The original documents are located in Box 130, folder “Jones, Jerry (6)” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Ron Nessen donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. Digitized from Box 130 of The Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON January 14, 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR JERRY JONES FROM: RON NESSEN ' .. As you requested, here is a compilation of all the media requests we have which we might want to consider seriously before the primary voting in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Florida, North Car\Dlina, and Illinois. First, I will list the major requests we have had, which we have discussed and in some cases tentatively agreed to do: National coverage: 1. · Walter Cronkite Five min~~ew for his e-v-ening news as part of his series .e:t!"fhe candidatest stand on major issues. For after State of the Union and Budget 2. Mike Wallace Interv--iew-- Being r..andled in separate memo (copy of memo attached} 3. Dick Growald - UPI -- He would spend virtually all day \vi.th the President in order to prepare a long story on a day in the life of the President with specific focus on his decision-making abilities. Growald has been particularly fair, understanding, and sympathetic in his reports, and the President was particularly pleased by th.e recent Growald commentary criticizing the L'sturnbling image 11 created by other reports, and praising the Pr-esident as a graceful and athletic rnan who has made real accomplishments as President. Recommend: Arranging this on an appropriate day when Growald could vvitness a cross-section of Presidential activities. ' .' ._ Page 2 - New England:· 4. Editors from approximately 50 to 60 ne\vspapers in New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and 1\tfaine for an interview at the White House. Recommend: The PFC suggests this interview be done on January 22, in order to have some impact on PFC and NBC polls which begin in New Hampshire on January 23. If approved, we would arrange typewriters and filing facilities here at the White House, and also would arrange briefings later the same day with Greenspan, Lynn, Seidman, Zarb, etc. on the State of the Union and Budget. Margita White hopes for the earliest possible answer since the later the invitations go out, the more rejections we are likely to have. New Hampshire: 5. Interview with New Hampshire network . (Television stations in Durham, Hanover, Berlin, Littleton, Keene, North Woodstock and North Conway.) Broadcast as part of daily half-hour news show at 6:30 pm. Recommend: This be taped at the White House for broadcast before the New Hampshire primary. Massachusetts: 6. Christian Science Jvlonitor interview at White House. Recommend: After the State of the Union and Budget, but before the President's trip to New Hampshire. ..__ 7. Boston Globe intervie\v at the White House. · Recommend: After the President's trip to New Hampshire, but before the primary. Page 3 - 8. Boston Herald-American interview at the White House. Recommend: · After the President's trip to New Hampshire, but before the primary. 11 9. WBZ-TV (NBC) Thirty minute interview in "Meet the Press ••• format. For broadcast at noon on Sundays, immediately prior to Meet the Press. , •. Recommend: Taping this at the White House for broad­ cast before the New Hampshire and }..iassachusetts primaries. Florida: 10. · WJXT-TV (CBS). Jacksonville interview for broadcast on a network of stations in all major metropolitan areas of Florida. Recommend: Strong reconunendation we tape this at the White House for broadcast before the Florida primary. 11. WCKT-TV (NBC). M'..ami, for a Meet the Press - t;7e program called ."Forum. 11 This is a v:ell-done, well-watched program on which almost every major political figure visiting Miami has appeared. Recommend: Consideration should be given although negative reaction from similar programs on CBS and ABC outlets in Miami must be considered also. Illinois: 12. Chicago Tribune interview at the White House. Recommend: For the week of March 8 for publication the Sunday before the Illinois primary. In addition to these major media requests, which should be given serious and prompt consideration, on the followL-lg pages are listed, by state, all the other pending media requests. •• NEW HAMPSHIRE PRESS REQUESTS • Station/Newspaper Event Date Hanover, New Hampshire WDCR Radio Interview for 23 "election "Official N.H. - Vermont