l' r.,'•) .: _ ^^'- FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF Cé%,N.FiYA J Translation Series No. 2784 The stoneflies.(Plecoptera) of,Kamchatkà.(an ècological-fauni.stical:otitline) Orj.,c3inal, title : Vesnyaki Kamchatskovo polyostrova ( ekologo-zoo-- gëogràficheskii.ocherk) From: Izvéstiya Tikhookeanskogo Naûchno-Isslcdovatel'skogo. Insti^uta , Ry^nogo Yhozyaistva i Okeanôgrafii (TINRO) (Proceedings of the Pacific.Scientific ResearcYi.Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography), 78 : 203-=224 ÿ ,,19.7.0. Translated by the Translation Büreau(LGP) Mu].tilingual Services Divisiôn. Department.of the Secretary of. Staté_ of. Canada Departnient of the Environment' Fishéries Research Boàrd of Canada Biological Station Nanaimo, B.C. 1973 65 pages typescript f y i SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT DLPA{2'{M[NT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE :SUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS TRANSLATION BUREAU MULTII,INGUAL SERVICES DIVISION DES SERVICES CANADA DIVISION MULTILINGUES INTO --,- EN TRAHSLATED FR0^1- TRADUCTION DE English l'`ti.i s s :i an--- AUTHOR - AUtEUR I. M. Levanidova ?I7LE IN ENGLiSH - TITRE ANGLAIS The stoneflies (Ylecoptera) of Kamchatka (an(-.ecological-faunistical outlizle) . TITLE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE (TRANSLITERATE FOREIGN CIIARACTERS) TITRE EN LANGUE ETRANGERE ( TRANSCRIRE EN CARACTÉRES ROMAINS) Vesnf,aki Kamchatskovo polyostrova ( ekologo--zoogeograficheslt.ii ocl--.erk) NAME OF BOOK OR PUBLICATION) IN FULL. TRANSLITERATE-FOREIGN CHARACTERS. REFER»NCE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE ( NOM DU LIVRE OU PUBLICATION), AU COMPLET, TRANSCRIRE EN CARACTÈRES ROMAINS. P,EF•ERENCEi EN C.ANGUE ETRANGERE ( Izvestiya Tikhookeanskova Nauchno•-issleaovatel'skovo Instituta Rybnovo z<hozyaistva i Okeanografii 78:203-224, 1970 REFERENCE IN ENGLISH - REFERENCE EN ANGLAIS Reports of the Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and. Oceanography 78:203-224, 1970 PAGE NUt.4FiERS IN ORIGINAL - EDITEUR PUBLISHER DATE OF PUBLICATION NUMEROS DES PAGES DANS DATE DE PUBLICATION L'ORIGINAL YEAR ISSUE N0. 203 - 229 VOLUME ANNEE NUMÉRO NUMBER OF TYPED PAGES PLACE OF PUBLICAPION NOMBRE DE PAGES LIEU DE PUBLICATION DACTYLOGRAPFII ÉES USSR 70 18 TRANSLATION BUREAU NO. REQUESTING DEPARTMENT NOTRE DOSSIER NO ('S'5 sso MINISTÈRE-CLIENT Environment TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) BRANCH OR DIVISION Fisheries TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) Z. G. F. DIRECTION OU DIVISION PERSON REOUESTING Jason Pacif.ic Biolo^xical Station, Nanain^o DEMANDÉ PAR • - -^ UNED'ITIM TRANSLATION YOUR NUMBER VOTRE DOSSIER NO -- For i;,l^orrr.nlio,i aaly fV0N i\iYtSl«E. DATE OF REQUEST t S DATE DE LA DEMANDE `- Information scUiemont s0S.200.10•6 (REV. 2/68) 7530•29•029•8337 SECRETAR!AT D'ÉTAT pEFARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS TRANStATfJN BUREAU DIVISION DES SERVICES , MULTILINGUAL SERVICES DIVISION MULTILINGUES CITY DEPAR7MENT DIVISION/BRANCH CLIENT'S P10. DIVISION/DIRECTION VILLE NO DU CLIENT MINISTERE Fnvironment Fisheries Service, Office of the Editor 0 t-tg TRANSLATOR(INITIALS) BUREAU N0 . LANGUAGE TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) NO DU BUREAU LANGUE L. G. P. Russian 0 Cî 3' 0 ÎQ- 73 L^1 ^ 19 o oT'iiy TitAC}UICTi'01`l I'10N Izvestiya Tikhookeanskovo Nauchr-o-issledovatel'skovo g-;ftSiÇt#b§q 5oL)ie111n)-i' Rybnovo Khozyaistva i Okeano^raphii ( Reports of the Pacific Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography): 78:203-224. 1970. THE STOAT,-F'LIRS OF THE KA>.`ICI-IATK,A ŸLLrI.LNSÜLA (an ecological-faunistical outline) I. M. Levanidova 203* *Nunibcrs in the right-hand margin indicate the corresponding pages in the original. SOS-200-10-91 7D90-21•02D-6332 ...._...^.^Y«.r .. e:r.:.. ±,., ' 1 203 Amphibiotic (aquatic-terrestrial) insects form the basis of the bottom fauna of the mountain and foothill rivers of Northeastern Asia. Among these, one of the first places belongs to the larval stoneflies. The stonefly fauna of Kamchatka is distinguishable from that of the more southerly regions of northeastern Asia by a less varied species complex. However, the abundance and biomass of thelarvae in the aquatic environment of the rivers are large. It follows from this that the significance of the larval stoneflies in the ecosystems of the ! river& of Kamchatka is as great as in the foothills of the 4mur-Primor'ye regions. 1 The fish of the rIvers feed on larvae of stoneflies At the same time, the predaceous larvae ot the sub-order Setipalpia, feeding on small. bottom invertebrates, especially chironomids, appear in the role of competitors for nourishment vs. small fish, in particular the immature diadromous salmon of the genus Oncorhynchus. Stoneflies for the most part are stenobionts in . the larval stage, as are the adults; i.e., restricted to their native water habitats and possessing little capacity for dispersal. In some species the wings are vestigial and the capability for flight is lost. These ecological peculiarities tend to emphasize the potential of the Order as a subject for faunistic research. Information about the stoneflies of Kamchatka was until recently limited to an article by Navas, containing descriptions of 5 species (Navas, 1930). 