Florida MARCH 27, 1942.' VOL L NO. 4. P'ublished Every Friday Drew Field, Tampa, DREW SOLDIERS DREW OFFICERS LICK [FIRST .SERGEANT ATTEND DANCE . £ GOES TO OFFICER FOR N. Y. DEB T CHNICAL PROBLEM TRAINING SCHOOL Acting 1st Sergeant D. Bray, Over a hundred Drew Field sol­ left for the' diers had tfrle time ·of their life Ab: Base Detachment, ' ,.'at a dance Wednesday night at Engineer Corps Officer Candidate. Bray the Fort Harrison Hotel, Clear­ School ·this week. Sergeant selected from water. The· dance was in honor was the only man : of Miss Twink Marshall, New York Drew Field to attend ·the sohool city, and was given by her grand­ this semester. " parents Mr. and Mrs. Justus Rup­ Sergeant Bray has had nine rperti. Details of the affair were years service with over eight of' !handled by the Clearwater Recrea­ the years 1being spent in foreign tion Council. service . At one ·time the Sergeant Miss Marshall is visiting her was stationed in the now f•amous grandparents in their winter home Corregidor, in the Philippines. He in Clearwater. Soldiers from Drew was also in the Canal Zone and· !Field and Marines from Dunedin has been aa:ound the world. were tlhe only invited male guests. The Sergeant is well konwn to' The lovely Volunteer Girls, of rtlhe Officers ihere at Drew as he Clearwater, were partners for the was steward at the Officers Club service men. when it opened. Each week the Clearwater Re­ Before entering the service the­ creation Council gives a dlance Sergeant had a varied oareer. He was with ;bhe Miller Brothers Cir­ :for service men. Organizations of phases of training" at View of :simulated flat car, ramp and loading platform being used in certain cus as a rough-rider. At the time· Clearwater sponsor the dances and can be see.n, this "flat" car can quickly be con­ Drew Field. Witb, addithn of side panels, two of which of his enlistment he was presi­ furnish music and refreshments. or gondola. ThiS training eiqr'.lipment was designed by CoL Melvin B. Asp, Base verted into a box car dent of the Acme Building Comp­ The Council, organized in June, rubber and rolling stock ;necessary to transport trrops to nearest C~mmaf!~':r, to conserve time, gas, California.. Ten 1941, for the purpose of furnish­ rail faciltties. A.rmy Air· Corps Ph<oto, Drew Field any, Santiago, ing enterta·inment and recreation years were spent in tJhe cabaret, for men in ·the service, has Jess business and at one time the Serg­ Smith ias president. Mrs. Mary .Lack of Railro~d Facili~ies . Solved by WHEN A FELLOW eant was owner of ·the EI Patio Crown is vice president and Leo Cafe, Artesia, Florida. He appeared Mllls, treasurer. in silent pictures with Art Accord' Refreshments a.nd prizes added Construction of S1mulated NEEDS AFRIEND in the movie "Oregon Trail." to •tlhe gaei;ty of the dance Wed­ The Sergeant's home town is nesday evening with the men from Box Car Charles Oity, !Iowa and ihe has Drew Field capturing the major­ been married for the last five yea~s & Hq. Squadron, ity of the prizes. Pvt. Bison, iHq. to Mabel Bray. His mother is liv­ Resourceful ingenuity is demand-~ coaches and loading impedimenta has 3rd Air Force Base Command, ing in Santiago, California. ed of Commanders in the effort on box cars or baggage coaches. a new nickname. The other men to train soldiers .to meet the ever Back. of ev~ry instance when units refer ·to Bison, now, as "Wrong Drew Field Tearn Enters entra.m so Slmply ·as 1Jhat oo·e hom·s demand for speed a.nd inor·ease. of study, planning, ana tmining was shopping in Tampa : Drew Chaplain Conducts d AT:~on Fla. West C(\ast League efficiency. No details of tremmg, of both 0 ff" however unimportant they may ap- ' lCers ·an men. the other day. He had his arms V S • t USO packages. Suddenly he pear f110m ·the viewpoint of .rtlhose At Drew Field, where no rail­ loaded with esper efVJCe a Drew Field will have an entry · unfamiliar wit1hl military opera- road facilities are available at the faced a n officer. He had to salute. in the West Coast <1.