Volume 21 | Issue 2 Article 9 1959 Etiology and Classification of Animal Dermatoses Frank Kral University of Pennsylvania Follow this and additional works at: https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/iowastate_veterinarian Part of the Veterinary Anatomy Commons, and the Veterinary Infectious Diseases Commons Recommended Citation Kral, Frank (1959) "Etiology and Classification of Animal Dermatoses," Iowa State University Veterinarian: Vol. 21 : Iss. 2 , Article 9. Available at: https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/iowastate_veterinarian/vol21/iss2/9 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Iowa State University Veterinarian by an authorized editor of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Etiology and Classification of Animal Dernlatoses Frank Kral, V.M.D., M.V.D., (h.c.), doc. habil. NIMAL SKIN DISEASES may re­ many of them we do not know the pri­ A sult from various etiological fac­ mary cause. For practical purposes, tors. Some of these may act directly upon therefore, the systems of classification the skin itself, or indirectly via the blood, are used in combination, or in supple­ the lymph or the nervous system. Many ment to each other. internal pathological conditions may be Skin Inflammation. Dermatitis. Skin the primary cause of various skin mani­ inflammations represent a reaction in the festations thus explaining why skin di­ form of specific cutaneous changes in seases of animals have always been stud­ response to some potentially destructive ied in internal medicine. agents of the skin. The skin primarily The rational treatment of any disease must evidence some degenerative or even requires a correct diagnosis. Particularly necrotic changes, which secondarily pro­ in skin diseases, it is very important to duces a healing reaction in the form of a establish not only symptomatic diagnosis dermatitis. The development of these according to the appearance of the skin inflammatory skin .Jesions does not re­ lesions, but to find out the causative or quire any internal predisposition or any predisposing agent and to establish the internal condition. The character and etiologic diagnosis. The fundamentals in the degree of the skin inflammation de­ an etiologic diagnosis of cutaneous dis­ pends on the irritating agent. Therefore, orders should be based upon the knowl­ the lesions may vary greatly with regard edge of direct or indirect causes found to the form, size, depth and duration. from an adequate history and a complete Dermatitis could be acute or chronic, examination not only of the skin itself erythematous, papular, vesicular, pustu­ but also of the internal condition. Spe­ lar, moist, squamous, crusted or even cific diagnostic methods, including ultra­ gangrenous. According to the causative violet rays, biologic tests, microscopic agent, the dermatitis could be classified: examination of skin scrapings, blood traumatic,caloric, irradiative, toxic or tests, bacteriologic investigation, tissue microgenic. studies and even experimental animal Eczematous Dermatoses. Many stub­ inoculation may be an essential aid to born skin diseases develop as a mani­ the etiologic diagnosis of various cu­ festation of various internal disorders. taneous disorders. These dermatoses are generally called The classification of animal skin dis­ eczermas. It is believed that eczema is a eases may be approached from several superficial skin inflammation which may standpoints. Grouping may be based be produced by various external irrita­ upon clinical cutaneous symptoms, path­ tions, but it always involves a special in­ ologic-anatomic changes, functional dis­ ternal condition or an internal predispo­ orders of the skin, or upon the origin of sition. Therefore, any kind of eczema is the skin lesions. No one system is able a dermatitis but not every dermatitis is to include all the changes of the integu­ an eczema. Because of this internal ment. In many animal skin conditions, etiology, the eczematous skin lesions are, we still do not know the exact pathology, as a rule, symmetrically and bilaterally the basic functional disorders, and in located and require for the treatment both systemic and topical treatment. Dr. Kral is professor of Veterinary Medicine, Etiologically, eczemas may develop in School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Penn. the course of: Issue 2, 1958-59 87 cessive sweating, generalized or lo­ calized. Diminished or arrested sweat­ ing. 3. Disorders in activity of sebaceous glands. Generalized or localized se­ borrhea. Diminished or arrested ac­ tivity of sebaceous glands. 4. Diseases of the hair follicles and the hair. Folliculitis. Alopecia; congeni­ tal. acquired. Structural disorders of the hair: trichoptilosis, trichoorrhexis nodosa. 