Th~~ June 17, 1~ Thursday, June 17, 1965 THl!: JBWISH POST Page Fiv... Page Four THB JBWISH POST ------------------------------- .0 ••• ° ••• = ••••••••••• 220 •••••••••••••.•••••••••••• =0=.m ••••••. associate in clay mineralogy from Technology as an assistant professor • of chemistry and from 1958 until he G,.P'P""ttb Ex-Win,nipegger 1955 to 1956 at Pennsylvariia State DAY • Socia' a,.J University; spent two years teaching joined AlC was associate professor Registration' In Rosh, Pina Schools' Now Open EVENING Mr. and Mrs. Allan Berman, 648 Nam'et1 Professor analytical chemistry courses at New of chemistry, at the College of St. Oak Street, are pleased to announce SOHOOL SCHOOL Persona' Dr. S. :Toshua Buckwold, son' of Me>ticoInstitute of Mining and Joseph, Albugue~e, N.M. Children above these ages can be registered according to previous' educational background the fortbcomingmarriage of their FOR Julius Berkowitz was elected daughter, Sylvia, to Lome David, Mrs. Rachel Buckwold and the late OHILDREN Victor Buckwold of Winnipeg, has FOR INFORMATION AND INTERVIEW' - APPOINTMENTS president of the National Garment son of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Cristall. Weslern Canada New J'NFEmissary GRADE 1 & been named a full professor of the CALL SYNAGOGUE OFFICE: JU 9-6307 or JU 6-6202 AGES 6, 7 8 Manufacturers' Association of Can­ The wedding will take place Sun­ Rabbi Dr. Milton pational American International College in Ar~n, ada for two years, at the association's day, July 18, at 5 p.m. at the Beth president of "the Jewish National Springfield, Mass. A member of the KINDERGARTEN CLASS REGISTRATION STILL OPEN annual meeting in the MarLborough Israel Synagogue, Vancouver, B.C. Elund of' Canada, announced this "C~iIJ Cenflll'IIJ PI'o'jI'lJJJive GJucalion in Sm all Cfa4de6" , ' faculty since 1961, he heads the Hotel. Mr. Berkowitz, secretary­ week ·the appointment of Gad Baler, chemistry department. treasurer of Monarch Wear of Can­ formerly a member of the JNF staff O:=_WUU GuaGUU UUGO au e.,••• uucwu'ue u.s_cu.o •• a. c a au •• u.s •• uuu.u.uuu Dr. Buckwold is a graduate of the ada Ltd., succeeds John Morawetz in Jerusalem, as JNF director for University 'of Manitoba, where he wear, A. Kleiman; men's weU, Mrs. of Toronto. Olel Folks' Home western Canada. Mr. Baler is, re­ received both a bachelor's degree Pioneer Women EleclExecUfive Beach Day Camp Spector; white elephant, M. Shecht­ . 144 ......... placing Albrahiun Tor who occupied I WINNIPEG Thanks Workers and a master's and the University man and D. Shafer; furniture, B. MR. AND MRS. this office for'the last three years. Mrs. Louis Namak was re-elected to Jennie Shlain Chapter, W. Guber- MOTOR PRODUCTS . The annual volunteer program of of Jerusalem where he received his I Opens July 71h Levy and S. Gross; millinery, S. LAWRENCE WERIER The new Emissary was .born in Bos­ p.,esident of the Pioneer Women's man. the Jewish Old Folks Home vias doctorate. Winnipeg Beach Recreation Cen- Lifshen and F. Bernbaum; lingerie, Appointment cordially w.vite their relatives and ton in 1926 and came to Israel in organization of Winnipeg at the Treasurer, Mrs. Sam Steele, re­ friends to worship with them concluded June 2 at the traditional From 1942 to 1944 he was an tre Day Camp will open its season E. Ellk, Gertie Cbertkow and Sara 1948 as a volun~er to the Isr,.eli Council's wind-up luncheon, heLd in ported a total of $95,000 raised dur­ on the occasion of the Coliee Pal'ty at the home of Mrs. assistant and rese~ch fellow at the July 7 and continue ,to August 18. Wiss; store donations, N. Goluboff; ',I Defence Forces at the beginning Town N' Country Restaurant. ing the year now ended. This I, M. D. Spivak, volunteer co-ordinst- the University of Manitoba; from Registration will take ~lace July shoes, M. Adilman, M. Springman, the War of Liberation and was o~ "SlIite' of officers'" for the coming amount includes' sums for Israel iug chainnan of the Home. ' 1945 to 1946 he was assistant profes­ 5 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the tennis and A Zaifi';n; treasurers, H. Landa active service with the Commando year includes (Mesdames): vice­ Bonds, the Jewish National Fund of their son sor of soils at North Dakota Agri­ courts a,t Winnipeg Beach. Camp' and A. Kassen; French room, M. Apprecil!tion to particlPating orga­ Unit of the Pahnach Battalion dur­ presidents, Ernest Green, Oscar and Histadi-ut. ,; I cultural C~llege and from 1946 to features are: instructional swim-I ~ons; ready~to-wear, B. Lehrer; nizations and volunteers for their ing 1948 and 1949. Ohaikin; lsador Brass; recording 1947 was senior assistant chemist in ming, arts and crafts, sports, games' skirts and blouses, Seymour Buck­ eliortsto ,provide' entertainment and Mr. Baler has been in the employ secretary, Harry Gunn; treasurer, on recreation to residents was expressed the