1 Nômenelature of S. P. Suslov (1954). 2 During an investigation of the benthic fauna of the rivers of Kamchatka by the author in the period 1964-1969, material and data were collected on the fauna and ecology of the stoneflies which form the basis of the present article. Part of the collections were made by colleagues: R. T. Nilcolaeva, V. Ya. Levanidov, L. V. Kokhmenko, A. G. Ostroumov, B. B. Vronskii, and other co-workers of the Kamchatka division of TINP.O (Pacific Scientific Research Institute of Fisherl.^s. and Oceanography), to whom I express sincere acknowledgement. The determination of the stoneflies was done in the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR during tutorial consul- tation by Candidate in the Biological Sciences L. A. Zhil'tsova. Aid in the determination of some species was given by specialists in the stoneflies Drs. W. E. Ricker (Canada) and P. Zwick ("lest Germany). I accord deepest gratitude to all the specialists mentioned. Information about the distribution of stoneflies in Kamchatka and in the Amur-Primor'ye region is based on the author's own material; that from other regions of the world is introduced from sources in the literature. Historical Background of the Problem 204 Referring to the earlier article by Navas, -written on the basis of material collected by a Swedish entomological expedition of 1920-22, it contains a short description of each of the following species: rle^,marCys s_jbstedti, Isa enus sibi.ricus, Chloroperla trapezia, Ca nia apicalis, Nuria frigida. Brinclc, investi;ating the type specimen (depauperate) of the 3 female of Isogenus sibiricus, reached the conclusion that it belonged to the genus Diura, supposedly to the widely distributed species D. bicaudata (L.) (Brinck, 1949:62). Since, up to this time, only Diura nanseni has been found, we propose that Navas' specimen belonged to that species. We have compared the female of Chloroperla trapezia Navas (Navas, 1930) with the descrip- tion of. Isopteryx rostellata Klapalekl from Siberia (Klapalek. 1923) and with the type of the following species (female in the collections of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR), and also with specimens of Chlor.operla rostellata (Klap.), collected in Kamchatka. The results of this investigation permit us to conclude that Chloroperla trin4zia Navas is synonymous with the earlier described l:sopter x(Chloroperla) rostellata Klap. (Klapalek, 1923).2 Nuria fri ida, described by Navas as a new genus and species, was transferred by him into the family Nemouridae, the proximity of the new taxon to the genus Nemoura having been noticed (Navas, 1930). The name of the genus was shown to have been preoccupied in consequence of which it was changed.by. Claassen to Alltinuria (Claassen, 1936). Illies (1966) on the basis of characteristics adduced by Navas, rightly transferred.A. frigida to the family Taeniopterygidae, presumably to the genus Rhabdiopteryx. Having noticed that investigation of the lUltimately the generic name Isopter),?S was synonomized with the name Chloro Lerla. In Claassen's Catalogue of the Stoneflies this species was changed to Chloroperla rostellata (Claassen, 1940:193); the same ripplies to subsequent literature. 2 In Claassen's Catalogue of the Stoneflies, Chlorôperla trapezia Navas i s erroneously placed i n the genus Isopex•la (Claassen, 1940:2906). Under the description Zsoperla trapezi.a i t is also depicted in later literature (Aubert, 1956:44; Zapeki.na-Dul`keit, 1959, 1948; Illi.es, 1966:422). A: 4 genus and species status had not been pursued up to that time ; lilies placed A. fricida in the category of species that required looking into (Mies, 1966:461). Extensive investigations, by the author, of a series of collec- tions of insects made in Kamchatka, showed that these insects were acceptable as Nuria frigida according to descriptions given by Navas. However, as a comparative analysis made it appear, this species is identified as Rhabdiopterym quadrate, described by Koponen from Siberia (Koponen and Brinck, 1949). Dr. P. Zwick, voluntarily taking on the work of comparing the Kamchatka material with the type specimen of Nuria frigida Navas, preserved in the Stockholm museum, confirmed our conclusion. According to the rule of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, the species in the circumstances given must henceforth be named Rhabdiopteryx frigida (Navas). The generic name Alionuria and the species 2uadrata have to be regarded as synonyms. Navas' species Capnia apicalis and
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