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PROTEST MEETING TONIGHT SCHWABE MAKES Board of Education on Busses IS ELEVATED TO Day For Children to Be May Seek Welfare Fund There will be a mass meeting of APPEAL FOR RED the residents of the North Thompson- SUPREME COURT ville district in the auditorium of the North Thompsonville fire headquar­ Program Was Colorful CROSS MEMBERS ters on Enfield street this evening to JUSTICE OF N. Y. By Public Subscription discuss the action of the Board of Ed­ Chairman of Roll Call ucation in curtailing the school bus Timothy A. Leary, Na­ Combined Exercises of Armistice And Bicenten­ service for the children in the High­ Very Probable That It Will Be Necessary to Ask Drive Urges All Who land Park section of the district. tive of This Town, Sig­ nial Celebration Was the Most Diversified And Richard M. Smyth, chairman of the Can to Enroll And Sup­ finance committee of the Board of nally Honored At the All Who Are Able to Aid In the Raising of Ad­ Spectacular Event Held Here in Years—Fine Education, will attend the mi port the Work of This and explain the purpose of the Recent Election in New ditional Funds to Help the Unemployed of the = Afternoon Program—Parade Is Feature. Worthy Organization. in the action taken. York City. Town—Situation Is Serious. The combined exercises commemor­ With the announcement today of The people of this town, and par­ ticularly those who reside in the east V. F. W. OFFICIALS *ating the anniversary of the signing the team captains for the canvass for URGES VIGOROUS part of it, took an unusual interest FORMER POLICE of the Armistcie and the Washington membership in the Red Cross, Walter in the recent election especially that ployed of the town is here at the Bicentennial which were held on Arm­ P. Schwabe, chairman of the annual MEASURES TO END part of it which was centered around present time is admitted by the town ARE PROFOUNDLY Roll Call drive, made a forcible ap­ the first judicial district of the State CHIEF BURIED istice Day, last Friday, was the most of- Niew York, which is New York officials and those who have contact colorful event of this character ever peal to the citizens of Enfield to re­ THE WAR SPIRIT City. The reason was that a native directly or indirectly with the wel­ GRATEFUL TO ALL held here. The program which was spond to the solicitation of the volun­ of the town, in the person of Timothy fare work of the community. That THIS MORNING the town will be unable to cope with planned by the Patrick F. Triggs Post teer workers who are seeking mem­ A. Leary, was a candidate for the po­ bers and thereby giving their support sition _ of Supreme Court Judge of it, and include all who are certain "to Commander R. P. May- No. 1501, Veterans of Foreign Wars, to the noble purpose for which the Armistice Day Speaker that judicial district. Judge Leary require assistance this winter with­ Services For Jeremiah with the other patriotic and movement is being carried out. Mr. was of course elected, and there out the aid of some outside agency Declares Definite Move a w H. Callahan Held In St. lott Expresses Appre­ groups cooperating, was one of the Schwabe says in part in this an­ much satisfaction here over the pleas- "d ith the assistance of funds rais- nouncement: * n edPri bynv rmhliy»public subscription,cnhcpvinrior isic alsoalert therha most spectacular and diversified ever Must Be Made By Re­ ing result Patrick's Church With ciation of Local Post "The annual Roll Call of the Red For the past 13 years Judge Leary opinion of all who are in any manner carried out in this community. Cross for members began on Armis­ moving Causes Lead­ has been a judge of the municipal associated with the unemployment Large Number of Citi­ For Help Rendered In The parade which opened the exer­ tice Day and will continue until court, during the last six years of work of the town. Celebration Here. cises and got underway at 9:30 in the Thanksgiving Day. This is to pro­ ing Up to It. which he served as Chief Justice of During the fall the project of at- zens Attending. morning, was thoroughly representa­ vide funds for the national organiza­ thisi.ms court, havingnaving under hisms super-1 temptjng' r?a^e aT}y systematic can- tive of the military character of the tion and the chapters to continue Speaking at the Armistice Day ex­ vision 64 municipal court judges and: ^ funds, such as was conduct- Representatives of all departments e re 3 was In submitting a list of those who celebration, by the presence of a com­ meeting the costs of relief in case of ercises on the A. D. Higgins School 23 court houses. Judge Leary was , , .i?'