-:Jaseball league services a;t the new USO tions, are overlooked by Uncle sam present time, a difficult problem But he swttched the packages to Vesper ilhat is in process of 'being organ­ Club on Twiggs Street were con­ in the effoi't to create a military was presented in t1his phase of rtfue wrong hand and saluted the ized, it was learned from Physical ducted last Sunday by Ohaplain force •able to out-blitz ·the blitz- training. Nearest rai[J.road fa.cili­ officer left-·handed. Director, Lieutenant R. H. R. Ris­ of Drew Field. kreigers themselves. ties •are in Tampa. Transporting The officer evidently recogniz- Cla.rk ley. 1 Asp, Commanding Offic­ Take the matter of entraining troops and equipment to and from ed poor Bison's .predicament for i Colonel Also the Air Base Nine will meet Drew Field, with officers a unit, for instance. ~o some, thaJt that city for ·this training involved ihe ret=ed the wrong-arm salute · er of other teams besides the regular from Drew, were in at- may :appear to 'be a simple matter an expenditure of time, gas, rubi­ and said nothing. and men league games. Negotiations are un­ tendance. of ·transporting troops and equip- ber and mlling stock. der way with some of the out­ sign ln the Base Refreshments of coffee, cakes the raih·oad terminal, To avoid this, Ool. Melvin B. ·We like the new stanqing .teams in this secion for ment to and sandwiches were served to the g e r Asp, -Air B!ise commander, devised P.X. 'Ilhe one reading "Taps For games. marching men .into p .a. sse n officers a. .plan for construction and use Japs" Keep 'Em Dyl.ng. But who men .by Mrs. Asp and the wives. ,.. of a simulated tbox car, with ac­ is 'Mac'? companying ramp and side load­ Mrs. Scott One of Drew ·Field's ing platform. The simulated car was bullt under supervision of Coast-to-Coast Hook-Up Will Most Popular Civilian Employes Major Riobel't E. Slack, Base Sup­ • ply Officer. It is a portable type .and can be moved ,to any .position Carry Salute To Drew Field She was the first civilian em­ quickly. The car can be converted ployee at Drew Field. As Colonel from the forty foot ·box car into Glenn Miller and his famous Asp's secretary, she could be call­ the longer fifty foot flat car. Sides Serenade' orchestra will ed the 'First Lady Employee' of 'Sunset may be adj-usted to ·bJoth 8¥.. and !jalute Drew Field Saturday, April Drew Field. Her name, Mrs. Isa­ on page 8 4, at 5:00 ;to 6:00 P. M . Eastern bella Scott, and She came to Drew Continued . ·when <the Field was only palmetto War Time The ;program will be heard local­ scrub and a dream. ly through ·the facilities of WTSP, Five Army officers, and Mrs. Officers' Dance 1380 kc., St. Petersburg. Scott, came •to Drew when con­ March 8th Each week Miller and his .band struction had ·just started on the select a Field or Oamp for a sal­ runways. They were sent to Drew ute. The hraadcas·t .is on a coast­ to take charge of administration There will ·be an Officers' Dance to-coast hook-up of the Mutual with an office in oper.ations build­ Field, at the Officers' Club, Drew Broadcasting •System. ing. Mrs. Scott had been trans­ March 28th, Satmxlay evening, A poll of the Field revealed "I fened from MacDill Field to Drew '•til 1:00 A. M. 9:00 P. M. Don'.t Want To Walk Without You, and though she will not commit Dress wlll tile formal - Officers Baby" as the most popular num­ herself we believe Drew holds 0. D. or White. ber and if this number is selected first place in lher hear·t. by tJhe general ['adio a udience as Mrs. Scott is 1ig1ht at home in the most popular of the week Drew the Army. One of her brothers is YELP FOR HELP! Field will · be presented with a Lt. Col. Loper B. Lowry, now sta­ All Drew Field units are request­ Console Combination Radio and t~oned •at MacDill Field. Another ed · to cooperate in making the Phonograph . brother is Brigadier General Sum­ Drew Field Echoes an interesting Whenever possible .these mach­ ter L . Lowry •at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. camp newspaper. ines are presented to the USO sented directly to the Field. Items of news for publication club-house located nearest the has promised to 'feature Men taking pass photos will Miller should be submitted to the Pub­ Field for the enjoyment of the men the -tune selected by the men at never be able to qualify as portrait lic Relations Office or call Exten­ druing their recreation lh- ours. Drew so make your plans now to photographers. After ·a. look at si9n 218 for the services of . the Where no such clubhouse has been be near a radio and enjoy this their work you often wonder if Press Relations S·taff. established, .the machines are pre- 'name band' concert. Mrs. Isabella Scott it's really you. Page 2 Drew Field Echoes Friday, March 27, 194% ilr4£ cffillcu:~iH Jtfl~ 11ha£ Sgt. Linn Acting Attention Artists Don't Forget Mother's Day May~ JIMMY JACKsoN, Publisher First Sergeant In case you missed •the announcement in Collier's March 21st issue, that magazine is paying $100 each for five posters which "seriously Dusine"" Powell's Inc., Florist Office: Sergeant Ken Linn, in addition or humorously symbolize the importance· of spiking rumors." Competi­ Open 'Till 7 215 nus TER!UINAL BUILDING to his "acting" before the micro­ tion is open to officers and men of all the services.
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