NET PRESS RUN) AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of April, 1926. 4,837 — ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1926. (TWELVE PAGES) VOL. XLIV., NO. 187. Classified Advertising on Page 0 GLORIA GOULD CONGRESS CAN QUITS AMERICA AHBUNG AMOS To Become a Parisian Since CAPTURES FOUR DEADLOCK MAY BRING PAY COSTS OF She Can’t Afford to Live in the United States. BOlDJANOrrS AREFfflENDUM Paris, May 8. — Gloria Gould Bishop has definitely renounced her American dom idle to join the American col­ Famous Darien Cop Hits Into OUTLAWING STRIKE Has Right to Authorize a ony in Paris. "I can’t afford to live in New York any more even if I Gunmen Group, This Vote of Rum hy People, wanted to,” said Mrs. Bish­ op in an interview. Declares Senate’s Legisla­ "Life has become so ex­ Time and Gets ’Em All DECLARES WAR GOVERNMENTTO pensive at home now that I NO SIGNS YET OF YIELDING find it needs an Income much Despite Artillery. tive Counsel, Leeds. larger than mine to live WAS FORCED ON OUTLAWSTRIKE comfortably in the United States. I have therefore def­ ■U'ashln?:ton. May 8.— The moot initely ddermined to make Darien, May 8—Four armed ban­ question of whether Congress has Paris my \ome. dits were captured here early today L A B O U N IO N S NOW m C A T E D the power to authorize a national "That doe'^’’’*' mean I shall while fleeing from Boston, where H referendum on prohibition leaped expatriate myself forever— far from it. ^ couldn't help is charged they had participated in Into prominence again today on loving the land of my birth. several robberies, and are held in Arthur Pugh, Strike Leader, 'Illegal,” Declares Simon and Fewer Disorders But Situation Grows More Tense—Many Capitol Hill when the Senate judi­ But, really, the life of a so­ the Darien town jail awaiting action ciary committee made public a se­ cial matron demands more by the local and Massachusetts ries of rebuttal arguments growing sacrifices than I am ready to Asserts Unions Wanted Press— Paving Way for Troop Movements With Machine Guns Showing—Gov- out of the recent hearings, Includ­ make. authorities. ing one by Frederick P. Lee, the Mrs. Bishop denied that a They gave their names as John emraent Asks for 30,000 Volunteer Police— Railroad Senate's own legislative counseL divorce from her husband is Margin, of Cambridge, Mass.; John Peace But Government HSCHOOlWiNS Drastic Action as Troops declaring that Congress has such Imminent. Miller, 24, of Cambridge: Kasimir "My husband knows where power under the constitution. and William Barsetk, brothers, of Was Eager for Fight. Show Machine Guns. Telegraph Wires Cut-Rationing Begins in Some Sec­ The drys, led by Wayne B. I am and for the pres'^nt I am STATE EECOGNITiN Wheeler, generalissimo of the Aan- not anticipating any legal ac­ New York. The men were captured on the Wheeler, generalissimo of the An­ tion in regard to our separa­ tions as Food Is Tied Up— Canteens Feed Penniless; ti-Saloon League, have vehemently tion.” Post road at 4 a. m. this morning Arthur Pugh, chairman of the London, May 8.— Newspapers to­ denied that Congress possessed When asked if her husband by Motorcycle Policeman Amos An­ negotiating committee of the Trade day gave the widest publicity to an derson of the local police force, be­ Boys’ Glee Club Victory Puts Attacks on Buses Decrease in London—Glasgow Still such power. was going to join her, she re­ Union Congress and the man whose address of Sir John Simon before plied—“you’d better ask tween Noroton and Darien. Can Use Money. signature on the strike order the House of Commons yesterday, In a 5,000 word brief, citing nu­ him.” Confesses. School Back on Music Map Turbulent—Train Service Improving. merous judicial decisions, Lee According to the police, William plunged Britain into the world's stressing his exposition of the con­ Barsetk made a confession in which greatest Industrial battle, breaks stitutional point that the general lield that Congress not only has the In rob- power to direct a national referen­ he admitted participation his silence with this exclusive Inter- After 18 Years strike 'was Illegal and that each PARADE TO OPEN beries In New York and Massachii- 8.