network11 stations in N.H., audio feed station" Vermont, Mabie" Mass. Littleton, New Hampshire WLTN Radio Interview During visit to N.H. ( 1, 000 watt AM station to campaign for primaries Rochester, New Hampshire WWNH Radio Interview During campaign 5, 000 watt AM station activity in N.H. Laconia, New Hampshire WLNH Radio Debate with Ronald Reagan Any tin1e of President's choosing I r Portsmouth, New Hampshire Portsmo\.tth Herald President to talk toN. H. Requested for Nov. editors without Washington . pres~ corps r .. e ( FLORIDA PRESS REQUESTS Station/Newspaper Event Date Miami, Florida WTVJ-TV Joint appearance with January 24, 1976 Ronald Reagan 7-8 pm Miami, Florida WKAT Radio (CBS} Interview to be aired £rom Anytime by telephone All talk station noon to 3 pm from D. C. or when ( President in Florida Miami, Florida (Station unknown) Appear on "Medical Close­ Uptt to take questions on .. -------·------ issues relating to health­ care field Aired 11:30 pm to 12:30 am Sunday nights Coral Gables/Miam~ WVUM-FM Stereo 30-minute interview for Anytime in Florida or ( University of Miami station "Focus America". Would Washington be offered to ever 65 ( college radio stations • throu:ghout U.S. .' St. Petersburg, Florida St. Petersburg Tin1es Prime-time slot for panel of February 3, 1976 and all Presidential candidates and WTVT-TV (CBS} 11 Know Your Canaidates11 section along with of newspapers ~{ Boston Globe - Boston ( Page Z ., ,.. :~ . Station/N ewspapc r Event -Date ; Jacksonville, Florida WJKS-TV Appear on facilities Rust Cru.£t B1•oa.dcasting Co. Jacksonville,· Florida WJXT-TV 30-minute interview with anchortnen from six Florida cities state-wide 1 I ( ::)rlando, Florida WBDO-TV (CBS) One hal£ hour interview by 3 panelists on public affairs program, "Thirty Minutes'' :>aytCl'la.Beach, Florida WESH-TV President to answer Cowles Florida Broadcasting questions from those gathered from poll of viewers of central Florida ( rt. Myers, Florida WINK 011e half hour taping for public affairs program, "Thirty Minutes'' rampa, Florida Tampa Tribune Interview to discuss Prior to Florida President's personal primary view of trends in American life Page 3 Station/Newspaper Event Date Winter Park, Florida WFTV-TV (ABC) Filn1 or video tape interview -----------­ for 1/2 hour 11 Discussion11 program for Central Florida area Pensacola, Florida Station unknown Interview on Taris Savell When President in ( Show Florida Gainesville, Florida WCJF-TV Interview for release to -------~-------------- Cowles, Florida Broadcasting central Florida viewers Gainesville, Florida WCJB-TV (ABC) One on one interview with Terry Casey, News Director I Gn.inc sville, Florida Requests from University of Florida for college pt·ess conference . and interviews on college radio shttions in connection with hoped for ( visit to Gainesville in October 1975, which was cancelled. ~~~ FLORIDA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ~ _ p BOX 25000 ORLANDO, FLORIDA ·• 32816 7n ~w~ ----------------------------------------------- January 21, 1976 Dear Sir: I would like to invite President Ford to anpear on "Prospectus", a television show produced at Florida Technological TJniversit;y, at whatever time he is available. The University has a closed-circuit television station and a radio tape network furnishing 14 radio stations throughout Central Florida with tapes on a weekly bases. The campus has 11,000 students and an unnumbered amount of faculty, administrators and staff. The.television station has monitors throughout the campus and since we are not regulated by the FCC, the interview will probably be played several times before the primary. Also, we want to take the audio off the tape and use it o~ the radio tape network to be distributed throughout Central Florida. The format of the show will be a.- i hour interview with two or three students representing the campus. I would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest convience. Thank You, ~ Bill Seward Bill Seward Rt. 1 Box 463A Longwood, Florida 32750 Home 830-9243 School 275-2684 (ask for Diane or Oliver) An Equal Opportunity Employer J. r . ·e ( ( MASSACHUSETTS PRESS REQUESTS Station/N ewspapc r Event Date Boston, Massachusetts Boston Globe P rirn e tin'lC slot f o ;r February 3, 1976 and panel of all Presidential St. Petersburg Tilnes candidates, and ''Know and Your Gandidate11 section WTVT~TV (Miami)
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