® !',' abandoned, on 0f the town and district government, rendered service in the form of dona pany of State National Guards, three disaster and at this time also for re­ grounds, James F. Daley of the exec­ born in Scitico in the east part of the ,, t ry t'?e result such an | and citizens in large numbers, were tions or work in connection with the ponderous army trucks, uniformed lief of the needy and distressed on utive force of <,he U. S. Veterans Hos­ town, being the youngest of ten chil- fndeav°r would be somewhat fruit-1 present in St. Patrick's Church this planning and executing of the Armis­ groups of veterans and their auxil­ account of unemployment. Space will pital at Newington, and past state dren, five of whom are now living: ! ess' an<^ ;?esif?e? was felt that the morning at the funeral services for tice Day celebration, Commander iaries. The Bicentennial aspect of the not permit reciting the enormous commander of the Veterans of For- Francis P. Leary of Scitico and Dr.!very.substantial amount which was, former Chief of Police Jeremiah H. ! rcmde b Russell F. Maylott of the Patrick F. celebration was emphasized by at­ amount of relief work that the Amer­ eign Wars, forcibly urged that a vig- William C. Leary of Springfield are P d y the town would be ample ( Cstllahan. The services, which took Triggs Post, Veterans of Foreign tractively decorated floats depicting ican Red Cross provides. You will his brothers, and Miss Mary Leary' calfe *, ..sl,tua,t'on- ldea J place at 9 o'clock, consisted of a sol- Wars, which sponsored the undertak­ instances in the life of Washington hear much of the work that has been of Scitico and Mrs. Margaret Dowl- ?vas strengthened by the hope that an emn requiem high mass, which was ing, took occasion to warmly thank and the early colonial periods. In the and is constantly being done from lo­ ing, wife of Dr. John -F. -Dowling of improvement m the industrial and ag-! celebrated bv Rev. Daniel J. O'Con- The Press and public for the fine co­ exercises that followed during the en­ cal, state and national speakers over Hartford, are his sisters. ricultural situation would be of such nor, pastor, with Rev. Franklin J. operation and support which the un­ tire day and late into the afternoon, the radio. Judge Leary attended the school in a pronounced character as to ease | Corrigan as deacon and Rev. Paul T. dertaking received. this same dual character of the pur­ "In Thompsonville the American Scitico, and then entered Williston the strain on the welfare department. Dignam, sub-deacon. Music was by In this connection he submits the pose of the celebration was uniform­ Red Cross paid the salary of the Academy at Easthampton, Mass., considerably. j the choir under the direction of the interesting information that the ly maintained. town's social welfare worker for the from which he graduated in 1896. As the season progressed, however, organist, Miss Dorilda Castonguay, members of the post, with the assist­ Headed by Capt. John J. Higgins first year. During the past year 157,- Entering Yale University he was the calculations of the officials have, with Mrs. Daniel A. Garvey as solo- gone awry, largely because things j ist ance of two National Guard mess of the Service Company of the 104th 976 pounds of flour have been distrib­ graduated in the class of 1900, and Erono awrv. larerelv beranse tinners! ict Burial was in the family lot in sergeants, fed 1520 men, women and Massachusetts Infantry, and a mem­ uted in 24% pound bags. A total of from the Yale Law School in 1902. have not worked out as was general-1 St. Patrick's King Street Cemetery, children, using five army kitchens in ber of Patrick F. Triggs Post, V. F. 6,448 bags which reduced the cost to While at Yale he was a member of ly expected. The industrial situation,| where the commi11al'ex~ercises"at The preparing the meal. A notable fact, W.^who was chief marshal, the par­ the town for supplying bread to the the 1900 football team, which was one while unquestionably showing a de-' grave were read. .by Father— . O'Connor.— too, was that long before the after­ ade got underway promptly at the needy.
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