— so dum. but that it can also appropri­ trade-union leader was liable to London, May Not since war days has London faced setts in which the men arrested obtained by Milton Bron ate money to finance such an un­ prosecution .nnd loss of "the utmost gloomy and depressing a Saturday night. dertaking because it is the sole with him took pan. i ner, Ijondon correspondent for NE.A For the first time in the history farthing of his personal posses­ The general strike has the capital and the nation in its grip judge of w*hat it shall spend on "BOOSTER" WEEK Barsetk told Bronx I Service and the Manchester Herald, of the South Manchester High the public welfare.” proprietor of a garage in the Bronx ^ interview is offered for its news sions.” and with na signs of peace the usual Saturday night gaieties four days ago, binding, gagging and school, a boys’ glee club represent­ Lee, who passes upon the consti­ value as the point of view of an "The unlawful character of the tutionality of thousands of bills robbing him. Then he drove to outstanding partisan leader and no ing the school has received state have disappeared. I.archmont, N. Y., where he picked general strike,” the Times said, each session of Congress and whose editorial responsibility is assumed wide recognition, hy virtue of win­ Hea-vily armed troops, armored cars, machine gun companies, Five Bands in Line Tonight; up his companions and all drove to “has no't hitherto been so clearly decisions are almost law to tne for the sentiments expressed. ning the boys’ blee.club champlcn- stated. The ultimate responsibil­ Senate, held that Congress could ! Boston. Pugh started life as a steel work- and naval forces fill those areas where the British working man In Boston they broke into a pri­ sliip In the inter-scholastic g'me ity rests upon the member? of the authorize a referendum under us Fund Solicitation Next cr# General Council of the Trades generally does his Saturday night celebrating. constitutional power to "gather in- vate garage, stole Massachusetts li­ c'ub contest held yesterday in the By ARTHUR PUGH. Union Congress collectively and in­ All afternoon the government^ ofrmation” for use in legislation. cense plates and put them on their London, May 8.— General stop­ jonn Fitch High school at Winds m. dividually. moved troops through the working He added that Congress could dele­ Week Here. machine. In Cambridge thev page of Industry is in progress for The ri'ize local singers STRIKE’S FIFTH D.4Y robbed a grocery store, covering the All Responsible. gate this power to the states but the first time in the history of Bri­ was a beautiful silver loving cup. The Times takes the view that class districts, perhaps in warning SITU.ATION IN BRIEF manager with a gun, and getting he warned that a constitutional is­ tain. donated by the Parent-Teachers’ individual union members cannot against any Saturday fight disor­ sue might be raised in some states, A parade of bands and drum $60. The immediate cause was the Assocl:-‘tion of West Hartford. The The fifth day f‘nds the dead­ When arrested by Policeman An­ escape responsibility any more than ders. once the power was delegated it locking out of nearly a million mine local G‘rls’ Glee club received sec­ their leaders. lock In the strike complete. corps will be held In Manchester to­ derson the men had three automatic In Downing Street the cabinet the state constitutions prohibited workers while negotiations for ond lating among the girls’ clul Some papers, however, Including No peace negotiations have night to introduce “Band Booster pistols and one six-shooter. They met and heard rumors of possible been reported. the state from exercising any fed­ wage adjustments were proceeding, rpjjjg jg also the first time in abjut the Cardiff Western Mail, declared attacks on the docks and food ware­ eral powers. He did not pass upon Week.” The line of march will be did not Htempt to use them. and... the refusalM of the- mine2 ^ ^ ownersA w* eighteen... years J.that1-— S. M. TTH. OS has that protection of the law will be A. J. Cook, miuer's leader, Anderson is the Darien oflBcer houses In East India Dock Road. jiredicts that thero will be noj^^' this question. from the Center starting at 7:30, to agree to withdraw the lockout been placed on the music map in extended to the strikers if "they In Eocleston Square the Trades WTicelcr’s Defense. who has made a phenomenal record peace parleys for another weeYc. north to Depot Square, and then notices and of the government io state high school circles. have the courage to disobey the un­ Union Congress leaders were in ses­ The dry got their greatest joy in in arresting rum rvnners and auto­ The Trades Union Congress back down Main street. The ban.is obtain their withdrawal so that Lately Organized lawful tyrannous orders of trade sion, planning measures to tighten Wheeler's heated defense of prohi­ mobile thieves. negotiations might be continued The S. M. H. S. Boys’ Glee club union officials.” is in 'i''Ss=on ""d the cabinet and corps taking part will be the up the tie-up in places where there bition.
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