Ann Ar­ wb&atbeDvaajBTstte al aWbte ef ostein^ its acminaUan, Den an wcttaetj Grime* and r af anBlk iMaaW, ami Lyndon, Syhsjs), Uaaa, Seto, Sharon, Fear Bayabbcan ca*riktate* rreedam, aVidgawaatr and Man- and tbree Democrats seek cbester aewjaakans, in addition to imnnnathTffl to Micnigan's Ifn the towaabinv of Lodl. PMtsfield, Six candfcbtias aatfc to win tbe Dtatrtrt State Senate seat. Saline, York and Augusta, com­ Bosoioatlon for gowamar tai tbe Tbe dtotrtct coven all of Waah- prise th* iJnd District. prbnary, »t«*»*^ tma Demo­ tensw cowity except Saline town­ crats and four from tbe ranks of ship Ann Arbor township voters tbe Republican*. Incumbent Democrat Lana form the $3rd S*ate Represen­ Incumbent Governor James J. Pollack .if Ann Arbor will be op tative District. Kancbard of Pleasant Bidge is posed by Ronald W Burk and Candidates seeking nomina­ THK a A SMALL LOAs> OT WHRAT c«aaered le moid ef Ibe seeking to retain tbe office. Da"id H RsaOaub, both Ann Ar­ tions ir, tbe iSrd District are Ann bor Democrats as well. rrodw mat eaload at Caen** MBaf 0». A large NfleVfrMft wal hoM Homy Wilson of Detroit also Arbor Democrat Perry Bullard, i»ore dkao MM baabrie ef owreteaaSM*} wor*. Seeking the 36th District State incumbent, and Republuai Vic accfci thf PrmTrrnrtH* wn*ntm>tiyi Senatorial Republican nomina­ for governor. Holtx. tion daring Aug. & balloting are • * * RepobUcans vying for the Dajc J. Apky, Jr., Rich Birkett Webster, Northfieid. Salem. iwmiftattoo tndode Brighton ao* and Richard L. Reed, ail of Ann Superior and Ypsilanti townships Wheat Harvest Disastrous tzopreneor Dick Cbxyalar, Col­ Arbor, and James Grapp of Yp- are included in the 2nd District, leen Engler of ML Flaasant. silanti. where Ypsilanti's Steven T. Darr, former wayne Cowry Sheriff * • • seeking tht Republican nomina­ WTDiarn Lacas of Detroit, and Margaret O'Connor incumbent tion, faces no challengers, but in- For Local, State Farmers Dan Murphy from Sylvan Lake 52nd District Representative, is (Continued on page four) This >t;»r's whval crop ha;; lt*e weather caused tbe ideal mill, said this year's 0^¾) is pro­ HaydKoff laid that prices for b«xn nearly » •lisaiter for area e-nvirwment for dieeaie to form. bably the worst be s seen in the some lament ire off a» much as Saturday Is Dedication of fanners, a«d for farrn*rs \n Use TT^ thji( proWein is sc»b la last 30 years, 30 percent due to tbe combination Cirfiil ijkes 41-fii :n .tjencrai. di.sea.sei." Ames said. "I v >; maybe never seen a jear of market conditions and dis­ counts given (or too Ngh a Wheat with st/a!; can c*dse UUA b^d," HeydUuff %&»! Tho crop is sjiseased, yield is problems if it's fed t > livestot*. nuMstore content or too low a teat 'Welfare' Bldg. Historic Site dowi-i ss much as <C pefe«rt for For example, it car. affect thf "I've seen sprouts before, and weight He said last year farmers notatr prxJuoers, nnsi^ture con­ reproduction of hogs." diseases and t&oid before, but were getting about 13 per bushel Tbe old Glazier Stove Com­ pany's "Welfare Building." at 300 tent is up, ami price is dowti k* Ames sa»d most area fanner* I've never seen them all com­ without discounts. Thia year N. Main St, trill acbteve -'i of­ ijiatis at; fiC cents or mors per h,i'f :iad yields of 50*) bushels bined with low test weights." (Continued on page eight) ficial place In history thvs Satur­ bushi'l. a-cording X<> area per i '•;«, whereas an average day, Ai%. t, at 4 pjn., when the sources. yield *ouJd be ab»iut 70 bushels Chelsea ^^&i Historic*! Society Last year'-: crop produced yields Accorriing U> Bill Aii.*/s of the 4 dedicates a marker that dec l£ res of 80 busheL f»r more Clunkers Needed co-operative extension service, the building a Michigan Historic "I wouldn't tw surprised if the miiin nroblt'fii hafl b*en the Site. weattwr, 'A hm there shoiilri have some didn't »'ven «et as much as 50." Ames said. The public is invited to attend betn hot. dry wtather, thtre was For Demo Derby the ceremony, which is expected rain. And when trwre should have Jerry Ht.ydlauff, manager of Hone^er's Inc., a l^r^f local to last a half-hour. been rain, it was hut ;*,id ^-y. The Chelv. a I'uiumunily Fair's a station wagon. "It's a bigger Main speaker will be Bradley Demolition itchy is plagued by car that hiis a bigger engine," he ; Glazier, great-grandson of Frank Its nwn sueei'- said. "I trunk it competing i P Glazier, president of the stove Sewer Plant Plans F.ach >e-ir i.eer U10 cars have would be fun Id like to do that company. Jerry Roe of the one latt flmg at the fairgrounds someday," Michigan Historical Commission bek re leaving the highways • Ed BusiiUi of Defter would go will present the marker Donald I'oievi r Harwd arm fir iken. '.hey nrith "a good Chevrolet Monte Are Half Finished ? Kvarnberg will perforin musical ic lowed fro'n the derby site to Carlo." Why's that "It's built selections, and local residents Chelsea voters in March ap­ the plans will be finalized by the scrapyards and are never wen on solid and it's got a good frame," will help dedicate the marker he said. proved the V, million bond beginning of 11)87, and the request public roads again. The marker w;« purchased referendum lo build a new for Ixds will go out in March or Vj*. potential derby cars are • ; arry McDonald, vis'tmg r with funds provide by the wiistewatt treatment plant on April '',trre Kvent orj::!ru7cr John Chtiiea from Plymouth, n«ni- i.'lielj>ea Historical Society and land adjacent to the old one off Weber said b.">'iinn prolxihly hiiiik s-iys this gear's derhv pur- nated a Chrysier "They're pret­ the Village of Chelsea, sports .McKlnleyKt. won't occur unti• .icxt M.i-. lic'ipants shuuld line up a ' unit" ty heavy," he said "(>r & station Marge Hepburn, a society That project ha\ lx;en moviiw Th< «'iK:mc rt.-ft.T\liy nude its well 'K'f.ire the ! Ao-p^'i »;venf wagon They last longest.'' member. • Alan Paul of Chelsea also rijjhl ;i!or^. acconliiiK to viJl;i(4« lirst r«.tjuesl for money frnm the seheouled for AUK 2S-2V She credits U» late Otis Titus liked'the idea of rolling out Uio friami«cr f-rit/ Welwr, althu'iKh grant fiir the . reject given b> the Thf fair rwis AUK 36'J1 with .i-cnpleLtng tbe forms re­ 1 heavy armor. ' It'd have to be a 1 then. bus twen little concret*; to Knviromental J-Yt.>tection Agen­ The .scarcity of derby cars has quired by th" Bureau of History. tank, o?om«thirtg heavy An old say about it.
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