Quote of the Week: 'The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion." - Elizabeth Drew OPINIONS SEPTEMBER II, 2009 EDITORIAL The Concordian is the college paper, written by students and for stu- A matter of opinion: Have one dents. We currently boast having 39 students on staff and as contributors Hello world, I'd like to take this opportunity alone. who represent all four graduating classes. Our staff represents more than to officially welcome you to 2009-2010 academic Infamous leader Mohandas Ghandi once said just the Print Journalism department of campus, with majors in Education, year, and more specifically, the Opinions section. In that we must be the change we wish to see in the Music, Philosophy, Spanish and many more. preparation for my position as Opinions Editor, I world. In essence, it's a simple concept but its con- We welcome story ideas from the greater campus community, and we decided to look up the actual definition of the word notation suggests that the simple act of being com- would love to hear your suggestions for making The Concordian more of a "opinion." The simplest definition, according to the mitted and involved to a cause has the potential to publication tailored to the needs of the student body. The Concordian is Random House dictionary defines opinion as a per- change everything. So I ask of you this: be informed. funded in part by the Student Activity Fee, which means that since you are sonal view, attitude, or appraisal. Pretty straightfor- Read the mission statement of our college and think paying for part of it, you might as well help me make it worth your while to ward, huh? My challenge to you this year is simply about what that means to you. read. to have one. The choice is ultimately yours. Lead a life of Opinions submissions are encouraged, whether you liked or disliked And by opinion, I mean much more than trivial constant discovery through a desire for truth or something you saw or heard around campus or in the community. If you things. Bemoaning the loss of the jungle gym in the merely float through this year in an apathetic daze. think we at The Concordian screwed up, it is your right—and responsibil- library or complaining about Dining Services going Our generation has the power to change the future ity—to let us know trayless is not what I mean by opinion. Believe in if we genuinely put our minds to it. Since this is the first issue of the year, I wanted to share the Mission something and stand by it, whether it is politics, Get involved, care about something besides your Statement for The Concordian with you. "The purpose of The Concordian world events, or anything in between. Challenge own life, and then write about it. I think Ghandi is to affirm the mission of Concordia College by cultivating thoughtful and yourself to become engaged not only in your classes would agree when I say that it may take just minutes informed students, faculty, and staff through the awareness and dsicussion of but also in the larger campus and community. Ask to change the world. college, local, national, and world affairs." questions and don't be afraid to stand up for some- GIA RASSIER I want you, as the campus community, to make sure we obey this thing that you believe in, even if you are standing Opinions Editor statement. We are all starting a new Concordia school year, some of us for the last Do you have something to say? Write a Letter to the Editor. time and some of us for the first. Take advantage of what Concordia is of- fering you: an opportunity to think critically, analyze, critique and become Letter MUST bear the writer's name, year in school, telephone number, major/minor, and title responsibly engaged in the world. And The Concordian will be here with (if applicable). you, every step of the way, ready to guide you on your journey through college and keep you well informed of the happenings of the Concordia community Letters must be received by 5 p.m. Tuesday at [email protected] or FPO 214. and beyond. Welcome home, Cobbers. EMILY MEYER Correspondence is subject to editing or refusual of publication. All letters become property of Editor-in-Chief The Concordian and will not be returned. Death of a Senator, the Legacy of Sen. Ted Kennedy BY NICHOLAS JENSON '12 ning California's Democratic primary elec- pointed Robert Kennedy as his attorney gen- efforts to end apartheid in South Africa. Ken- Opinions Columnist tion during his run for presidency. Despite eral. Robert worked to shut down the mafia nedy led the charge to pass economic sanc- the sudden and violent ends Ted Kennedy's and secure civil rights for African-Americans. tions against South Africa, helping lead the He was the third longest-serving sena- brothers met, their contributions to society He was eventually elected to the United country to eliminate its discriminatory poli- tor in US history. His fingerprints were on are not to be taken lightly. States Senate from New York, where he con- cies. every major piece of legislation passed in During John Kennedy's administration, tinued to work for civil rights legislation. Although Ted Kennedy was a Democrat, the last four and half decades; his colleagues which began in 1961 and was ended by an Moreover, he campaigned against apartheid he received a great deal of respect from Re- called him a liberal lion of the Senate. Sen. assassin's bullets in 1963, he accomplished in South Africa. publican members of the Senate, as well. Ted Kennedy (D-MA), aged 77, passed away many tasks including raising money for social The many accomplishments of both his "Ted and I shared the sentiment that a at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port, programs and launching America's space pro- brothers cast a long shadow over the career of fought not joined was a fought not enjoyed," Mass. last month. Despite his many accom- gram, eventually culminating in the Apollo Ted Kennedy. Despite this, Kennedy thrived said Senator John McCain (R-AZ). "He was plishments, most Americans only know him moon landings. However, Kennedy remains in his 46-year career in the Senate. Kennedy the most reliable, the most prepared, and the because of his brothers. However, Ted Ken- most famous for his handling of the Cuban was a champion of domestic policy, with most persistent member of the Senate. [...1 nedy's accomplishments far outshine those of Missile Crisis in 1962, where the placement healthcare reform being a constant theme He taught me to be a better Senator." his brothers. of Soviet nuclear weapons in Cuba sparked a of his career. He was influential in the pass- Ted Kennedy's brothers are more well- Ted Kennedy's brothers all made major confrontation between the United States and ing of civil rights reforms in the 196os. He known and considered more influential than contributions to the United States and its Soviet Union. Historians and military ana- helped secure funding to fight AIDS during he. Yet, it was Ted moreso than any other citizens, but all met untimely ends. His eldest lysts generally agree that the Cuban Missile the 198os. Kennedy also had his victories in Kennedy who made the United States and the brother, Joseph Kennedy, Jr., was killed in ac- Crisis is the closest the world has ever come foreign policy. world the way it is today. Though he is no lon- tion during the Second World War. President to nuclear war. The successful navigation of Kennedy once said, "It is better to send ger with us, his words still encourage us to be- John F. Kennedy was gunned down in Dallas, the crisis can attributed as much to JFK as it in the Peace Corps than the Marine Corps." come responsibly engaged in the world: "The Texas. Only a few years later, Robert Kennedy can be to sheer luck. He opposed Nixon's policies in Vietnam. He work goes on, the cause endures, the hope was shot and killed in Los Angeles after win- Once elected president, John Kennedy ap- supported Bishop Tutu and Nelson Mandela's still lives, and the dream shall never die." "Blank Slate" production isn't necessarily a clean one BY JUSTIN BERTRAM far cry from the performance I had seen last but instead took a much more in-your-face such discussions. As a result of the lack of Sophomore year. approach. This tactic was entirely lost on conversation during the play itself, I felt that As a disclaimer, let me say this: I believe some. The far-out scenes were not the most the thought and care put into the show was As a frosh, I remember one of my favorite that the acting done by Concordia's Theatre appropriate for the audience lost on many of the frosh. experiences during orientation was the play Department was superb, and the literature that was being addressed and I feel that this Although I do believe that that the Theatre Department put on for the on its own was very intriguing. left many incoming frosh be- year's play was too this production from the theatre fellow incoming frosh. Amongst all of the The problem with this play was the audi- wildered about the impending department is a wonderful idea, I lectures and Power Points, the performance ence analysis. The play was meant to show four years ahead of them.
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