File No.SS-16021/17/2020-MIS SEC-SSA PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATE PROJECT DIRECTOR SAMAGRA SHIKSHA, ANDHRA PRADESH Present: V. Chinaveerabhadurdu, I.A.S., Rc.No.SS-16021/17/2020-MIS SEC-SSA-2 Date:16/03/2020 Sub:- AP, Samagra Shiksha - conducting / convening of Parent Committees (SMCs) meetings – Secondary – Rs.2,05,20,000/- Sanction – Orders – Issued – Reg. Read:- 1.Minutes of meeting of the AWP&B PAB 2019-20, dated:05.07.2019. 2. This office Proceedings Rc.No.SS-16021/17/2020-MIS SEC- SSA-1 dt. -03-2020. && && && ORDER: In the reference 2nd read above, an amount of Rs.2,05,20,000/- (Rs.Two Crores Five lakhs and Twenty thousand only) is sanctioned @ Rs.3000/- to the Parent Committees(SMCs) of 6840 Secondary Schools in the State to the District Educational Officer and Ex-Officio District Project coordinator in the State for distribution the same to the Parent Committees for utilize the same amount for conducting / convening of Parent Committees (SMCs) meetings on a single notified date by the State once in every quarter. Incentivising nominated parents for attending the Parent Committees (SMCs) meeting regularly, uploading of quarterly reports with respect to meetings held and status of the school as per the Mobile App which is being developed in MHRD. The breakup of the amounts allocated to the districts in the State is as follows: S. No. District Unit Cost in Rs. Amount in Rs. No. of Secondary Schools 1 Srikakulam 512 3000 1536000 2 Vizianagaram 393 3000 1179000 3 Visakhapatnam 535 3000 1605000 4 East Godavari 683 3000 2049000 5 West Godavari 484 3000 1452000 6 Krishna 445 3000 1335000 7 Guntur 483 3000 1449000 8 Prakasam 475 3000 1425000 File No.SS-16021/17/2020-MIS SEC-SSA 9 Nellore 415 3000 1245000 10 Kadapa 721 3000 2163000 11 Kurnool 436 3000 1308000 12 Anatapur 667 3000 2001000 13 Chittoor 591 3000 1773000 6840 20520000 Therefore, all the District Educational Officer and Ex-Officio District Project Coordinator in the State is requested to take necessary action for distribution of the amounts @ Rs.3000/- to each Secondary Schools as per the above sanctioned to their PD Accounts green channel so as to enable the Parent Committees (SMCs) of Secondary Schools for utilizing the same amount for conducting / convening of Parent Committees (SMCs) meetings on a single notified date by the State once in every quarter. Incentivising nominated parents for attending the Parent Committees (SMCs) meeting regularly, uploading of quarterly reports with respect to meetings held and status of the school as per the Mobile App which is being developed in MHRD. VADREVU CHINAVEERABHADRUDU STATE PROJECT DIRECTOR, SAMAGRA SHIKSHA To File No.SS-16021/17/2020-MIS SEC-SSA All the District Educational Officers and Ex-Officio District Project Coordinators in the State. All the Additional Project Coordinators in the State. Copy to Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Ibrahimpatnam for information. Signature Not Verified Digitally signed by VADREVU CHINA VEERABHADRUDU Date: 2020.03.16 09:10:02 IST Reason: Approved SAMAGRA SHIKSHA, GUNTUR DISTRICT Release of Parent Committee to Secondary Schools for the Year 2019-20 Amount to be released in S.NO Mandal