J. I . vo=MM ,L- I .206 - -. I' - irol.LX, No. 17 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1940 Price Five Cents I~~~~ qayer, Reeves Hours Of T.C.A. Office April Are Exterlded To 6 P.M. 10 Set Alurdock, M ott, And Signed By 43 For Contest For a two-weeks' trial period, Jaies Are Nominees Dance Formal according to Sterling H. Ivison, Jr., '41, president of the organiza- Six Will Compete In Final tion, the T.C.A. office will remain Of Stratton Prize; For 41 PresideUn7y rwsvo Bands Will Furnnish open for service until six o'clock rather than closing at five. The Judges Chosen Colltinuous Music Chemical Society office is to be managed entirely Visits For Dancing Forty Candidates by the student cabinet during the The final competition for the 1939- Carter Ink Plant Today last hour. 40 Stratton Prizes will be given in Slated To Run TICKETS COST $2.50 If the change proves success- Huntington Hall, Room 10-250, at A plant trip to the Carter's Ink For Office ful, the new policy will be con- 3:15 P.MI. on Wednesday, April 10. plant this afternoon, April 6, has been planned by the Chemical So- Klen Reeves and his oi chesti a and tinued during the coming year President Karl T. Compton has in- Balloting To Be Staged In Leon M~ayer's orchestra have been under the present administration. vited all students and professors to ciety. The trip is open to all who Main Lobby Next ;iilned to provide continuous music One of the reasons for the change attend. Althoug-h he has asked that no are interested. or the foi mal dance of the ciass of was the desire for the closer classes be cancelled, Dr. Compton Those desiring to attend are Wednesday L94,3, Robert S. Reebie, '43, chairman contact among the members of urges the changing of schedules, asked to sign up in the Main )f tle dance committee, stated last the new cabinet, which could be wherever Lobby as soon as possible. Stephen W. James, Wrillard S. Mott, [iiglt. The dance has been set for possible, to allow as many Friday, Mlay 10, in 'Walker Miemorial. brought about by having them as possible to attend. Assembly for the trip will be in and John B. SMurdock will run for The festivities are scheduled to manage the office by themselves. The judges for the contest were an- the lobby of the Eastman Build- the presidency of the Class of 1941 in otart at 9 P.Mi. and to continue until nounced last night by Dean Samuel ing at 1:30 P.M. today. the coning elections. A total of forty 2 A.Ml. Tle two orchestras will alter- C_ Prescott, clairman of the commit- candidates were nominated for the 14 tee. They ale to be Mr. Joseph W~ig- Iiate on the stand, furnishing music Parraln Will Give offices of the four classes. ,ontitiniously throughout the evening gia, Boston lawyer; Mir. Trexler Cal- Nominations for the unplergraduate ori dacncing an-d eliminating enforced iliani, Boston insui ance agent, and Sedgwick Lecture elections on next Wednesday, :nte missions. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Thomas- 0 April 10, Stahle of the Mlilitary Science depart- closed at 1 P.M. yesterday. Jill Adrian Vocalist In untington Hall vrin so often il a presidential cam- ment. EN paign, mud '41 Candidates IKen Reeves Fill be at the dance in starts flying at can- peerson all evening, and will bring with Sur-eon·Gelleral WBill Speak Six to Compete di-iates. This year the race for the top Other candidates in the class of 1941 orfice of the Senior Class seems espe- hiin his vocalist. Jill Adrian. Lyrics The contestants who will compete are Joseph G. Gavin, Walter P. Keith, 011 National Health, cially clouded by word-of-mouth F7or the soiigs of Leon Mayer's band ale Lester Lees, '40. IX-B, speaking on Charles A. Wales and Teddy F. Walko- irle Nutrition slander. supplied by two members of the "Boundlaryy Layers"; David M. John- wicz, for the trio Illstitute Committee 31rchestra. stone, '40, V'II-B, "Smnoke"; John O. Twvo leading candidates are in the positions. Nominations for the office Stiles of the tickets, which Nvill cost Doctor Thonas Parran, ALI.D., Sur- Beattie, '40, \'III, ''Modern Aspects of contest for Senior presidency. One is of secretary-treasurer ill that class are N'2a5l,begin toMorrow in the freshman Rocketry"; Leona R. Norman, '41, W'illard S. Mott, the other, John B. Stanley Backer, Edw^ard A. Beaupre, i . trovekzeoln-Genral. atsagsAU nited--· U, -z"},States Public" v clnss sections, and later at a sales II VII, "Sulfanilamide''; David B. Hois- iilurdock. Against these two men have James S. Cullison, and Donald D. lIeailtll Service, has been chosen to (lesli in the -Aain Lobby. Tickets wvill inlgtOI, '40, VI-C, "Cyclotron", and al isen