List Big Shots In Press Field For Next Year Zfce- A M Ü Q h t Ù t f l Associate editors of The Al­ bright! an and editor of the "Cue' VOLUME XXXIX READING, PA., MAY 14, 1943 N o. 3 0 for next yeaf will be Robert Klenck, Doris Kinsey, and Polly Walls, respectively, the Committee Pats, Mus To Sponsor Dr, Masters Addresses Chapel Albrighton Publications College Gingrichrevealed today. Library Albright College Gingrich Library AlbrightFifty-Four College Graduates Gingrich Library Mr. Klenck win also be the editor A s Active School Year Closes Semi-Formal Function During the last two chapel programs of this school year, President Will Receive Degrees of the freshman handbook. Busi­ Harry V. Masters addressed the student body. As has been his usual ness managers for the publications custom at the end of each year, he presented a review of all the out­ will be Joanna Wentz, The Al- As 1943 Term Climax standing events which had occurred at Albright within the year. At Commencement brightian, and Mary Jane Weber, President Masters mentioned various significant things which had Berkshire Country Club To Be no relation to the changes brought about by the war. He mentioned Double Quartet Ensemble “ Cue.” Scene Of Spring Bence the dedication of Sylvan Chapel Produce Special Music; The Albriglitian editors an­ Saturday Evening and the outstanding basketball Albrightnounced College the following Gingrich staff for the Library Albright College Gingrichteam. Library He spoke of the effects ofAlbright Hambro College Will Speak Gingrich Library coming year: news editor, Louise Tomorrow evening, Pi Alpha Tau the war on the college. He men The commencement services of Auchenbach; assistant news editor, and Phi Beta Mu, their guests, tioned the change in the chapel the class of 1943 will be held at hour; the moving of the men from Northeast Junior High School at Betsy Hummel; feature editor, their alumnae, and chaperones will the fraternity houses and the ad 10:00 a. m., May 24, with fifty- Felice Epstein; sports editor, Mary dance to the music of the Royal justments the women have made four students receiving degrees. Jane Weber; composing, Betty Ambassadors from 9 until to their new abodes, also the Four, who finished in February Claire Voeste. Miss Auchenbach o’clock at the Berkshire - Country change in time and method will be listed with the graduates. was assistant news #editor under Club. This is the second year that serving meals. Five E. R. C. men will also be Dr. Masters emphasized the part listed but will not receive their ' Patricia Smith this past year. the two sororities have combined Albright College Gingrich Library Albright College Gingrichthe Library college has played in the war.Albright degrees until College they have Gingrich completed Library The Committee on Publications for a spring sorority dance. It Within the past three years, a their necessary semester hours. which named the editors is headed will be a semi-formal affair with total of 331 men have been trained Dr. Carl J. Hambro will speak by Prof Lewis E. Smith and con­ flowers optional. as aviators at Albright under vari­ on the subject, “How to Win the sists of Rev. Lester L. Stabler, Although the arrangements for ous programs, including the C. C Peace.” An instrumental ensemble A., the C. P. T. and the W. T. S. consisting of June Strawbridge, Prof John C. Evans, and Prof the dance are mutual, each soror­ groups. Gretchen Bieber, Louella Moyer, Clyde A. Harding. The “Cue1 ity has its own committee. Elea­ President Masters mentioned the PRESIDENT MASTERS Irma Peoples, Betty Ann Lutz, itors were selected from a list of nor Platt is, chairman of the Pi night school program which is Jacob Wagner, and John Hertz will nominees suggested by Student Alpha Tau committee, and Edith being conducted at the college; the Engineering Service Men’s War play several selections. They will Council. The committee states Training Course, which is financed by the Federal Government and is Bitler heads the Phi Beta Mu play Water Music by Handel and Albrightthat there College is a possibility Gingrich that noLibrary Albrightoperated in Collegecooperation Gingrichwith Penn State Library College. He pointed out thatAlbright >m D Minor College Quartet byGingrich Schubert, Library group. Assisting Miss Platt are “Cue” will be published next year since the summer of 1941 there have been more than 3,000 persons double Quartet will sing several due to war shortages. However, Lillian Schwencke and Elizabeth enrolled in this course. He mentioned the course which is offered on selections. The Quartet is com­ this is not definite as yet. Werley. Miss Bitler’s co-workers a Friday evening for teachers who are now teaching and who are to be posed of Ethel Mae Yeakel, Ruth Mr. Klenck, who attended Cor­ are Sara Fisher, Ann deFarges, called