Name School Code School Name DDO Code 2nd installment 1 BAPATLA 28175790141 S M Govt.High School(Girl 06020308004 3000 2 CHEBROLU 28173400911 SN GOVT. HS CHEBROLU 06170308002 3000 3 CHERUKUPALLE 28175000210 GOVT HS KAVURU 06090308001 3000 4 GUNTUR 28172691261 GOVT HS (B) O B STAND 06010308007 3000 5 GUNTUR 28172691262 GOVT HS (G) CHOUTRA 06010308006 3000 6 GUNTUR 28172691263 GOVT HS P V THOTA 06010308011 3000 7 GURAZALA 28170300815 GOVHS GURAZALA 06060308001 3000 8 MACHERLA 28170100209 GOVT HS V.P.SOUTH 06070308001 3000 9 PITTALAVANIPALEM 28175500413 GOVT HS PITTALAVANIPALEM 06020308003 3000 10 REPALLE 28175290830 GOVT.HS 1 WARD 06140308001 3000 11 VEMURU 28173100611 GHS VEMURU 06160308002 3000 12 VINUKONDA 28174301128 GOVTHS(BOYS) 06180308001 3000 13 ACHAMET 28170701105 ZPHS PEDAPALEM 90000015822 3000 14 ACHAMET 28170701703 ZPHS KONURU 90000015817 3000 15 ACHAMET 28170701207 ZPHS KONDURU 90000015819 3000 16 ACHAMET 28170700103 ZPHS MADIPADU 06150308037 3000 17 ACHAMET 28170701404 ZPHS VELPUR 06150308007 3000 18 ACHAMET 28170700808 ZPHS ATCHAMPET 06150308006 3000 19 AMARAVATHI 28170900805 ZPHS LINGAPURAM 06110308008 3000 20 AMARAVATHI 28170900606 ZPHS MALLADI 06110308009 3000 21 AMARAVATHI 28170901707 ZPHS MANDEPUDI 06110308003 3000 22 AMARAVATHI 28170900204 ZPHS MUNAGODU 06110308004 3000 23 AMRUTHALURU 28174900603 ZPHS THURUMELLA 06160308017 3000 24 AMRUTHALURU 28174901204 ZPHS PYAPARRU 06160308016 3000 25 AMRUTHALURU 28174900905 ZPHS GOVADA 06160308011 3000 26 AMRUTHALURU 28174900604 K ZPHS INTUR 06160308012 3000 27 AMRUTHALURU 28174900304 ZPHS PEDAPUDI 06160308015 3000 28 AMRUTHALURU 28174900505 ZPHS MOPARRU 06160308013 3000 29 AMRUTHALURU 28174900206 ZPHS MULPUR 06160308014 3000 30 AMRUTHALURU 28174900708 ZPHS AMRUTHALURU 06160308010 3000 31 BAPATLA 28175701809 ZPHS NANDIRAJUTHOTA 06020308012 3000 32 BAPATLA 28175701912 ZPHS P R PURAM 90000014063 3000 33 BAPATLA 28175700905 ZPHS APPIKATLA 06020308008 3000 34 BAPATLA 28175701810 ZPHS K.B.PALEMBAPATLA 06020308010 3000 35 BAPATLA 28175701304 ZPHS JAMMULAPALEM 06020308009 3000 36 BAPATLA 28175700303 ZPHS POONDLA 06020308013 3000 37 BAPATLA 28175702012 ZPHS MUTHAYAPALEM 06020308011 3000 38 BAPATLA 28175701706 ZPHS VEDULLAPALLI 06020308014 3000 39 BATTIPROLU 28175100405 ZPHS VELLATURU 06140308010 3000 40 BATTIPROLU 28175100907 ZPHS PEDAPULIVARRU 06140308008 3000 41 BATTIPROLU 28175100503 ZPHS PESARLANKA 06140308009 3000 42 BATTIPROLU 28175101208 ZPHS K PALLEKONA 06140308007 3000 43 BATTIPROLU 28175100207 ZPHS ILAVARAM 06140308006 3000 44 BELLAMKONDA 28170601004 ZPHS CHANDRAJUPALEM 90000015579 3000 45 BELLAMKONDA 28170601309 ZPHS PAPAYAPALEM 06130308004 3000 46 BELLAMKONDA 28170600109 ZPHS BELLAMKONDA 06130308003 3000 47 BOLLAPALLE 28172100308 ZPHS MELLAVAGU 06180308010 3000 48 BOLLAPALLE 28172100908 ZPHS BANDLAMOTHU 06180308008 3000 49 BOLLAPALLE 28172100405 ZPHS GUMMANAMPADU 06180308009 3000 50 BOLLAPALLE 28172101207 ZPHS VELLATURU 06180308011 3000 51 CHEBROLU 28173400307 ZPHS VEJENDLA 06170308009 3000 52 CHEBROLU 28173400610 ZPHS SEKURU 06170308010 3000 53 CHEBROLU 28173400204 ZPHS NARAKODURU 06170308006 3000 54 CHERUKUPALLE 28175000804 ZPHS RAJAVOLU 06090308007 3000 55 CHERUKUPALLE 28175000321 ZPHS CHERUKUPALLI 06090308005 