5. Disorders in pigmentation of skin and hair: hyperpigmentation, depigmenta­ tion. Squamous crusted eczema associated with hy­ poestrogenism. 1. Deficient nutrition: vitamins, min­ erals, fat, protein, trace elements etc. 2. Internal diseases: nephritis, hepatitis, enteritis, disorders of anal glands, prostate, uterus. 3. Hormonal disorders: gonadal hor­ mones; estrogens, androgens, anterior pituitary hormones, thyroidal hor­ mones, adrenal cortical hormones and 4. Intoxications; thallium, mercury, er­ Congenital Alopecia got, drugs etc. Hypertrophic Changes of the Skin. Allergic Dermatoses. Cutaneous al­ 1. Hypertrophy of the cutaneous cellu­ lergy is a specifically acquired alteration lar tissue. in the capacity of living skin tissue to 2. Hyperkeratosis. react. It results from exposure to an 3. Parakeratosis. exciting agent or agents, and it appears Skin Tumors. Skin tumors can best be upon re-exposure to the same or to an classified with regard to their location: immunologically or chemically related epidermal, dermal, dermal appendages, agent. Allergic dermatoses in animals subcutaneous tissue and as to their type: may be caused by foods, viruses, bacter­ benign or malignant. ia, fungi, internal or external parasites, 1. Epidermis: Benign; cutaneous horn, chemicals, drugs, vitamins, hormones, horny pads, papillomatosis. Malig­ antibiotics or various physical agents. nant; squamous-cell carcinoma, basal Photosensitization is considered as a spe­ cell carcinoma. cial type of a cutaneous allergy. 2. Dermis: Benign; fibroma, keloid, fib­ Functional Diseases of the Skin. Func­ romatosis of rabbits, lumpy skin dis­ tional derangements in the skin of ani­ ease of cattle, neurofibroma, angioma, mals take a great variety of forms. In­ leiomyoma, sarcoid. cluded are disorders of sensation, dis­ Malignant; fibrosarcoma, neurogenic turbed functioning of sweat and sebace­ sarcoma, lymphosarcoma, mast cell ous glands, and deviations in hair and sarcoma, malignant melanoma, infec­ pigment development. tious myxomatosis of rabbits. 1. Pruritus. Generalized and localized 3. Dermal appendages: hair follicle tu­ itching. mors, sweat gland tumors, sebaceous 2. Disorders in coil gland secretion. Ex- gland tumors. Iowa State College, Veterinarian 4. Subcutaneous tissue: lipoma. 4. Mycetomycoses. actinomycosis, ac­ Skin Manifestations in the Course of tinobacillosis, farcy of cattle, strepto­ Infectious Diseases. thricosis in dogs, botryomycosis. 1. Virus infections: pox, virus papular 5. Sporotrichosis. dermatitis in horses, contagious ec­ Skin Manifestations of Protozoal Ori­ thyma, infectious goat dermatitis, gin. foot and mouth disease, vesicular 1. Babesiosis. 2. Surra. 3. Mal de Caderas. stomatitis, vesicular exanthema of 4. Dourine. 5. Leshmaniosis. 6. Spiro­ swine, coital vesicular exanthema in chaetosis. horses, rinderpest, cutaneous strang­ Dermatoses Associated with Hel­ les, hog cholera, distemper complex, minthes. pemphigus, scrapie. 1. Nematodiases: rhabditidiasis, ancy­ 2. Bacterial infections: impetigo, pyo­ lostomiasis, bunostomiasis, parafilar­ genic dermatitis, contagious derma­ iasis, stephanofilariasis, habronemia­ titis in horses, swine erysipelas, an­ sis, dirofilariasis, dracunculiasis, on­ thrax, malignant edema, tuberculosis, chocerciasis. glanders, ulcerous lymphagitis in 2. Trematodiasis. horses and dogs (Nocardiosis). Acarine Dermatoses Associated with Ticks and Mites. 1. Ixodes acariasis. 2. Dermanysus acar­ iasis. 3. Trombiculidiasis. 4. Sarcoptic acariasis: Genus sarcoptes, genus cnemi­ docoptes, genus notoedres, genus psorop­ tes, genus chorioptes, genus otodectes. 5. Demodectic acariasis. Dermatoses Caused by Insects. 1. Pediculosis. 2. Siphonaptera. 3. Dip­ tera. 4. Hemiptera. 5. Coleoptera. 6. Hy- menoptera. 7. Lepidoptera. .F:".a Pyogenic dermatitis Skin Disorders Caused by Fungi. Der­ matoses of fungal origin may be classi­ fied as follows: Pustular and phlegmonous form of Demodectic 1. Blastomycoses: equine blastomycosis, mange. canine blastomycosis. 2. Dermatomycoses: ringworm-tinea. (Continued from page 85) squirrel during hibernation. Master of Sci­ Microsporum group: Microsporum ence Thesis. Iowa State College Library, canis, M. gypseum, M. audouini. Ames. 1927. Trichophyton group: Trichophyton 10. Rasmussen, A. T. Theories of hibernation. Amer. Nat. 50:609-662. 1916. equinum, T. mentagrophytes, T . ver­ 11. Sheldon, E. F . The so-called hibernating rucosum, T. schoenleini, T. gallinae. gland in mammals: a form of adipose tis­ 3. Cutaneous moniliasis: Monilia albi­ sue. Anat. Rec. 28:331-343. 1924. 12. Simpson, S. The food factor in hibernation. cans. Proc. Soc. Exp. BioI. Med. 9:92-93. 1912. Issue 2, 1958-59 89 .
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