upon to teach Pre-Flight Aeronautics in various high schools. Hand, Joyce Moyer, Patricia Bart­ nell University in ’88 and ’30, and Mae Jean Picking. It has been very complimentary to Albright College, President lett, Bob Mattson, Bruce Knisley, came to Albright last May and en­ Masters said, that it was chosen as one of 281 schools in the first Orlan Potteiger, and Lamarr Derk. rolled as a pre-mlnisterial English The sororities have invited Lieu­ group of colleges and universities approved for any Army or Navy The baccalaureate service will be •I \ major. Besides serving as asso­ tenant and Mrs. Davis to their programs. He complimented the students on their adaptations to held at the Northeast Junior High Albrightciate editorCollege - of The Gingrich Albriglitian Library dance, as well as Rev. and Mrs.Albright College(Continued Gingrich on page Library 2, column 2) AlbrightSchool Sunday, College May 23,Gingrich at 3:30 Library since the third issue o f this year, Lester Stabler, Treasurer and Mrs. The subject of the bacca­ he belongs to Alpha Pi Omega, laureate speaker, Rev. Joseph W. Charles Gordon, and Professor and Sigma Tau Delta, and Kappa Tau Albright*s Most Popular Prof Krecker, is as yet unknown. Chi. He has also been active in Mrs. Newton Danford, who will Expects Call To Naval Service The Army has been invited to intramural activities. chaperone. Lieutenant Davis is attend the commencement service, Miss Kinsey, a chemistry major, stationed with the Army Air De­ Prof Newton S. Danford, re­ and if they accept, they will march cently chosen by the senior class has been a member of The Al- tachment at Albright. group to the graduation. brightian staff since her freshman as the most popular professor on President and Mrs. Masters will .year, served as feature editor first campus (for the second consectf- hold a reception for the seniors tive year) has received a lieuten­ | semester and associate editor the “ Wash-Out” Is Not and faculty at. their home, Sunday Albright' second. CollegeShe is also Gingrichactive in Dom­ Library Albrightant’s commission, College junior Gingrich grade, Library Albrightafternoon from College three to Gingrich five. Library “ Wash-Out” No Mo’ l'.V < ino Club, Alchemists, German from the United States Navy. Prof There will be a dinner held for Club, DayBtudent’s Club, WAA, Flight “E”, speaking for the Danford is the second member of the graduates May 22, at 6:30 p. m., intramural sports, and is a chem­ Seventh Air Corps Training the Albright College faculty to re­ in the Garden at Whitner’s. istry lab assistant. Detachment, wishes it known ceive a naval commission and the that “Wash-out’s” name is not . 1943 Graduates Miss Walls, who joined THE second to serve in the armed forces Chester Floyd Bachman, B. S.; “Wash-out”—and for obvious ALBRIGHTIAN staff last spring, during World War II. He has William Oscar Bast, B. S.; Robert reasons. Her name is “ Prop* (Continued on page 4, column 4) served on the faculty since 1987, William Bench, B. S.; Robert Cecil wash”. THE ALBRIGHTIAN two years after his graduation from Bennett, B. S.; Ralph Wagner thus stands corrected. Albright. During the interim he Bentz, B. S.; Stewart Franklin Albright College Gingrich Library Albrighttaught school College in New JerseyGingrich and Library AlbrightBingman, A.College B.; Joseph Gingrich Gilbert Library Kappa Tau Chi Elects did graduate work at the Univer­ Brand, Jr., B. S. in E c.; Wilson sity of Pennsylvania. Robert Bull, B. S.; Paul Stanford Women Given Awards While a student at Albright Prof Carls, B. S. Lippert As President Danford played varsity football Dwight Arthur Dundore, B. S.; Kappa Tau Chi Fraternity mem­ For Choral Activities and was active in the chemistry PROF N. S. DANFORD George Morey Evans, B. S.; Sarah bers met in the Alumni Room of laboratory. Since his return, he j and civilian defense activities, Eva Fisher, B. S.; Ralph Daniel Albright College Library, Friday, String Septette, Vocal Quartet has been Assistant Professor of He has been assistant senior gas Fleming, B. S.; Donald Thomas May 7, at 4:80 p. m. with Stewart Chemistry, and has been acting warden for Berks County, an in­ Floyd, A. B.; John Gasper, B. S. in Bingman presiding, and elected Plan For Commencement head of the department in Dr. structor for the civilian defense Milton Jack Gehman, B. S.; Albrightthese officers College for the Gingrich ensuing year LibraryThe Women’s Glee Club under AlbrightGraham Cook's College absence. Gingrich He has and Library a member of the teaching AlbrightBruce Kerchoff College Gehret, B.Gingrich S.; John Library President, William J. Lippert; vice- the direction of Prof John H. also been serving as a member of staff for the war-training courses Frederick Gundlach, Jr., B.
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