Irrigation Division, University Sam Steele; financial secretary, A Halikvah Chapt. and hiking etc., for children from: wold; cashier and assistant, S. SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1965 by 'the hostess. Abe Kanee, presi­ of California. Meller; membership, S. Todres, I. 5 to 12 years inclusive. For furthe~ ,Hearn and J. Mallin; depots for at 9 a.m. at the dent of the Home, in turn especially - Dr. Buckwold conducted soU and N.C.J.W. ELECT Greenfeld; 'cultural, J. Freedman, Eleels OHicers infonnation call Mrs. Danzker at receiving donations', B. Lifshen, water investigati,ons and was in HU 9-4219. ; Sidney Buckwold, C. Kornfeld and HE8ZUI\-ADAS YEsHURUN commended Mrs. Spivak for her GAD BAI,ER S. Greene, H. Tagger. Hatikvah Ohapter of Pioneer SYNAGOGUE charge of e'ight laboratories for the PRESIDENT M. _Reznick; 'assistants, B'nai B'rith ' devoted efforts on behalf of the of the Jewish National Fund in Building fund, Nettie Moz<;rsky, Women held its last meeting of the 'Kiddush following services Israeli GoVernment from 1948 to l Girls, Young Judaea, AZA. welfare of the residents over the Israel since 1951, for ten ye'!-rs Faye Slutchlk; men's dinner, Doris year at the horne of Mrs. H. Gar­ '- 'No Cards - 1950 and ,became a faculty associate • ., ... years, and noted the importance of served on the American and Cana­ Silver, N. Koffman; ladies' child finkle, and elected its slate of olii­ Whale of a 'Sale her services and .those of her assist- at the lJebrew 'University, Jerusa- In Morris • -~REVEREND----"""·"'A"'ND-"'MRS-""'.-- dian Desk and was responsible for rescue, I. Parr; lsrael supply tea, cers for the coming year' (Mes­ MR. MAX WEiDMAN lem, in 1950. He devoted the next you are welcomed ,by JACK GARLAND ant, Mrs. L. L. ,Singer, in providing visitors fro~ North America. West­ L. Tenenbaum, E. Greenberg, Myrna dames): president, Barbara Goszer; I r; Saskatoon Dave and Rita, your hosts four years to teaching and conduct­ Winnipeg Motor Products is cordially invite their relatives and for the happiness of the elderly folks ern Canadians will remember Mr. Kreel; Israel Bonds, S. Gittennan, S. secretary, Pauline Haskel; ,treasurer, Saskatoon Hadassah held its ._ ing physical-chemical studies of soils pleased to announce the appoint­ friends to worship with them at 'the Home. He also presented Baler from their tours to Israel. Fink; Jewish National Fund, S. Fay Wolinsky; building fund, Ber­ "Whale of a Sale" recently under B ur",e'S ment of Mr. Max Weidmari to ;1, on the occasion of the there. Prior to coming to Canada, he was scrolls of appreciation to longtime Frankel; arrangements, N. Koffman; nice Meller; child rescue, Annette the convenership of Mrs. Ben Shore. their new car sales staff. Max ex­ He was a postdoctoral M'OIel" Diner tends an invitaation to all his volunteers, Mesdames Sonia Hollen­ director of the planting centres of telephone, H. Cohen, S. Earn, S. Rosenbluth; program, Doris Pinsky, Conveners of the various groups Bar mllzvaft the Keren Kayemeth Leisrael. He friends and customers to visit him Standil; World Child's Day, O. Jason. Bella Garfinkle; membership, Shirley for the ''Sale'' were (Mesdames): Licensed at his new location. I 'berg, Sarah Hochman and Pen:a -=:=;;;;;;~. -4!!!!!!!!!!!===:3 will be joined by his wue Carmia, a I. of their son Histadrut, E. Weinberg, I. Brass; Shapiro; phoning, Gertie Lipson; Appel. publicity, Earl Shapera and Alvin Colfee Shop - Dining Room fourth generation Sabra, and his public relations, Eva Natch; liaison council rep., lrene Chaikin; summer Buckwold; supplies, M. Fleishman Banquet Room ,- Modern Units Winnipeg Motor Products oCawI'ence , 1290 Main st. Phone JU 9-5381 ,Wavn- Sunday Nile at the , daughters, Hanita and Efrat, during , officer, Nettie Mozersky;, registra- project, Molly Pressman; dance, Sara on the latter part of July. Mr. Baler tion, Betty Reisch, Vivian Kittner; Sommer; movie night, Esther Gar­ and PercyN. Gropper; Stollar; staffing, cafe, E. M. Bricker Adil- ~~M~O~R~R~I:S~~~~~~:MAN=:;.~:~~~~~~~~~~~~ SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1965 is a well known Israeli sculptor and movie nite, I. Charlat, 1. Kleiman; diner; bonds, Dena Kravetsky; man, I. Aaron and L. Goluboff; at the has participated in exhibitions in bulletin, Nettie Mozersky; advisor, publicity; Orab Kleiman. children's wear, J.Rosenberg; boys' 'SHAAREY ZIDEK SYNAGOGUE Jerusalem and London. 'Wayne will officiate at the Schach­ United O,bbos Plumbing '&, Healing arit Service at 9 a.m. and will chant ,the Haftorah at 11 a.m. S'ara Udow Group STAN TUHACEK Kiddush follQViing services BEEF l' ' from the 'AI ,Red River 'Ex' Licensed Plumbing and Heating Contractors MR. AND MRS. SILVER WAGON Mrs. Morley Blankstein was elect- Winnipeg soprano, teacher and 522 McAdam Ave. MICKEY LACB'l'E& to the.
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