charges both libelous and un- Scarff. l- i-estricted to freshmen until the last olive the fourteenthll William Thompson Robe t G. MIillar, '40, XV, "The Dow lounded. In the 1940 nominations Walter H. eN-;l; p eceding Indes." the dance. SedgesiNick Alemor ial Lecture il Hunt- The back fence would have you be- Farrell is the sole candidate for perma- Council Conducted Survey ington Hall, Room 10-250, on Thurs- The six contestants are competing lieve that Mlott is in the race for nent president and H. Garrett Wright for three prizes of fifty, thirty, .t careful survey by each memnber of da-, A!pril 11 at 1:30 P-IM Doctor and pecuniary reasons. The absurdity of is the olliv lnominee for permanpbnt twenty dollars. The winners of the the freshmian council in his respective Parran will speak oii "Nutrition and such a charge is evident when one re- secretary. Other Senlior nominations final competition section determined the type of dance will be honored in members that if MSott is elected pres- are IMarshlall P. Bearce, Joseph J. the Nation's Health." the Commencement Progralll. the majority of the class Uwished. The ident he foregoes opportunity to get a (Cantinlued on Page 4) The Sedlgxwick Alemor ial Lectures Stratton kcting upon this survey the council. Prize Competition was estab- job carrying approximately the same lished in 1930 by the late President iAith Reebie as secretary-treasulrer, de- ar'e given in honor' Of Doctoir William financial benefit as the presidency. Samlluel W'. Stratton. A fund sided to hold the formal in n'alker at Thompson Sedgwsick, founder of the from his will makes the colletition possible From another back fence whispers '40 Shore School 'he pi-ice named above. deparltment of Biology and Public today. claim that Murdock had turned traitor, Refreshments 7vill be served at the Health at Technology. Because of its breaking a promise not to run against I Concluded Today lance. and if enough tickets are sold unusual significance, this lecture Mlott. The falsity of this accusation lo pay for it, a supper wvill be served call be vouched for by iboth men, as whichl is open to the public, is also 250 Registered For ater in the evening. whell as by the Ferrets who was present Course to be the Delta Omega lecture for Sussman1 Debates this at numerous conversations between Given By Jacki Wood Caldwell Speaks year. Tle committee in chalge of the Burr Over ATNY.A. these two{ candidates- The only agree- Anld Student lecture is made up of Dean Samuel C. ment existing b~etweenl Mott and Mur- AdA__ _ ~'TIT! I dock is that the class should pick its or otull se AL V ] IPrescott, AI.I.T.: Dr. Gary N. Calkins, Demand For Oral Discussion President at election time. The 1940 Shore School, the largest Columbia Unllivelrsity; Dr . Charles E. Results in the history of the Nautical Associa- SIr. Frank W. Caldwell, a lecturer Front Letters I The Ferret feels strongly on this I Winslow. Yale University; and Pro- ti onl, will hold its last class at t the Institute and engineering man- fessor Clair To The Tech subject of whispering campaigns. Let E. Turner. AI.I.T. 6: 00 P.MA. this afternoon. Over 250 ger of Hanmiltoai Staiidard Propellers, those students who hear rumors weigh Turner Chosen men andl co-eds r egistered for the ;ave the thir d talk il the series of for Commission themn carefully before they decide to Climaxiii- a ser~ies ot written dis- course which started Alonday, March ectures being sponsored by the Aero- Professor Turner, of the department pass them on. 25, and wvas conducted by the Sailing iautical Engineei s Society. He dis- Iof Biology and Public Health, has re- putations in tile '"Reader Speaks" THIE FEiRRET Master "Jack" WNood assisted by Rus- ussed manufacturing methods and cently been appointed to the Commis- columns of the Tech, John G. Burr sell E. Winslow, '40, and other mem- Processes for aircraft propellers. sion oil Health Edueation of the '40, and William Sussman, '40, bers of the Bosunls Club. The talk, which vas given yesterday Amer ican Association of School Ad- mounted the lrostr um in Room 4-370 Because Aiternoon i Room 3-27e0, was illus- ministrators. He vill join ten other Bond Issue Sale of the large size the class Wednesday night April 3 to argue vo- I was divided into twvo divisions; one rated by slides and movies which Mr. membei s il their work to cooperate I for `aldsvellsupplied. Mir . Caldwell is with the public schools il their health cally the merits of the S'ational Youth Starts Tuesday the novices and the other for those veil-knownn il the field of propeller education pr ograms.
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