BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID HARTFORD, CT PERMIT NO. 2159 Vol. XCII No. 12 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 JANUARY 24,1994 The Party's Over—Late Night Peters Out BY JENNIFER ALSFACH if their organization violated this Senior Copy Editor rule, after the first offense, they would lose all social privileges Last Friday afternoon sev- for the equivalent of one semes- eral students approached Dean ter. Upon subsequent violations, of Students David Winer, yelling disciplinary action might be because they had just heard that taken against the individual or- there would be no more "late ganization officers hosting these nights" allowed. Thursday the events. Dean of Students office decided According to Dean Winer, that it was time to enforce the it was two dangerous incidents rule banning after hours parties. late last semester which acted as When some of the fraternities the catalysts sparking this sud- found out that afternoon, it den crackdown. Director of prompted negative responses Campus Safety, Brian Kelly, about being forced to end these described the events as two al- late parties. Matthew Warner cohol related fights, one on No- '95, Vice President of Alpha Delta vember 23rd atPsiUpsilon(Psi- Phi (AD), even commented, U) and one on December 9th at "doesn't this smell like commu- Delta Psi (St. Anthony's Hall). nism?" In each case, the fighting was so It seems that on Thursday, severe that one student had to Associate Dean of Students Kirk be taken to the hospital with Peters, in consultation with Dean minor injuries. These incidents, Winer, decided that it was time in conjunction with several con- to crack down on the fraternity fidential reports of harassment parties taking place after 1 AM and abuse having taken place at on weekdays and 2 AM. on week- late night parties, convinced the be one of the many fraternities not allowed to conduct "Late Nights." AUCEYAMADA ends. As both deans pointed out, Dean of Student's office that now Students Surprised... this was not a change in policy, was the time to demand enforce- but the enforcement of a rule ment of the ban. which had been in the College Dean Peters added that they Closings All Over Campus Regulations for about 25 years. were "tired of having to shut BY MICHAEL BRADLEY college must tie up some storm been eradicated. The Trinity College Handbook down 'late nights' when they Copy Editor drains at the west end of the Although no master plan states that "all indoor parties (the sponsoring fraternities) closure before planting grass. has been made for Vernon St., must end... by 1:00 AM. Sunday know that the parties aren't sup- Despite an unusually mild The $30,000 closing of Woolley said the college will through Thursday and 2:00 AM. posed to be happening." winter, campus officials say the Vernon St..is a large step in explore ways to make the street Friday and Saturday" (pg. 105, While some students were 1994-5 Student Handbook). renovation of Vernon St. maybe increasing student safety on more pleasant for pedestrian very upset by the new enforce- stalled until mid-April. The campus. The director of Cam- traffic. The college is now re- Dean Peters informed some ment. Dean Winer defended the project, which began December pus Safety, Brian Kelly, said sponsible for trash collection, of the fraternities both through decision by emphasizing the 19th, is an effort to increase stu- there has been a noticeable de- road maintenance, and the en- an afternoon meeting with fra- need of those members of the dent safety on a road plagued crease in high speed traffic and forcement of traffic violations. ternity presidents and personal community who want to party by high-speed traffic. automotive vandalism since please turn to page 6 visits to a few of the houses, that please turn to page 6 Although the road is now the street was closed. closed, there is much work yet "I'm optimistic about the to be completed. The road has results," Kelly said. "We've had been closed at the corner of a lot of positive comments from Broad and Vernon but the park- students." The reduced traffic ing lot located there will not be is a welcome change for stu- affected. dents en route to morning "There's not much more we . classes who must cross Vernon can do until the spring," said Street. Kelly also said there has John Woolley, director of Facili- not been one incident of van- ties Management, Planning and dalism on the street since De- Services. Woolley said that most cember 19th. of the work on Vernon St. was George Guertin has lived The plan is to plant grass at the newly closed end of Vernon St. and extend new sections of sidewalk and fence across the closure. done over the winter break