3000 56 CHERUKUPALLE 28175000322 ZPHS GULLAPALLI 06090308006 3000 57 CHILAKALURIPETA 28174501205 ZPHS BOPPUDI 06030308018 3000 58 CHILAKALURIPETA 28174500105 ZPHS KATTUBADIVARIPALEM 90000014355 3000 59 CHILAKALURIPETA 28174500705 ZPHS VELURU 06030308025 3000 60 CHILAKALURIPETA 28174500304 ZPHS KAVURU 06030308021 3000 61 CHILAKALURIPETA 28174501006 SMKZPHS PASUMARRU 06030308024 3000 62 CHILAKALURIPETA 28174500210 SVRZPHS KOMATINENIVARI 06030308022 3000 63 CHILAKALURIPETA 28174501405 SKSZPHS MURIKIPUDI 06030308023 3000 64 CHILAKALURIPETA 28174590233 ZPHS(SS)CHPET 06030308019 3000 65 DACHEPALLE 28170400703 ZPHS MUTYALAMPADU 90000015458 3000 66 DACHEPALLE 28170400504 ZPHS MADINAPADU 06120308018 3000 67 DACHEPALLE 28170400204 ZPHS RAMAPURAM 06120308006 3000 68 DACHEPALLE 28170400604 ZPHS TANGEDA 06120308007 3000 69 DACHEPALLE 28170401203 ZPHS PEDA GARALAPADU 06120308005 3000 70 DACHEPALLE 28170400808 ZPHS DACHEPALLI 06120308004 3000 71 DUGGIRALA 28172801005 ZPHS PENUMULI 06040308007 3000 72 DUGGIRALA 28172800405 ZPHS PEDAKONDURU 06040308009 3000 73 DUGGIRALA 28172800604 ZPHS(SVVG) PEDAPALEM 06040308006 3000 Amount to be released in S.NO Mandal Name School Code School Name DDO Code 2nd installment 74 DUGGIRALA 28172801207 ZPHS EMANI 06040308005 3000 75 DUGGIRALA 28172801110 NF ZPHS DUGGIRALA(B) 06040308003 3000 76 DUGGIRALA 28172801111 ZPHS (G) DUGGIRALA 06040308004 3000 77 DUGGIRALA 28172800208 ZPHS REVENDRAPADU 06040308008 3000 78 DURGI 28171900503 ZPHS ADIGOPPULA 06070308004 3000 79 DURGI 28171901007 ZPHS MUTUKURU 06070308006 3000 80 DURGI 28171900704 ZPHS OBULESUNIPALLE 06070308007 3000 81 DURGI 28171900807 ZPHS DURGI 06070308005 3000 82 EDLAPADU 28173701303 ZPHS SANDEPUDI 06030308006 3000 83 EDLAPADU 28173700904 ZPHS TIMMAPURAM 06030308008 3000 84 EDLAPADU 28173700405 ZPHS VANKAYALAPADU 90000014249 3000 85 EDLAPADU 28173701105 ZPHS KARUCHOLA 90000014234 3000 86 EDLAPADU 28173701006 ZPHS JAGGAPURAM 06030308004 3000 87 EDLAPADU 28173700814 ZPHS EDLAPADU 90000014233 3000 88 EDLAPADU 28173700206 ZPHS SOLASA 06030308007 3000 89 EDLAPADU 28173700305 ZPHS LINGARAOPALEM 06030308005 3000 90 EDLAPADU 28173700605 ZPHS UNNAVA 06030308009 3000 91 EPURU 28174101207 ZPHS KONDRAMUTLA 90000016452 3000 92 EPURU 28174100805 ZPHS BOGGARAM 06180308012 3000 93 EPURU 28174101108 ZPHS KOTCHERLA 06180308015 3000 94 EPURU 28174100205 ZPHS INUMELLA 06180308013 3000 95 EPURU 28174100304 ZPHS MUPPALLA 06180308016 3000 96 EPURU 28174100507 ZPHS IPURU 06180308014 3000 97 GUNTUR 28172600804 ZPHS ETUKURU 06010308020 3000 98 GUNTUR 28172601115 ZPHS LALPURAM 90000013840 3000 99 GUNTUR 28172601204 ZPHS POTHRU 06010308024 3000 100 GUNTUR 28172600217 ZPHS ADAVITAKKELLAPADU 90000013879 3000 101 GUNTUR 28172601116 ZPHS VENGALAYAPALEM 90000013852 3000 102 GUNTUR 28172601112 ZPHS ANIKREDDY PALEM 06010308019 3000 103 GUNTUR 28172600404 ZPHS JONNALAGADDA 06010308021 3000 104 GUNTUR 28172600210 ZPHS PEDAPALAKALUR 06010308023 3000 105 GUNTUR 28172601009 ZPHS NALLAPADU 06010308022 3000 106 GURAZALA 28170300907 ZPHS CHARLAGUDIPADU 06060308005 3000 107 GURAZALA 28170300820 ZPGHS GURAZALA 06060308013 3000 108 GURAZALA 28170300813 ZPHS JANGAMAHESWARAPURAM 06060308006
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