and on Vernon St. since 1951. He is has since halted. the last private resident on the The plan is to plant grass at street and says the closing of the the newly closed end of Vernon street has been an enjoyable St. and extend new sections of change. "I really can't say any- sidewalk and fence across the thingbadaboutit/'hesaid. "It's closure. However, Woolley said, been great." In the past, Guertin the city will not issue a sidewalk said he had problems with stu- permit to the college until March. dents parking in his driveway. AUCEYAMADA In addition to this delay, the Now, the problems have all but The newly erected gate in the Mather Driveway blocks access to the inner campus. INSIDE THIS WEEK'S TRIPOD.... NEWS: ARTS: FEATURES: SPOKTS: I 1 ,' ^-^ • National Politics 1 Musicals BazaroffJones Basketball • Frats Under Fire 1 Sunset Boulevard I oed Celebrated 1 Hockey • News Briefs 1 Toby Twining 1 Russian Airport ' Swimming • Libertarians • Chess In Mid-East 1 Super Bowl Trivia Page 2 OPINION THE TRINITY TRIPOD ^JanuaryU, 1995 Editorial Trinity Student Challenges this space Justin and I could have criticized Evan Dobelle To Commit iy number of things. We could have taken up To the Editor:. position. English described Gereryin the issue with the Administration's handling of the "Late following way: "He is eloquent, he is Asastudent of Trinity College,lfeel energetic, he is prudent, he is frugal, but Night" policy — how it's forcing students to leave a mixed sense of excitement and relief most of all he has vision." campus. We could have parodied Dean Peters' voice now that Evan Dobelle has been named Despite all of these apparently posi- as our 18th President. Finally, it appears tive characteristics held by Gerety, Trin- mail messages — his seeming attempt to become that Trinity is ready to resume the mis- ity was fooled. In retrospect we can see Trinity College's Social Director. Or we could have sion to reestablish itself as a premiere that he really did have "vision" — but it liberal arts college that began five years was vision of himself forwarding his ca- berated any number of other "flaws" of the college. ago with Tom Gerety. reer. The truth was that he never did Instead, we would like to congratulate the staff of Unfortunately, this mission was in- commit to Trinity. He was a pure politi- terrupted by the unforeseen circum- cian who manipulated the Trinity Col- The Tripod in a job well done. This is not the best paper stances that arose this past year with lege presidency to further his personal that we've ever put out, but this might well be our best Gerety's announcement that he was re- political ambitions. signing his position as President of Trin- It is from this ordeal that we main- staff. From Chuck — our over achieving Budget ity College in exchange for the same po- tain a somewhat skeptical attitude to- Director who has found more advertising than we sition at Amherst College. wards President-elect Dobelle. It is no It has been almost a year since Tom secret that we do not want the same know what tado with — to Kevin and Caroline who Gerety abruptly divorced himself from situation to arise with Dobelle as it did stayed in the office until 6:00 AM in order to put Trinity, but because of the efforts of with Gerety. Borden Painter, the acting interim presi- At this point in its history Trinity together their first ever News section. It takes well dent, the transition from Gerety to needs a leader who will separate his over 80 man hours to put out the paper that you see Dobelle has generally been a smooth one. duties as Trinity President from politics I can honestly say that the campus's ini- and will focus the entirety of his efforts each week, and while there are still some rough edges, tial anger towards Gerety has subsided towards the institution and the commu- we are confident that in the coming weeks we will be with time, and any residual backlash nity that hired him. from his departure has largely died out. able to work through them. Justin and I can only hope However, mere is one sentiment that The truth was that [Gerety] that the spirit and enthusiasm of the entire staff re- still lingers because of our experience never did commit to Trin- main as high — it makes it a pleasure to devote this with Gerety — skepticism. While we have put Tom Gerety be- ity. He was a pure politi- much time each week. hind us, our experience with him taught cian who manipulated the Next week we will be back to criticizing some us an important lesson about the rela- tionship between academic administra- Trinity College presidency other aspect of the campus, as that is in part the role of tion and politics.
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